HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 08-03-1950rateintX tiinsilms nit Kit?
emit 30 19s)
✓ 20 i/Peallias of Wirisikahh
% vivo 1L+1s *!QW 104 Itepromssent Dioiriot rear bide to ttetriet Isegineer
for talisiatisi ant toopeoll6
JCeit4si ***duties aseeptiing peresat sow* e!' 49+►700000 tip* 2uMgiNr sitimait4
Zasi., eoverini ssssnoplttea at somwset'1y e' gates Stritothoo4to eiswer
of the :Witter: itstriAM6 Rasiobstian progiered and a% hal tar go teeer4,4
k‘vcalustair mottos orthartslas DLtytel+rt tleasor to Um wilt et sesempetoa 911.1a0s►
vest to fogistimDistriet
Noaten 1tt4e hem been � is Osi ce' '' �lr ls fon UMW* MMs1►
ias ito /40 Ceastraaties 0.11.01,4, allikeisovi
risuo' ew Xewiwpo"tILs. err Coestarente Oosvoir ie t UII
in a Nlet !1f $605004100 OaccfeLt soar Ooastroaiktai Ouipor alma UMW
la ea sessat e!` $44820•000 11t is sessesseasi + Os Nowt asalmairiss wr
ts VW. pie order to N. G,► N► t traott+* to maim* 141b ! !vidi
consteir aolo:GMMYM of mimosa, tiros PaiLdfli Deploy, 'fit. MMI parmist of Vtiee.ort.
flits.propesolly Immierisa of illo ftwolterysag it i1
aMlollsof to i e p#'ftpartif IA11M1► sower to tom stiestsesio lwlNuIrMIw► ARjN!'tti'
mkt ilelbse bon sosordi' * pries of e for aiseasmah INS oelmMMMnt
has bast itamealked sub** tbe Uwe. stalibortibe 1411 P101.1140 eis pieusat
welt tok a asbMor#p seam* SU maw poill tsetler 11. Musa. fir. 74 to leolgamiM1g
that eir *kW tatttertial POINerAt of ithitt t45004100 for tito samosomoi Ursa. +Mbe Derlor
Vtleasiliar hosobatios piped mg to seditity Noselaitais ad[ beisatioa ilko pis ow %dila
lapermMtt Distegoi „ lawsie1MrMr letto ' fitlftitttion propmili X11 #and.
etA Iteedettteilt * Ito etSII !` its Ow Tillrida1103 property
♦1sieseedi Wee iioe ''il ad the WOW* of Uisi Le Use %NM prApMI!sir else
fitiosasest Were irea 36.4 mattoora ittecketiod at Os tbso ot She billoring
am Vas Pesoluties loar Za4*sittam mad the aMMri lltatiod+r iii tobat 4b,
Oat they would
prorMo& oftwortasIt ite siesamaiaboil �t+�' 1i� d +r1t tai Am.* as At�� ate •novittetias orapparoti*
"oast1m, slor►ytakasr fit +ittiaawt %Ip. Piro 1Uaibmwei tor twaessod I* Lstml
twootewat Distirtst 'too 21* OK timed bee UMWet boil is taitteti kit sem*
is punteNrsewat to the theiteir til,etrtst It taw Ili+tin woe to son.
Ma+wa* vadat witiott the vast AU t1r�'e ,, r "'• Oat SI 41 lie lir boa "!mak
4r� �► the us of�i�e tselmtho.t int lost Iso so sesivis1Nrd is '11o► net tz.
tortes* with to Iasi Vit V. polesost sold* teat epkrtes »i awes moor**
'err aesittlas sof lelp fpr I. aftUskeski aro ratio.mar!► mi. la as swot Oat
sob.essitain rook romatton was summulloyeal 1,4 tiatdd lopes. sooddimikila eatira oxpiaeis
to the eestiesrtior. Owever. those ie ail *Whom tist wit rosit Ail imp onsowetosed
vitae t ot ,� f..$ immosstbed tap saw mar la this lossites. imik it Is
rM►arsrallOi est lerit 111,1401/10,0r ell,tssUttr marsol to sat thw% tho ploai
%starer 'A* maeldg► sad Wow hio lemitim iMtr. Akio/4*edam that
any wink 1'i IsiR'' Wow MsaMii11t+Mme ser 1w► 0.10itred sopeuti to taw sm.
traitor maws esposeeS ter aork isoMosel t0 +uriaii
*adfar Ski �t+�Mor �►�. t 'fit to Om
+Ei�a�uu� ��� at Os Lisel Thiptroomant rtetilist es +Io1igsmOk wettb the potential soot
tiids osNessoi it it vase to to asetaixlrtt etirissaw#tc,ss
MOMla it 1081101,6
At e` % 295o
vio lais* Izoo4134tort ~Aft wok ot Issia 'tank *sat No. 1 TWO vas timilvtOked
ea Ses and Patio* et 0104gotidit has Use Moil. Iteeobdias is 'A bonli tor
the bares astions
west' tar liseklattog oftergefas the Altwir to* Ow tam% mottos to leammit
propprides *trot gra � �.aa� �#h �ar 1$1A mss! 49U
a�` the �ir�l! �1�"���i� viten Os Orsait /kW* Mime dual burr sertittod
that * sailimate mitetit ea V* portiodar wade. dis W. Os saw of sorasipi. fkait
separats Nisasswbbo astel Angiost 1 on #fir Nw"Mris at bawl tor tie
lastrost snow* se to further *MOO bir 11011iSt rea4tile it. the oista fit
Mitts Y. WINS. vornsafts. imervut4 eprihride sal moue
rop.* too
the �i 1$111$11wry r . i�%rt�,�r �r the ���
i*�et �. xt l��r � mea ma i� ►�ra�t lot ��1et of
� 14.04 4016.011
�t t�+l� rid SIMM i'1�► soon. in 1111 phogriir is mosithortem
sad intoissol Mt. 11110106lpl1P �101.4. Shit 3044 Is1omigNMni
sit r its Set oela" 011 +SMR VOW )0101140 041 Paidag
411t Wan* Stir WS MOM as i� ���%�Il i l�+� +�` *i �t MIS►
*� '���r� � '�s�� 1 � �� t+�!. #. iliklaN001 Id" +per►
err seormithrs itotur sem man issint +wmrtartvg it We s.40 tm't est
destras ithe Soares tostittotions is ibis enter*
Its la 111 %taut that SIM asise 11!` let* etatiosNktpIr ose #�►"� die l!rellt
is Ar It ice# Ws* 114161117 tatiserlirei to weft ad 4 rliastels614.
fit it ea* 'fir ittestrit at the bests of astrely pototting elirtolot base in VW)
itmails *ad not to oonstitoots a relostiese te as rogeostrtt 'fpr lam. 11qr1110, 4
\i*tt$. this Dteliet0 lissimor to art tbs vet of ta.ts111 the Nosell
wow* to il►MmaMIl irogeg OfirSAMS* Oat lho. 60 via tiespir tiompliaser 'fit we.
mot ter Aumkees stier nwitat$ tit resayst is 041, tre sem! '!de
worelt too the foltillividers, 14.6tut. rte ,► '� kw* Utter at brad fro Mr,
Stroliv is *UM he aims to pop tor
s vett it levo Statiatat ‘1113. box* It portiossig
itivis NM* has 'Us* solittesit fot the soma ot Os visit* ammtlye 11$1,110.00 moot.
lapr IVO MIN AlriPi1t '2101,111 Seal rovesettisi Poo Pirsibaitt. irairdoitetinisalight sot •4110110114111 &sow tor *mooting NOW* to saver IL* 1.0:1•00 104 Se -
n. Am6.411,
Mr totwitipts ow sopa loblah is out to %be losaiseilot
.0/013. ' '��l�i+InIotMdi to Oslo, kosd: *4104. 1411164&141, over1610 ,0W!
of Kr. 'Maw la Moor to sumot to • st will be ostisteeny to aus
amilodro the p4toporily Pir• Saiders to point to even rost for it Sistaess ad`
swr►leljr 125 hot. p.b4 has ammo* rMomwok to tin Vi,it tree lisalope tpr
tits owswestion aid it out km oa Akre WA. es �r�, is yrs a
palate mile Ita r�� err adjdalteig Siam le31/4 ottattrisiorc stat *vivo
for seat due* tiellAdase situ tt is immewasaltA that Os Geogioticia Oaf. tor littt
Psalm* Itis sot in Ws tomato em.170 $31344410 eortsilorattea se tibe proven"
tosinvati and, go tomith et sews, aesessor te mash * V.trit 0014110*
Letts" ryas Poles soda rotative to ilivolosin Wealifib1a adjollaisit Isomot
j ♦♦ t3
• �11
istproment Itetrtet Pie/ U. Voles #1,. toils MM.* Owe Uwe to ast gro the bad*
vioneloy thy ripermer pas of their sot% of isstallisits towns lam eijatelasi
intertifts Wee tom thee dual doels. s11rites tke+rapdit Vi *weft *
cAstile tivitate oftesitio Mat Otte atibt 'be
tare.se *deo trod. tars Xviediottos my 1W WON in Arniatir.$ '1Wl" +� a
pr114111s mow *IA awl aollesto it to its sotitemy lletriste IS the milio&tridaro
rrolr to /9rian Autoaletios mar Ws mow* tbrir is tau aodii Imo%seseme
its seintemsoi eel oar aritammose to emit met * +grantitioonir stecotrild
adopi sis aritimasse 4rotri+qinR tor it matikinionli. frOlirrtel vdth Wad to 00,110,
stall*, to tbs towel prowlet468 *telt silrn►d t w p►elowsittp e ywit.** 1osporser
*0N, ittepoeal Urals oat* tivoistwood est Wars* itibe "wart viabee to elite
&mitt. 1itievtil+n to * aelitter of +:r mit **amp earteoiting to leo wow st date. if4 te osiato.$06 eat tbo attar*,
oeffir ixte eve mot wer levee the ty to mom. pert et the eeet
twe a nortrosloit t4 draft an Whim. orvri'xvolt Vt. matto. se iatatootot 'gyp►or. waft
mit OM the Ordinatebe row* tor tb1 !sl.d+llrlhl+l* at the alert 'lsr
I 12.1 Agreiamildi %Ob. (Imlay O'Ittrmr1 via s ►1rr► to the reatilorr *.Wt.t tor shmeses Saw
loot aftertivireo The Courier stennal toe too or losel ailvortteise oft
the stoats at * 1�2 en � ea* task bigit �IMIN�� Ow *Mut tom& amit
the latigreta. (*tads Sea Use lose* tbairgint et V* baits 0.00111306 1.014,
~es 1iM1! bow the other 'ihllx i'tiN'
iftrual nit. thim tot Ike SettitM!' iAl�w
Az, het* ... for rebate et them 41POI SOMN INA OM la the
eir $700.000 amil it le mommeatigoi *at the attemor *awe
be efetbori,sad, to 400 a sottlAment the Osestor Awed it We softy ler
roPollmt it tbis latimi4 or swean oftpteet Mom 9. aikleortistais rt !a1 .606.
044 thell 1bi aMMird, Wootton. eztlAtoqitise the Olompor to mite snob egrooment viih
the Cxapri/? Oseamil.
13* C441 basineesi
assiost toga aro tatorir V. th0 smaint 4 Gerrie* ebogr. to otioloet 'a 4.144*14 fYt
Leri '? of A illtr+ est to the mow Ls woo i"+ .• 1,4141.s of the tot
inetvilies :II IedasMair M *oyes + It 1414x40r 7SIC ��►' tigenitio
tvos Im ��t 'at *ever tri 'I�r Toot vimoverti'"e, The MINImossitaties sit the
illietRat fit aisly 20 Ise UM tbe oferseetioa *ow 'k* in *to anount off' * elude
aormosamodi in VW alliMidae 140/.14' for ISYS24,06, -Mr, 54.ento kohtees thott Wm* 413.
'1r f.sw isolMolr► !lilt 4in tide itlmmerlr. It eetlasto iLrti 11le ostimere 1411 '1e wry! es
of appmetimatelar 10.06o0oo to *mese sow to ems thew tow buittitagi ititoes
?Ate satiwor IMO bali ow for teistotos at the noolit+lla "011.11 9.
.H4 et Lippoot NO Stieetor for reemsidiastimm of Skto semett of *Imp akar.
ter atioutilas VW. tetivoia4a Thosttro property to the taattary Vietrideto. elate toms est
is the ationet sir $1P).0� per owe, or s tMwrl id$,OO�, ,cwt Lippert 41011 tilitahei
Va. so *Wes& At tit. seeting of My 20, tilt* toed*, *slot the ',Nord for now
elilhowttem sed Oat Ow 74001 volt take the wittor tatittor eitoteenest est
asmommr tie astitelost Ddb the iseettaft or Astioek .7*
alCeedier ow Aber naat#Mro arMwt loos e1► tis* ot tisie 41.1*ti M.