HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-1971 AGENDA BACKUP1J1)A1(1) ()1. Tl)I1S r HAlt1 I DOK . ALLAN 1,1RINI I., wv1.),,r11 t, lc( 1.1A1+1, J. 111T( 111%1.1. (,1 ()Ii(,1. IlIJ. CENTRA SAN TA CO 111 I TRA CC rA Y DIST ICT 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK, CAUFORNIA 94596 TEL, 934..6727 AREA CODE 415 March 2, 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Members of the Board of Directors VIA: G. A. HORS'IKoTTF, Gentwa Mummer Chic., Enotncer ERNEYI" K. DAVIS Scc n tar G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., - General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Sewer system improvements to correct deficiencies 1. BACKGROUND: Staff periodically reviews maintenance and operations records on existing sewers to determine their abilities to handle present and future loadings. When sufficient factual data exists to evaluate weak lines or portions of the system, corrective action as indicated by the combined studies of maintenance and engineering is recommended to the Board of Directors. 2. PURPOSE: To reduce long range maintenance costs, to avoid costly claims and to protect public health. 3. ALTERNATES: Postpone projects, pay claims and face Water Quality Control Board action and local complaints. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS: The following summary of projects is prepared on a priority need basis. These jobs will correct long-term deficiencies. We recommend authorization to prepare plans and specifications immediately for construction this summer. These preliminary estimates should be increased by 25%-35% to cover special contingencies. Funding will be from the Sewer Contruction Fund initially with recoveries as shown where watershed plans exist. Deficiency Priority Job No, Job Location 1 1957 Second Ave., Walnut Creek 2 1958 Rudgear Walnut Creek Project Program Cause of Source of Ref. Deficiency Est. Cost. Funds Inadequate $13,250. S.C. capacity and line restrictions Inadequate $13,000. WS 29S capacity, poor hydraulics Page 2 March 2, 1971 Priority Job N . Job Location Ref, 3 1959 El Camino, Moraga 4 1961 So. Peardale, Laf. lA Walnut Avenue Walnut Creek Cause of Source of Deficiency Est. Cost. Funds Poor hydraulics $ 21,480. WS 10 poor junctions Poor hydraulics 7,900. S.C. poor junctions Inadequate capa- $149,415, city, high density development Note: 1A is planned to follow a privately financed trunk extension scheduled for mid -1971, lA is also eligible for deficiency funds from multiple unit surcharges. Respectfully submitted: W. C. Dalton Administrative Engineer Recommendation Approved: .(2 J3A 141( f/k 4_4 G. Horstkotte, Ge ral Manager-Chie ngineer WCD:jv WS 29 No. BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHARLES J. GIBBS, President DON L. ALLAN PARKE L. BONEYSTEELE RICHARD J. MITCHELL GEORGE A. RUSTIGIAN NTRAL C SANIT RY 74\ TA CO&„A ISTRICT G. A. IIORSTKOTTE, JR., General Manager—Chief Engineer 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5266 ERNEST K. DAVIS WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 March 2, 1971 Secretary MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Mr. G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item 1, PROBLEM: Board authorization for additional funds from the Sewer Construction Fund is required for various District projects. 2. BACKGROUND: The Board previously authorized expenditures from the Sewer Construction Fund for the following projects: (a) For chlorine equipment at Treatment plant. Board authorized $30,000.00. The project is completed at a cost of $30,721.10. Additional authorization in the amount of $721.10 is necessary to close this account. (b) For District Expense, Watershed 11. The Board previously authorized $500.00. Expenditures to date for this project are $983.64. Board authorization for an additional $1,000.00 is necessary to cover additional expenses anticipated to complete the preliminary engineering study for the project. (c) For District Expense, Watershed 23. The Board previously authorized $4,257.28. Cost to date is $4,532.20. To cover additional expenses anticipated to complete engineering for the project, an additional Board au- thorization in the amount of $1,000.00 is necessary. This Watershed has a surplus but Board authority for expenditures is necessary. (d) For District Expense, Watershed 33 North. The Board previously authorized $2,000.00. Expenditures to date are $6,218.08. To complete the engineering plans for project, Board authorization for an additional $5,000.00 is necessary. (e) District Expense for the above projects represents salaries, engineering, printing costs and various other expense: All of the above expenses are re- coverable under the watershed charges except that for the chlorine equipment. 3. RECOMMENDATION: The Board authorized additional funds in the amounts specified above to complete the specified phases of these projects. EKD:Ms Recommendation approved: G. Ge q;( Hors ko te, Jr., 1 Manager -Chief neer Respectfully submitted, , 6 E. K. Davis, Administrative Assistant - Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHARLES J. GIBBS, President DON L. ALLAN PARKE L. BONEYSTEELE RICHARD J. MITCHELL GEORGE A. RUSTIGIAN NTRAL CONTRA CO.scz,7 SA 1TA RY DIST CT 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5266 ERNEST K. DAVIS G. A. HORSTKOTTE, JR., General Manager—Chief Engineer WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 March 2, 1971 SeeNtarY MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item 1. PROBLEM: Acceptance of easement at no cost to District. 2, BACKGROUND: The easement under consideration for acceptance by the District at no cost is: a. Josephine Mansueto, Parcel No, 1 Mansueto, Job P-1975, portion of Lot 5 of La Vista Park Subdivision, a portion of Rancho San Ramon, 3. PURPOSE: Acceptance of this easement is for sewerage purposes. 4. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the easement described above at no COSttll the District. Respectfully submitted, E. K. Davis, Administrative Assistant - Secretary EKD:ms Recommendation approved: G. A. IIorstkotte, Jr. General Manager -ChieffEng_neer BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHARLES J. GIBBS, President DON L. ALLAN PARKE L. BONEYSTEELE RICHARD J. muctiEu. GEORGE A. RUSTIGIAN N RAL CONT A CO2A SANITARY !STRICT G. A. HORSTKOTTE, JR., General Manager—Chief Engineer 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5266 ERNEST K. DAVIS Secretary WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 March 2, 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Members of the Board of Directors SUBJECT: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., - General Manager -Chief Engineer Nichols Claim 1. PROBLEM: Mrs. Nichols obtained a permit to connect a home at 311 Twin View Drive, Pleasant Hill to the District sewer system. The permit was issued for use of an existing lateral adjacent to the property, which District records indicated was not in service. She obtained permission from adjacent owners, paid District's fees and contracted for the installation with Tom Bristol for $440. When Bristol opened up the existing lateral, it was found to be in use and a more thorough search of District records found the con- nection permit. Bristol then had to install a new lateral for the Nichols' sewer and billed Mrs. Nichols $220 additional costs for this extra. Mrs. Nichols has requested an adjustment from the District in the amount of $220. 2. ALTERNATES: Refuse claim, compromise claim, or pay claim. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Pay claim. This additional cost of $220 seems to have been avoidable if District records had been accurate. Respectfully submitted: W. C. Dalton Administrative Engineer Recommendation Approved: G. A orst o e, Jr. Geeal Manager-Chie zfgineer WCD : j v