HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 05-03-1951i4. PAIII 4,411 1/4241, Alloading MAIMIOS of previous mooting* iftaring 011 work sod asci Amt for L000l 4,1114rovettnt LIAttrict $43. Protests reed at tit*, of PrOsai tochodulog Non,* The assessment 1* 4130.00 for *ash IAA; 27 of th* a p rties IA the aSsessment district hove ins%alled WI. cowers and aro skainsc the system. 4. veliftsrinp, an work of i4e411 Improvise.% District to. 23. Prt*•ts receive4 at tins of yArk soheutet 4 7. F. A. Fuetheri Jr. r C Wine John , Catalina, W, E. rriborr Lot 292 Lot 50 Lot 22? Lot 227b 225. If pretosto *e ovorrulottio tosolitiftn is prepared ftl MA* cart b. reetived Mair 17. "rAS5/14.f714 0 Arnexation re-uelits (1) ,14.4.44* Vista. Pttitie" from 14 Owners ot a total of 26 lots. (2)111001114 oorthir ?ionum*nl Siv-•ItA O ov Road; ro-,Ast frmi . OstroAdor. Pievuost ror ismeotion* Aluspost from leo. r, Dstvason1 prolysrty borftrIng :Siberian Acres to she north, The vestown 200 feet of the proporty to paying district taxes; the roftaininv portion, includinv the house is outsiJe the LAstriet betswistry; however the front of th* hoes, sits gather on or 3 fest within the Abstriet boundary* uost for 1.v* of ra4senc, riAnt 0per. tor ria,mosts leave of absence tor a rear duie to ilinciA in the faulty. ft* AotiAg Ma 41,2* resommends that such lsAvo granted Kr. t. Cliaton, who was th oa tbe Civil 5ervie* list has signified his willingness to asset s provisional o,vointftent durtmg Sr. a1 abstmee, Author/2* r turn or toposits paid by t1ers for LID a plans. --.4coske5t from Noliks 61 Soul* to retain jurisdiction ov*r proposed a*'?1 in futurt 41107 *lite 20 ,n44i. rtanston of tisto 1-14:' 21, growth* emftrriete>r for . .I 1 ritoJeestod 90 gay : * n t s or tin*. 'The Ent -U .. a this ext*nat n tk^gid inasortmat Rs tho teintrnetor hos cponed the am for stio ~ors smi the pI:l,rtt•e Ars. in critical mood of sower estryloas aarderitnfr bids. aide re 1W for gArdoniner nstintetInt comparable els isf .os# p/4: L.. '$rpt r, •. th ve Ciftglion Tom morationti . ({l ton ts0.00.p. Vit" Aollt t)O.00 U6.00 200 0 o/11,410 on ft Me Aottn Mans.gor rocostftendii aeoeptanes a bid of D. -►s Amith if thort is no 1.g.1 • Pont . lir. Smith is a 1 tst lot employe. old 1. ns to t work *for and Ar h � and on Toe* t ea , bolidays. tI. Pay bflhs AS ariproved br the Manager *tacitod by the 12.2 semostion foes sets A 4. 'Aetinot* tt4 to lorivens 41,ager 1 r tuition* Lockhart Rostayns is es 3oul Han rlivo job rodeo '; otortir Conflootion fetes po di A• , fitirtai ` aiftb ?alp,' .t4trne Linkhart Loto 27 Torabresk 265.00 98Z 4.4411t0111 fikeed. 2fr. .irt Lots 216 7, Sans c p o 1„ Hilltop Grescaral Aisaltaass Yalier 2 o tr. n flow, e• othir. g *65,00 un.eo 266.00 )04. 00 r i 150. 266*00 Litter from flood . 10ovootn thank W mod for p :t ctl in repsire to :krobord Leine. 14. ct 1 .om' 1on f i rote#i rdf to � o14 • s . (14urn to 17, 19S1At $ o C100. p . 1s. TiLVT-ENR NAlal 4522 4523 1,!421-1, 4-15 4.-;26 4527 4528 4529 45,0 45 ,2 LW 4,5,5 4,536 4537 4519 14.559 4540 4541 45h, 45L1 45 4545 4546 4347 4548 4,5/9 4552 455, 4554 4;555 4556 4557 4558 4559 456o 4561 4562 456, 4564 4565 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 4571 BILLS PAID SINCE APRIL 6, 1951. Treasurer C.0.0.S.D. Collector of Internet Revenue Ranch & Ferguson W, 3. Noble C.C.C.S.D. Luther Minton P.G.Z, 3, M. McClary Valley Seemengpr T, & p. Co. P. G. & County Clerk Georg. lennett Jack Best Al Blythe Virginie Brqndes George Broirke George Bross Joseph Bross Dorothea Cady ,Tames Corry. J. Bubail Oliffora Hal ,Fred Hannan Donal& Heibel Robert rtinkeon O1yde . :the Jensen Melvin nenssick Myrctn. IsenViey Clextae McPhee Robert D. Mott Albert ,Mur-ohsr John :ifejedly Carl tel Xennetb. Peck Morn g PhillAps Victor W. Sauer Tessa Sipes Lloyd.. Smith Merle Tucker nilton Ulvj Elmer Valentine Douglas Wald Leonard Wald George Warren, Jr. Lawson Weill ?red Wilkins Retirement Transfer Payroll to S.0 Withholding tax Deposit refund_ Fee refund Transfer funds to R.M. Salary Electric bilis Derosit refund Garbage removal Phone bills llectric bills Judgment Lid 4 Par. .93. SalarY si Sub Total • 4 8. 1,908.50 20.00 "N) 7,050„ 15- :13 295.27 15.00 1.00 14.27 10.00 328.04 303.45 450.41 197.82 424.68 224.20 272.78 178.03 :317.16 177.90 296.76 236.99 316.76 270.73 325.65 513.42 396.39 269.47 273.45 509.44 397.90 356.42 636.37 517.14 281.91 248.08 623.55 184.38 290.01 270.69 295.78 299.°7 389.77 370.78 426.38 h7q.64 369.69 4;24,877.60 BILLS PAID SINCE KIM, 6., 1951 1.2,9ZZLi: NAM 4572 Elliott Johnson 4573 W. M. Malott 4574 H. 14. Smitten 4375 H. L ToIand 4576 R. E. Wadsworth 4577 3, Berta 4578 Cal, Water Service 4579 Coat Countic Gas 4580 P. T. e..1 T. Co. 4581 City lal/drit Creek 4552 In. —Jtnger Amount Brought Forward Director If & Secretary N tf Janitor service Water bill Gas bilis Phone bills Water bill Garbage removal Aik r t24, 77. .0 31.40 30.00 101.40 30.42 31.96 85.00 20.00 13.64 158.62 5,114 1.00 Sub Tots1 irpacapra Tuft..mE 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4599 4590 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4398 4599 4600 4601 4602 46-k 4r)5 46ub 4607 /4.08 )9 461 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4610 BILLS FOR APPROVAL MAY 3, 1951 Armco Drainage Armstrong's Union Service Assoc. General Contractors American Pipe & Const. Co. Contra Costa Stationers Clark's Hardware Contra Costa Auto Parts L. E. Clinton Circle Yreight Lines Cleverdon A, Cmrlisle & Co. C.C,C. !title Co. The' s Polly Bill Service Dialo :'rinting Co. Fairbaliks, Morse nrmers Feed & Supply 14 Fisher Aeaearch Lab. Gilson Supply Gardiner Mfg. Co. Hpebis alas. Hughes raand Typewriter Le. ReAtal • Harry Logan ow) Navert Pib. & Resting R. C. Mmobado James Ma-sy & Son GeorgE, 0.0 Pacific Pipe Parkel Lumber & Supnly 11 Richt:tawMartinez Title Co. Sherwin Williams Sun Pub, Prank Sellers Signs State Comn, Ins. Fund Standard 011 John Schroder Sacramento Northern Thompson Elect. WA13:1111; Creek S ttle 0 W. C . RardwAre Wastes Engineering Western „Asbestos Co, Robert D. Mott lw y Plant materials Truck servicing ]quip. rate book Pipe SlApplies Sumlies Plant supplies Dtacing at plant Etuip. frsight Paving Bonas Copy of bond. Truck servicing Printing Repair work Pump Plant materials Mtc. supplies Box locator repair T. P. equip. Pump Plant egutp. Supplies ft 41 ouraft rental I1 Supplies 294.20 110.29 3.00 27.81 43.07 2.33 2.97 30.00 13.87 406,00 1,784.47 2.50 17.60 54.36 184.07 12.99 16.57 4.68 347.23 12.35 13.3h 16.70 13.85 15.07 9.14 7.89 11.18 17.78 4.86 8.00 80,29 48.17 183.22 ,3.02 33.00 c').77 81.39 81.60 151.80 172.54 254.95 29.57 3.48 337.72 6.19 3.00 .13 35.98 & repair Supplies Towing service Bearings Pump plant equip. Ox Pones & Plant const. Supnlies Title report Metal primer Publishing Painting sign Premium Gas Premium Mtc. labor Supplies Blue prints Supplies Subscription 9upAies Convention exnenses Sub Total $5,242.69 Brought Forward .2,13.314L.8. Sub Total $30,628.17 varTMER i TTA1141 $ .. 4631 Petty Cash 4632 Armco Drainage 4631 R. H. MMana$ 4634 McGuire & Eest BILLS FOR APPROVAL Ma 3, 1951 To reimburse Denolit refun6 11 Sub Total Brought Forwmi Grand Total AM= 25.03 20.00 20.00 20 00 5.01 '30,713.20