HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 01-18-1951col I (.412.* itsultrir �f UM* F; 1544114, rIrWri •Hoer Aseompont txt- 14.81 Improvement 01..„-Arteit H414, 19, tie. at tti diotation 00. Dv:test hod boon reeolved an the sasou.vt sailleasment and Ito* presto -A, rftetvot on the welity of nut relloratism* A e !atilt *mount If the woritims ineteled in uniorrove& raidaa eit bill ',AVM rikek sweeeipgIr rock carraeinc eie thee. ro.4. 'ArttoilArtr voeteworth tame ars in TUT pour **Mitt= m• a olmat topsemble during U. ?wow ratan. woodsvorth Left Is iteo ir estreftsly eopUitIoa 4M01 Its torterfeet 4at1gs, vhichVI not *meted toy t work 4f this Wow emttraotp It, is reelosalontied Blwr4 ozstodmi te rroPitstsiird VI* 'wet in the Melt and enti.no the bottrirg to Niriftr, 14 19510 110.4;:el1 I , Ammalt Distitst Xo. A) Orin.* 4.01 swot a Cqgw114, /4144 Infarail 9210010F 1104 0n Jimutry I% at the ;Viols 7,,ehod1 lova tttende4 by ipproximteity 95 rsaiftnt r , motor Ix this ars. rho evivoltion of the noople et tids smettnit t As* $hit at uses 70 of *Wee wire 'A foror of kavtng Vas mew* Im440114 sit tho earn/tot preetle*WL. astio. it to reeommenft. that the Biwa iststruet Distriot atasilr to rve4es 4 with incinowitg esqatettion of right* of war and Treparation of igoluition of Tn*,ttlan for the itotiatstreot of Loeel tTroverent otatirtet •,onst4or offer to vurehase 12 tortes st the wettern *re of V* tre*tmemt lAnt site. Ritter to rote monarepauml on VIA. *WAN** It is isioss etood That Pro lity .1,11 rreoert et th* mettimto meet bie Ofor pa this matt. tisomaider ordinapos Instriet *ewer °ode in the WOW of eims01- Motion 0 beektill or V* bons orwars sr4 th* Troteettm of The* tnatailktiles alanst spostAftio The mover 0040 its /my ifordsd &mg nt waver the eonsolitAtion of badalll 4thSs Ups pante prortorties nor ifirotection of the waft spinet ss tree rinstt ant amOsiAs. All eV. *eer tonitraetwe rerarotp wait in the netelot A this time with tNe ttm 0 two I:46h earktritetar* britve erol* to V** dommods or the *war fisingetere that V* elirsiollobation of the beg:Will vithis ths private property *Ind ttg wateetton epitt woolen I. nectisagary im order maks A eamO1ot4 eM settermAary 3‘ eontratr.4 $4041Aletir RP. J*eatome avi :vest= sit risme bom *Vatted to our ststines that lag *trot be done on U. baste that the( sower cod* does not reoutro Ito Itrit Hiljodly ha. ordinam, Md rett47 for Boort sett= end It reemmendod that this be ati so that There may boa, stbipar Ist the weer code se to tip reoutremoto ter etimplete loort in tout* Dover , Aal &UM% to a t.rmi*.i teatse s erar+.erKtana that Co1. Me mit eget .oma tuft., far 3Gr sidrsatiae+ oil to The v3CII Issilino $oor%t* Mt Go t*mmfloa et the watt ,.40optitaim of wait ttwt the eletreets tor tho ntottws ��, �► > .,. *, 2. nit* wort vos etearple4i4 on Jazittairy ta Astions have bow is olden sistes rt:ixtt,belti .0 Thos Mel vat vat* dons /In*, revoipil et ptorte. of erldrosrat which sire 4431.1 4.111ftrio „see none Ude, Ming 'I' ttee *f Vinton for isale Getioa. ilAri-<44.4114ansia er 'met et 111,00Y, Citmetr setups fiklr tostan eiftvas eataset to the District tower systons 0411,44a$11 IMO UV% UM If weft Wks,' e. order amber on itomeary 16 on& reseutten, is rod for 7tOord, ,et es Wig the tiling of Nettie. of c tioe ft ins vtlirtfa, i)it prowititare of U. sCiatbr Memos tie, rattly. to rtotettSatio Mamma fel abiallsead tomtit. Ulm* This Dieltriet over La bavt boon for roximAt the post 13 awilkobs to 001610 thilt the gtals Low requiros,the proteetion of Abombened osewottens and mortiofts sevtio Swift woeittoonrit mob" taquirtes rive Woo alma% roloitive to this wilt., Wit 1 th. setter of taltrof th. Mae ewers tho stev aM I e More lokvt lastantos of 4tawit te bons. aimire mar *h. fortar Mine teat Awe Oita Witte *eat ttkii vortially eon •art4 topmast grentsitt embeldestesi brestiog Si* hauls wal tber siimParely erittetrad son of thee. bow *owe terseaut. tg, 414sot stror y reeotttrweld that that the sortie tart be tined vtoon it yes abaritioniA, � Tr'oTietwe to lm *Mei amen aord *Ivo it tieliverad to att how* avow* vbere Slw, are otaemssett to the sweet ar4 abomering ta* uesesseptis tam%4 The erttioisi Nev,r41 or th1s matter to requested es to fokbother or tot vs should send out swam a turtle* wad i1" co if we abotata Ow. it news rarer "AV lefty. Inert**. in tor Sr* Co Istehtifis latiattettill 43414* bum& eissideriastitio as Antriet mrehas t4 met es Wt.* iteeetlittart rod I bairn his to the Immoral ...m"t% '' the nietriet rain bats dR*ttOfl where tors mat Mop et*** aceourettr for work Aloe *doh vs win alteart to cone.% tor rrobittly tor ; tut kniew Gerparatt+qn sold their bonitos*" "e hot* ther�� :' #' st:�"'��! et e::� �:7E'1� istentotee which we anat do in entleek.obstre• scsinet resortisibto eckatraelers. PePbse*. Addittsaid duties trt wilitiNlir is to otnersali estraride. this seeourttion mks ear. That th* eharges rroperty osterosie Ard that v. nay ivy* * otbetatitistiii nisei* 'AIM 14 stOt te Wort ' mss erotteetleitu el teen oesilated. yam► agent to set La itetgliti oontaet his u. Our .1* Me 110611. altatiAtfi Ata. 1'1111 f!), 0011% rewire bilas to • Iv Um hour* stnti or vett to vitt, the royal; that ;e1k, Is west in instiss et 40 hours. N* bes net * snY 0,0114100 *1r bliegt raid &my ~Um far Wail vort tin the ellar peel boom** the toys et 141.4 cal masosory. Xt to res.105144 tt* Vow affettly. totionter no SOS switirato se the/. hove i_34 Parmistmi 12. coftstaer err ,other les tt era %lentils to 'Areal to 1.151. Orownt ust** tortmr tam so re to rat. of pay 1* st .500000 'Malawi' "fit Ms bows o4 !►+ '3 Ara tiviettiedit boor* ad no +74‘. Itetstizett• A$4111 rrstlt gou, Ths iorlowileg1.Aim for rmst interatattem eaituldanow aetiloe 261,0* of the lialtb and NKfety Cede of Om State o( califoride Is testa& *7144no. rvery poison owning laud la fmt mitts er to ;:11)11 gigaton thereof under lees* or mordimast of solo As krowlnar verrdts the forloterom *n the promise, of 'my Amntleaed aWne duet, pit, veil, waptto twAlt, emospool, or other Oboademed tem— on ttaneemmA to pert.l.na lolly in the pro,tells, er to Asors amAer t* 1141, of tvolve leho fdlit t,cover or femme 100,17007 441)? rtek AfAirprous ihandonm4 exeovAllien rao 'keep it so ;trots4.4i is gent:, of e mdedweimmor, 0444 24, this met la aa iirgeftor usairera assessery for the Ingedilts presemlion of OR p1ie percos filth er safety vithin the seastdne of Artiaie TT (0 the CosetStation 7ind tabfil pi into IlmotAllto 4114'eet. "**-4 fast- , -veu ,freett*It7 eras - *Ahead...wells Pad tertle telOrs a pertioalaar basarit11 vas to skildrea* trnee taatt of Tat* num. *s vital OS *Oar resent 4slethe ead oarilus injertoo Citi from ratline tato eboodeised frreskirwitasa, dematortrallea the eked far ismoitaiffly *Matti. legtolotion to elbrtte melt hasartio. 'v*1440600 111$6 abandoned **pile tivft In mr :0,141tenry Lt/trfet sad elsolek*In !Vt* SteliVa that the sattet aNd moot jt n,roteetirlr 1' to fill vitb .11111.110614 *AM r 40 grgosal *Ad *end tioropol of Seim dkimulosod **pile to/NA hove parlitally eollatpeerdi tot4 tltr zotroltiave cottirsert loot 1:1,P*Ititit nr4,:ritrearat :its veil A0 ort,mttne. * balgard et 4efinii4 I_ the Xopiltb *ad -41041, 410104 ; r!-FTT DTItICT 2j,t0 ‘.1 ra 17, -w77,-----c97-1 A�7' . • a, 6 1/40, Tt , n oo -t,L roo :!a43 Tth t):. Oez-Uftee.'1,8 ists3T ',;Zn-incer zne, thrt cr, to :00007,2d :i0t leec CommleVlono 195 74near cUzleatef. :A)75C u37ek of 7a'r r9:15h the Oa t,,a- OL' EocondoL3T ttion Ra - - 7 Tc13 :01,9t71,0t Znsinm-' zncl 131J-4- ne To recoLt103 el' 0 CT, Iztiono 7,f7,1 cs, .) 53 1.,:v fj.,73Qtr,d (1(37T)(7 C173.71' T(fl 71, 77' Fl 7, '7' -r3 rfl 9' • ,.' 4!1., LJ TIC'71A7T700 MC , 7 , .73 e:7,777 -77—T g,Jki 4,',AGA L I,„AnbeT C o tki ork or ? n . ,Eks-r L.)ZAL.i 1,14 47, , CTi 1,1,r 7 N4, o,F• 00.c;„ ]tat to D.7.e0R--let f.:541.10%,.0 :OS C.0 03:2'73 od t ceeria 771'ft:1i -2-Ark-,raiTIZZ7c T 07 4,-Aei 7 .11DI 7a ,L—L 1,) nrJ,,EzTy 19 7 95' 1,2 ie )tc Ae6 4J- rj , ,f3 , L., • Qs