HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 03-06-1952C4 95 (%i• 1C.:SZ j" -/1„1/- Ron Call 2.,7Aeading of minutes /.,0('Oors and read bids for the installation at Pump and E vAanesgas at Um, Sewage Tritatment PlAnt • *solutions approving Assessment Diagrams Lit 22 & LID 23. > st Bay Nun. Utillly District room.* to serve Shell Oil Co. 2n lift of 3rad1eyl3 Martin at crossroads under the 4700 per yenr etwrge mit by the Aa,trIct *1 the maeting of Maroh 1, 1951. brsdley's hove moved from East PAY iroverty. • tter from Mr, Keith :iennleon regarding sower serviett to tor, Lot 2 Oriada Villa Park. 7,17Lett,r from Mcaroy ocincorning condition of Pierson There aro etverol chuck holes in WO adjacitnt to t e main trunk sewor tronch, These could be repoir4by rock and rl,nt mix for approxicotely t150C Lt COUniga tele the Ilstrict has any •obliration in tit matter* /Atter fro* P. ',I. -mold Antlerson requotting conditlonn •of oonnection to the sinter th, ;GIA:rict pr000vas to eiAtenil thmut#h his prtporty (portion of Priem Gor(sio ezttmeion). The revte shown in rod is the 1.41st route tor the sewer and'rivel nal warvio0 to 0414 porcels of Xr. Anderson't ptoptirty It is rsoommenet thAt the connActIon fee for uny building site oft Mr, Anderson's prop4,:ly as well as womade roperties that ro fully gerved b. in tho amount of t4C�. each, and fee be in the usual amount of MO per building site where sewer ext,nsion would be required, 4uthorit7 iv re.Aaseted to pay the cost of tt., Ariene hirden 'xtension from 3ower C-rstruotion Fund, Uoovim Prost, Xngineering 4e, resigned effective 4bru8,7 29. 1932 kontin LAkne c,r. A 6 !nab sever w*3 In tolled in montln Lane as a side sewer and was to be later occe,ted by the District. Investigation hao rtvia1e4 that the sower Wit, laid to an adverse rade ane, should never be accepted. It le recommsnied holover thAt the 4,nfl eerinp vork and obtaining ot esimerp.nts costs ehnuld be absorbed by the District for o new Mitwitr to serve Montin Lone propifrties. The original sewer it on thAlt was Iftstaled without plane or pond's and with a minimum fl* Inspoction. 11. ra+tt Bay municipal Utility aistriat 3 to relocate mower in Lr1a.nd Adrive, as they are saisinr time grads of LOAM DrZs• 35 twit. It is recc►maeniad the rocnuest bar app rovmd with the provision that they maintain sewn. service at all ties during their operations. and l,nsiall Us new sews, aQoor!saos with submitted plana and maintain until siQoeptsd 'der thir District. 12 1/kay bilis. 13. Any turthlm business. 14. A44ourn. Mr, Peacock of th ubcommit oe on .4iiters and water ollu io . of Contra tea County Cite ens. Committal, appointed 17 the B' - rd of eupPrvisors hail re tied a sst t n with the Mistrial; Bo rd at SOO p.m. Monday Month 10, ' to see the extent or our operation. nu, Committee p1P.no to visit all other sanitary districts ane cities with sewer service tn the Counts.