HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-1971 AGENDA BACKUPBOARD OF DIRECTORS CHARLES J, GIBBS, President DON L. ALLAN PARKE L. BONEYSTEELE RICHARD J. MITCHELL GEORGE A, RUSTIGIAN ‘,) NTRAL CONTRA CO A S 1TARY DIST ICT G. A. HORSTKOTTE, JR., General Manager—Chief Engineer 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5266 ERNEST K. DAVIS Secretary WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 June 17, 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Request Board Approval of the Flood Control Joint Exercise of Power Agreement. 1. PROBLEM: Said agreement indicates that the Flood Control will pay a total estimated cost of $83,525.00 for the sanitary sewer syphon, Bishop Lane, across San Ramon Creek northerly over Rudgear Road, 2. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully .submitted: 41' - Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB:eh Recommendation Approved: ,(Ifer9 G./A. orstkotte, GeneManager-Chief E gineer ,d: June 17, 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: G. A. Rorstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Acceptance of Easements 1, PROBLEM: Acceptance of easementsbeing quitclaimed by the Bay Area Rapid Transit District to the District at no cost. 2. BACKGROUND: The easements being quitclaimed and under consideration for acceptance by the District at no cost are: A. B.A.R.T.D., Parcel One (District Job 1146) City of Walnut Creek, B. B.A.R.T.D., Parcel Two (District Job 1146) City of Walnut Creek. . PURPOSE; Acceptance of these easements is for sewerage purposes. 4. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the two easements described above at no cost to the District. Respectfully submitted, / Jack L. Best iY Office Engineer JLB:jv Recommendation approved; Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHARLES J. GIBBS, President DON L. ALLAN PARKE L. BONEYSTEELE RICHARD J. MITCHELL GEORGE A. RUSTIGIAN TRAL CONTRA CO., SANITA Y DIST ICT G. A. HORSTKOTTE, JR., General Manager—Chief Engineer 1250 SPRINGE3ROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5266 ERNEST K. DAVIS Secretary WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL, 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 June 16, 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR; THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Mr. G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Health Department Letter of June 10, 1971, Concerning Dr. 11. W. Blankenberg Property at 18 Charles Hill Road, Orinda, Calif. 1, PROBLEM: Reference is made to the above Health Department letter. 2. BACKGROUND: The following are excerpts from the April 2, 1970, Board Meeting. P ST OF C0 DEPARTHENT FOREASEMENT TO SERVE BLANKENBER Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer,read a letter from the County Health Department in which they reqUested the District obtain an easement to serve the Blankenberg property located at 18 Charles Hill Road, Orinda. The Health Department has abated the property and is connecting the sewer at no cost to the District. After discussion, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the District acquire an easement to serve the Blankenberg property located at 18 Charles Hill Road, Orinda, as requested by the County Health Department. Carried by the following vote:" On June 15, 1971, we investigated a possible route for sewer service to serve the property of Dr. Blankenberg. Attached is a map in- dicating the proposed sewer route that could provide gravity sewer service to the three parcels indicated on the map. In our opinion it would cost approximately $10,000.00 to install this sewer line. Mr. Ted Gerow, County Public Health Engineer, was asked what part of the cost the Countycould assume. He advised that the only action they would be able to take, if Dr. Blankenberg refused to pay his fair share of the sewer, would be to add it to his tax bill. . ALTERNATIVES: (a) Authorize $10,000.00 to proceed with the installation of he sewer line to serve Dr. Blankenberg after the doctor has deposited his full fair share with the District. Place the sewer under the rebate provisions of the Code. Advise the Health Department that this is not a precedent for similar cases and is only acted upon because of its long history. Board of Directors -2- 6/16/71 (b) Advise the County that when two of the three benefitted lots have advanced funds, the District will pay for the third and take over all rebate rights. (c) Advise the County that the work will be included in the next area -wide L.T.D. if adequate petitions are filed, 4, 'BECOMMENATIO : Alternate (b). WCD:eh Recommendation approved: IN 41 ic Horstkotte, Jr.' ager-Chief\)ginear Respectfully-sUbmitted, W. C. Dalton Administrative Engineer ©010/8LE SER ✓/C.E $ B 44.1. 5e'z IG PROPo5EO Ala /88 7 Glen W. Kent, M.D., Health 0tfcer A TH EPA MENT C NTRA COSTA COUNT Post Office Box 811, Martinez, California 94553 ielephone: 228,3000 Reply to; June 10, 1971 Board of Directors Contra Costa County Sanitary tract 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, Californi ATTT TON: Yr. William Dalton Dear Ars: Dr. H. W. Blalkenberg Property 8 Charles Hill Road, Orinda Pleosant Hill Office 85 Cleaveland Road Pleasant Hill, Co. 94523 228-3000, Ext. 5,2 The above property has exp4rienced a chronic problem with F. septic tank system that has, been overflowing for some time. l'Urther repairs to the system are neither relisticallY feasible nor a permanent solution to the problem. Also, while the property may he connected to the Distriet's sewer system, the cost of extending service to the, Blenkenberg nroperty is exc sive and virtuolly prohibitive, even though a rebate might become available to Dr. Blankenberg at sumo future date. Estimated costs to date exceed $5,000. On this has, therefore, we are requesting that the District &m- older participation in resolving this ratter, specifically to install ±,11.,.e sewer line to the Blankenberg property, at a pro -rated cost only to the property o er. At the present time, this appears to be the only practical_ solution to this matter. Questions concerning this matter may To,e directed te Mr. T. Y.„ Gerow, r'ublic Health Engineer, Chief, Division rf Environmental Health, or the undersigned. Yaur.consideration to this proposal woeld be appreciated. Frank J. A o, 1pervL5irg Sanitarian DINtsion of Eavi ornenta1 Healtb • rleaaant Fill Office 7jAIWT.421,:ss Vr., Ger.nw MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONO t June 15, 1971 LE MEMBERS OF THE BOA OF DIRECTORS FROM: G. A. Hbrstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Appointment of William Ramsay to Supervising Construction Inspector. PROBLEM: As reported in the Board minutes of June 3, 1971, Edwin Foster submitted his resignation as Supervising Construction Inspectorl to be 'effective in July. Mr. Foster has informed us that he will terminate June 30, 1971, 2. BACKGROUND:, To,maintain continuous effective operation of the inspection Department, we would like to make this appointment by the Board of William Ramsay as Supervising Construction Inspector, on June 17, 1971, with the effective date July 1, 1971. This will give Mr. Ramsay an opportunity to learn the additional duties to fulfill his new position prior to assuming that position officially. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Appointment of William Ramsay as Supervising Construction Inspector at a monthly salary of $1,285.00 effective July 1, 1971. Respectfully submitted, G. A- General Manager Chief Engineer GAH:jv June 14, 1971 IM0RANDUM FOR: THE.HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Mr. G. A. Horstkotte, jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Request Permission to Install 1,500 feet of 48" trunk sewer (Job 1997), Watershed 33 North, in Conjunction with the Corps of Engineers Channel Improvements on San Ramon Creek 1. PROBLEM: Reference is made to the attached letter from the Flood Control dated June 9, 1971. 2, BACKGROUND: Referring to the attached map, the Flood Control section in question is Job no. 1997. There will be approximately 1,500 lineal feet of 48" pipe and by including this in the Corp' construction, we estimate the project will cost $130,000.00. Our Bishop Road Syphon Job No. 1985 was de- signed to ultimately connect to Jobs 2016 and 1997. Job 1997 is a small part of the ultimate Watershed 33 North trunk which terminates in Walnut Creek at the intersection of Newell Avenue and South Main and will provide the service to the San Ramon Valley. It should be noted that the options for economic alternate sewer routes to extend the sewer from Walnut Creek down the San Ramon Valley have been diminishing. At the present time there is only one available space on South Main Street to install a 48" diameter trunk, which requires a trench approximately 7 feet wide and about 15 feet deep. This is indicated on the map as Job 2015. From that point to Rudgear Road, we have two pos- sible routes. One alternate (Alt A) follows the frontage road down to Rud - gear Road and is shorter, but there are so many utilities in the existing road plus the fact that we would have to go through a rock hill 20 to 25 feet deep, that we consider this route far more expensive. The longer route involves installing a sewer line as a joint venture with the proposed flood control channel improvements, along San Ramon Channel until it intersects the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, then along the railroad right of way to Rudgear Road. The estimated cost to extend Watershed 33 North trunk from Newell Avenue to Rudgear Road on the recommended route, is sum- marized below: Job Aroximate Foot Estimated Cost 2015 3,300' $280,000.00 1997 1,500' 130,000.00 2016 1 500' 130t000.00 6,300' $540,000.00 The critical part of this sewer project is Job 1997 ($130,000,00) due to timing. We have, from collections to date, $45,000.00+ in the W. S. 33 N fund. As noted by the Flood Control letter, all the funds for Job 1977 may have to be deposited with Flood Control by December, 1971. 2 3. ALTERNATIVES: (a) Authorize proceeding with Job 1997, and fun from Sewer Construction and Watershed Fund. (b) Choose alternate route and delay expenditures re -design Job 1985. 4. RECO ATIONS: Authorization to proceed with Job 1997. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton, Administrative Engineer TATCD:ms Recommendation approved: G.A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Attach 3 LM wr @w» 0 K tet ,E SA e, aex 44;1,01'11 June 9, 171 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District P. Ce Box 5266 Walnut Creek, California Attention: Mr. Jack L. Best, Office Engineer C. CARLYLE RICH, Chief Engineer 255 Glacier °rive, Martinez, Calif. 94553 1 eiepeona 228-8200 Gentlemen: This will confirm the understandings reached at our meeting June 2, 1971 regarding construction of your proposed 48" trunk line in conjunctionwith the Corps of Engineers channel improvements on San Ramon Creek from Creek se Drive to Rudgeer Road. There does not appear to be any major difficulty in including your work in the Corps' contract The primary conditions are spelled out in our letter of May 25, 1971. More study is necessary in the alignment of the sewer at the north end of Near Court to avoid damage to trees. The Corps would de- sign the trunk 110* to their standards from concept and detailed sketches furnished by your District. Also, an understanding will have to be reached regarding acquisition and cost-sharing of rights-of-way. In order for your work to be Included in the Corps' contract, it will be necessary for you to make e formal request, through this office, to do so. We will then prepare e Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement for execution by the. Sanitary District and the Flood Control District covering the work. You will then have to deposit funds with this office, prior to the Corps advertising for bids, covering the Corpsestimated cost of the sewer work, plus estimating Engineering and Design costs (9-10%+). Inspection and Super- vision costs (10%0, Contingencies (15-20%+), estimated Land Rights costs and incidental costs to the Fiood Control District. After completion of the work, a final accounting would be made et which time any excess funds would be refunded to you or you would be billed for any shortage. We anticipate that you would have to deposit funds for the construction work by December, 1971. Very truly yours, C. C. RtCH 1CHIEF ENGINEER e./ By,/ , Lo JJ Re Hear!, Desgn ivision LJR: jy cc: Corps of Engineers, Sacramento Attention: Mr. R. Clarke, Levee & Channel Sectier June 14, 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Mr. G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization in the amount of $498.15 to the Contra Costa County,Employees Retirement Association, Account of Mr. Lawrence Ladner, for the Period 1965 and 1966 1. BAC ROUND: Mr. Lawrence Ladner occupied a temporary position with the District during the period 1965 and 1966. As a temporary employee, no contributions to the County Retire- ment Fund were made by the District or Mr. Ladner. Subse- quently, Mr. Ladner exercised his option and bought into the retirement fund for the period of his temporary employ- ment. Consequently, the District is obligated to "match' Mx. Ladner's contribution to the fund. 2. RECOMMENDATION: Author lie the payment of $498.15 to the County Retire- ment Association, Account of Mr. Ladner, for the period 1965 and 1966. Respectfully submitted, E. X. Davis, Administrative Assistant - Secretary EKW II proved A, Uorstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer June 14, 1971 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE 4r S OF THE BO OF DIRECTORS VIA: SUBJECT: 1. Mr, G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Acceptance of Easements at no cost to District The easements under consideration for acceptance at no cost to District are: a. Burley D. and Nellie F. Biles, Parcel No. LID 51, D.S.P. 1642, City of Clyde b. Charles L. and Miriam F. Bymik, Parcel No. LID 51, D.S.P. 1642, City of Clyde 2. PURPOSE: Acceptance of these easements is for sewering purposes. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the two easements described above at no cost to the District. RED:ms A. Ilorstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, E. . Davis, Administrative Assistant - Secretary June 10, 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Honorable M ers of the Board of Directors VIA: SUBJECT: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Edward G. Madsen Claim 725 Rosewood Dr. Walnut Creek 1. :PROBLEM: On Monday, May 3, 1971, at 2:30 P.M., a call was received from a Mr. Madsen at 725 '':614ewood Drive, Walnut Creek, stating that after experiencing a sewer stoppage he had called a plumber who in turn found a plug in the main line. Mr. Madsen said he felt that the Sanitary District should pay his plumbing bill. 2. 'BACKGROUND: Upon investigation by a District Crew, the 6" main line sewer serving the above residence was found to be plugged with grease some 400 feet between M.H. 37 and R.I. 44. The stoppage was removed with little difficulty and this section of line will be maintained on a scheduled basis to insure against further stoppages. 3. ALTERNATIVE: To pay or not pay Mr. Madsen's plumbing bill, 4. AJC0Mi D ION: District policy in this type of claim has been to educate the homeowner by having him call the Sanitary District first for investigating stoppages, and then to pay his plumbing bill with the under- standing that future claims of this nature will probably not be honored. Robert H. Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations Recommenda G approved: ) Hors koteo Gene al Manager -Chief n ineer "HI!