HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 01-29-1953/4‘6( fre-14-
Roll call.
Rase ofe
Request for connection tem
1. ?+e4uQst at fit Taylor for the estabZ3.sdamant of
connection terms an .. , perty locat�d on Oakland Avenue
end ac+�%�
� to .2 �,� �5. inasmucht, as a .�► extensiont, be required to servo this property the E.nser
recommends that connection terms he set in the smount of
0100.00 per building s3.te.
Request act Beryl Wald for the estiblishment of connection
terms an property l�cated an No, 5 Elliott Drive adjacent
to L.I.D* 11,. Inammudh as amain line extension is
necessary to so this p��e�s'► She Engineer rocommends
that connection terms b s0 is the amount of t100 00 per
btLtl.din* site*
Request at K. A, wise far the establishment of comhc(:L' --):i
terms as property located an Timothy Lane adjacent .to
T.I.D. ♦ 3 building sites* IT1A$nuch as i'1: main line
extension is necessary to serve this prap etbe Engineer
recommends coc ti on terms be sot; 3.,: amount of
A.0040 per building site,
Request of J. 1, cavall+rra► for establishment or eaurection
terms on property losatod an Luau Rand adjacent to Lk1'O.
#11* as amain lime extensien win be necessary
to ser'vAt this prop.rtj the nnctneer recommends that
connection terms be est in the amount of 100.00 per building
bistsiaxt of ?eminent* Hospital.
�.. ltequast of W. II. Minor for Board reconsideration of the terms
estiablished at the Doc .er 4ft. nesting
C)ne3tler request of Robert Platt to release the band pasted
anteei r :: X10400 per lot far the Inland Valley Tract* At
tip t * u band was posted, no set fee for sewer connection
mem in effect iii the District* 'r* ?Jolt placed 37 separate
�#1o4ks an dsposit with tbs District an4 nails parable to the
Dia*rtat to qualify these properties for connection to the
District sewer system, To date, 26 lots have boon built u�►ar�t
and subseQuently conn3cted t syster0 ho fees
for tliese 26 lots have been clopositorl "Dy the District° ::.ro ??1,at.
requests tliat inasmucTa as :1-2.e does not arr',7iiciDat' bulleLfzig on the
balance of 11 lotc,J, that t'lle ccco cover:Ing these lots be
to him wIth the atipulation thaioii': desfLr(,?,,a oras futu:ni
date D to connect tese pope7tios to tho DIstrIct sewer system
that he will apply fol., connect.lon terns on thee -oropertir,s at
ico r C nd he Board concur s
6 Engineez vogues s c ati on of the po rent f; 2
CarI le Me SfInnson, ':Lcomas 32istoll an: Deth Scott),
Re ion have -poen preparod for the abovo
„Loais 0
/70 Engineer and Attorney wiL eh to discuss Irlth the —r,_EL2e, the nattei,
of d..7ntribution of funds on I0D. #.130
o7utions are prepared to institute the act_on„ on 26 (t 27
19 Eneer requests that President and Secretary Ile authorized to
execute a "Hold Harmless" agreement win the Di3trict gardener°
1100 :Request the District Board to authorize use of funds set aside
plant expansion on the preliminary engineering otudy on s-ratera
Board attentLon Is caned to letters from E0 Ao Re:,
Bureau of SanItary Engineeeingo Ho L0 Blum,ealth Offf_cer
and 00 T,70 :7,1c,Farl al Id 9 General 1‘,1anager:, Eas'it; Llay Munf.,311)(3,_
7 w busineE;s,
4 j to regular eo:u