HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 08-02-19511 V Roll all 2. v s&tn of Minutes of :;,rev iOU IA.,. et ittZ 3 Pay bilis ai;proirod by tbe Manager and u41ted by th Comm t ?OS 420111i.1:4CTION clues% of Alegi Rhos* for A...ivy dollow no1130 31 pp,reele, sow. quite bye but thlo Is gen*rally vory rweh terrain. it le reoommcnded that s 400 connection foe too a get for each phrcel with t ot4u1ation that the poir percel fee includes only on, how.* per site. Should it be possible to subelvidi, any lets WI adAltion41 connevtion fee would 'Ws re,laire44 a iller,st Congreg*tional Church on the criutbern.side of Gregory Soad between Xahes iqoad and Helen Road* The site has 1.65 *ores and is in 1/2 screaming, which elves tbree 4100 units of °confetti)** Ms line vbich the church is installing 1* deeper Mar usual and furnishes iter conneetIon to adjoinukg, propertle** It ts the fors r000mmended that the re* be roduettd to i150 ase of 1.0010 in view of the above circumstances Oornr:11 and Metlah proposal:Us adjr4ctnt to the o?pthr C Alter. e.$crilatti e r,treol On # nnd F rt�1 Two. On tbs iftsis of busoinoss proptrty in this area for existing TAstriet simer system, tbe rgoommended oonnmetion fee Is 1200 per nob 33 fett of front ett-N Navel Gn 5 units ':24W* Vircel Two units at 4200 .n,000 41 wti k.TA. ohell. Mr,Ritelolles haus. is cm a p of rOperty aflinelnt to LID 44 the remainder or hi!, no.,rty is An LID 4. He proposes to bute11 a side mower from his house into a sewer of LID it* If V.Is piece of property had street frontage the rtcoamended conectlen fees 0,4uivalent to LIL) aemessmtknts would be 43)4, telt sine* he has no frontams It is rttoommended that the fee be reduc,d to MO. "liter kassol^, cNests that we set connection fee for a 1.,ortion of hie prop,rty In Us. Idistrict and rtro,a111 atm* s from rim Wardens Shopping eenter. The frontage is 166 feet Lin the baele of 4200 ter each 35 fe't of business frontage the re* wvuld be f.114::ustst mt Romley ,,,;(1n3truction i,on,any to Aerve a bowilt on Lot 51, aM on Lot 52 and a houv, to the rear of Lot 52. c-"rnor of rotates :Vio at 4 Canyon igootil, L fayette. This ,muld re,:mire the installation of approximotely go !tot of sewer with tvo narbol*s and one flushinF inlet. it cost of vhich conetructiGno alonr with enginevring ane inspections would be approximately :,211700. It is recommende4 that the conroottoft toe for these ,rorotrtles 'rot volved on tb, basis of zeal oost, and the fliket that astwl,,r service I extended up.grade nearer to other potential or tions 1.S Inland Valley SulWavision Fobert Pltt, Rciuftst to considor ftrrangemente pertainini to Inland Walfloy sewers, 5.rtesolution lestablithinr procedur* tor r Labursement for i-4sovis on by Isrivate ;Airflows 'f sewfac4litis etc. An further busnese• Pdj urn Mott r*gular meet ettb* 4 1951.