HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-07-1971 AGENDA BACKUPJanuary 7, 1971 MEMORIMUM POR g Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: General Manager -Chief Engineer SIIBJEGT: Agenda Item - Corporation Yard Improvement 1. PROBLEM: Utilization of corporation yard for added storage. 2. BACKGROUND: Through the years we have met the needs of expanding service requirements in part by adding needed facilities to our central corporation yard. Dock storage of pipes, manhole castings, metalwork, lumber, etc., has been built but is at capacity. We propose to add to it by completing a retaining wall and a concrete slab in an area of the yard which would otherwise be useless. Since some of the work has to be done for erosion control and bank stability in any event, the slab to convert it to dock area is an economic and utilitarian addition, 3, ALTERNATTVES: A. Postpone improvement, B. Authorize $2,000.00 to construct slab and retaining wall as soon as practical. 4. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $2,000. from Sewer Construction Fund for yard improvements as noted so that new dock area will be available for expended storage needed this spring. Recommendation Approved [ G. A. ciorstko , Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted: W. C. Dalton Administrative Engineer BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHARLES J. GIBBS, President DON L. ALLAN PARKE L. BONEYSTEELE RICHARD J. MITCHELL GEORGE A. RUSTIGIAN NTA CONTRA SAN 11 TA Fn7S'.FR CT 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5286 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 January 7 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT; Agenda Item G. A. HORSTKOTTE, JR., General Manager—Chief Engineer ERNEST K. DAVIS Secretary lo PROBLEM: Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors is necessary in order to file Notice of Acceptance and Completion of L.I,D, No o 53, Schedule 2 with the County, 2. BACKGROUND:Contract for LoIoDo No, 53, Schedule 2, was awarded to Slavo Rigisich, Inc,, 3344 Mt Diablo Blvd., Lafayette, California, on 17 September 1970 by Resolution of intention No 2081 adopted by the Board of Directors on 6 August 1970, and again on 17 September 19700 Work and improvements as specified by the contract were completed 7 January .1971. 3. RECOMMENDATION: That Board of Directors adopt a Resolution accepting completion and directing Chief Engineer to File Notice of Acceptance and Completion, LLD, No, 53, Schedule 20 Recommendation Approved tC1( C Go A. Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer EKD:eh Respectfully submitted: E. K. Davis Administrative Assistant -Secretary • January 5, 1971 MEMORANDUK FOR: Lonorable Board of DI.rectors VIA: G. & horstkotte, Jr., General Ilanager-Chief Engineer W. C. Dalton - Administratfve Engineer SUBJECT: Agewla Item Problem, Overflow, -Z. L. Little 1173 Raymond Drive Pacheco, Califorz.ia 685-4192 kroj Jn Saturday, November 28,. 1970, tIT.e District on-call crew was called to relieve an overflow at the address mentioned above. Upoa arrival, the crew found the 6" existing line plugged 225' upstream froml1H in front of #205 Patrick Drive to at Patrick. and Raymond Drive. The stoppage consisted of grease and was cleared with no difficulty. The damage was limited to two bedrooms, pads and rugs and hallway, several pair of shoes and several pieces of clothing. The District crew cleaned and disinfected throughout* an overflow device mill be installed Alternatives Pay claim, refuse claim. Recommendation: This claim comes to,$383.70. It includes rug cleani,lig $7809 shoe replacement $66.00: re1acer:ent of 2 rugs $82.06; cleaains of a bedspread $4.80; phonograph record re?lacement $52.85. I recommend this claim be paid. It appears to be reasonable for this type of damage. Respectfully submited, Robert H. Hinksou Superintendent of Field Operations Recommendation, Approved: Horstkotte, Gene ger-Chf_ef 2n neer RHEI:j v BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHARLES J. GIBBS, President DON L. ALLAN PARKE L. BONEYSTEELE RICHARD J. MITCHELL GEORGE A. RUSTIGIAN N RA. L CONT A CO 11 S N 17 TA -Y c: 71: 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 January 4 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR; Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item G. A. HORSTKOTTE, JR., General Manager—Chief Engineer ERNEST K. DAVIS Secretary J 1. PROBLEM: Acceptance of four easements, all at no cost to District. 2. BACKGROyNq: The four easements under consideration for acceptance by the District at no cost are: a, Weaver Homes, Inc., Parcel No, 6, Heather hill Subdivision, Martinez, b. Western Title Guaranty Company, Parcel No. 3, portinn of Rancho San Ramon and portion of Township 1, South. c. Elbaco, Inc. Parcel No, 4a, portion of Rancho San Ramon and portion of Township 1, Sotth. d, Round Hill Enterprises, Parcel 4b portion of Rancho San Ramon and portion of Township 1 South, 3. PURPOSE: Accepting these easements is for sewerage purposes. 4. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the four easements described above at no cost to the District. Respectfully submitted: a4/ E. K. Davis Administrative Assistant - Secretaxy Recommendation Approved: G. A. HorstkotteJr. Gener 1 Manager -Chief Enjneer BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHARLES 3. GIBBS, President DON L. ALLAN PARKE L. BONEYSTEELE RICHARD J. MITCHELL GEORGE A. RUSTIGIAN NT11-2, ) ‘,)__ zr-,\ , 1L,„ C T e II- i_c\ N triA R'Y 0 T 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. SOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94595 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 January 4 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Honorable. Members of the Board of Directors VIA: General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Agenda Item G. A. HORSTICOTTE, JR., General Manager—Chief Engineer ERNEST K. DAVIS Secretary 1, PROBLEM: Board Authorization required to transfer surplus funds from Running Expense Fund to Construction Fund, 2 BACKGROUND: Running Expense Fund has surplus funds in the amount of approximately $200,000 which are available for transfer to the Con- struction Fund, 30 PURPOSE Transfer of surplus funds to the Construction Fund will provide additional monies for short term investment if that is deemed appropriate, 4, RECOMMENDATION: The Board authorize the transfer of surplus funds from the Running Expense Fund to the Construction Fund, Respectfully submitted Fdeadd E. Ko Davis Administrative Assistant - Secretary Recommendation Approved: G. General Manager -Chief Engineer EKD:ms BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHARLES J. GIBBS, President DON L. ALLAN PARKE L. BONEYSTEELE RICHARD J. MITCHELL GEORGE A. RUSTIGIAN COTAL. • /C P--\ COL A 11- '9 N 11 'TA HY IDI1STFCT 1 250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 January 4 1971 HEEDRANDUM FOR Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA; General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Agenda Item G. A. HORSTKOTTE, JR., General Manager—Chief Engineer ERNEST K. DAVIS Secretary 1 PROBLEM Amend Resolution No. 3008 to Reflect Auditor's Record for L.I.D. No. 52. 2. BACKGROUND g Resolution No. 3008 adopted on 17 September 1970, determined that a surplus of $16,476.21 remained in the Construction Fund, and further determined the manner in which such funds were to be distributed. 3. PURPOSE The purpose of the amendment to Resolution No. 3008 as prepared by legal counsel Wilson is to reflect the Auditor's Record on this project which provides in detail for each assessment and for various periods of time, the distribution of the $16,476.21, 4. RECOMMENDATION; Adopt Resolution No. 3027 amending Resolution No, 3008. Respectfully submitted ; Z,;4, E. K. Davis Administrative Assistant -Secretary Recommendation Approved. N-41144, G. A. Korstkotte, Jr. Genera] Manager -Chief Englneer EKD;jv