HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 05-01-1952/MU Call. v'. ✓'R.raainc at % L4st MIXD01#7: Or lajmon WI 4.01j" ea ot provious riootirr • tlittUty t reuitiest for olyvisation et Priti taty oontintrql tron Incti Mations for o p tad at lib* lost istotisig vivo halt for study* e aoir /4rt FLE-f-t 1,754,k, tat Cials Owl * ?kV and ativrasi Cowan* maleoltAt goeursit tar nab Wiet *stonily* Arts And own Lane. Thikir eabitentsit112,7 Inotallott tit) tafts. utb'i. IPer * weplp_MOSsaaiay fer the .'ht's atialatian of lb* °Ando, Partala Preece:ft Lin.. Quttst from amass Txtriti Ito tel litierra 70 "Ay ezt ion • tiono for topt.D. 22 atia $tsrtottNretto :46(01 ‘frtrec-Alte oonneetionfe,' of 3 tor Vallsei 3ebool, ib. ezonterit for tie vain tame: Otter tram Ituttii crto I* tot t),11 (?)117 OTI 'trod mum. of (mart of .t u t , 14, ton 04vir ton She beds, nitteirti Let 01 Aletveftil ,pri n-,'-utv. vfr tit-* oh vas astv.$4.4 t in LI airwl ` riltWerventled Val connection Th� y: LL a min Un witertatart conetructed b '* /14 4a0 .hoilentrArrtroritf o ii tr coot% tabilio unit 3. ,emona ea Carr "otactn i• qxitikitl a main cover and aon to dhim tbat.er is opturtruatnd t* (wrist to b�s*' all meta iv,refit 4ttLn Lfa std. tot LID 24A t eitowfmtion tit to ;IIf thin tom Via,; rrt ,,jegitier Almelo_{ -3` .40 permit has beer issued) conotruotion 010. enotroate vitt Pokinessr, mob:* Loath _ riC or tiIle:'''r 3.0 I9St U. Dowd sift 13 tete or 4304 for /the ProPerti• It 13 recossassilid Viet too roman t?* me v 0 it.NIG is direct M. -et x 1 Usti 0Lt» roe te ter the re til,es to f et the ,a *Ina ctml t'ndervooti Uwe" ritwy. valley 'WA' fee of 100 pr,r all mato of conotettotto, 32:117 tourers. • I fosuri S4 vo4,20 atm, tictj eitioullmt4 *Ida* 1114, tiVontiewt ambuttitts *rm. guar arnvoz itcrout oft stwistrortx“ MS':gnapixtv avnattAtos %tot ,, m is ...441cettl etaa sa mune putv ..QoL,gm Sq. veAthrdatt ,n nue &.;/I •'priYS�[�!1J�=ecn1 �Mi V� poS'!=�'Te A4 ttVtCu„jcr nittV �A:�!3� ,�. 'mums '. �+' ,A t��'t' jjifi �F1L1"1 :..., �`l�Vi IWO '•.:.. Wm � ^T' $M413110d XV of Tuve dQ place. e9Y'�+D(r eaMuuet Ms milli '' ,Kj” :s0ti oDS��= notai+ na�4"i"uz'ix"a.:�+'t" :0 *T�l tt uo Mum $Sm Jo OS T v�fs' and I Writtkt.tal# • 1141440.:6414) i4011 *1441 itW wen Ltaj;YgCi+20t410n 004i23 s%Aliitmp atouim AVM= wit IUNS, 4r utrSoveTPotaAat• lu014140 "'VW NaMI19 *iiu2031000 Ota n'i Waoz; pin t4aoO mitt dooi diVitiowere acSzaitinY �,. , J 7 'soft_ toms2 wanaa�'t��� po afcc3.4 o„ *.i Os sc+i UNoatkT 'Ai Va. M/^iWlltI latS tritri4 3m 44114441 t •Xt 4•94* .404ogowleui altistKo WOW" 421 �'imStod � foeaass►,a►: �p�q opt a�4a�s�ea+�3 •sit 40.1 �'[3+nt,�GW 'SYS .444.41old sifoutrtevt .41 tiOntat.44 Wotan. s 40 itilsOs rpm tussaa *JhO eti Nfr tatsonincuola jiootr ass uonosuloo vievuotzmat onett *WOW CI 40/ *trot $4.470:*Jowl° ispaadetzd imstvg 44 424 uatatinx#. sew rim 01M: wirtzz,"$0 voo Ira 1104 Ual VISWOU4041.14 %mat swim gowctli infeirk, proti "WA AVOW *Mk. 644 414 Suaotz ;moo ots, art auvargixoq 00W of »s utO tli[� Iri; YW'Y NOW* 444,43-0.04t.i, M r WOO 1110101100111011.4 410: Setotinty Iszza.4 Nam SC 25 Lewis Dannels 26 C.C.u.z,,D. BILLS PAID SPT0 L 7, 1952 A.1.2.111 Sewer iltension LTD 14, 8O04 ,070.00 882147 Mr.rch Payroll itE 5789 Feirbankf, Morse Deroeit Refund, Plans 20.00 5790 Victor W. Sauer ,:.,alary 616.06 5791 Petty Oaph Petty Cash 28.35 5792 Oalifornia Vater Service Treat. Plant water 110.10 5793 Coast Co. Oft* &Electric Office gas 11,49 5794 P. G. & E. Office & Plants power (9- elec. 956.0 5795 P; T. & T. Pump. Plant phone 16.25 5796 Oakland Sever Construction License De2osit Refund 100.00 5797 Centre Costa Service . Janitor service 85.00 5798 D. Lloyd Smith Garclening.service 80.00 5799 riliptt Johnson Director s Fees 15.70 5800 Y. M. Valott to N 15,00 5801 H. M. s!Atten s s 15.70 5802 N. V. Toland 4 4 15,21 5803 P. E. Wipdsworth ii is 15.98 5604. G. A. Eorstkotte, Jr. Salary 559,34 5805 John Veiledly ii 476,88 5806 C. M. MtPhee K 459.87 5807 Mora Phillims K 2470:11 5808 Moroller Cady 4 181.0 5809 Tea Sipes ii 178.47 5810 11. Y. 5*Titten N 90,36 5811 Oeorre Brokke ft 402.17. 5812 Carl relson 0 545,91 5813 Jack Best K 227,31 5814 Joseph Prost K 266.08 5815 Cliffprd Ball II 305,17 5816 Prod Hannan K 245,41 5817 Donald Rene' 4 315.57 5818 Clyde Hopkins 4 304.76 5319 Lots Hurley 4 305,21 5820 D. Lloy. Smith 11 234.87 5821 Merle Tucker N 276.86 5822 Ler VElentine N 297.9 5823 George Warren, Jr. s 307,47 5824 Archie L. Blythe 3 50P.02 5825 George Permett 9 346.25 5826 Darrell Jensen ?I 393,20 5827 Lawson Weill 11 517.97 5828 James Corry 4 312.11 5829 Fred Wilkins 0 331.90 5830 Robert Einkton If 2(E.10 5831 Milton Mad it 250.65 5832 Robert •D. :,fiott 4 456.87 5833 J. H. Dubpil if 333146 5834 Lather Clinton if 378.72 5835 Melvin Klemmick is 295.48 5836 Albert Ilurphy 4 244. 31 5837 Douglas raid fi 322.98 5838 Leonard Vald 4 291.41 tib Total 15,50.9 5839 58140 941 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 C.C.C. Imp. Fed. Cr. Union County Treasurer Federal Reserve Bank Calif. Physician's Service Barry Robinson Amos Hill P. T. & T. City of W. O. Ermloyee0 Deposits Retirement Fund Withheld Tax Group Dues rns-oection Deposit Pef'und Fee Refund. Office 8, Treat. Plant Alonee Office v*ter Sub Total Forward Page 1 Sub Total Man ; 4o4.00 2,177.93 1,881.90 145.4o 27.94 9.00 124.65 3.15 4,773.97 15,542.53 Se BILLS PCM. APPROYAL MAT 1, 1952 Lafayette Rental R. C. Machado W. C. Hardvare 1.W. C. Sheet Metal 3, W. C. Studio 3 Fugene V. Winter Co. Czi Aslco Blue fAmerican Public 'Iprks Assort George Austin ,r19,44 Bennett Supioly Co. 11. Carlisle Co. s. Century nectric 3 Contra Costa Stationers it Alf Dahl 4. Man° Printing Aetzgen armere Teed & Supply isher Research Laboratory Ginty Su -1y 114,0 &omeli te Corpora tion CharlQs 5, Hughes Co. vInertol Coo. Inc. A Inland Typewriter Co. WaYette eLeseure Co. c. "T. Lucas uos Yotors 4.1,3bert D. Mott Paul Iiavel 7 Process Engineers John T. Schroder Shields, liarper. 8? Co . Southwestewer Tool Co, ',Standard Oil 00, ,s -State Conmensation Insurance 4. TO,...S tate Supply Corp. itTnion. Paper Go. glit. C. Hardware q V. C. Sheet Metal re.W. C. Studio Fred_ wilkin., )/D. K. Young umr. Plant construction tt Treet Pump. Prints for construction Pump. Plant construction Prints Service IPee Pum. Plant supplies t4 Bands Pump. Kart wuprliep 0 & Office supplies " suppliez1 °face supplies Engineering 'applies Supplies 71uIpment repair Maint. surplies Treat, Plant pump re'air LID & M.T, Maint, sup:nlies Treat. Plant supplies Off. supplies e epulD. repair LTD & M.T. maint. eoul..c. rental eient. supplies LID Maint. Truck servicing Convention extenses Pump. Plant supplies Treat. Plant supplies Insurance, nanket Thud Maint. supplies Gasoline Initial premium to 5/1151 Pump. Plant wupplies Off. & Pump. Plrnt, marmites Supplies Registers for Offl e -1dg. Prints Kent. gupplies " eoutp. rentaa. Total. for APprovc.1 Ma Forvard Powe 2 Total 1111410= 74.65 8.26 43.16 5.41 7.21 165,90 1.98 10.00 7.80 17.08 16.61 138.86 1+5.67 8.51 47.72 40.74 57.83 19,1+2 30,97 60.23 14.98 53.56 41.69 7.00 6.20 48.20 283.57 41.76 8.38 67.28 665.37 5.34 1+7.87 92.9e, 1,329.30 7.51 14,48 68.19 77,05 10.84 15.00 20 00 3,729.50 124,046. 00