HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-1971 AGENDA BACKUPVIA: /,(12 September 2, 1971 ANDUM FOR: THE HONO LE r ERS OF THE Bs OF DIRECTORS G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer McDonnell Nursery Bill in amount of $204.46 - Job No. 1564A SUBJECT: 2. P. . Bill presented by McDonnell Nur ery for work ordered by District. 196 Moraga Way Orinda, California t 0 . The emergency sewer repair has been cem.leted in the easement over the land of Mt. and Mrs. Smith. The Smiths desired to have the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District restore the landscaping of their property rather than take a monetary settlement for damages. McDonnell Nursery was engaged to perform the necessary landscaping and replac ent of damaged or destroyed plants. 3. ALTERNATIVE: None 4. CO r ATION: Payment recommended. Recommendation approved: ., A. Horstkotte, Gene al Manager -Chi Engineer JLEIms Respectfully submitted, 40°C, Jack L. Best, Office Engineer S CT: FOR: HONG September 2, 1971 RS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS G. A. Horstkotte, jr. - General Manager -Chief Engineer Request authorization for G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., to file Notice of Completion on DSP 1564A, Moraga Way ergency Sewer Rep r PROBLEM: The two sewer contractors have corn4eted their work on the emergency sewer repairs: Contractor Peter Cole Jensen McGuire & Hester 4. C " ATION: Approval ommendation Approved _ft nor t otte, Jr. al Manager -Chiek-Engineer etion Date 5-28-71 8-31-71 Respectfully submitted, -4 • cr Jack L. Best Office Engineer VIA: SUBJECT: PRO September 2, 1971 FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Settlement of Claim in amount of $1,000,00 on Mr. and Mrs. Millham - Job No, 1564A. 2. Clai for d:11 e due to emergency sewer line repair over the 1: d of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Millham, 84 Orchard Road, Orinda, California. 1 During the emergency sewer line repair over the land of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Millham, they became distraight over the construction in progress and disruption of their property and retained an attorney to negotiate a claim for damages against the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. The Counsel for the District engaged in negotiations directly with the claimants arriving at an out of court ettlement in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). 3. IVE: None 4. COMMENDATION: Approval of settleuient, Respectfully submitted, 00,01- c, 4,0 /" Jack L. Best, Office Engineer Recommendation approved: g1 tih$q( G. A. Horstkotte, Jr Geer 1 Manager -Chief Engineer JWits 4 VIA: FOR: THE HOMO Septenther 1 1971 ERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer W. C. Dalton, Administrative Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item OL Overflow, J. P. Giffing, 151 Orchard Orinda, California 254-4409 2. 44.tiL:,H!ROUND: 04 Thursday, July -22, 1971, the contractor replacing' ine on Orchard Road failed to remove the plug inside M.H. 84 after the by-pass pump broke down, causing the water to back up and overflow the bathroom, the master bedroom, and part of the hallway at the address mentioned Above. the 12 The damage was limited to and hardwood flooring in the hallway. The District crew cleaned an overflow device was installed. 3.ALTERNATIVES: Pay claim, refuse claim, a hand -hooked India wool rug, and disinfected throughout; 4. C.J1M14ATION: The total amount of this claim comes to $884.95. It ineludas rug cleaning of $54.20, but, because the colors ran, the rug will have to be replaced at the -cost of $750.75; hardwood floor refinishing $80.00,,, I recommend this claim to be paid - Respectfully submitted, Recommendation approved: ilL7C4 G. AI . 'orstkotte, Jr, Gener)1 Manager -Chic ,Ita i eer R. Hinkson, Superintendent of Field Operations AG r'J VIA: SUBJECT: August 31, 1971 FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS G. A. Horstkotte, jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Quit Claim Easements, Job No, 2004 Parcel 1. (Mr. Tran Canton) Parcel 2 (Mr. Robert L. Crecelius) • PR0BL4 Job No. 2004 is being abandoned and the developer has requested abandonment of existing easements. 2. BA 3 R3C 11 1 1:41 District accepted and recorded two easements (copies of which are attached). Property owner now intends to install four -inch side sewer, therefor public easements are no longer required. ATION: Approve and execute Quit Claim Deed. Recommendation approved: 1 ,11 r G. AN/1 f1rs otte, Jr Genera Manager-hief ngineer .113:es Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best, Office Engineer VIA: SUBJECT 2. FOR: TRE ONO ° August 31, 1971 OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General ager -Chief Engineer Quit Claim easement, L.I.D. No, 14 Parcel 99 (Hr, Robert L. Millham) Portion of existing 15 inch sewer line collapsed and a new ali c7At required,. which requires abandmentr4if portion of existing easements, L.I.D. No. 14. See copy of Minutes(Board meeting held May 20, 1971) attached. Refer to page 4 and 5 - Repairs to Moraga Way sewers. District is requesting new easements over a portion of this project. CI ATIO : Approve and execute Quit Claim Deed. Respectfully submitted, tey Jack L. Best, !,,,/ Office Engineer commend tion approved; G. •:. Genera, JLB:vms , . te„ Jr. er-Chiel ineer August 30, 1971 D FOR: HONG OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: SUBJECT: G. A.'Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer quest Permission to 'Hire Don Cast as Engineering Aid 'I, Range 34C ($700.00 - $771.00) With a Starting Salary of $700.00 per Month. Effective as of Septesiber 13, 1971. PROBLEM: We are short in our 'Engineering pool and we need to hire somebody at the bottom step tobe on assignment to the Survey and Inspection Departments when needed. We would. like to hire him at this early date so that we can maintain continuity in the engineering work performed by our summer help in establishing sewer use charges list and right of way plotting. 2. BACKGROUND: The Engineering Aid I' was approved in the 1971-72 budget. (Fi1]ing vacancy created by resignation of William Neidig in December, 1970). It should be noted that this position was established by the State and proved by the District on a three-step basis. CO NDATION: Approval. ndatic n app roveed Otte, exieral Manager-Chie Respectfu'1Jy submitted, Jack L. Best, Office Engineer SUBJECT: OR: HONORABLE ME August 27, 1971 OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Ehnager-Chief Engineer equest Approval of Plans and Specifications for District Sewering Projects 1959, Moraga Way - Moraga area, 1961, Los Arable - Lafayette, 1977, 8 t Road - Walnut Creek, and Calling for Bids October 7, 1971. Estimated Cost $46,734.20. P B : These three District Sewering Projects will correct certain deficieucies in the District sewer system. 2. DNB: On March 2, 1951, Mr. Dalton presented a letter to the Board explaining that a lifer of sewer system improvements would have to be made to correct deficiencies in the District. These were reported in the Board minutes on March 4, and April 1, 1971. Thisproject will cover three of the deficiencies mentioned in the letter. . RECO TION: Approval, Recommendation Approved: . y,,, G. Gener Mgt h orstkotte, nager-Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, / 7 %h o ,.kt,m11,10 IZ00 ',60. J. L. Best Office Engineer