HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 05-17-1951'1./ofl cn,
1'2stleading of Sinutes of previous metilliii•
ve-Nt(alarifloation or motion re uentin ftelnolds Caesting et April 1:,*
'pare 140 and apprev]. of Ainutes of that 'meting
4. 23. lit,eceives open and raati bids
tabulation angi riftemmendtion.
if 3
ster t Englnen, for
• Ms 'Cocretary kititi sateting with the Pritilidelidt. /tanager PTA
Attontely Pt the ?rstrieuts direction of Use Illoatrd.• and it Le their
Joint reconsevaidstion that Mr., -A:all,Ao twArt to *pp:anted to 'mlt
the Listricton books as6 furniab reports anti finnne1et1 attio*nto
tn skocorttaries with the 'requirements ot the 14.triot,s,
'eve:Pal inspootors hair* requested that the Dtstriot tarnish
transportation in It of Imam their privs,to oars at 70 per
mU.. Their oars ar, older models ina 70 will not toyer the
*verbatim and upkeep. It le recomften4sd U% the 0115010
Pa: 80 per mit* tor Iles of epArivato oars in place of purehasinr
Ay' more vehlo/es a% this times
oulm letter of 4pril re,w;sted permission to retaln
3uria4lotion over *swore to be insIm1144 by theft in mlanes
Valley Units 2* 3 4n4 4* This was WA ovor tIMI the tast* wvetins
L1 24 2 11:7( AO RA 01, IMLNUT
his is an Isiszel of Imptie Iaak ervlos lying between 8 & S.
The ,revious imOrtiotions of the aoard to �w, the ares two; blen
oompleteets The 41stimated cot to ser the area would be .400 to
4,423 per building *Ito, it Is ritoommended Wu% zroperty owners
be notiflod by the iresident b mail thaS an informni boating will
be bold* as was done with L.La 22 and 23* "It the 47.-triet office,
June 7, 1951 a% 8:30 iO4,
Nfjedly is reinr to ,Ashl ,n business for the oity of
rAnut Greek* and it le ripoommeMed tbiet the Listriel share the
*zeolite* *f that trip and have him contaet offlotals In the vsrliou
40vernm*nt bodies to expedite She e,uipmoint vitall, netoessery to
templet. the Orli*” pumping stations.
IT Amika
Past'? resolutim an .in utt °1i* to th ltms for oassmtnt
in Lot 11 roil Court. Th' 41esolint his been roolocottPA on the
RE-Asthern linf! of the lot at tri, mmest or the ownor.
Mt are roceiving many rcitmote tuft Information rogafting anftesm144A.
The prepared tom, which has beim approved by Olosima# would be
given to into/be:40 individuals to proper* and stubmit to the Board
as st preliminary step toward any consideration of anwmation.
J., 7. ":*&»P..** U. 41. V* INKMATION 0144CiA
If the Board bas gpproved the above tors It to reoommeeded trot
a eopy be given to kl.:A.:4104,L'. to fill out and return. Also, if
th*Bo*rt, desires, the form eould be mantel, to all persons
presently mailing in lettere reKtuestlne Information eenesrmlne
nnexation# before each lettere eve brought Wore the Bo*ra
,1124 Consider petition from its Vista property ovum* for annexation.
14. ry further businelm.
15, AWc4MIls The npzt rsrulnr meeting Is Jame 7# 1951.
BCA,AJC) OF DIRECTORS 3-1. M. Smitten, Secretary
Phone L. 4739
R. E. Wadsworth. President
Elliott Johnson
H. M. Smitten
Harold W. Toland
Neill C. Cornwall
John L. Mason, District Mgr. & Eng?.
Phone 5757
1822 Mt. Diablo Blvd. John A. Nejedly, Attorney
Phone. 3250
PHONE 6727
rz-1, 17, 1951
Elat71ct Board
Central Oontra Costa Sanitar, District
1822 Nt„ Diablo Blvd
Walnut Greek, California
7Ath retarence to the order of the Board and the minutoo
or the previous mzeting concaning the statement of the
obligation o2 tct Dastrico to Mr, Ra7nolda for the
onion the i-i;omen Z07080 his preaent propert' P
dhauld suggesT, that inorder to clarlfy the rasp nsibili-
tieo of both paxtlea that 'the minutzo dhow that .74eDstriet
will accept the easement upon the obligation oi 6 -he,
to provide sewer ;587C7i00 to such entire present property of
Mr, Reynolds upon application therefor, incluaion of the'
whole property vithln the OI -1 Contra Costa Sanitary
District by annaAationand the payment by Ltt Reynolds or
the actual coso incud in such annexetion procsedingso
together-prith the usual connection and inspection Mao
charged for similar oonnectiono of other pro73ertiso within
the District, The District being obligated to act favor-
ably upon a petition for annexation made fA'l accordance
with the laws govrning the Ditrict
"':ry truly yours,
John A. Nel