HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 06-13-195014 0r )40-48, that Gel, Leatilw of Vitiates, continue bearing on sasesomoot tor LOok Improvveirett Pistr et No i41 kdjostmente end *essesmentssiwisminsdb the Dokrit wore transolotted bl momeranftm to Mr4 Aranstord and he as resaution et herd to 0000. firm the *ettatment as onended b? tee* 10$ 4 trtnts .$10fts eonfirm oesensmemt may to tAXon If %h. Boar4 emOst t t UM, so at ttmrnta Involve rOustion tn asessomnt. for 50 nareeti esti Icor vas In ass.soont far 513 pared,, ond *re In seneoderotton ot Pr WS *Loh ttoard ren tabs *a 904 too tfiw an avow% smi Pr WI Whieh ths ao*rd esprisOlgt en . on thst the owe...00t aktoutd to tempered 4tronarft duo to ltat . usi or lb* twttes Wider. 200* Iv paver ltnis mmemait and where one haws* had n . 'but on One or ow, lets. It la wageostod that V* tloart hoer further evi4400* utiAph t ,row perly owaSP. vioh to Tkromont a% tbteaviettro: r1,4 then take asp ion an the stossoominto ComrentosCvnot LOW' from Allan 5,0 Jsalle old ismnitritsite Mt bora 110 Urriikr 'ono hood riNNOsting authority to owitond the 140410 avow to serge %hitt pr.1141.40 Thore aro fir/ proriornits whiSh could Vocative serriedi from Ws *donates 074 the ovntre of the Ores tepreotod proportlos prOposs to extent $00 fool Of alate twommr et the men.* the thrlie awasi4 A/ The unt !nropertioa (mull 'bwrotratredte !Iall a servies chair. A Ot o wtare dote ishm, commotion to thie-viditis sewer* Their rlrtiart440 in thts *oft et this tins cmld not Iv mad* emerasary0 It 1$ recfmasno.04 that She A,»r4 #uthortilit rt• Jam's, mr. Kipkaw and 410ist So attend a etit trots *row ntnliherliritt Ver Volloy 4074 tree *be rOveartt terminue ortitta extonsten troUlled by Pr* JAMM44 for atommvp or lip toll 500 tots* adirthemly trot the north en. et Leftist Iprev.mett Ditttriket go. 1,4, it to rigionmiimited Vt thie platten to on the boot* VIA* all toot of .etwetruettort i4111 be borne tho mwertothat the ,ser vill be imottollood under roratt from and iropection by the it. -47 t.-Atriet 41braymort f revolt and trt .0os art thnt the operveriso Jamie fitztote 401 now to igairitod rsis tor cormottir, 4' their *donna laproveriente to tat sewer without fs,i• 'et t erirtoo Ph Arrte tor moll ettnneatimko )Fir rove partila per ila far vorl!! '"ot,lo to mo 31 flr tn ?runt 6ewer oittm VII to Oa1UAn4 t:sir .:1rstpl,etion C1ony anft 'Wogs Pun, Stations sool. and 2 to Po g4J, xttetovVfN nonthly rreiress 7arvnto wore not raty. fryr thr -eft *t Jure ard -4* beim TwevivIed at thie tiretei t amounts bet tr dn.ths(loft rot mto urter thmar oortrasts• own a "ie this 4letation. , 4 1950 at 0400 o