HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 03-05-1953sorts Bvsx�ss BOARD MEMO - MARCH 5. 1953 1. Pion mil 24 Approval of stimitis 3 °pan bids cm L.I.Do Sr? #�. Rearing on R#solution or Intentim on L.4.n. 26 5. Request Por co.mectian terns. 1 Rfactuest of • Csr for the os ablishmen of connection Una on cels! 2 to 10, inclusive. border .$, Ft, Di►b to Blvd's, oast et efts • RaIi.neer recommends two alternates for connection torus. nue on mer b *�} � on cornis zonin restrictionsa Parcel 2 ft a p ft et N M 10 .:00 00 600.00 iga.:+o 15000 106.00 50.00 150.00 2!;'0,1+0 1100.00 Nnginoer rs t $100 0t per Request of ifaiC Doke Reality Compemr !`cam the ostabilftwat commotion texa on property located off Hilltop Cressant Primo adjacent to.L•r*Do 404.0 Ttvineer rectuimends that • tunec ti rsn term b. set its Ow =tuut et 00 bizi site for the two properties front" on i].l.top cDrive. Properties sMrvad by main extension fr th* saw in Hint Crescent Drive be ids mount of $100.00 per building site. Request of A Z ;Wilson for ostabUsivient or CeM3I0 tion terns for Elden Gardens. Inasmuch as this proper sill be served by a sewer initilld by the subdivider inuer r0410CP1011da oceinection tonna b* set in the aount • 4100•00 per building sit.* Iteguest of Lafayette School District for +rqitabliabsont of ca;uaec:tion tie fax' achoal site near tharttom Station an St, Marra Rost, T.at'ayatte.tgineer arosMmmMnlls that connection term be pert the atrtnunt of *110.00 per sloes a4� K ► �*must at t Perpas `l18 Selma Drive, I.at*� for the ostabl,ishment of connection terms* Engineer that connection tor= be set in tit amount of .00 for the churdh buildi s that amount bottle the unit Amimen'!: for t..iwD..�� th the, provision that; X21# Church Ohell r+e-op 7 'when desire sQrViCe for their Regasst of St. Karla Catholic Ctun tar *stabil.of connection terse p erty located on San Pablo Dam Road between Bear Road and southimost betuularf t.h. District near Manzadtike neer rectmoinall that **refection terms bite set in itte *mount ar $1000•00. with an annual service (LI:tax 3SO,OO to M k3 y ti7r the Retwast of Astarte I, Clark for es tlishment of 4033:11400 UMW eft WO building �.t+�s locstdon ot Websut �on Walden Way at the vd, ettr recornonds t etionection term be est in the int of Ittet3S.00 pow building siltes that amourit being equal to the u,,,nit t:of • Request of Merchant Construction Gattpanj' for the °stabil t conneetion toms on lot situated neer intersisitlim of Los Palos Driv. Void Gaensidet Dirty** Engineer Y"eematisnda that oortnection be sztablialhed in the iiiiiitant of ..7q68.00 per buil site. said =aunt b oqual to one unit er aseessmonst for L 'aloe(' semi. win serve this yIrope Coat/Ail" request of Danville Corliunity * Distriut for a meeting with the aoard ,to discuss, on a basis* the possibility or annexing the Danville ar o the Sanitary District Consider requset from ibis first 1' Haattotan. Periguso Cerrollo for an extension (If two vieelal report Ime for sabssission of t t 1 Consider nplic tion et 1118hea-lowerstfor a tion or 33 acres located et the end of !Ifaureen Lame in the Iltegory Gardens area. laser has prepared a preliminaryestimate for geiret*installati:Jn in the Pheem Elahianitta extra* (LiX.D #28) 10. Road letter of Halloran, Hiller* t Driveo ink California* Fr umlaut ion Ito 77 . Establishment of job classification of Steno4 ark, Resolution ,has bees prepared and is auk lAd. to he Board for approval Cosi tr application of Providence Baptis hurch to relief of e estabilshed by District EnTincer, ontinite discussion can Permanent* Hos itelw 11*. Papeont.. of bills, 2,5 New businesse. 1, Adjourn to next no Ing.