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00. BOARD AGENDA 04-05-1951
434 f • , 0 • 4.vlhait 2.1A04ding, or Minutes of provtius %Wane 1.,Approvo itsi.isoont Utagrma for LI, . No 20. Th. laloral sonar to omplipt* and stet* *eirs ars Issinr Instol 0440 propo44 44,,/04ndon imirst oases'% oviot w 1,10mm4 tus Lot 3,0 latarstto koadoweo The PIV.A7 is fuUz 1141,04 dati UT, no n**4 for this ossomonix whitth 10 through * tat 4ing site. vpramm is tio pAr Ali *oats fit atendimaiong et sefts*Itto The uitivi arid moisitivit ar. prepare. • Ths vosolution Sit reirel of tortsitere thenio. oita Arfaukforich fres Um 14ertietk r ticatia 3, sisu4.2.0 le be, wog for 411-:,* xi, of ire 1;•:;-,• god Li i,44)2,Angition o 1,14, caves by Xt. Nejoilly • lima** Orr itittotiltetti.taw de.da tho toondlitioas th Tvarld AIM vl ion by totter to r. Orto Parcels 49 *nd $0, 11) 22. 33,, ft, Atic,E. The itsimpary mottata Us prepared ter idyll aortic* ovoiniguonto ot tadivittisole to 41rtivitest poidttellbh with tlets of opoittleimit lottaretivo ibpia 15 1105111 1;0 :411.81:4061 0 p 6 ro tor * Mairitivvinc. "Lan Dittos tan liebort Iiilabsors 0. Kftlalelamo Pam (ININ)14.31 nrsd *Waft . aliaitintgailla. 111111 t :1* titali e ) 11 0 i *: 4 1141.A111)140 Porsoand CTIOY4 IMES .:0110,stoils Citstsfaistui ;k' colons s AG**. Lot I, t.. .10, 3 4;81 cr IA*. *tort of borpottor Leo lAsuPbor. eir etteqpiE 3birly cowry. sat* Ctrovor itstensiona I lets at 4?.CG *sll 10, Comma to NV4A em4 DOVII411* itrik trid* ,trottive.44. A 'bona /Join to 40.11 12 4)50.00 boll&w,,* :4%144in/int trim thoir sow*, *Sion 1/00 951 �.t 8100 otelahok poli• 14417 4419 tstwo 104,7 4421 4424 1045 4426 M29 4430 tgol h415 4416 4437 IOW4419 4.4,40 4443 441)4, 4445 4444 4407 444 41.50 4451, 4452 4453 445441455 4456401)68445, Left PAID Si= KA City C1,11 L. %ai tee issdrptt ..r .s. 114401,41 Rose 140* frossursr 1 1. J t,il"' .1 Lewis Dimas u.G. . Coast. en. R. J. Morton Club City Venut Crook Cal. Vette Sorvise Coast Cert** ass Nast t' . r . D. ,. I. P. T. $ T. Co. Johneoix W. P. 7,4114 Ott N. Witten . W. Tolima i * tisisvorth L. A. Ifimpierel Mira nets 'limb r $ . Canaan aeons Nit Jig* Don Myths Yirgia aeon. trill** arm Prom Aoseph Brow Detrothila LintMute" Jia Cir Exley Com Loon Thoutors Clifford. Na1 Trod Hamm Dosald Itettol 1t n "*.ns t -inti, it its fin 11011 t 1 . . 0 55.E Woks . ft wl.iv 7,4179.tV. lettreserit wijuistment 47* littirsosent c72.46 Ihmentrat 400.00 Deet ' , Or? rayment(Itmv!v-.,oe ) Deposit refund 12.00 Additimml eassmont rilNyment 10040 011,1oe water Mil 6.00 ?renteent '1't 'attar 1411 7.1.50 °Moe fps bill 9.M1 ming plAnt water bilis 12.52 90,7. 1.6n. 25 11.40 50.00 1!. tai" " 100.70 r.k2 11!96 47.0 130.00 9.00 116.63 �.f 1. .�+', 416.56 8. 272.71 177..03 272.10 /07.41 295.41 211.1? 191%56 216. 99 H r '•( 212.28 asZLiy, Vieetrto' . . Plume bill* Dirootor1 dleadtor Deposit 011, foe Fes Nritania siaary 1 0 0 4 0 ret, ":14aza.4z= BILLS PAID KAC! 2 V5I Darrell trensum Wilds Ylommilik Lalbaer Maude Wimp* Robert D. NOM knert tmrohyr John Won, Oat' llelearn tennoth Pe* sprat rhtllipe glister W. Saver Ys MO Sille$0 Mat Smith0 morlo %awl. Milton UI,I • Inner Valorititto rdnielao Walt toisartt flaorip tiftrrim, Jr. toms Weill rissi WIDixie Unity Scirremotr C.P.S. W. J. ftble gtaisry 1.713.6o 142.ol 251.130 527.7P • 425.03 • 241.90 • 587.73 • 3,449.r. 7,5l7 400.111111111.001101124200.1101111. tub Tat"). 7,71.4.46 Ili %teat relvard aut Total 1:1= 1445$ 4486 ish$7 44f1 490 10+91 10492 495 ubsti 4495 4496 4497 469e 4499 500 1401 4502 bgel 4505 450? 450S 4509 4510 kill 4512 h511 4514 4515 4516 4517 4514 4519 4520 11521 Situ nut ArttffeAt &MIL 5 1,951 *,tkilf; ArastroW Maim 3orvtoo etty Cash Mebol "indorses Atlas nue Print eersgo Mona .Sradfort so Contra Coots Stottisztoro Ca, Now Works Assn. C.C.0.141no Q. Clovoston ammo r Mans Printing Amore nod 4 Supply !alit Ur Bis• ivint tr-- ji-ire Amr/ Rernmnri We C. Fasolito Corr. Rtrbes Woad Typewritf*r cl. mental &$urrly 4.* Z. is Lime Netor, Looter G. Lskormuse wirtims Print Moiroyss martin Bre,. MeTabu*loutittirie J. T. ttame7 it Sou rotrirol Lesiber GeorgR. Phil-lItt Co. )silly's ftsic ¶p Staildstre. 011 tua Pb. Thcarpoon MAIO. Wairrat Creek Wei* W. C. t-Ardwiramt Truitt sorrittiv retriburos Itotrritto ferns lam print tool fuel for !lac. outtuot i Mos eurrAteo, duet title rommet work implies sristing 1t.. Strqpitos %WU* Memo lomat e.wibtasti W. rum 9nrAimo lorricing tr-ewrtter track tc.imprliss A ,te. omplUm Truck rowdy, Tim* sorrier, law print Track servicing 0444 work' Collsolstnr ntai ottrplise !mg. ctrmlio, lieerims ittitteries 11011 flt all rubliohing 3opstr work Patio prisits 123.97 59.96 15.00 6.6o 90.51 1.74 6.00 31.o0 11.oc .27 56.15 ratv.ol 61.10 T7.77 cra 5.00 ;72m.94 .55 6. oo 5006 00.52 12.00 00 1.04 2746 ilo.o, r.50 11. 15.111 -4.62 2.74 1,1.7 971.50 226.166 17A.7.1 roittslo 5'11,14 rettia rivt.kt :hiParte, 'fatal 12 R71 40 ,ZA.n.04.29