HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 04-03-1952CULUIA OF BUOJAS Ow* Roll Call 0, vfNeedin,tit lams**, of two previous me*tip. 3,v1(r. Nejedly has preparod the necessary resolution for kr, •rry A. Horstkotto, Jr. appointment as Lngin'er of ttril Co(ntra Cot a ',geritttry Dietrist. fr Request from Mr, mnof hrs. i11htti an Idward town fax an nudism, 10,1fttive to thoc/ndition of tallorest Pod, LID 24. vi3s1.441rMalr from K. L. Linitoin reQueetinr rtturn of connection to IA:Aettier from Bolster Arobinsqn, attornel for Harvey 4. Lyon, rogArilirw ~ft* witrvio* to th• Lyon roptrty in LI, 5. ( 70 *cutlet for coun'otien of addltioni classreone h% VAlleoito and Yontecito sehools. islleeito school gal. th* 'diartet a right of val through their propmrty for the Malt trunk and was not ehArrod a connetion fee for the Jimistinr sshool, konteeito sohoolo Wields of LID 2# wog ahnov04I1O plIr elitsproom. It ta recommends& thgt Vpllool%o achool bt ob4rged e conn'etion fee In asst of l'242.0 fax 2 cistesroams nntl Montelt', School pi f*A. Of *330 for 3 elaesrooms, ,./ 8 VIRequest authe)rity to charge the cost of sewer extensions to tho 80~ Construntion ;run# for the followinf 'rine 4mrdons, LIP 21 Ket,tme rrive thloblow) LW 14; and #vontt vista (io.nnison) LID 10 79.1/kr. Wejoldly has privarfad a resolution oroatinr Vito position of Sewer Maintenance Supmrinteneente- ts ssoordamse with ear1i144 instructions of the Nolord. It is nitsommended thAt Mr. Corry )* appointed to the position plondinv civil Vorvic, mxaminAdono 10, tAmolnations fax Sewer A4intimanoe 3uperintendent, Chief klant Operftter knd Are* Construction Inspqctor should i34,ir hold loofor June lo lq52, and regulftr appointments to the positions skde Wore thAt axto It is recommsnded that the smamln^tions be promotional and be giten orialy by a Board of ixaminersi With the general provision the* any onpioyols of the District who has tile necessary Qualific*. tIons be permitted to take the examinations th, premotion041 lAddler Mould be; a) Aesistent Xeintenance Man (b) Chief Plant Op0rator trots Plant Operpttor. (0) Area Construction Inspector from -ognior iungin string ;Ude P/i140ommunioation from Iniversity of California 'xtension 4Avislon that Melvin F. nemmick is currently enronfod in th, t*-xtenolon course of "Sewerage n4 vago Treatment". tiquier t. tnteT*flee Uuperintendent from titinten*nce Mon and 0.2 °oust; Street sower bill, When the City of Itislut ‘44eilk in- stalled a culvert in Locust Street a conflict between the nw culvert grade and thxisting Distriot serer arose. ?r. !• Young did the necessary repair work sn the sewer, with the moderrtanding that either the City or the Ilistriot would pay the bill It is recommended that the District pay the hill and turn the matter over to kr. Nejedly for oollootion from the City m* 4*Inut Greek. VI ow speoifIcations for main line sewer congtrustion have been written and g‘re ev*ilable for study. Th. ling1neor.0441wrr r meets that the speolficttions ndovt.4 In the near futon!, reliminAry request for Annexation of -.04ot Aay Municipal Utility District proporty near OrindA Cmossroads* The reoommendod sonnokotion fee Is '5O an mere for the grog's acreage whtsb will ' be 0,4ulvalent to ,750 per acre for usinepropr%j. Aso therst is the mAttor of coordinatinr this ruefor Annexation ,ith the Loundery Coumission ,,;,,ntri Coe'ta f,;munty 15 Any further busines* 16. Adjourn* Next reguipr meeting )04 1, 1932. yagm sc 19 c.c.c. RN 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 .5706 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 5716 5717 5718 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5725 5726 5727 5728 5729 5730 5731 573; 5733 5734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 5741 5742 5741 57144 5745 5746 5747 .5748 5749 5750 BILLS PAID SIN Konrad (obe1 Harry Robineon ?. R. Tomblin Calif. Water Service Coast Co, Gas 8. tlectric nast Bay Mhn. Uta Dist. Pacific Gas & )1e°. Pacific Tel. & Tel. J, R. Armetrong Conet. Contra Costa Service r. Lloyd. Smith :11iott Johnson ". Malott H. Y. Smitten H. W. Toland R. !. Wedsvorth George Pennett Ack Ileet A. L. Plythe neorge Brokke Joseph Prost Dorothea Cady Luther Clinton James Corry J. IT, Dabail Clifford all Fred. Hannan Donald Hetbel Robert Hinkson Clyde Hopkins Louie Hurley Darrell Jensen Melvin Klemmick 0. X. McPhee Robert D. Mott Albert Mrs John Nejedlr Carl Nelson roma Phillips Victor W. Sauer Te sen Sines D. Lloyd Smith H. M. Smitten Merle Tuckr Milton Vivi Elmer Valentine Douglas Wald Leonard Wald George Warren, Jr. tvon Will ?ret Wilkins MARCH 18, 1952 rttbruary neyroll AMOUNT 572,89 Inspection Dely)sit Refuna 25.39 w r.o3 Fee Refund 6,00 Treat. Pmt water 101.10 Office gas & servicine 24.76 Pump. Plant water 22.54 Tlectric & 'ower, plants & office 1436.35 Pum-. qants phones 19,65 License Deposit Refund 100.00 Jrnitor service 85.00 Gardening service 80.00 Director's Yee s 31,40 R 30.00 31.40 15.21 31,96 Salary 332.0 220,75 tf 490.44 434,89 266.08 181.08 318,20 301.71 373'60 305,17 234.55 315.57 27002 308,60 327.08 380.25 284.76 o 455.71 465.00 244.31 483.28 14 434.03 247.01 1$ 693,14 178.47 231.83 if 72,00 27606 247,76 11 29704 14 266.25 329,92 11 324.47 11 476.81 320.16 44 1.) To .1 14,035.78 yaU 5751 5752 5753 575L 5755 5756 5757 5758 5759 5760 5761 5762 County Treasurer C.C.C. Emp. Fed. Cr. Union Coll. internal Revenue Oalif. Physicians' Service Wmond Salisbury, Attly. Grant Construction Art Rine ford.3. Cooke acific Gas : f,acific Tel. 8, Valley Scavenger City of "Ialnut Creek Petirement Fund bal_loyees' Deposit* Withheld. Tax, March Group Dues, March Inspection Deposit Refund Fee refund et II 9 9 ?limp. Plant power Off, & Treat. Plant hones (z-xbage service Office water Sub Total J:orward Page 1 Sub Total MOUNT 2,165.38 404.00 1,809.50 145.40 15.44 10.00 3.00 3.00 126.41 1.00 3.00 4,708.55 14,035.7C 18,744.33 BILIS FOR APPROVAL APRIL 3, 1952 ▪ chamoion Lehto • L. I.:. Clinton ),1, Gilson Sup-r.ly C. Rardifere C. Studio Alhambra '.fater Lrtietic Tree c'urgerY 7!ennett Supply Pomaces raun-Knecht-Heigiann L. L. Burror Co. A. Carlisle & co. L. E. Clinton Contra Costa Stationers Empire Foundry Farmers Feed & Supply ,Anty Supply Hubbtrd & Etau Inland Typewriter Lafayette Tire Service Tescure Co. Lucas Motors R. C. Machado Paul Nave, Orinda Motorz Reichhold Chevrolet Standard Oil Co. Tri-State Supply Corn. W. 0. Hardware • C. Studio D. X. Young Turn. Plant construction ,rcnt. Plant construction w 21ant construction Prints ilant supplies Trc'e surgery Treat. Plant suppli• es Office Bldg. maint. Survey suprlies Pump. Plant supplips Bonds Treat. Plant maint. Office sup,plies Maint. supplies LTD & M.T. Maint. supplies Mint. supplies Office supplies Trjr servicing supplies Tru.ck servicing s repair Sup7Dlies Truck service Truck servicing Gasoline & Oil Pum. 21snt supplies Supplies Prints W. C. • er re -air Total for Approve' April *rorware Total 42.2.1MEL AUDITTNG COMMITTYT AMOUNT 5.00 10:3.00 30,47 13.05 2,00 3,60 128T47 20,65 11,58 48,42 3.23 883,48 5.10 15,20 181.15 67,79 64,75 10.45 7.,52 59,40 36,92 66,73 2.00 52.14 7.50 107.70 182.07 33.84 29.06 57.11 138.32 3 2,376.20 18,74,4.33 21,120.53