HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 03-01-195114./ hirou cora 1, iusvartil 4/toolokih P- V letton spf v c omea This *.&1%L4* t* ROW tivit WA heum4 for 110-441 lot ist4 vitifettilitil Aft Aloft *Am rosittool tar mar Wits* riztoo$og A,411 Laws itobits4 44* Ihte twalrstols Was boom so 111 primipats tt releiel~404 tsA4 Es* Amara rai it. motift imilbsortstsi ftv$0.4int .c iii ttal te .0 0.11$ 04011,*0 31 " otterirkolo g• Loma Ji. -4,-110. Pft 'OM • t 1440,04 (re Lentat iss:Trwesert -$114344tit 49$4, 22 kwr 0440114, *et for itarett olt UM, fee. 7,2 F-410. . , Ifr .0401101 nnf ”viattet*I. rnI,Ttit ni,,IFtriffit hot* rompieOsitt Om* itervioll Or citegoOttal to. Art for wriciptiotor of frotowp 00.140100 to gore** :;:ir 0 Vio croosiroods -Jett ve re liptrAtirtt On :;Vtion. tat iirtpla r n ? 1•?IK aR' Thou* * ry e'. tnM*xrt* a r. :40r,1 Plistriot tot mit44414,40. 0* at I, • , 4 j', 3., rim ri to* histAve Soo toPet4 legi A * 41 • AO Or .: , } `.vas, 100. ad very iiirlei, 4141. , -n ,: 1,43446 Mill •fit: '�,: t. i r. �i;�� _,.�. ` i. 00, W04 to Avtster r ' so-roneriutotvillbe 14, -,,Low ovoscrJr orrookf'}'�`. ! s*`*m:''' ..'y i%d 'tit 10111... . 2* itbot. us Itia4., 4.0. Tao otittertted It# eltarid over rrwir All, otiathstip sit that tot Vtlis rimiverilir 1. rryitet4si swiwertftt tor the** revoperties or VA ott salmi OPP. of ro_Ofs rod** 'A loilitgoes, with We 40. tok "daft for U. Art or thot Is*. ibt Vita siorirts. bat riot 410 feelail ttf foolinto its srpostris *I bit NOM.* 011 U. *ft* Th mot****so If , . opottr MIM timitd4 tot Us* . 1 runt. Atilsblatt F • . t. 4.g $0 F j.. trIftroktrai iiitr iths' . '`fir o7M * - 0 *amweltioan ff., the ttriv00atAteOPc:-. V41.0 Otttotto '"`' to th. net tbD* an onrool - vith * itattrait POS$1010 tOta to r;•, w tIp, X 1LLiv 1* ta rqt , irra M thoryter. r met' . VI he Pistott , :.Ma ,h"u ti* «1 �A, 00 i' soma caw/. for 00“1410 11. thite. ryffc-ortites in .. 04004 of wyjeo PIMP for *r1a• or Ito tot n %Mow watt. tit x-lso for the ostakttliohostet tot itit *Um of Trvieoltift roaeloltdoto. *re i jowl; tor .004ronet ta or 4 1..14kx . 220 ift artier br 04Wv. 110 oak. I, la -rot **sort itt itlittaP. %lb,. 4. it I 1 tiorteso I* "'ate ea it st410. "Are.% tin' 'mat War. 10740 of illa l ostrAm. " ds boviii tom iikelmatut *Atari lam botv4tortost 4,4041 tow 1 a tiDo PI* 22 oto Pavip St* lair; r-rt,N'Dr1nstit 0 f or *rid& I, Pr. boo sad 'fir! tar too 6 v4uto 4m, thle ittatotlent in Th. oftstioli of tri.M. Met yaw* 0 ort sr tot viatio a tt. iw,t4rflow: *trio *4 eirvismosse, 1 4,4401. * Wt. t*tal. slostassallot bottsflit tm the *amyl et flys vatts 71btier 3i," 'oats ft t is t of tweer114 This MAW ruts boor atteitlerott 1+i. taw iftoessixel hots tom #�:' 1io MO ter a�•t1ip itisemoded ps yizr+:i2 and eWIMNIq�N! "�odiowrris tow V1«4.r el. bat* frpir .«1wrwt m tam that x somata reeormend itwt pr ;.rer srbr tr sioseapi�M l0lf+4A of Vt. 3•b et the basis of rime tzU aalR* of �oa�, �n► rant 1/+s mite, It to PSM Steil the `"Aust ter k,!.otlon vathorts. WeV,7r�i o! notto es#it .7'YR..1► r� wr.ome 1 e�ener t.x.22. 1400.(070eViale W Other et.11wns net tom et nor of trait etatrltoe. bine M gri'?msr'+d t e t'utauo' arid ebNtM#G !e1 lb. st4tiiilt allmai4lM. ).0. A4L3�iuii N auk 23Mi. aR *100 eltf1sok ^.+�, hoci 4202 47f.y3 4A* 4205 4206 420? 4208 4209 1,210 42U 4212 213 4214 715 WI? h2in 1219 4220 222 4221 4224 14225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4210 tvnt 4212 4271 4234 4215 4211c. 423s 4239 4240 424 4242 424.3 4244 4245 42ht, 42/4 4248 nrs1-Ar1 *Trrvi tor trf 5 1951. :he Rtaoricairt ?mei Co CN3uuty if Contra Coots Colter Intornal 'Ammo "rinem tints% 3oboo1 Di*t. • W. luta* 1. rialto) vi*Dokateivort Fal 1 M. Looe Co. miquire liestor rittastsine rototenst Bre*. T. 2. 'femme �.c.c. ?roovarior rItot.Prolml 74440 Dannolo Ibilrhan 7', T. I. Co. Coast Coma's ass 104bd,rt Itallsoc, Jr. rhi %'tCOVIPrilittittelk 1tr"Ptiabing Anon Y1btalt Oat. tfter Sere'. el :2 • 00 zeN lift. eottoviovo lek1orto7 .itt C. neller c. C. C. Vitle %Mott Iohneln V. P1, mThiett 11. N. tarttten X. V. ?amid L L wastoworth L. A. P.ncLierll therm Ponrfett awilk Boot • ilart• T. )se O. TYrokito G. )roos J. Brom • Cadr I., Clinton J. Corry . Corry Alien Cal 4ova shoe* nee)d ilfterpiam kid Des. Inthholding !Too of amettitrinu -flimsy )iti rotund 0 ft 10.00 10•687.'T 1,920.rt 5. 161.16 15.00 10.00 15. tO 10.00 10.00 10."0 10.00 15.00 Tranotor rayroll to P.C. Ret !repent 1,te0.52 timely seratiotirm votk Opal" iseamil ea weft rise West sae tills sae Un nal ry rtootrie ;'ti want nopeolt r.fn! Poo ?OW water bill IPP vient olootrti btll� Payment ft.et. !TT rftr. 7.! Most phonehIll 'Vile* fir tir bra kVeetitemment rAad :Veto Caved. weft% Diroelmos A14. O * $ 121.m0 195.00 3. 00 151.45 1.61..ca 2h5.11 1. 51. 100. 10.00 I 6. 00 265.16 14.?( 4.65 r,l) 1.95.cr 40.7 31096 0.50 100.51 711.1h 400 106.71 ??2.7111 1.7.03 ?ropo 113.90k 0 .Itamttor :41•Yery 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 O vs !Iva& teltn1 22 4249 4250 4,251 251 4254 14255 426 457 4251 4259 4260 h261 4262 4265 4266 4267 42493 4269 4270 4272 4273 4274 4175 276 4277 tr74 L. teniblrn C. Hai Pitman D. reibei %Wirt ritdroon, C. F(efOrtrais L. RutThr D. JOINS T,. 40010 t. irtemed* Vrest Lawelegy Jots L. Mason C. Wboo u. D. Mott A, Nrthr 110 C. Naos rost P. :1411irs y. Neely ?. nip*, L. Setikb 14. mer M Valorstirw4 wtad 7.. Walt . norm hi. r. wont wilMns 'IA Ir. nAid. $ ttiOTIP,Irt 5. 190 ,taiesiy w 4, bl fi 4, 4, 4 4 0 0 0 • 0 4, 4, 0 0 4, 4, 4. IA . 2ea. :115.76 .e -pc 16.76 249.05 01 92 156.11 400.54 AC40 ‘16.07 42 271.45 NA. dr 4C,56.04 :*3.90 fv67.6h 502. P70.17 511. M 190.17 2,4).45 (4 210;14, 749."7 777.25 frroo 492,71 „Ialb tetra -"4.6g1. rirmi -1 ....ZZLL. tetki "r1 4279 42,0 42,Frt 4282 42 42% 4215 ir:016 42'17 41048 432Z9 ItA.g10 4191 4292 4291 4294 14,295 4296 4297 4298 111299 4300 4101 002 430 30 4,05 ,11 1$107 410, hltr 4110 4%2 11111 4,115 Ivo tsn? istyv len,e) 4:170 WWI krIPWrirAL mow 'otty Cesb ttfalliti Ives. Cilisteris knottn rmitir-sw,* t!rtims UM** Bonnet% Ilaripti 141.71,1* Cain Ca. Conten Conti' stattirwee t. Carina* Control Vollvont C. Conti,* Costa Mute »swift Cnoist Conntifko no,.9 Cincotta 'tiros. C. C. C. TM. Co. Dietattrai & 110:1141": 'it. DtsbLeelrintiad: last 147 litio Print /sawn Amid & %WI/ hartaelnit Mom Co. %MOS A.3. Ns... K, Jr. Lusa, tow '4111tetre martinas nue Print .TI,. uttasy Sal Otickars Anti SWIM. Mahal. fl•rvimbnals Paul am Petsicol taiiibirt mitfte ripe Go. 'ell Potts:nest rt ape Js ta Sahredisr tandar4 Stmm,* Mika P*Tor W. C. gAme. Wallni FArnel It1t Roo* ,ervis v. C. studio v. Tome .951 7.13 rotaInttrso Anal'on raireft Illawst for 4te. "mit fmnrirtetee **%ip "UM awl 1141,6 Wks. vm.,n1is Pte. woe! SIvri.i4pe Denis Catorseear "Weltes Air iltarm otittipe Title royal rirAirs t otinitstiorhor PIPLet Pomp wart 5upplios Sup t2amsert7A IWO Immo Truk 24111011` nrillit • Vita. equip. impair rad" iwordbeing neat A no, rettairs t4-osefrto be" loorttir laiipe for plant gtopptios lite. mind ism Mani; *Mr 11, so empreffeor rontf1.1 ins. en coaproreor Osit sting. materlikt impsur towodis lipplios Pulattihtme 4111r. vomits Plus Itrints I7 -11S1 Vtrriefot4 .estooarsoffiaiiio 54,05 1.154.11 3-62 '1.07 15.0q rt).005 1 772.21 7.110.n 9. 12 14.7, 11..00 11. 20 19. 67 3.69 76.07 175.20 12.52 41.00 12'2.76 VV)4 11.15 41.05 55 2.50 11.06 111.24 12.17 V.00 1..75 174,66 20.15 n.93 121.66 17.12 6.59 'Nib total fhwtnif Tot4 I '111.716.n