HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 08-07-1952SCHEDULE OF BUSINESS MEETING Or foirrITT-m 7, I952 a 1, Roll Call. , 2. Reding of Minutes of previous meeting. 3, Repairs to Aileen Street was held for written approval of an property owners. 4. Ordinance for construction of sewers wr-s held from July 2k for study. 5, Requests for connection terms. Acaianes Vp110 Unit Boles and Soule, letter indicates that they desire to provide r-Taxity service to a pump station which they would install of r. canacity to accommodate 311 building sites. Is it the desire of the Boord to take over operation of and urintenance of this pumpinN st-tion until such time as the are above the plimp stntton develops to a point where grovity service will be provided? . Miller Place TIM ette, J. II. Holl fee o Lot 1 • wal.--0 amb Engineer recommends 0.00 per site. p Y. Enc neer recommends site, ct, "T. H. Miner. Engineer recommends fee be ower was beld for plot plan which hs been received.. Lincoln Estctess Hr. Nejedly advises his opinion is that this comes under the "Moraga Agreement" - no connection fee. Lot_18 Mors,Ra MidlNuls, George C. Haas. At the meeting of iiry 22, 1952 the Board withheld fee pending cost to property o-cmer of ins;r1ling force main rInd pump. Cost to owner was 4745. Recommend connection fee be waived Una_ Court. Hilton Winter. Engineer commends -fee of ,100 per site. Fair Orks School contract. The District Attorney gave approval subject to changes on page 2. 7, Request for annexation - Robert E. Lee, property end of Lucill- Rord. 8. Civil service revision is prepared. Request approval also of orgmi zat ion ch f- rt. 9. Notion in Book 6 page 137 regarding Seer tFry reads ,100 which sum includes the secretry's sp_lxry.and Director's fee.," Request clarification of amount since Member Smitten resigned from the Board. 10. A petition has been received from property owners north of Pacheco (set up as LID 25) requesting the District proceed. 11. Aoprove or disapprove clause in McNevin easerv,nt, (11,c'xi;zer Job) 12. Hedgewood Park connection fees. See letter from Mr. Cline, v- 74)4, 1,equesting reconsideration. 13. Request increase in Petty Cnsh Fund from ,5O to and permission to reiniburse the fund during the month if necessary. 14. Jones Hill contractor for ;srl ne Gardens sewer request for progress payment. 15. Lcfayette Meadows, MrGabriel requested ari audience. 16. Pay bilis as approved by the Engineer and audited by the Auditing Committee, 17. Mrs. Casebolt esigned due to ill heplth. 18. Mrs. Phillips requests her resir;nrtion be 1...(cept d to be effective not Irtr thrn August 22, 1952. 19. Adjourn to Aull t 14, 1952 at t00 o'clock p.m. v 71'1.1_1 -i‘tr ETFCT: ,T1'17 15. 1 57 .1:7=Igt opporiaism 6140 ',!rril lPickford 6141 74.Site /;ki,blytt fV2 '110111:7 J. t Gina 6143 &nes !1d 6144 John envier 614$ aria I. McFall 614 Thomas K. Mills 614.7 roneld Nutti 6114.8 Joitex& Semoni 6149 :Neter tteerty 6150 Jams Kin 6131 E tenley S. Koller 61.5? Prodamov WI 4 If:rid ch 6153 rfaxik Beach 6154 Piotty Cm& 6155 Calif. 'tinter -ervies 6156 f:orbt Co. (.40qF 6157 61$6 .0. *F• 6159 a 9r. 6160 Charles Tura 6161 Ce.ottra Coate, ..A7rv.ie 616z t. Lloyd raith 6163 miat Johnigon 6164 V. U. Cott 6165 g L'71filtten 6166 la V. 71‘ole.nd 6167 Pa z.'4,1.4,0A/ore (166 Noon* Ninsett 63,69 Jack 'est 6170 Virgil -1f/r4 (171 PresS e L.Fly 6172 -4oge 7zokk* 6171 Jorma Pros, 6174 lorothei 6175 rotty Courbolt 6176 • Ulysses 7. catlo t t an Luta*? Clank* 6176 Ames Com 61 ?stow' J. tit i)Vfl1%i (Mc J. E. 11*(41 6181 James lite 6162 John nrerrer 6183 Clifford Ran 61E4 Pre& No" 6185 raid Hanoi 626 Retort Pitnlopos 6187 CIA. Peptise 6168 a. A..1:cerstkotto, Jr. 6109 Louis Furl*, 6190 Marren 3fteen 6191 lkert **". Arleasa. 1025.58 .ftne Payroll AtlarY 117.90 O 11140 106.29 $ 113.48 1022.3e 106.29 O 117.90 100.10 • 1(0.10 Denosit rotumd 20.00 20.00 20.00 • • 20.00 etty Cali& 44.34 r-reat. 71ant vat.? 110.70 :deice rs.s 12.26 Vamp. Float unter 10.2E ff. f 'Lazne ,ovitir 477.19 1,ff 6 •)1,..intiat pbertes 150.42 Pe '41for Parcels. 7..xr 22 2,0.87 Nay &nitor ramie, C5.00 July (!ardwal service 80. X' -trector a less 15.70 1• • 10.00 % 31.40 30.42 • 13,46 alma? 327.06 1 .n.09 57$.02 47 264.,8 179.8P 56.3? 252.04 37,56 F-5994 )59.06 • 126.46 1,4p9 yr.97 3r.71 O ,-17 300.16 O 771%16 O 1 345.'1 11.66 tab 70481 11,087.00 ridwrifaL 63n 6193 sig 6195 6196 6197 619e 6199 62D0 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 6206 677 E2D8 6209 6210 6211. 6212 6213 62]p 6215 6216 6217 6211) 62E9 6220 6721 6222 bre) 622+ 6223 62x6 6227 62x8 �9 623o 6231 6Z32 G?3g Marvin Ileastiok C1 •i. . Pktniu . os Warlane C. M. lielobee C. Nett Mort D.. Mitt Abort Nstr Ronald U 41 jsd ' t ?oarsart Ilvdson morns 3. Jul* 9suireid . s r 'E' east! ?Wm' apfpe 1.1.14 Wet F. radtten r1e 'Tucker tm neer ..as DoagLas '-std. raesard ottani warren..1111U vilkine C.C.C. .. Cr. Won PhysiclAnst Servies Cwt Tresmurer Federal 'esetris Amik Ritehards Mei Rao areasa Vo an Tion Com Roses Ulm Mier *+i lett Idzknon, �. nt• .. a T. Ilona rammer City a I. C. 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 • • 1 • 0 • • ItIttploysee post* retireseut tithhelit 'Deposit Tyrant 1 0 1 1 1 0 Of Plants qtr 'fie 'rs serviis Ifni* lowlier em total Peraged Pa .1 Seto 325.09 •x,09 92 44.67 233.41 392.33 z90•SS u7,16 508.98 404,10 x2.92 147 M. 93 44 117.3b M4'? 231.E3 92.48 ]D6.7b 2904,21 29'9'.94 907.&5 369.T/ 44619+ 1 387.00� 166.80 2.063.3 2.045.30 2000 3.92 8.% 4,34 bh.y9 1.66 32.02 5.N1 rl+p 132,0 1bfQT 1.00 4.?J6 114579060 13.7.00 ?4.666.60 Se II= PIP APPROVAL MIXT 192 Gilson ftazp347 tatsvetto 'Nadal P. C. Mashs, C to. Marysiall Pacific Pipe !Inoue, Tillage Edwre. Athaltra %tatilw Rama nit Amortises/04e Atkinson nrindisor A. Carlisle $! Co. Conduit Construction Cryntra Ott into Parts Cimrtra Costa ft. Machtno centre Coati% ttittioners !WU Printing fteiss Metros Co liartskuks. Moro amen Peed 'adoration, of Uoidage Ater°. ilt1SOSI ftwor Notts Therdvez. Maud 14verwritior Latitratte rental Tateratt. 'Are Service Layette lira :ergrice 1.13735-1Nat Co. Z. T. Lucas Jos bides Utetss Ylotors Mcrerfati co • rousal rUrsery PsOsibou Tite9s# R. C. Yaobsao tifI"'too. nos& Miner rasa. O. Kontomen. tlard Oct. Neal %mot Orirda rountr7 Club Pacific Coast Aggremtee Parka Lumber ?rocs*, rrtgineers Lydia V. Refits Ritlisnes lastber Joseph T. Ryerson John?. remodl. foomirs. -*Ow* Os• Siam Co. ique4414-414-1804,----r4wrc:. Tryst. net Oats Vali. ]eat otmstruetten * 0 * 0 0 Treat. 'INA supplies Prints trn Nialut. supplies -v. ?Ism* eurplias LTD 18 bond folder* LTD etc. 1 Falleck rant. Tett flapplies vitettipissit mar* offlos Offlesseriles ,ting t !leering sup, Iles N*. r:veolt. 7lants aup1to* WM" supaies Mies =mits Treat. Plant supplies Supplies rilitle albinirt LTD• last winip vital -ruck serrictist. Jana * vI atty Treat, ;last **air LID lac. Office ride. LTD ate. Track siarvioing no. sairsty- spites Treat. Plant sapplise LIT sta. supplios Lant no. tvdTio rerair LID I. *fluty-. maid rifft.nolg. rerair Truck tires Two, * Mts. etales ,.41! TV mar kt, mtpplt.s Trost. 'UM sit1ee *pi mete, reviser Office ?id& mkt -lant rtitc. 104 eowtrago .7reat. -last 'applies surplates 1) Total (for approwl) 7proard Pigs 2 Ea Total 1,03140e 8,00 2940 3.4.65 9144 1642 1.33 511iM 22.50 p.6.3 21.4.00 11.29 17,00 25.25 200.27 ,71 se,72 )4c.40 2.37 32.82 806 100.83 55.37 64.54 66.90 7?. 06 12400 169.23 62101 it41,45 1/344 55.03 42,66 21.60 6.75 21% 10 • 2,64 V.70 10.45 242 59.10 4.147 33.78 15.4e 120e; 211.56 3 67e.40 24 666.60 26 314,5.00 Southwest Nowt Tool S tandard Oil evia Co. Co. *tve I, Tbewpson Unionr ito t '•� C. Mott Mittal V. , Studio .• . vupplies Oast oil rse -Vgishipro Lam` 2 +� Plant atTspites 0 repair Otfloi 1agi. owns' 0 ate = pp1ts Me. ate. Prints ids sewer, Polite- tub Total (for tipr ) fore r 440 for &wawa Total for Awroind A & 7 "wrung e 2 26.21 124.19 7E.15 50020 z3.65 5. 7.97 36.21 0.84 x'.14 :15.80 4,296 70 24.ti66.a ;z6.963.30