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00. BOARD AGENDA 07-03-1969
mime, warm SCREMI. MAIi'rrn' JutY 3 196'n I. mu, c;..1.4, 11, APPIVIAL, OF :-TT/1 III. APPKWAL OF E.1CPT-11'.. IV.UAi�N8 1. -District , rcc:',;• 1 and. (Continued) 2 * reS V. LID3: VI. OLD :'.3tk,lLtilf:a3: VII. NW Litisnerz; I. Local Irm,rovonient District No. 52 P‘osolutiorta Fflier Lawson & kaoc1ates roposal re.4.4artiner.:. Setiter 4 -oil t!rgineerIllg intPectirxt i',uthorize execution of arnver.w..nt relating- tc t,!4th rieraldine fliadsterte Authorize execution of' Agree—mer.t relatinc,tc Pe?.1. Timporty ulth Catmtele nuntifirrY Cortpavy tnd corre3rondenoe refee!! execution of Quit Claim Deed to Contra CP:IstsA Cc,unt,./ for, in Job 1681, 1.ewin a: Avenue, erit.! acceptancitl- of ea-nt eelce of eeoencintv. rrorri: F. Hcpkn pant, inc. c K". !vo Aexieri e. Alfrd. E. f. Albtrt ,TattesF 3rerinql h.r-',--71tey1 P. PodPrIck Dr.ttts --1,-;:nur ?It „7. 7.Authorize execution of kienobent to State rt.:lit:les Areement; DistrictSiEntlerim: Prdeot 3374 5. ileao1ution.3 P4optinr 1tb1i Lints for ,AssIntant "8-intenance rtzl Author u oxeoutionot Ccment to Deacation of Public Ponas, Sub a :coy Yr; Azoot Drive. 10. ituthoe.--i?... u . Arrreeriant '4th Pleszt.nt Hill rr Anseniment 11. Other 1.3uninesz fl.deleC; by suppltntal aFP„enert 12. ;`,atter s firm tl,:e floor REPOITJ: 0.27nitte.ch k.;eneral ::anfi7er-cidef 1:41,71.1.4ecr Counzel for the IX. 1 ( V,71,3" • ,d• „7,°77,7::)71: fr'jr,72 autthccf,g3f,:nc "..P7'1%4' 7,1' . • Annexatior4 : , r 11,0tiCe heir -,10,2,57 '• '- • approved by ::x2,t:lating Prcu for DiEm-ic,T, A:lznom eate IcJT LU ot 7, Z969 CUID 32 on Mg umfur itr T(Nvaat e gsnexo) (20,C3IMIC:r, u© %TWA fl )fl ,Azzegno.Tc,sm 7.Y.11Lerla Tesinlrx,n=mt; q("Inelet ,