HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 05-07-1953SCHEDULE OF BUSINESS Roll Call. Yl. Reading and Approval of Minutes. 1 1. Approval of Bilis. IV. old Business: A. old Business Carried on from Previous Meeting 1. Resolution approving assessment diagram for L.I.D. #27. . Adoption of Resolutions necessary to institute action - on L.I.D. 28. Request of D. C. Peacock, Jr., President C. Dudley DeVe bins Co., . relative to authorization for issuance of permits for the tieing in of house connections in Lafayette Valley Estates Unit #4 8. old Business Specifically Continued to this Date: 1. Hearing on the Amended Resolution of Intention for L.I.D. #26. 2. Request of Lawrie Construe ion Co., for relief of connection terms set on property located on La Cuesta. V. Reports: A. Engineer B. Attorney VI. New Bus .nee a : 1. Discussion of Citizens Committee Report, Mr. Tuesing Chairman. 2. Request of -Walnut Creek Meat Go., for Board policy relative to connection of waste line to District sewer system. Request of J. P. Marchant relative to connection fees for Los Palos Estates. Protest of 4m. Rhodes relative to 6' V.C. sewer line. Request authorization to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire easement from Lona S. Boege1 to provide sewer service to Vita Tract. Annexations: a. Request of Mr. Davi d Holstrom, Danville Community Services District for joint meeting b. Request of Mr. Ernest G. Chilton for permission to connect to District sewer nw 1 , !- ... ,... ,.,rl.t ,� .R 11M T T1► May 7, 1953 Agenda (eontinue tl 7► Matter from the Floor. $• hlagisseer requests authorization to hire one (1) treatment plant operator @ $325.00 per months 9. other Business to be Added by Supplemental Agenda. VIZ. Adjourxment# May 5, 1953 c the is 0ie 3caizl "*Jent7a1 Coni a Cox. Sanita:7y nc1osod with tilde 'ec, you Ti:7111 recoe the cusoria.,,..y mf.r_utes of the last, ff',Deting. • In acition thereto You will f_nd 'a -»s zasencla for the meetf_mg 7the This 47: s f.r4..ten.elei a a of a sugg.ast;ed p:? o e dcazle whf.e",n. 7}T c 3:24:::ifizmec: or C.f. s c ont, n-J.e d a c o the C. s e sc2 ajor:I:17y of re io As you --e all aVra7.1e, have /ong felt; reesf.-4,?able that all rompers o od bc advf.sea. :In advance of those raatters whIch 1-;1ey will be expcotscI. to Cdsauss and dete=ine at any meotf_r_go At one ti!..me Ye:re E.Civicied. that -The naf,..1Lr.,2; oezendas in advance o 1.3 meeting would place an undue ",:).",ircLen an 'Gaff • Flee en.t d cisson 1th the neo am: ti 30cretary indicate that no additional worlc '07111 b :volved if such aztrnda and ',12.e minutes of the r):-.,evf_o7;u3 meeting 1)(13 placed In one mailings and if my ma arrIsf..ncor afGer Tuesday :loon be n1c..3e.d. on a suppler:en-bal aTend,a deslre also to ca= rx.7. the fo7r1 of the proposed agenda. a7e 3elf-oxpLazto7y. It;era should appear only on tho eci7...anda fo:-. the fillzt. neeting of each month. I a.= advisedby the -.&vf_neor that all of the bills which are to ',Devierea. a.7ac.2 e,orunittee are generally recei_7,fredat, tfr.”i fli,st o1 tae monthIn orde:7 to relieve .1:al.:a ma:It:L:474 co,emittee :or the pressure o checking ::!.1.1s c?b,z,:r?'rp; tale neotInE, .these w,11 be made avaLlac at any t riaeting hour° It is hoped that .1.,;1-.1F; =Latin,'" e, b e s eire 1rro', the :In t f°11.'"St of the and ,the'4:wet:trig ate the half' ho' or E0 pre 7,71 CU S o11 oral up to gnnittee 7,71.1:1 ne5.:,7eon cr.'? no the ineetang. ,1,17.zora a 7 C ee.tre onL7,T f.t., ,o get t'...1.13 routf.ne "bus reds „.1,,,L,„ if ,Le c,_ e e one s TL1; 0 C, r otTaer matt e $ but iu.- also ()IL '37e t'le ' 'rr of 1_6 co ieo from att e_ _ , • • 4r,\ it r, ""' C ne-y e ,k0 - TZ:ou wf..11 1".:V 9 CD:...e 7-1; ne.,:s 9 !! 3 e ha El 'DC C -21C, In the past .611e 3oard, has not b Den ca-2reful ma"Lfe..ris 61:12- o s :ltd. on of _ma eL;,? ,t3 under ccvo ,Zat,-,:zOkaL action LE, a!fr.en o1/eflects, ane.. necessity 12 can mat,tel,. on any c,alemC,..ar0 Oft,en, however We F."7 e Cici: s, 3 ed. nat.'.--,ez'n to 2 concluof_ons, and Iff.thouttakinc, any e. of lie act.f.on 2txther df.sposfltion, lack or actIon p.1 acrJEJ an 12.:LL:e buzidea on the CacretazT 'pfho in t7n.en dleterrAnc o 7a,-.13 (nal tthefae-: to continue the natter on the caler.d.ae :.°1eeting oneetf;mg o to at ri1 sone Board merfer C uests that sar.e aa ln 1:1aCed on the a2;endae : y :;othat Lm tb..e nzture clay :Matte:, on thich the T:Jca:ntf.. doe F not .;ale na action .14111 be disposed elther by a. notion to tal,lav or a --mtf..on co2atinue to a sloecrIfic ciatoo S 777.11 11:-)t only serve as f.nstructions fo2? the Se3l-etc-:79 but will a cr.f.ticiGns heare, in the :pa3t, to the effect at the 3oal-d ier,foers Co not control t;:!aat business which is to 3 ortte 'bofca-e i 7hu_s, In the :Proposed agenda whf.ch Ls encice:a, you ,7111 flad that unff.1.-lishec: busIness, 4171chwas not ta-pLed, will cc carried noom meeting to meot'- unC..er oubdivisLcn (a), and unfinisheC business TAthich was spec7Iff_cally oxItinued to s'ome future date will automatically appeal" ander s72.-Dd-.1v71-ion Section VD ;-Zeports, is :Intended to 7,1rove a time and place or those report which theg,f_neer.9 a-ci:-,ormoy9 cr any Board member or employee desiros to nako tIs not anticipated that any r egular report frc.7. anyone a any particular tie ° It is, hoeverp ancf:patel hat by suc72 a procedure the Board 711 b, ker abreast and. informed upon cer-,ain matters which are -prpgress:!..n.u,9 Irr:; whirth have not yet reached a staF,e requf.ring 3oard act:Lono r2h1s sec-1,7Lor. is :purposely placed prior to :Tew 3.asf..7e3s Ln crif.or o allow actfLon on anyt,:::ing 7 hf. eh mayare :rng He',"")0-' t; 0 Section 77 ew BizsLness, self-z'x.:anato:?-,70 ant enp 1 a t ed that th e:r 177 _11 bo placed el' eon o z e matter o :.tc,: the ..:Amagenent deros b brirgo tc cin of :z..he Boare., as7317, Ls thC 30 1a..,/ el? S whicli,aZy (7) 1713Mb ',-.17? place 7...7. -Don the asanda. It, is to be noteci t.".ha--, a - - rode. fc,,-27) 1:Anging -may new matte IS :Jot on thc; ar.:enau. tatd above, tho p:y1,3.1.? pubLIcation-`',..;:ne ond t -no .p7.?onosed rniel,s17 inteded t'ii"IfIr r:OP C, 7,7$::: 7 a rcate CUT C --ne- orrcZ: ncere-- you:9 - 5 ,r"- arra::