BOARD MEETING - January 6, 1955
Z v
Roll Call
I l e Approval of Minutes
III. Approval of Bilis
Open Bids, State Highway Sewer Relocation III
Ivo Hearings:
10 Local Improvement District #29
2v Del Arroyo Subdivision Annexation
V. Old Business:
A. Unfinished business carried on from previous meeting:
1. Proposed Ordinance for rebating funds collected for
excess capacity lines
2. Publicity program.
3. Annexation of Hughes Ranch (Old Norris Ranch) Danville
B. Old business specifically set for this date:
1. Bond Issue
VI. Reports:
A. District Manager
Bo Counsel for the District
VII. New Business
10 District Manager requests meeting with Board Members during
recess regarding personnel matter
2. Brown & Caldwell report
34 Acceptance of Easement; Joe E. Ellsworth
4. Certification of eligible list for Draftsman
5. Appointment of Draftsmen
6 Matters from the floor
7 Other business to be added by supplemental agenda
VIII., Adjournment