HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 07-06-1950titling= s 111s is suirms
34✓uu cu.
2./ Ptetauaa mow.
3,0 Callisid4014111111,
/ (11) rNiMaa et props* mows m Mao :err Iw imgailita book tib 11h lit*
yN1*w w WAsi M Us bast *Mr sit rmNdMF ir[ Jim 29.
tiitoea+ fps Ira tsl* *at thar or solM' War. Ow 7ww1 et Ibis
*Moo Who asei�� it it AMM tatrdl*6 to yO�M�y14e1Avbeta. 1N itlMe/�r 1t tits 0.1107V 14101111Moto Vats is ea d ths
qr s�n r
es aare�a+s
sr Ibis�Sift• a wdsre et a�e�a
ar 11* 440 it to leopM
to aridarii' Woo po'wM tt Ow aro halos sor"faN1 ts ~We
wxlMe Mi lie pow aM71M.
(b)/*t arwaUsf4eat
(3') IaMn Ms 1114 111hr414$4111 311114117! Sim IiM MAW
aglow Ta;•rvessomrt AneNailasl +1u a 1+tM► tfw 4r* NMif1
Owl !t wd'lawst to 3eoWU+►ti9s of ~se !s the 14.1s1
ar+a W is Om arum mit 414410408 iMt OrtrAs, 1$sg a� �
+#MI d Oar MMS
sY� iwntlipttea it w ear+w Xo,la anise a.► w stMwrwa
ia ursn Wiwi *Iwo O. mod tar mom if Ws *moo �rlSa�
1M 1Ms4 11r 7ytafw' it lrtilo41N M Peedwith
wwN w M 1mde Sot Mr Amos wiall M .4144+4+ a. •
SIMS naiifesq 24 190.0 ail ON* tbs as 1r MOWINMi *s laai
■.. XL +se. s.+*w .tea. ww so • MIAs
toga pops1t at o+wy pLrida1t Air ~Wag url oaitit»a^
♦s to viIiniM M iYt isms oft rmt244..
(e)illisgoost rvadlostio Coo .or woo s otrit WU. so toste *My
*tone 0.110 40144104 bietwir sookorstoiat Oat slite
Imo this *Mot ta hoot sa Val loord uoir swim* et this ''u
(� 14104411.14 �' Sgftt, wad Asimmitatoo tar votrotog aa ossaimit ammo Who
Iwo*** to leititio wow oamosettio tor Wormy ilierilloos Vett lift 410,
latter is at taosi fro *moltto ow soft* t��II� ��I�J1MI
1410.l �" � "Wan t51tilMMi�� mosMN4► ION Wear **dvttt*
X'eol1r Pip Iwo& ilii,t or!.11 it Ws whwiast, osaisaw
MOPS meth* ter ansibtattilli todastmol *Mums ralabarsoi to Mittetost toe
Weal Imprismisi4 Vistriato *so a ma ?boos sotto. ars sot a* load
rooky for sollopillaso
50 iv ao approvo4 tybaa *AU Candittoto
6. conallor say otbor vatittours Irome at Us. 1114. ittoteetimi•
Aamira Thassiler Mr 130
of Mori
slating? Annakx. aim
ItOttaZuCII 144.0 to Beard! s2*,19D
Vibe attiwilho at Oa Sava. troiellasett Plant and
Lan,4 peratam. essimodie end engfawiertai) are a
"'rea► Plait
0214ati en nate
Nola en*, riosat$ to walnut Crook
rr irmF1►tMM to Obarise 311,11
1950• * lestopitto to St, Nur o
* Wan Gawk Smith
Ottimis Ittopitili nook
Meta l'rank
Mama i
aapaisity assixsal popilistiosi *Sib aw
esipaamas oft the pion omit tato seat of Hash tel
Plod leadboosire Pow Reim mid
mak'bitilrMt #S.W." SW*
OxidetUsti rook
4469 hooks
soma tir ea& *Ow
So mood* as* amallaat mulatt'1 viavi,Atters is * iwriebla 2141 on itisteme.
kao a eapssity flowlag yrts ae follows
111► aNM�
417 45
wow., 410
plasit. lials Weak sootisw
/al" per
A1 111041roa!ks 13000,000 130400
Plias* 1a0► Sommiri 1lMIMMasst »,000,o 130,COQ
emeseiri 1MNIMAIIIMet 'bo
'Mkl(book City llystas
Iliorth ifist Croak to #bvatl
Mo. Soo* tot City 10 ON
�cn #eta 'fomels of tho foot Wil► tep3.isatiz isr is l'retelsasR Plant age
Trask ammo Isbiett mob sommtua#ter wouli Mer Ms llt est up en tliok fall+wiskg
OK) Ito ammo' pepulaticat ott the oposed oa;
(10) Oro tt tbol proem* alwasitir ot lais Plait los& Trask
Sown iwittiat meth avoesattee vault use sail *lab vilval4 Iwo
1►0 to duplisolliIwL Irkwoo Miro data iwi #bs anasseivies,
tory i
Ude oilisites ter
massil Pordalliosi)
r Aare of Aunemation
oisimalattag eliargoafeaaturiag W
Cost of coot et o to abarge
District leard
eliminations; Seco ass
toyspiellis we yen I
tsti* 16
(mow Nosmsan Air Yield) lomat* northeast of Coseord
ter rosidestia1 sabdivisisa Aso tomiseis
120 stare*. Assisi& peps.
per m
fetal ter 120 aeries
ter teases do -
par NM,
00 par ears
for some $1400.00
LsatAtil in Towels Va1Lrr ses* of
yrs. ?lamed !'or rssttea'!tat dsvin►1Asson
Alsossrrri paratati 16 per fir,
00 par saris
moo $37,0240013
t et sztositem fr.* to *Ls taut
mar i,000 testi �54) approx., or $,24 .;tn�
to at 0E24tolimes exprnse«
am& laNG
GO r 443*
Totai for 304 some 104.9000.0
piss seat or irilesates to Maim Trak Sem st lamer
Offtatts "Imp Stattest tit Sivelise fig
inamtividoi %OW tot approx. $0000 $4.0011•000
'be preasott essigirtted bassi is Som Oomataisttoo istobattai
0004,0004100 rossiftine to is tivalotommi to ewer ortetaelcoo ad
Mom pmpluset an* the lose ossompatlea seryoe Maros paid b7 &Is* sal
hisseeistes s approximately SWAM
fits astimipated first onlansimmat (4 Om tomilimemik Platt. sett after
3,956 s estimated e $114))001OLOO on bads serrest eonotritatioa*est..
Santee shams fres 100002atiOns of r viler of those disosegat berelsi
emit provide taw atwo, Ott essi rands, :gest the itolsame mew
Nem to east *laud
mil ..-1
hoot flume artf
t this
It is siodoeted S. bowie far slinernistisbstbarges, L*aunt nott min
be steed by tbro Sport MeiIsere sits a, paisisible taste tin, futturs mottos
these tom.
itimAIrmm TO, lb* V triet
.! t t Siloam Plow 4101 Pupal&on Sem
#a Us* +wubjeali tot is lam► efarriat
) twttior!.se at stria. noir st ihnes#t ?UM 1asis.
CO Rorrrr& rll ow. eassoettaes as um ars Iswr►de•
ropulaktios sessiostad is estimatiod on Ow tad et 305
tri° flow is estitot itereawaa erwnrammo Mirrstis ivop
flov parted* that Ow *UM Oft* Calm, vr WOO to Ito gyp►
Asli+1eMai srN►1wat rift sat !nfi1'1r1tas to ertisiitet iaare***
aim aversas iarrrstts wow now Ow Mao Immo" in not *urla/ AM..
agr ►e 191111,, is Mew #rr Am is pert N Iia tete at essars
atMr erss'M,nitt! eia 1rn► *salt ! s Ibies took saver saabris (stns*
Timm lr►to. are Mt as Mr s11iwMMit 4410tK awl suwmrr'MIwr4 at
follows, 0 100
mom. 11144 Daily Aft
Ammo PPP aqiits astly
timent cit Soll#aMatatios
Sark esissity ts
Perwent . at art
issistio nay
asi Vigestieva
*NA Sower
1.40 Ow "I
60 010
0w11lr 011.10114NIS Mow srsi1WA i itlaiil *n4 MIN*
miaow oassitymitties sal tet rot amamilimpi initeaNwr. Oat O. total M.*
on ausaistei meq► a 35,810 +alt 19514
Oft 0...10114011 Of WOO 411001.0-10.1 Or 410111111111.7 new NA iatiltraitir„
'�► expostia0 dry rwostlwt taw tor Ur lwUm !a as lailowst
alum 951.
Ilipamilmvr. 19
Asimagy# 1951
now la Permist
fa $0101011. 111116,
20100 000
sorties aigutto !o* 1)11% et 3ost%
D! OK'1r sat 'JIB of pupull,ati a■�►
!lis Wu 'heir ftaore and Treatawri ALS sari ase3ipto4 on
eipnii yrs t
13 OW 000 gialbhisir
Ifais trunk
13 t4/mp' tp,
PiFsse 9.IalIdos' 1800000
P V0
rim to likistriin lissed
4*17 5.
stilObett Nap new *km
• 01lity giso taskrossod to 13.
aillitional pimp, ooludaut�
mato nowt et l 000)
koslinantatios omit Wady
Di/Motion Cdr
Q d#u1ips Pawi!
0 PAN, ustalling ono
sad t sollasto, et would -
so 5.4100.0100
yrs $0.11110.0 01•314oly
'o* Caw* to sows Vas quintity eta iko+wr otuqrsomita
��1"*�t sag handle ow yrs' in emus ori � aiut�l
Co Ws slow at fit
sal is sot sctftdaniS fie 4100a t t fYP10410.141111 Olt MOM 1141010 Weld
_*I issi.ro loos am two yaws
11ho it atter 'fit ailisold
�Ulra lasress. not be w*ori OM yet
*Lab *aM* ow provt+lrrit to logroximodol1► !+ eatibm
UirIs, a► population o#' $4017 3.00. lth 20.700 now sounestosto
► prow* llov wow tuososoo ►timArMr* 11110 is pratilatwlt M 'ter►
52$ oC' the.afrlgusatalion sad litgoettau Tar& ,ewf1rilly 3410 e# the
vostos ant tie* *stow eassiatr
it tr satai that tan air at tsho ,oiasorsii and Wen
Taft* *till not to rerellsolt Wow 1956 sail pessilay sot Wen 19*t the
prrmmt tumid in air owootraoltost end possalation grovith.
iu noIMril 'Out tho toot *t the gatitionliation aiallititt ft**
Ala Omar .~. piping ad saigistimortai 'ter 41230.01) Ow esei
of Int Itirestaant Plants tt in ontinated that the ptaat 4114410101Mrrrrt that
1lik regetrapi first *tot Ibiat $S10,0000 ��� that airs
4U b1 Iwo tham $10t3.Wow isebUgsted. tree tho Raw cooMptresti#s
as of +11mo1► 3640 1950. so start at ot, oisiking timi *UM ate.
isairiIsmwat isiwar► 'wises 16rr00.47r
Mat '2ow and Pinissiati Chart