HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 06-07-1951NJ ,li JUN " 1, v iko11 C*11. p- 2,y mewling of Kinatee of pPelderill mfertir4t* v /TA VISA* ?OM* Is *t hand from the crestar1�i.1,2roesi7 Masora* MIN aro* two 26 lots. with 11, total alostp of 8.0 .res. Th Peamattesded too fir annexation is 5, So�. 00, based on ;700.00 per gut, The board ettould dieeide with or not lthie euitolant gibould (toyer the oost of logel advortlitinco * V t La 22 . i;o1JAW.411, $r* Coma romest*d 'otter from the ..tirtriot ranteetar preleettor et hie prop.otrt: 4tietnig son. *trustier,. end ration of any resulting damage* The eAsestmt ti nmoessary for LID 22 qnd It 1* recommen4ed Yr, cloorrmen be givon this asevrilikeis AGALANTS VIILUX-!',471;Ivr mr,r *AU loss s iport fa the matter et belis and ft*ule relit to rottotin jurisatiAtion over Shit sever to be intikiled by them* 4/4"/10 c'haillpIts for otricialtei 0160r **wore to b.? sennositod to %be DiOtriet 0Praii4t1u;4 Xtjildir has kittlAttroll a new Cordirotittm pertabilse irate* tn stecordiane* wilts InstrustiOns of tht *PC. ;nLIAV* 11.uoilt the Koardis lAstruation as to what typo of publiolty should be Oven the foot that tn. Distriot will steApt n* furthor small pawl annexations for the lresioni4 4--VLYT SILL% Fay bills am approved by ths Kamager and audited b VAp *Wilting oessittot, 1.4,411;44 ADAM FOA Atqvsit the Sostrd Itpprovs inter mittent employa*ret of individuals tram the Civil lerviee Approved Last in tceorditnee wtt Fsttlfk Vs.-eotiowt 11 o the tAvil 4,112.vlos olotion* ) 1/141. f44• -non FIZZ', :',111 magma° ,250,00 -agstrom 42$000 vorrie 24,DC /OW04011001 FEES ,vALA 401** 4 Soule 1700.00 Le Miler 1:;'44000 L , '4Noltt, 180,00 A4Coriehliman 242,00 & :a,i1s 1020.00 •Stetinn I kain :Tunic 4r*gory isrdone- Topper Laws Asfe1ml*0 V*11401 •Aims %,r4Inte 44 Lot* 214-17 401, Rill Gum Ado, 371 •Noy04 Amaxinci ptACM. 41, Li l; 1 YOSIWN. Yass )441,solutiono sign .utt Mao for portion of eassiniimS* Ms present owners subdivided an4 relested the avow st their own export*** At balm no need tor the ccoment for public sower* spxt rootultr,ftootinr is July $0 1951* BILLS PAID SINC1 KAT 3, 1951 VOUCKA 011,MX 4635 4636 4617 463P, 4639 4640 4641 4642 464, 4644 4645 4646 4647 460 4649 4650 4651 4652 4655 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 14.668 4669 4670 4671. 4672 467, 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 C. -Feeeml Re erg* Br.nk of S. F. C.O.C.S.D, Ohm -ries Dorfman Harry Robinson J. M. Melary Treasurer C.C.C.S.D. Loonprd Martin :bros. Amoco Drainage Charles :urch N. B. M. U.D. Coast COUntiee 0,141 3.0.3. Co. Calif. Water Serv. Is. T. T. Co. Iiiablo Rome Service 0. G. A X. City W. 0. P. T. & T. Co. 3. Berta. Johnson 'i. M. MItiott R. M. Smitten IL W. Toland R. M. Wadsworth Victor W. Sauer John igejedly C. V. McPhee Marna Phillips Virginie Tirandes Dorothea Tessa Sipes Georr,e Brow Carl lelson Jack Best George lirosz Josenh Prose Clifford Hall Fred Hannan Donald Heibel Clyde Hopkins Louis Hurley Myron Langley Kenneth Peck Maurice Silveaux D. Lloyd. Smith Merle Tucker Dues $116.90 Wi thholding 1.605.80 Transfer to R. N. 79.12 Deposit refund 20.00 Fee refund 3.00 Deposit refund 5.00 Istiremert 2,225.48 Transfer to R. V. 23.55 Salary 210.46 ree refund 10.00 Deposit refund 20.00 20.00 7.48 7.98 17. 95 18.70 155.07 1.„0 10:94 1.00 18.32 85.00 31.50 30.00 Director speretAry 102.70 Director's fee & milemtm 30.45 32.10 c;IllarY 628.87 792.20 510.02 245.04 195.33 If 177.13 0 175.62 412.13 552.23 299.14 273.70 11 271.83 335.56 236.011 315.81 528.16 318.07 272.50 267.37 fl 65.73 1.1 295.72 11 290.14 Water hill Gas bill 'electric bills (Ater bill Phone bills ree refurd Niectric bills office water bill Phone bills Janitor Director' foe & Mileage vo.....m.21 tfri AIM AM9V 4681+ M. Valentine Salary $ 289. S7 4685 G. Warren w 480.25 u686 A. !Myths w 484.94 1487 G. Bennett * 337.28 s688 D. 470119011 0 329 . 43 4639 L. 114413, • 530.07 4690 J. Oorry N 316.h13 4691 1. Wilkins w 350.13 4692 1. Hinkeon N 265.55 4693 1+ Pal w 214.91 4694 W. Shannon w 239.84 4695 at. Troia * 188.72 4696 R. N. stow Tracy Wary kms 44.04 4697 J. Trimble:tr. Salary 221.98 4698 /Li D. Idott s 464.3.0 4699 J` , Dubail s Of, 89 14700 X. lamodek 0 333.71 14701 L. Clinton * 143.20 4702 1.. *maw N 243.00 4703 M. Urri 0 251.814 4704 D. IllaV * 276.30 4705 D. L. *lath 1 Gardening 30,00 4706 3. M. 1 Y. K. Long Agessmint LTD 22 Par. ,7 1,70.00 4707 Calif. Pig/std./40 In. Group nixes, len* 17 ,10 4708 Taney Sevrenger Co. Nay Garbage 1.00 4709 is. G. £ 11. Treatment Plant Paver 273.27 4710 last Btigr 141) Nom Must Water 6.06 4711 Southern Pacific Co. Unwell , :LUZ glib Total 22.248.95 Boma au 4712 Petty Cash 4713 3 krins t rot s Union SYs . 4714 Bennett Imply 4715 Central Ater, Co. 4716 Cincotta 3ro s. 4717 Contra Costa Auto Parts 4718 Contra Oosta Stationers 019 Diablo Printing 4720 Diablo Wood Mfg. Co. 021 Ickes 1117.71,11 3s. 4722 last Day Flue Print 4723 P'airbank , Morse 4724 taxers reed el � yp 4725 Parsers hoed & alt 4726 Gilson fly Co. 472? Herb's FArdware Co. 4728 Herb's Hardware Co . 4729 Chas. S. Hughes.Co. 470 Inland Typewriter Co. 4731 Lafayette Rental. 4732 Harry Leon Sir1 ` Co. 4753 1.3. Wort Contractor 4734 N. J. Luc 4735 M. J, Lucas 14736 Xi&ey1t Auto. y . 4737 Pacific Pipe Co. 4738 8 ?ar l Lumber 4739 ?mel err 4740 Reil) 's his Shop 474 nom : ' al Co. 4742 Joh. To. der 4745 stand. 0ii Co. 47144 Stapel Tradk Lin': r 1745 Thomnson irlec tric r 47/f Thompson Jasctvic Co. 47117 Union Paper Co. 4148 Creek Auto Supply 4749 Walnut Creek Hardwar ► 4750 Wit Creek Hardware 4751 Walnut Creek Stuctio 4752 R. 0, Webb JUNE Petty Cash Truck service implies Office l.t. lies 1 A Treat. Plant Supplies Office cs dies Printing Pump. Platt i es Tye* Service 1MAN Supplies Treat. Plant p • IIB *ant. & P.P. �1 ies' �. Plant Jqdp. Surplies Treat. £ PePlant LID £ Cen, Mint. - Cpl I OP Ip. Punt 3p. a. LIB Wnt. Supplies OffiseWit` . & gelrlies LID 3 PJ, :40144,4 Rental Tit. Plant 3upplies LID Malt. *lap. Itettal Oen. /WM. $1iss ?typo Plant Mies Truk Repair Wit. Plant Repair Office & Vng. piies Pumr. Plant Suprlies Inspection Mies Pump. Plant Malnt. & faire Insurance Gasoline Nov. Plant preight Pump. p'''lant fp. & Repair Office r4ldt. Repairs & e ttp . Office Bldg. :p11-08 Treat. Plant Supplies 3 Treat. Plant Svpplias Pump. Plant Cost. 'Blueprints Rain!. A Repair LID 2 Sub Total :Toward ard. a e Tout WWI r; 43.13 215.55 9.57 7.11 6.18 4.30 17.78 9.06 3.81 44.E 3•13 334.06 231.47 5.12 3. 046.13 104.16 26.89 14.52 23.42 309.95 x•39 64.70 53.95 20.60 6.40 56.65 33.47 89.35 32`1.64 1,163.09 103.34 8.24 1,443.39 102.58 20.54 2.96 10.46 13.a 216.50 .2,2azt 9,079.08 50, 328.03