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00. BOARD AGENDA 08-23-1956
8/20/56 c 0 • rHOC1Pr% ,,TT,51 -f SCHEDULE (*. AtitAx- 1956 Mirtn -.0 Ttot-r:L1-3,.30 Naze •C2,omimg o„ Daeo 0 No:10 , .::con - .f1„. XLiailIpTCYVVirdar:Li; DiztxAct Soo :955 :17cce Damage aecomotxnctiaT Oa; TRIoAmeagn Thfizlislacd iiieos ccoxiod om from tho pxcwmo None Cid bmaimcos oe- ttf_s elatcg R\TfLvAo :cfr)ctsF: 2WZ.:7•UOX te!--iff! Lict VII. Nag 13usinc,-;1F,, 1. Request for annexation, Hr:. --)erty„ PlocLlant Hill 2, Resolutions for Local Impr::T t District No, 33 3, Resolutions for Local Improvement District No, 37 4, Matters from the',(Axe 5. Other busincoL' to be added by supplemental agenda VIII, Adjourrz-k.nt 777 BOARD cpci.,-n,ed by supple, '1'956 8/23/56 Authorf,F,, CL7.-7,1a Tm77,1cc,-1 cnosuni:LLItillzt Chief Plant Operator a7.7Qintstaat3 c DarTel Bu ca Ez.n7f, 7T:.,clisont Laborers C 6 Salary incxuaseo for Jahn L\ionteoo Cactr:a CC:7y* Arland Andrews* Mfxod aihonand 12,7m-acte 7;',7:ap:41:0 7:ro.at completion of raolbatlarlax:7 poxiod cctcc of easemant3 jr?.xer. A"'1f( 9 Aer Concc irC Ace,,ptsimcc of casemento, in Local:s'aripEt'ova7v,i.Tzt :7kif7t,7,-A7,1No. 1 from NtaCOhlbaX 9 aeoxgc j, Culp* Dol, 5 :7Fo%',71,177, Spackuano Leola 3. Rughess, Ste:mzt 7-nme. J. ,'a:-.7diniere Robert L. Cirgiatianl, E, 71, Barn,Nf:las_1„d, Ylamxi©,c J. Blettelt Ban Narton,c) Eugene ,1032Lcff, an( 7,Tict4xx Bexgez.on Acceptance of easements in .Local .17Cop.57.o7ammt 38 frcn Canvillco alencla R, Mayt vocyx5ic. 3,D• ish21-:ke7,7e, 2ezcgissont Edward jo blezarato Garlic. LL Mia.!.':;(17p Lestex, iiftii Lib Barniz(fit, Dlichae: T:ozacq:71::Es, Boyd Iln.4e1::;_ln9 Stanley Pavoit,, Albert GoszczcZ, Ra7,7n-7.:2?(,::. Go Austirtz) • '2'r 0„ BlakE 41,9xana A. CIE.,:msghfms, :TaymeLtri ,to John He nc;C:0137-7c,'"? J1 and 77 j(5 -11)Z Request for IF:oc)C. Damage Reconstruction Co B. & G Construction Coe