HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 11-02-1950I/ ftett *11.
/ 1044tar: .„tir ' twat**
itittrtrA or; -efolution or "rttreneit ter tosia. tarovitiatirt Vistriet MN ZO
' ineUtillw 21 lots Jo it,r.rtavotWt 4stseto. Witois, 10 Th. Sostilitattois 01°
Intertios for Vas too:a lorrattikoortt distriet h gt boast Oa, ofitteritivedi.
reaitast ar4 nattlimps eatied to VA # rtr evriwrs, rill no protasis
As* reitsivett ft* it �1 i— test Vevieesolitng vital
ti t volt it will * iti order to satirt t vAteolu , strinft the *Mt
!Art. ett'lli for 'VW&
ber,t, resollttlarts ars rmarcid aftd at
4 #rposottop at aftrolen kAbrais Vans Lqn
o- toftber the rilgri triAruclold the 0
tor nook Aotion.
At mottags af
Mil ve
to deo O. avows*. 4
.0 'pia - oat thin*. annexatin* irou14 to oonstimmeroft Um, t04,01.
Or C:50.4, pm, ow* prortaild thst% th, r,rorpertios b10 xonoa re914.014
lurthor 'rt sts *1st the owners rrosiortea the subltitiatto mps with
Ithetir pe4111104
Tho lAttlittorte how tom fkar wiligittegod with /wart* itilits $1,0 for
November 24
!tutrostn • f.ltrios Ma 2 Is Mir eantipose to Ow ottrg Somtilury bistr Pt
lopoiliam, tibia urty4 ineloN00 2604 mors, itytm vita- ,1-17 r the s*A1
munistval ttUty tatot Upowitset vista of vs, *na of the
torivemlo Theallamo,
:Altman koro, unti We .0 5) iserst sabt,tdol for restalid lots.
Tb, Mod on, for tas ogbalvlsigio *bow sk sooporit strtp Wt* h won14
mt0 it notipeonttrimoug to lhe :Artistry' Diatari tots, thil mows
toing resnts& rep, pu so by the ,-irtaton lump' for rromos,
11. sestiptioa of tbe Ammon eager'sft!'i ?ntt and the 13
tee set*. vhitsh the Otitaimg bow, touted' tria% it 14111 AlrobAse
41 thig description wie OP writ. to %Woo the antiosallin elloti7uma to
the tniottn1 ntatriot boomdierlaity
40 bait* lottor Ist Jur Moo 'frm the Aittrint thip •Amigion
:41,,Moroto sitiottewthetr intertion 4ts is this 11 Tallte MOM suld Ate
iftrtrior *wl by Ptri Ostailas tbs 114- of vs/ *,n% tor Ow Division or
411hvaps that they or. teielamoodistelyuithlthit 01114400
• cozen!, rtAsi vistrbott, that wiry** sto wom 0/47 the $) L641060001 to
0,1* 40-Nlivisiono hattoteimrit for om1011014.0. Is ths bountlertese
ze1 1,0040Mi4 That V* tout:Wart** WIN tbs firrtise. 4404 -
*rim 1,41:04301 the Whim' mt sittise estalds ot the rettorcsimi
7holbtal sere /Ms stmearotitoss IA.04 eft 79.4 ear's tn VI
rwyr,:ted orb-tIvisterte Atheirioet basal thi* $2:50000 rev *ere
for r*Wietoratal meNretittik tost stifiltion tte tArttinerarti mid tor
the toitArt viwortistrm ottl oimettiti4 to pa infiat otadtitionia *s sa
I Ark t vattlei %new ineidert to ofteettag tho soniAinuetteite
44141.111tort thew*. "oleo ttie ovrore vmslA pay rant, it wad *eittmt tow
covering V:41 trtivttilttark 21frders in them* otaalvisterms
aulotation tlf vt-rric vircelrete 4Th ttAt
It to rsevmmlai thst thts
af ti+* aerirSsA t• M" na.� md O.
Stmettsrreti it7,0 8.tsa rooti
for the :".),:,reOliti su,
far 1611_111Mirts fist fon
✓5 pi*Valt011
AOifiQ1l1:0Al.tor ei�ft7[11t'}ilu�0l�',R� �t0�. Mit ��8arow :elM!?ZY or the
°ir#!tx i:t'Oieroa4a. . ?hie sxZ'.5M' les hol4 over tree' 6Ft. ltat *Martiog
� �SosoNottoN
� Llpl�Rf M►Yl'� �sotto" �'C1 their
n�_o� bsAs the xa Lr ywaae adtle3a1 e! 74
mL73ti *tt.
xmontamtios c tiii. ., :: 2lx+► right of glrort to rites. Es+r% ?fir WeAr C.
ad v,r.vJ . . to. t fie ems Q 4341v1s-41,0 Ibid.. Oat Aug
A ma* ': MM t+ast 3s� VOW 0.40;gratsibLlM 06R !t 's�lA1�
vidlit a�Nr at' the two pcw 1l;�M old tht eJh$t LIft 2 t* the
P . 41. M 116 for Vic • •!' Ito p tts* i4btt$ paPk a!'
isernietiva rOlg01iko •- /:iii tt it :"s 4 of toot"
Tbi ether tvo ft. WO of tbo rrorporst7 tirs44.
Villa ?. :, i447�: 14iiC J641. low � IMS as 1�Mi�tl to
ot �.:$341,3"4 Vn4Mf veArea. ts• C.A..o! 1� ". el* li $10 sod
tot 621t Y:.f20A: ".9+. toC2ulC left' t tb� ts !q i110 PIN.. ffiT161totoditlM4 � �,: tho4uw +`rf 'LRS ? voisir :SMI Area 2yq! 'Cat
150:141-viffw tht *row t*t,...vottitottiot.
A tAt9 ?M aMl 4- VA* bat; not b�evi
the nlO; :. 14 AM wt .« Ow:, .'oDo 11%
various him tMt tntit io-ta
t iS Uld that the *
''�"�it11 th. 1f-4"NI 7 ototriet v
Thrl aro pitaisly 0'441.40
er ixisimalet 110 *Wis. the
I not eon ermitituttOn Of
er to ast
bte Apart on toll tm r � w t ail '�," `�� � _' � _ :., 'toe bouttie. ottlit 41,44010.
IA st held tor :fterek atstiols tin akettertatteo vt tristireetiews ot tb.
riostingoff' "Wtobor 19.
1,77 4golAttiori sereeting inerwso in las* tor 26 ir It olAssitlestitom
eiettstitie. te sit Nola in ismeareatte* Board a teitstructimm st mot
ot ottIktir 19 ritextz tar :4,64112 stetter,*
• ,k:,,nr:}oto4diaet ts. toe
Pits teas MR in ti1*
t,., Uao.S41tlellost patale softy in
' o"
1d.ttor ,
vokllitte, ‘11111 rtvott mow . 1 0 IS.
tee 00 ar 0 unit olt41.6004Wet in 3 I.S)
., 0 'wart 141141414104 of kis vita thit crtatto4so
tight Nit tor 0 alotinio. of ItialV•sot sod the
b112u a: tx±irrav+,Xi by Ehs .tortstter ted. Wltti�gl i�'�StiM.
sl,dtr atv otter matters not km st linww *!' Otis 4iits*tai.
xc.et 39O.
ara*Itst tot rho astriet Pout
:Via 444,1 r Ai t%., TO., ,,Z3 •4,4104
6.1414N. 10
h** mfols for sow* tY.As stil4eset .tet ► sektiutt or •
to (mot eitittruts %petStestettivi layoff* tot mom* Le Awe or tat
et* INV ctwiptrutititisti turn ton. to ors
SOW hast bwit eat to U
tis Do, sionfis Outgo
*0 air. ltvic.friMP4 vtill
anti opostittettt!
aM t**1 Than
�IMt sari of 9h►
114*, OM,*ofitAtte
eate notItime "tan tom aoiledt ottabow •
a, roe
9,f !1'fu Gor'1G
145. �rsisr�l�7�