HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 02-07-1952SCUD= OF MIMS
1 I4ofl Call
2 0,14eadift of hinmies of revious meeting.
3.,. LE: 1Anntrr: TWIT I sewer extension to Lots 83 to 86 It Is
rioommitnded that the District construct the sewer shown on pl,ns.
The ostimated cost including winters rights of way and main
line inepectIon will he ';81,000
tjelly't proporty shown on the nap has 27 beildinf
and the connootion t4te for Ids 4.,ro.t-rty is eroposod at 2700.
mese 27 bite* constitute th13 portion of MT* R441..1,4171* prop‘rty
th1 has gravity Service possible by titerzting the sower the
Dlotriet to to lastall. All costa of the extension of the Arlene
lartions sewer to strve lot. P4pitei1les prop*rty are to bo borne 07
him, with no cost t tbe District
vetst.h.U.• t..T 6/y8 MOM (so. map) bordering
flan Pato nits Rosa, The engineer fooli that this annexation
would tot bo 000Wry to the polley tt the Board. mil Utility
ristriet hes a *moisten% NM*: of refusing to sell lands or
off*ring, then on this sisrket unless they 03,1n bit sittwered. This
annimattom would not create more bmildin no bat vould allow
building's with parting arias In Stant instiknd of in the rear•
vocv-mr.A jegrwl DIL,n14,T# tv.c.Ject for sw? svtoe
contract. r. Nejedly has a report for the board as to the
feasibility of 1ttted service
4kirsz_iftli1 or 104 ILAXTh for the District to re Iv trench areas
on Hillereet Pomid, It Is recommended that the A.strict imy not
nor* than O. 'worth of reek end et_elivor It to the streets xr•
willimite and ma,thbore have agrefol to do the necessary spreading
of the rock,
7,1LAIX CMC1W1J LI1E,41, Messrs. NO Ay and Sauer, in accord.
*esti Web ths Poard's instruotions on Janitor; 3# eontacted Pr.
re'sling regarding hazards to obiloren creattel by the Installation
of the sower along Y1 41,,r04, It ti recommended that wblon ths
'levgj of the lake has dropped ti;* :iftriet Install a bled vire
barrier on the exposed porttono of the seer line to prevent
ebrilren from welkin!). a caw the severe
r cn, •L. $� tor extorts on r,f time. L 22 + 23.
The c.Intraotor hes recuested 90 days extenston of tisot for each
Job, Tt Is recomendita that extersion be ,-1.-nted# but if the
westber entinues to be adverts 90 A:Irti owl' not be sufficient.
The contractor he *lad* arrerfren.nts with a local side sever
etontractf,r to In7,t011 side stovers In all -40)rtIons the
completed 11110-14
�The District has b*d toe Rajalfi pig 10 minor elides WACiiR hair*
takei oiit setoff/ 'a. past rairi,T seasons In addition to� b.tn
faced win* repairs to the above sworn too boom��� sts for
sewers tn . axti that lit; Alar olts hazardous to SOri►IIIt. This
lngilaeor 1"fo1ioslis authority to inwidriE 1nioiitfl for waging
the eervi41ta.of • geologist or soils :ngiL'1/Ee! '1iilos to Ian.
os needed,
✓ MIL Xi"'TAiML.A'I`ION. 1.4. (1434111Ilw 4Q11) ♦ It was
+rrd to install tlits MOT' with seintimance forego. but with
sootamalatei work of doors rpt ,ir it visit be Iswomilige for
malstesonse erring*. pftrfoxs this rsfts It i•reesausisded that
tit Diattict have Kr« L. !Annela 1ast.11 the Itil. for fir bid
prioe fl7.5O. whtch vitas tbe 3.o< 03t• of rive Lids reaoived.
11.✓1:' 1* r4.4.1A01111 AAIA4 for torus of connection of his
propert7 to taiso. "istrisst sewer lraloi. fir. Arias also Peguaits
we aimiider ESS possibility of a 1*0*1 Saproireatiernt niilirir t tor
his afttl.otharr propoorties III Cm* arias On Om basis of a cash
job L! the setrineerss recorimmadation that its. kris, construct
a ewer system to we* his properly` at his lxpenil. and that
c1risAll1 .to. be set s t 13.00 pi,r '��.l�lt s1�t1� per 101�''t�r�4
lots, makinga toeof00. liar. Artap doslxss a loctal
other ; rClsoi1x''ly X1"11 to 1110 areas (Thts one or th, a.reas
that tho +neer teee1s a visloptit or,.soi3,lt +fe*�r sh:;t31,01
12 I/Letter 'free 'rrot.nit sioftesta seiglaster to Dosiald L. Rims and
Xoraga company's &skis* fee statue of laite, &own on ay. retrArding
eonnoction Olo mp on wall of cow* ronce-room Show
their holdinga in motoro
3 v thort e the literetory to Zeolite hold hpiratiess 4frtourifffitill
vith th0 i*14ri':nior sold janitor. The aQntruate hove. been ;r, xet.pared
by pr. and .signaturos obtained la acoordamse
previous. instructions*
1 1/ , ueirt of v. to Yannr 'for co mIct 1on torso for y
Holtr!! Lars* it is recommeed that connection !`i* of 4100 yRlk
lot for 14 1t, bo and that th, **nor* pas X11 pert of
construction of the 1. s0d molars
1%),,Aciusat Olt H. Lyon for sewn, aortic* to tuo prapa►aed lois
,�� +aa�t to LID S. rt i* recommended that ,proposed 3.os i41
102 bit Won a connection fete of 400 *soh for on* balding
site on snob litrd 6Yr* owner to pay all *sets of aonstruotion.
Pas* resolution p .-aoiirir Plane '!`a:' the tsstsllstion of a Pump
aand �Agino Ais+lmblgr t t '"lt» Treatment ft* p ntat+led +t
titer. Ruplsy of or1n4a has rstmost+wd an audience with the /Waxds
Durlsgthe fly formation ot the Platriets tiro Npley attended
and sponsorest imanr wettings on What of inelualon of the
Orinda areal, Re se,1rs that the leadsrs La that area "aro dad to
b.1t.vs that an attempt would be made to gemerally ocivalise
asseseraen4s In Orinda. LID* jO and 12 lelit boon completed with
wear assessments than ars timid in LID* 13 and 22. fir. Aupl+ry
spesi!'1oali,T wishis. to know if the Board art isereaso its
contribution to Lro 13 and 22 in order to mince the asseamNeenta
whish be 14vied ►e near tura►.
/Adjourn to February 141. i952 a% 8sOt o+til p.. for howls(
on octal lasproirom int 4trict No, 13.