HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 10-05-1950•
1 hal call.
rrntliz:..4,11 tolt.V14,-.
NI a iraitell.
3 /Old Businioes•
14, Requout of C. Oarribe that Nosrd sot one* on Margo fir
asrvire to his prenorty aNetaing rismitere Dook4 LOUT, is, st
band irwlitootirg that Aro 4orribotti hoe rad. on agnomen* ittth Mr.
Howard or nonters Doak covering e0a4.0% OVIN Swart ter Mr
Garribottt to sonniset to ~sr within the Plantors Dosk prkoratre
Nr, ascrribotti "Os. WO he diming. to hove sande* oar to th0
vosterly irare pare.% of hitt nrstrortists, This 4 its noir
gonod reeidontioUsgrteuitural for WI sere WM�
northerly �s,► tai
�� under t���m�l�t�t�±�3��t the ���
sore►of tMs r1, Du* to O.� I► or mt.�'� #'i � +�t�r�t�Os' t2*t 1A
provide only two r*Wential sites. I% is reetommends4 that conneetw
its foe ter this et 141 1.1 aerie parcel to mot Lt
the i� two
base# n''k
ettmi et of *hi osionsmont in
' ►f ) sr two at �61.00 each far * *,►l tit 000
b4 atter rolmeev Stamor A , 1.11 et* his #elAbors for further
wort be performod on Mart fon lids W + has been heid over
from he last two ft.*
A/UMW fres% twoodit Robinson tiginup$' rotative ter
Warms elf" U. . rtL" Mamie � ''iv�+'�+� "yraor�lt�''{'t���t
within 'I '��.1ca�`y Dttt �.to %h. Rest �� '��rr�n 3.ct t�. �'t11 i t�r � 1. •
rieti 41110104i00117 *11 or
*rift within *410 Urrer 40A Leandro
*later generally Identified as Morsigas whith lims%within the
44nitary totriet is now o9tofdo of 'I IR Laot Bay Munteirmil Utility
nlatrt► and a+e not have water ari+as to the rporterty. Thi :Lm'lrannormition or thee. lends to the itobOhlevif 0. Moro *re �
company Rnd Itro :)„, 14 Abe.** rrimsrity, ere serf effeot an
3.'��u��ho1&tra l�U1Z�3�A of"���t � + �t� 4��t°� Ott i�s3't+grl�ll! t���h40 f
this arsr on4*hoop inr.lo % two T►xodims granted to
as Sanitary Distriet in tit.
?he Nar*os cowpony d#tri'+pEs tut tha1 Unitary Dietriet comer in tbe
annexation ofUwe* te to ths gest `Itr3sl, ,l Utility
District Aid. Ulm th .fit +iette't by reaotuttont Mr, fisjetny hAs the
rtooiution a% 'fid newly for tr4 Boards. .�ati .
Tritis *talon sr -oars destrobt, ond Lt te ripoonmended
41. 106
Letter trios Lisll►lr 0, 3eat rtsgting xr►tegion to esonraeet 4r+*
haus* or. hl.. "ein:or/17 toi Ka on path Trunk li+tarar 30ernte whicth
4jetne hip ��tarlgr*IN Hr. sookbern resty thAt thie pronneaticn
bit Nwithorizeil on Ow gneet a 6.+a►nnoet tan fee of $250400. mr.
totriet lower Cod* as i existed prior to Par 2, 1950
have peratitted sprrevai of this . and 'be t#fie of er permit #thou%
1 toM:tee to this %wilt howirms the 0.6. w requires WA the Wlard
Woo *otter( on *soh thatviikatat esilito it 2.$ reoGr 121.1; 14,4
,40,06111 .11 rotgaimit be mentedi vat that VI* sonneettfoot�'
halo. en hie rroparty be in law asount at 3250.00, In Matt= to ths
pormit and inolvootion toss Over the vork All to don. sqsaborftis *none.*#
/r,,' Lotter tree
for tn.t.liatt*n ofwom' � gem t toti in *CAROLYN 1.1A2/ M
pab4tvisien ikijoins Local lonmement Otetriot go, 2 ana sewer of
that dis*Plet is in one wi * located,. at the eamIttossUrn
- lover corner of the oubdivistonl Womer. to bo trotelogi wiAhtm
oubdiv'1Dion will gave an 17 ''14 *Ad aas ft�'��.1� k 1"r.
,n submitted LA arteordane. vith 0reilistates *Rio 3 fic lazglErzeve
711, amosostmmts in The adjointrig twonrimmeit district. vire
:4. It to rocamiNSWIeti that thts connection be authorise& on
nt e lotal eonnestien ftwe et 31 21$000 17%.50 Per
lot far tha► 17 Wis. XT. Orson bats tend eftioare s cheek sn the
mmant Or nonsoo which bas boon otemortel asbjeet Doora
approval atter reeiiving "mortal conearre600, in this action fror,
Moilardio Pait*on# Tolenit alltd 411wwth.
&II, work or inetalling otwore within th* subdtvision plas permit ana
inopiellon fees to be raid by the 1M:divider* motittn Nothorts
the connoction et Carolra Coart severs, to immopo or L.T00 2 on
payment of a eonnection fon of V1021$40 to roosamotaolay
t?Littgr 41 A. Wormie1+t sal ,nermisaim to +tsonnset the
Pronto** nem 'AO eonatraeted oft La, of the aorrett Tract to
tfr,r‘th velar4als prim" Thin lot ad *Ina Latal Tmommimen%
Dtatriet ? end is attio from tillo tessmont owlets between
lots 21 and 22 tn the etoing otblittilsion providtw right of way
to the aver In rbetta Pearilao 0rtims, The imtionsior of panto ewer
is a -proximittily 150 test to reaett the liteCormitk r 3r4
Moro or. no afters serving into the Oerrett Troot vhioh litts
and +��na�.��
the bommaaries at Looa revement Pintriet Ito lead
Ln tor t tlit. . war that new but 41A, tt rang in it is
fl#sit'abls to hove thNr orwer bpi c'tio3444 teuh to thm. wain etx"oft
or the t3orritt ?net esilled Camino vallsetto, Thm next olimmtestti,n
oonsideriod to * Utter from Mr. L, 1'0 ratiOn to extend sower aerosol
the PeCormiek to wore* Ms lot on the uparado *ids of
Cavan° VIII*, end worsee tbe street trtn that YtCormlia property.
Thole.4 t it+my boo considered lointly.
It la recommon444 4a01.
the 7,trtvileee of eoamoe
of thoir extending a
Witten* at tbetr se
"hie smomnt to
IletorweLek ate Pro 0' tiall *set be grAnt
tote NNW 14,01*,.D. 7 upon the baste
frfoi North Peardia. So Canine
old %iron 4474Le it et MAK bff eaeth
til'Ao unit sesesoment
rty as connotation 1444
n the oljoini 1.1.0.
tuiquett of q040.010 Pew s k " +'' sn ohs'
071011.1411 o yffolf, ez 7 er s in U " e4
one, bonattons for
,; prIe
aerytett to %hi Isbok Mt win
require art sztonsion • tolty mover
aid the etnistraotion et it 11nahtn till MIt trittectswardad that
tht. '. granted and that lie ROnn. ykroperty be authorised tar
sonnertioq ta lags seetinsis7tn wee the t tV.tton ` me *rt
the se of th* mow and pose* of s eanneetton foe et 190.00
whish 14#4 of the mit assettromt tri the nearby, totorn
eel Adopt rogsaution stritettaft annexation of th 0,4? ,ter roma;
ft.imen• preporlirs adjoining tho Distrtot in the Plomaant *Mit
The Boar4 rrierlously authorised this anfmtation upon the papsetifs
of 4250.00 plus all eosts tretlient to the ennexAtion by 0* evairs•
"tom p1rtttion for oririttuttert, lav boort duly adv•rtioted with h.art*g
dai. est raw today* The $230.00 4 nt has boom rood -rod and 00
owners are still to be bated for total of iStmo aeattional (toots
ithieb are itin400 total* Pro Ws 7 has rowittattort set band tor
Bearden aotten anti iiris reeommendoi that,t% be ador1444
6.JO.n .iw*r :cn resolution and pass, or resolutioa proposing
moil the ritseimelisi of tritintion ter flood improgremenli .Dietriat
no* * This matter etrinors ritleseistion am" to **Mon **assent
in t Scald rvo�r airy +�t� tv�r ���is in to,mttn. 114r*
�s,�+iril,�t has the 4 ution at hsv1 rvidy!' si ' Mures mitten and
fi.1 Ica reeormoidisi *hat they Imo adopted it Mem is no *MO Prsimit
at the hearing objoettrq, to Mt. action"'
V/ ?.i/Mtot 'fir restiolutimta tit ttP Wt#r establishi Local t ~ant
, Pintriot go. 20 400 serve Me 20 -urismostred tots itranihaod letatio
twit No. i+`it►titln is at luItIRMA by tits owners of 25 or th.
20 l�ta rectutsittnig thin Wile. ard tam Amnon, 'b+llvT taken in
actooreauses vrith Bootrwtrxetionit VI, taet meetirkg. /AU
°Meer • lottor is at bout recortreoartsg thts potion.
mr ttfej bota et the revolution* for the :leartite
settan• is rotnEntendoti that the/ be e.t.a.
httighorts. partent la the amount of 4150000 tor saireeistat 11.0 rlo
easoment !"or this 7Are01 t*t* work was started. UMW 4 CMIliaAm40,1
rtli between thin ant ourimairs. tist totion *wit 'W 1► of OA. 04
the at of tbio tort *odd be. ditterairied that ve yes
t the Dowd of an iictuttablio amount* .• somea.011
to length; hawimors yasestilitas a eotsplot. torworarkes
ewer IT 24 acres or V* -,irisopiittly tome O. reemaining semi.
wis noviestotry to ;vote' Woo* this rtorarty ,i!)rdier- to maim the
batrri+Go'1 areas lying upgrade wild #fir trI► .....0 weal via
Authorise drawing or Intrrevito on rim omen am! f iterheatt
+M► a} 4e
*ewer construetton fon& to effaaot XIS trarafr to looter con e#ism
!"rte Qt wo�1t!��,,�,�1,. r+ 't as swirl*. eh&�� tor annotations
as sonnestion
s for ownsettan of
Itromises an4 or
subavision mower erstome whit& Us outstdo ot 1,01404 or odjasent
to main ?ma Sower manholes, Thome moats. *ots4 in *aeons of
,M0000.00 at SIN U►r . In addition arproxisttels Z10900000 adattional
in oonnistion fees is beinr oarmitiorei ot this meettn44
It to reeonmin4114 that the ,Tior.rd 43tritei the transfer of all e these
ehnrges for servies awes tor annexations and eonmet ion obarfos
which Wm bees riestridthe 4.1; tom'" ttiipdr "t sewer otwirtruellion
rani and further lbat *11 ttztur receipts ani' this ehersotor be dapeatt'
oot Ix sower construction tea for Durrevit "Inevitting * rioter's
for' tOare rogutroi eoristruotioa, Thei transfer of noot rimmtpts to
be ettestod 4111116m torrenta ers rarntrig exrense Auld nd 04,044ing
the amounts in mower monstruelion rani. The reestrts from, ftture
charges to bo tamottaitairiaffmattott in rower oorotruation fund*
kuthori.. lArs to Er, to Les Angeles st armlet eve0.11 ana
tss such Oiz�►. �s neosio'y toot 'lir llintrietes i,nterii%
in the Oogo fttilere Mrs Nej that be riesives no answer
taigt "vitt*" and MO he to not Oar war* of the ot*INI,
Ws matter its Ohm' by its fits. voith Ple4 trouthrtart*
- Abhor zo4
boel Iaprovmt Dttrict No, 17* taflr a ormitroetor to
comploto on time and pfOludatie Parnell? 144 tip of
0e*ot go 1910. aon� lis ail AT. as+��w tn
piss* w410, the omen regaty tor use end it is amid to Orfoct
lotion for the oontrao% oil Manuel *AO ter .10110 17 is
�, the rorsv t
.�� or ► streets assn. its �►the etrst houae econootions � �.. oettsber� +��»t�i�'' i�o�l fina
1�� �a'�11� 11►d�{ 1�' ���1�i� �" 'fit' e � °'+�"�:
v E it r � .�x ��. �d stratt� - :•'3. 4 te �t'� to the �'"9yo�.��i,,f�4�!�I nos �i e gob.
7i�ti��a6F+�4`w s� on �,+a - ;,.. $ fir' a�'�fie�w to 1+.�1�' no ♦oliA baats
Wonting of ea extension of illocip I nr0Pos* to nrefoosa, 00 sithar
et the two following barn,
04 If the contreeter permits ths eonneeticm of bease to tie tewOr
E �
b any and all tYertlosliftedi to do this work tit be be 14trat`fi
to contlins0 without an imtbortsed estonsion ot time for 0 tertian
and Oat r asks denarsi el PIN *trim Who eosplotten at ths Jo for the
. intro. inrreettot °oat. rawating Iron %be everworun irt tins* !Met
i reaps to +me► t?o amosunwilint to his until and unless be poets
meth thawed for extra tnsp.ettontQeti. T' bItd* taIr Wit# \actl.onisl, fi t# t�tr
.ie oel.''�' Way �!"�'' tt The �� r�" �l�lu
asIF4�bl� for ``� ±.. *�R �11� �R% •w -•�' ,�l �� the ����� not .*�!71.Rlb
�"'11re'ed 'fir the spear a t'1'me fe�i�" c '�, of be tlmt' ►otw
In eventth*t the e
., , ... lot^.Jr does h. area
for ate* sower commotion by 4.1 qualified t we *wad,
ort an &want of liquasetedt dimitge. lia th. .„ yawners in the
t.ia..D# as a dolly amount std too 'fit contractor :"o* tht e *mount fa,
the total of the tins from the ap.oittoi etton Wm to the
c i *tufa 1 /tam &Aso RAY remover! on mit to te given to
the . 7 outwA tri 'fie? t .1,D, tn '4oil. $C1 their asnessmonts
the roolinsty Gt sweh liqUidated tiftrimpe.
Vairue ?",vaitharsprietatiOtiwis Darnel* boa Uwe 1IS1SU1 4011,114
of my intent to milk0 wash reeomivolatlitnas to thit Dartgeo R. hits in
t4rA &&visold, that MP are* vill be opened to OA rortiss to mr*41-
topneetiono to the wow As of Ylnday, Oetober 9, If to tole* the
action, ae steed my r*sOrmond4tion will Ws Oat no ortonsion
of tine ef ......1.41on be grantee spd thut he oentinme to eir,erti
as Altair, eareigtlietOr until tbe settal completion a thc Iftek
ate tt tiwnbS revirts4 to ray th* extra insirmettor bogstsi Inumrrei
by Ulm ointriet setot the somplettion dets of the contriset $41 t
condinon to * dationsy of the .varroitt otter litto oarrintin•
ne advice of the Ponr4 oxt forcvAry lume-atiorte is roqueota•
21; Pay bins a7y2likeirwl toy ch.nr and endited by th0 stlattim
13 Cltvtr nr1 other natters mat ktmyr 0 the tin* eff thip !Aclatic04
kdjourn to 0,!tOber 19, 191s