HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.c. Review Gantt chart of activities related to ongoing 2017 Labor NegotiationsItem 4.c. C entral C ontra Costa S anitary D istrict August 1, 2017 T O: A D MI NI S T R AT I O N C O MMI T T E E F RO M :T E J I O'MA L L E Y, HUMA N R E S O UR C E S MA NA G E R RE V I E WE D B Y:A NN S A S A K I , D E P UT Y G E NE R A L MA NA G E R S UB J E C T: R E V I E W G A NT T C HA RT O F A C T I V I T I E S R E L AT E D TO O NG O I NG 2017 L A B O R NE G O T I AT I O NS A ttached is the current Gantt chart reflecting activities related to the ongoing L abor Negotiations. S taff is requesting that the Committee provide direction on whether the chart should continue to be updated and presented to the Committee, now that negotiations are underway. AT TAC HM E NT S : Description Gantt C hart August 1, 2017 Special Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 52 of 53 Page 1 of 2 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish1Conduct session(s) with the Board, meetings with bargaining units, and class+comp consultant to establish+finalize benchmarks(BM) for total compensation study (Phase 1)136daysTue 3/1/16Tue 9/6/162Discussion of scope and methodology related to total compensation survey with Board. Present draft benchmarks to the Bd93 daysTue 3/1/16Thu 7/7/163Present draft benchmarks of total compensation survey and discuss with all bargaining units. 10 daysFri 7/8/16Thu 7/21/164Present bargaining unit comments related to draft benchmarks to Board. 20 daysFri 7/22/16Thu 8/18/165Present Board comments related to draft benchmarks to bargaining units.11 daysFri 8/19/16Fri 9/2/166Present any further bargaining unit comments related to draft benchmarks to Board.(not needed)7 daysFri 8/26/16Mon 9/5/167Finalize draft benchmarks and present to bargaining units. 3 daysFri 9/2/16Tue 9/6/168Conduct internal survey of all Distrtict Departments to identify work rules to be addressed in negotiations.130daysFri 1/1/16Thu 6/30/169Management team meets to discuss and prioritize work rules that need to be addresssed in negotiations.21 daysFri 7/1/16Fri 7/29/1610Present prioritized list of work rules to Board as vetted by Management Team.22 daysMon 8/1/16Tue 8/30/1611Procure consultant (neutral third party) to conduct training of Board on roles and responsibilities during bargaining.40 daysMon 1/4/16Fri 2/26/1612Train Board on roles and responsibilities during bargaining.53 daysTue 3/1/16Thu 5/12/1613Identify communication structure and frequency for Board, District Bargaining Team273daysTue 3/1/16Thu 3/16/1714Finalize which District representatives will serve on District Bargaining Team.22 daysTue 3/1/16Wed 3/30/1615Discuss and vet goals for negotiations (General Manager, Administration Committee,and Board).285daysFri 7/1/16Thu 8/3/1716Conduct studies, research and analysis related to District proposals, and anticipated union proposals195daysMon 1/2/17Fri 9/29/171717a. Draft gound rules for negotiations63 daysTue 2/7/17Thu 5/4/171817b. Draft and vet proposals for negotiations63 daysTue 2/7/17Thu 5/4/1719Send Opener Letters and schedule negotiation meetings23 daysWed 3/1/17Fri 3/31/1720Negotiations Commence130 d...Mon 4/3/17Fri 9/29/1721Ratify and Approve MOUs21 daysFri 9/1/17Fri 9/29/17100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%90%30%100%100%100%35%0%FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOct20162017Board ActivitiesStaff ActivitiesTask ProgressOriginal ScheduleSummaryPLANNING FOR LABOR NEGOTIATIONSPage 1Project: Planning for Labor Negotiations Date: Mon 7/24/17August 1, 2017 Special Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 53 of 53 Page 2 of 2