HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 04-23-1953WARD OMNI IL 23. 1953 Is Pon caU 2, Approval AT sdtute 3• K!'. Nejadity wishes to bring to the attention eftthe srsMd ths fact tbat VMS after Vas submission of Um" ilsittimin Ferguson and Carollik *sport indisating that atter D#.striat and its esployoss are operating� In an tit' litnt �s�',r it wouldi that moors r� i�►lll beingludothrough �. M au /Alit et a meaba' ot the 1sar,that off3sienaX of Iiiisrc ais a ,► • today riahri to point irIhat time stalemate tea an artueste leastian on UseDistrIsto and Janson", astho3► roast* to tlar��ter. ION %Play wishes to ink out to Um, /Mardi the Mtuai tacts concerning imptnuee a� Distriet for Isgal services ever the est thy.* :roars* ]hM bYrlaosao Adjourn to Maw 7. at 8 100 ? ito 30.ARD OF DIRECTORS :ELLIOTT JOHNSON, President M. HOWARD STANLEY IRVNG C. ROEMER FRANK W. SALFINGERE ERNEST I. SPIEGL F CrAT N i2t.N . k.7:"' I r, HonorabIo Dist:?jt 3oard 32 vT., D'AEL.D 'FON .)2' IFICD RN! A SM .7 TEN, Se:retary 4:739 A HOittT7C0-,CT13, jor-:N A. NEJE :A., 'it, Atiorne.:; ?hoe 9325 It was my unertanding 1;.,7. the 7?pot -,,L'%pa::ted by t-nc. firm 1:eadman9 7erguson and Garollo maz to allay or Eta712o72t suspicions and rumors that have been ::bif el rs,lative to Distric managenent. This report indicates the; ,-;11.c pa-sonnsi are conscientious and efficf_ent, and that the adm-Inintr,ation o2 the District i being handled in an intalliGont and efffxf.nt manner° Unfotunately„ howveT, appearo tha ao ruovo ha%; not servad the purpose for which it ,Jcas Intonder: nor nas It dLscrodited v stopped the unfoun(f.ed cha:fTes of Inefficiency concerntlng Di trict empioyee or Di t,rict man-c.:emont. The Dir,„etors of this Board, b- virtae o the fact the, fney are the choice of the electorate, a2o presumeto speak wf_th. authority upon any item relative to i)iotrict affaira* r_leineL0,72ep wIlen any Board member by nuance or insinuatiom; Implios that th(De is samething to be desired, fr,on the standpoint of of_ther adminLstration or personnel, it '- reardo(L as be_ng Informat_on of factual nature() It has come to my attention that this Lm-orescAon been Efven llmitecl distribution and has resul':-,e(fl In a fne-Inz of uncertainty on the part of all employees o the Diatrioto If any individual of this Board feels that something La '.)einr, done in a manner that is not consistent wf.th Df.sxict thtoresto 1 would taka it as a -Dersonal Lavor to havo thoso 7...attes bouglat to my attention in an open noeting, so ha t: ce-ftIczed :Inividual has an opportuntr to defend htmself ratethan to find that critic,,. 171 of the Distrct or Its ,„,.L.I'DM.yees made, In vate discussion ILIcoraely yours ,.,,,• „,,, . ,,....,, 1 :, ,,, , • 1..41 4.% • HORSTKCIThr: Jr° 7::`. BOARD mEETING APRIL 23, 1.953 Roll sill. A, rovol of amu . D11su.111iva1 of floadioni r+ r11ro/1 Adjourn to May 7. 1953, at 8s00 d earoll. Rim