HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 03-22-1951(71 ay Ow' ;a arr, t Hain.'. 1 or ivototto 4se , iestvet atreset. 3 Trovtfin ttiii. ~Lot Po. 22 46, neer, TioUve Aro * 'fir ,0li011 �. toot. ars til" soil rowitirst almittlait *sad 4 cis rto elitiott littemoit Atoot L0'240% sal .0...,‘ soot so Will dditte titI.D. 12 and ovettioltual ovon. loosttion vat rit eeyot voula not °be vitortaitt had tIr Ilse% et roo Ylore TM" r es thigt iiikowere4 110,500. TO. 2� �L � �`' ale tossiS;Mrtg Lis a MUM* sitst sirtisete. Ths *so the t Iv et Woort t, ,aatholt. to rent WO ` 7reattaerit evAittittetvit * fair I:Item* ot get AO la 1004 13 f '4111147 emitraietiOr ttla. pasotik. Ivo ciorptins *ft MP eistitar tote.. has Wes earrteit est to It 4,20D • xmit tarp 1s. 00 row war aatfbrtts rireiak (WA Al+met1a rtts it. lit Vs aro sr►11lne toe ate 7 sta atirt or vv. tow tong ,/silt CU* right settilla irdimirprletettort wit oitistim. tior..1 NNW oirtimetart* will be eons Us 4111.6 is tlr satadivisters• otipailits Ititts tor fir* et era yis4r effoettre April, 1.5* Ism Ira dmitattruktiar4 vas rterotittftri Gr 5 points immt 949114 4141. let kVisiftlioar *Ad t# Ants Zee ',tat Plant t.),perttter A-gstesitat Notiktisitro* xitirtiterwes ••� ,.s. iii 3 2i4 • � k'rW.. 1i €R ' . fi i 4' i 1tAaftuttr waintoltiova Y t ';P,+ v d i ere-sstar to to itals. lista or. tot 70 lit WWI rod 114tOrall * 3 cast Mot quid true flItial s ltiosn.n ONwtrett s.. - na lbt. s4 WOOOMMI plant. '.lei Com. !LC! ,... 4100t1ng stfcnifl "turetwoosd row is isle ase2ax'ial is t000idar trrltfait8 api tkmY Ern „a late as Atm MR J*Ly. r#» bst*t **et toasting tiataU. Mosr,it a-r^rossnseey sSc), aa. tmrsr sarrougg, .r. ,sai»a t*et*fled tri thsmope our:"aio e 11 twjraa ��aau t1y► ,. et� it � jart 3'S �00040110�to 010,000 set. ^u' 0,41 4mo:tide Pew WI Itroveresiltatim arta 4. Comeettml rss. a.t 1at sit Bs+rllecta!!i 140 tos Warn% W #I�s Itiokarter wit* Hite s tiliottor has re ItoC 11 *Ma to tem tjo 3siti. 140 *WU %Mitt Magda iS a +erausuispoius. S saw tak 1i. 3.b.s jaasser er C6 fitla go* :a. 4 j:.ais ter one OMNI lb. Pmt P..U1 Distrietto lrNM� 1 3 tsr atstriget tor wow Iambi toe fteit trooditt Mt aft .t ';',art Vie' r :ax^* aMR Mom at time o: ttrts 4t*.t1m. c. jeLi re'445 tae +#' total. 17. �NNr� Ire 0043 3• 1404 .t ate* ease ta=i 3