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00. BOARD AGENDA 09-15-1966
" CEN 7/;:, ',7,3NTRA. COSTA *,,ST:2722:: D=7,1CT :SCHEDULE OF 7T7i1= MEET7Y7, - SE777-aER 15, 1966 :!1,.:171iUTES )F 1717-2=1.71C 117ALIIYGE, N:ne 7. BIDS: Sone, OLD BUSINMSg 1, anvzsE -(;Yt,:)T Ec.a ::rd annexation 3 Io of John A. Bohn, $53.10 4. 5. Revzsn (7,,f! Frick M. Hanson, M.D., for re.:=1d of -::..7,sale: paymcm v7a #44-6-10-21 VII. NEW B;S:N3ESg 1.escLc ordczing annexat'cLo-nā¢ ;Ln=t:':. So. 13 (Sun Valley Shoppng Cent= & !:.ac cd 7:71a,By Ca7!7;.: aigh Schools) 2, 3eizLuTion ordeTfzIg annexation o2 Annszaf_on No. 14 (3olliL7er ,dranyorl C -E[ Eoned pro .esc:uft,:Lon of applicet:lor4 for ammexatIon o District Annexation No. :13 T:o?erties) 4. Con:eE?ae,emce from Dernonli, G. Kelly, attorns Mt. M2z,b10 %hracl re.V;Tt eesemzT.t 6. 73.0.107f, 1ft, 7. Other ?Aded by supplemental agenda REPORTS: District Manager-Enneer Counsel for the District :a. ADJOURNMENT CENTRA'., CONTRA COSTA Sk,ā::TARY SCHEDULE IF BUSTNESF :EMBER 15,66 VII. NEW LUSINEic 7. Other buess added by su.77tr-A. agenda a. 21ans and sr,vi;:/:-czations 48 lnd aut7:pr.c.ā. b. Approvo2 (D.Z. ?:ans and,z7,a)(7=7.:,..,mai,-,:c,mv L'olf Job 1372 E!,:atse 432feeMST1t vae. tr '1©2ā¢7.:' 77,7747 ,77aLTof plans an4 xavon of cost astJzsa_c on North BlWin =tension fox the C:It.:! T-,mt Creek de IsnafIsh mataie of electiom ;:::71ispectors $21.00, 011.1L00) e. Regmest Cliffoxd T Rogerz fox 7C(T: paymelat penalty and intexest on tewexvice Om::3c Account No, f. Pzvtemz of Waltax En Wendt xe work in LID /;15, g. Protzt el Mmual and Rita Santos on LFnY No. h. 7:,,X7C:C 7,:ihm A, Bohm fox BEAM condemnaion