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Item 15.a.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
August 3, 2017
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
Strategic Plan re-In
GOAL ONE: Provide Exceptional Customer Service
Strategy 1 - Foster Customer Engagement and Awareness
1. RE E P Committee Minutes 07-17-17
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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place,Martinez CA 94553-4392
MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX. (925)372-0192
Monday, July 17, 207 www.centralsan.org
9:00 a.m.
2nd Floor Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Paul Causey
Member Tad Pilecki
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager
Alan Weer, Plant Operations Division Manager
Melody LaBella, Program Manager-Resources Recovery
Lupe Saldana, Administrative Services Supervisor
Cindy Granzella, Senior Administrative Technician
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Receive update on Letters of Interest and As-Needed Public-Private Partnership (P3)
Advisory Services and review draft Position Paper authorizing the General Manager
to execute a professional consulting services agreement with CDM Smith with a cost
ceiling of$400,000 for As-Needed Public-Private Partnership Advisory Services,
District Project 7358
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July 17, 2017
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Mr. Bailey commented that the Bioenergy project addresses solids handling and
associated energy production. He stated that P3 arrangements are very complex
and the agreement is for as-needed P3 advisory services in support of the Bioenergy
project. He stated that the consultant may be asked to assist in the development of
the Request for Proposals for Phase 1 of the Bioenergy project later, but that is not
included in this agreement.
Mr. Petit, referring to the Position Paper and presentation materials, provided the
background for initiating the formation of a public-private partnership for the
development of a bioenergy facility, reviewed current solids handling and energy
production practices, described the Request for Information process, reviewed each
of the eight responses received, and said CDM Smith was selected as the lead
consultant to provide the P3 advisory services. Mr. Petit noted that the slides were
prepared before the interviews and selection of consultant due to agenda submission
Member Pilecki commented on the potential to exceed incineration capacity in the
future and asked if the Bioenergy project will eliminate furnace improvements orjust
put it off.
Mr. Petit responded that it will buy time and noted that under solids handling Phase 1
the ability to reduce use of expensive lime will be reviewed.
Member Pilecki commented that if it is just buying 5-7 years of time, then what is the
driving force to doing P3 now?
Mr. Petit explained that besides the capacity of the existing solids handling facilities,
Central San relies on Cogen for plant power generation that uses a large amount of
natural gas. Natural gas has a significant impact on GHG emissions which are
regulated. He stated that replacing the Cogen in the next 3-5 years could increase
greenhouse gases (GHG) and that the Bioenergy project fits into goals for lowering
greenhouse gas non-renewable energy. He said that it makes sense to do the
Bioenergy project now and test new technologies associated with combined power
and solids handling, thus Bioenergy.
Mr. Bailey added that the big decision regarding solids handling is whether to use
anaerobic digestion or gasification given the sizeable cost difference. The benefit of
doing the project now, through a take or pay arrangement, is the opportunity to test
gasification at a lower cost. If successful, this has the potential of significant savings
to the District in 5-10 years when a decision has to be made on the overall solids
handling process, although there will be some redundancy in the near term.
Mr. Petit noted that if the Cogen is replaced in the next three to five years, it will be
kept as a backup during testing of the new solids handling methods.
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Chair Causey recommended the project take into consideration what will happen if
the incinerator goes down.
Mr. Petit stated that the incinerator going out due to earthquake or breakdown could
be addressed by diversifying solids handling as part of the goals. He stated that
energy use is complex and that adding or extracting a component must always be
taken into consideration.
Mr. Petit further explained that when evaluating this Bioenergy project, we need to
make sure the steam system is not impacted as Central San mainly relies on steam
blowers so steam demand is critical. He stated that the Bioenergy project could
reduce natural gas use, which is one of the main drivers.
Member Pilecki commented that he is concerned about availability of landfill gas.
Mr. Petit said it could be done without, but fuel costs would increase.
Referencing the photo showing the proposed bioenergy facility location, Mr. Bailey
commented that consideration is being given to the long-term potential to accept
outside green waste as a revenue source in the future.
Mr. Petit reviewed the three phases of the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan
(CWMP) covering years 0-5 (Phase 1), 6-10 (Phase 2), and 11-20 (Phase 3) noting
that Phase 2 includes replacing the Cogen and continuing with the solar turbine
agreement. Mr. Petit recommended going forward with Phase 1 Bioenergy because if
it does not work out, the District will still be on track with the CWMP. However, if it is
a success, Phase 2 would include construction of the Bioenergy project, and could
further delay or eliminate the need for adding digesters or Cogen replacement.
Chair Causey commented that most agencies are doing 1 to 5 megawatts solar and
asked how that fits in with the possibility of solar. Mr. Petit explained that the
approach with this project is strictly to address solids handling. He added that CWMP
Phase 1 will look at replacing steam blowers with electric which would lead to an
increase in kilowatt demand but the plan now is to harvest heat from the incinerator
and make power from the heat recuperation. He noted that the lights that are on now
at the Treatment Plant (such as in the tunnels) could potentially be powered by
renewable energy such as solar; however, the consultants were not asked to
consider solar. An RFP for a renewable energy project is in the queue and is
scheduled for 3rd or 4th quarter this Fiscal Year.
Mr. Petit stated there are many issues that need to be addressed with this P3
Bioenergy project such as environmental review, permitting, land use, cost of power
production and solids handling, cost to make a kilowatt to handle a pound of solids
today, the P3 contract terms and conditions, and duration of the initial agreement.
This is why the District is looking at hiring a team of expert consultants.
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Chair Causey asked if staff has been in contact with comparable agencies that have
done P3 projects in California to understand what they learned and would do
differently. Mr. Petit noted that he had contacted agencies by phone and met some
at the WEF Innovation conference held in San Francisco last March and that
Ms. LaBella referred to other agencies'RFPs to develop Central San's. Mr. Bailey
added that he has spoken often with other agencies on this topic and continues to do
so and that he has prior experience with these types of projects from working at other
Chair Causey asked if staff had explored the ability to export power to PG&E.
Mr. Bailey responded that it could be considered in the long term.
Chair Causey shared his opinion that Central San should work closely with Mt. View
Sanitary District to encourage partnership because they are a small, close sister
agency and it would ultimately benefit the communities and customers.
Mr. Petit reviewed the technical, financial and legal services for each of the eight
Letters of Interest received. He stated that ultimately three consultants were
interviewed and CDM Smith was selected.
Mr. Petit stated that a task order will be issued to get started with CDM and then will
be brought back to the Board with a more detailed scope and fee if needed. Mr. Petit
noted that the initial contract with CDM Smith will be around X80,000 to X90,000 to
get started and then it will be brought back to the Board with the full scope and
budget in August.
Chair Causey requested that a Technical Resource Committee be created as an
advisory team for the project.
The Committee recommended going forward with the agreement for advisory
services to develop a Request for Proposal to begin the new Bioenergy alternative
solids and energy project evaluation.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and recommended Board approval
of the consulting services agreement with CDM Smith for As-Needed Public-
Private Partnership Advisory Services, District Project 7358
4. Announcements
Ms. Schectel stated that there were two failures in ultraviolet (UV) treatments, one on
July 6 for 20 seconds and one on July 8 for 19 seconds, and that the effluent met
permit requirements. She stated that notifications have been made to regulatory
agencies and submittals completed. Staff is working on implementing corrective
actions, including future diversions of water to the basins.
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Member Pilecki asked whether 20 seconds was enough time to do a diversion to the
basins. Mr. Weer described in more detail the failure occurrences and the corrective
actions that will be implemented, and then explained at what point in the process the
diversion could be done. Mr. Weer said that automation is being considered but,
because the current system sometimes has false reads, if the process were
automated it might cause some unnecessary diversions.
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Monday, August 28, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, September 25, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, October 23, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
5. Suggestions for future agenda items
6. Adjournment— at 10:38 a.m.
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