HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 06-22-1950Pion 0.41, Zissioset. WOOstalltr tett rtimakag Amt.*. ' leo botrl.r4; ,at oppestoode for toola for Astric 4 et haussiag *a Am* S. yr* Iiireoue 'Tot *04 kt34 eit***0 roproisio Owl.. ciorkaaY wore 4411044 th4t `owtt tUtia the �-cP r4 st cwt toot ignarte 22mart irm „oral wont 'latriet it 64741. 10 oOnsiter torts *cans% istoportios h they iirio tnteriest It is strod Cul 0* 'Gut IWO further ovt40000 en M. ammessoo Ulla U� tbast hrnttv 1b ogaistairont owellitemed %o* JUXS 419-0 .artherit IMO th* t. 41%* .43. wits 10 lavo • �91i�t r't Nitittattort et ttanfl*s for 14003, *Strict N641 1 16111.4"4 n Is 411W4Sted ittWel 40.4 tine lf tow triiciresitsti ptortteti ""oof rr"otet t+! sagoirid 404 that IEry:. 44 ert toroll !100.44401 ritOGI:Ute* tOne itte *V* *WA efittim tar Wm %loth IAA. to reeetrei ofTy 134, 114111110.10. t,Ititivititilit, of towing ofit fkrosteehrtita of Intiss01144 Aattriet Ia. optima tout., *tot $4300 promos n viroeritta bra UM Wen otters. l'imon out Sorjedir rovnty sem irt4 or**htte timeri ithe 01440 Of 0, Mi. Latta - Istowevenen% *ay veleerert tth r t far tAtil 000 wrirttrintr. .411 resettatar Wito lattes tturtiti: tooter:tittle.. 011.5 bovibretirt tit* rtne,to t:tignitry Club And for en *.simort*.oroltottig ittuCounty', Club :tf :04441 ' roe %). � . imp telt' tour week* didtrivesettinr with • ' „( ►io er t: r If P` .r_, i en.iF i qa' with ,t but Atti oil Aztireed aet itk S"'o'"+ l`" ' ice` $ ' iv r n t ort , ,,-. tttlt ii.",-'' r 7 renraildo it*bvtity 1060413 7.1r -T t ; ' It , "`e R ' r+ I t',.0 0:11 1 ;x .,ro *Yt 1:aR tityyilta,,,rio aiscitee41,n1 Mai carr,lot,s1,.) ,7,y,e ttftlis rat fiirv; Aetims, let. se A 1101400 attondianing Localat - o with the Ortsd. tr$4rn$ t rstoollitl trim% r4. tab An!, tho tot order itt,* *alter * Good t*eirnI rlir# risalu6i+x1 TvitIosiog t0 sedify the wart trtet Baa. a9. rOSSAilta vikd ''eertiltrory :11110 reiturling dertefta to t trt7 t,lilatruott4M4 604 art mislostiv to '9 -codify Vat vet. Ustail reprovirrent to 7 4 r: s '•'N} * eitgieiwit ots *Woo toy the s,nur tX Sit the :13ttititkii vi Vilt to toit olorta, 2 • it rosietislitsii moo* rw to ei4,11. at 4,,Iketriat ramoitttlittire would WI*. ilevp *Ivo ef e *bah *and to er le witis~ itibe to mer or asteitirfidersr ot 54)0.00 to the 914Wirtet UM tee` easttnioettos ofrt Sits 17 weirs 04 Ws to V* trait anima stibltivitors. I. 'err . _.s.t y+ �o * *oath eit ��� orsam4)to t to risositalag Yvortertiesip Also. *Ks silattiodiets 310 reve; of sewer in rostw.. Tinier fiftd, vAs, *emir romsmottetFtrertRi°.��!%4� i +� itsietn ttsit 2 tor 11 I% 9 rbts stittliviston wet* 111.4 fit the Ur* etriaw: vith 414 the vim* *f 11411* Loud ,i1.?,-trtrit - logy to tatitoll evierit vitart "Vips t*.. wow, *NIP ` omrteptiod to the 'wort et* # *deb le apvi umlor otattrost. oevegrovnis tit rettotution vat34 V* col a tistatal," 'Os $tS var* or d�ll+hN!'aaes� acoioiol, `ts b`lrid+Hr +riMU14, to pl*Oe derte�t.a.th a+ ad Isommotriteat �+le67'1etE :t to aissWQ t tAls w^p' LA or u ti1 91t no� tho la8RlYat is i oharl* vet Li" alounit tr 100 0-1$ If loot rommint illthe: - . ; vilvitssar vprorettur eatagetion of wow to *eve Alb ctoniVettoll tho sayer* LOitutt Or v!..0 siorvie. spotlit.* fees* xs*a restAabiana ., ,.,aNM* ir+,ai 2�est DlrCrie! $0.1 �: Theis* 1iizttm, ated bsw3y Wm rf vat#ir sail Ober *Me* on inarM i1 tiAnis of tllt2• sditicnx. of ,• /MOiVitt 11403i w},mt^icE se. �11AllPM lar !at ve. aeribd D*1Lt atol I. ?Om% rbarlitlAW Ago* 110 190 st 1000 4001, 9e et esertotlise to the 'Asotrj, Nwre Neitistoitt te. Uri:tort 14 sail re itort Jur*40 flaw this Auk eel cues x • t `f:ths tio Vas_k4 , turtriot tate Jm. 32r i110 sus rai.at my to vrer.,saa tn Ws 0. logo .tirs atinexations riboob, tabs ratent1411 ortentstissms two 11#144 se4 4. et itt* or tottgwit .. b. Sao .e.. „anaan.ssan to ter ns,. 0ar�.s et ens zes s.air shy Jenc *LW* �i iee_i tem*tt. MIN iiaa�/11IId tal�is rastala�xsss11 Wet ~W! *14410140e. 4t 1rstP Col WWI 010111104 913114 t*ei1t • puma** tAttstail* vat bit pialittely ou�SatUtrt+aestor ..' u1at1'icti rapulA riM:il. tots notions # �11Wide. to Woo Junior rty .te+roa%74 ba., t0u,mob is 160 eassr ra,►oar se ezt. ditrrttaaod r+N1 of eohlest Um* I hlt was seen► to be ^aisMonntiot .oma els 10* *OW anC.er *memo %trtt0 two ?AIM toint wrerd wtMnttanat uts tom 14 .4,:or and al et tu3"1 $En oOtto ti ids the •'?aril�ai�'� C4 rMalia 4$tr boot* to the 'onto. ss an a essatl►aes bst* with *omit toe ltirL'+I0M /AslN t+tt USW ail _17 Atetrtsgt NIKO lotto* tit 0 .., * k 'Ale the fts, istmeatietelr orthsvf VW rommitt rtortbo :LT 11.1* VrepSelire A &NW *le* 10* rtiewitt mos*. *or**. AntattalItyi *WI sthott,t, the irtrill fAit4044em aisosti as snitS ettwr ettetatli vitb vir* holi Oats. tvoi he 4)4k, II re. # Use 30 Is s *a oration 1.4 tryprostivia *title 421 pre 13. azinottlorstit I'm the, shores er$ 130 r beeds Ito trAt it wAtlestiost tly 004444 Eii whilst% r * tt 0 Wm t IOU Tsytittaltiot 1 orti Olittititter* WI VIVItt %MN t 9r�r+ras Eia�1�3 m a4i aria lootlurey► `+Aai�as �!i LtS worieserr. "rtes bra O� +�Sns pRl3ib/�R ��ftr #l1RrItS�R: � the 'taw. Nesvatie fl!E'Atr saris vole18 'wdty «++elose *rid itiesiter rtMllBh 00404108#0tow* titit4 era � �! as l� count ttstaLanzk be a p .. , mately two +h 1{i.MstrsCiot4 for "°Mi.A ammo It * ewwSaa xw'acrwrli an owe vv. Sat vi21 !o ii'+MMmtly Cat° co 01y:° Platte tpal, t t ,t7 Die: t:reeftroosis ortel, oluthaticttOrts**/* , f' Aar*. old fes: +. wooly.beivatart**0 the Out* toterpol Tswerty artliveal of Vsi Ariaea Va." c1. hSs st *.cap3t vistfiltlR arift 1M0 A" ttli tort.414 41fttli tt'1 omit* 111110,0 a :'lsLr 10 ti1t3'tt Fetiei4 tuatrama «itd llNdk'M M�1tl�R3'SQV 4! - snfa t'ltlts1.44 of tM� �sl1silion of mai of„a1p�i �11;1q/ ts3aesLo aa+titt3,p*tw 3�t18g�r»r+S fes' bal�Sastsr Z f rr%vt =�+ stfaasa7.s Nero t+�iits�i bf X son *tot ttvi or a t'�on nam ar!]1 to awarst �lfllr�R.*" �� 8r*i et. boot* 7tstwB tit 0140.0* tts NAV* fetit b9 letter 141 .0. Mtrt ;"v�• 0444.11 tr* LtLt* :tct�4't +�tli�e^'1,p' of thii per' ma' Ow hltiL71lR rims bwi t*sm 3'bPler2Yr • This Uop. if walid lis it mr++eeM sus arawft*t � � M� +riMl4 rew tart +Idt If R.'l �� ;;i >�r'ltMss ?rk - ____ o T. .!'�+t�4 14,,, 4 t+wr ,a1+1$ cwa�lt .strriftethita. es tOI' t,**t ort sflSt 2tt1 aEi6l on wows * sod tarts* 5hwf °wevo .• 4.41 p.m1 letity Wok 1trGtT3tLttol hem AU** , limaest 42aa no`.ttz 5t::'wl'i5` to tha :>l�et YsaarII is e0a14116 * :mala stbMM ,:stiti,statittico voaCnd WS AM iAia4itS atm* **t. t.. 1�, tL* tiM� et �ets IA a9sj;•t%nrtok"�►1tty � • vieti sitre4 tooti4frot tt i t not be 1„11,44 or to ow to t Wt Mearlt prvetwasticitt o f�v te be 0* state t ughtsh Oa eon se it out or gni' tteensetfe M. Viler at :ristriet est to ftelterollie rigid Volt low to a, 44stessiol yv. li .410 ridsti" ** Mors *rmixttiess to 16,No y— ritiotetio 4ngs re. • is ores% taut 4:, III, arniattlea -Os tat,. tott.eastor Ito ergot two essonottori abouldi NI sal ate% tots* sod �' res fl r rests u�o� �+ �ie1rto thoo 4 0111014.4 itOtra 1111* .-:tettlierl ten* 140 On* this tisk. itte4 vortod gout to toll stat►ersionis. tommie tho mom% et be. 11.011. etenet444 Ws,* t*O111 *ft. Nal aro& Itt. the it +AerAtios "'erievid" VP* stet '' tvrkitipal VitiUtl ritistrist* '401107-Ottiart. mitt ilik ti. baklittli itervice Us totteit of'. SF oervitte tar M. Air.. tatow tiromi 4/440 1 to vitis a or ltd. efitittwr fait itIvo, to isetr. it • loftleod istsis riot oteterellatixe; itervies ebtirrOso 460 ematstiort ow( bang settsil tr, th 004:tory ',,istriot spriNtre to b. roper* vittloh iellil be -7 tyro sto aortsot ,:!--itsakiblIttl Aos to sasorzattes win Us* he ! IMO" itiii seltat. VW det. VI Mit ti* • V' airtel IOW% the imovers to tors mot to iNtrek • bore wet* **poet for svidi 011irietatiOR. et this ti -tui *4sroiwts. Antmoti **oh of Vivo* etwortitt00. wilt U. • ram% or tide etr,!4itti ty I baittero 11414 12)00 oreatisottonis vibessIA be te-tfro elf' 4*ve ftwooklnw!„ cit be ae'titAil +m.**sa1 fes` tiLt*t4 `�a� 4kwe1ar lrot� ire g to MAI or rsnas tAM tgraR{ °+u7/ '.waeSai?xd, Utt3r san► Ulna s sitter* tII$t* 1 rrt.s 4Li 1. 1 clattf? �.e r.ar Baa opsvms.44, .43044140 044 owIS *44 0 0004.0 41014 mi Planglio *A eiccipalturo tata4 44,.. 44041 11010.041.1004 In sit estromm . emosw*awor4.0 Atm* ea./sou 4o4 VA00040; VIS 4040 OM 1,14Pi if.41004411311 44001444,0 W14001140v 4 irk lie 04 Wps lommui so pft, Arrottm40 mou vs � �,:'r ► Sig ett pood40. Alt 410 or,