HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 04-06-1950VIA
v/101 holl Call,
itctsallne of tAxastiolls
oicottlinue hokarirg ar Level mrrIvomort Astrtel fie* 4* als sprwAs reow
v etre* noinst the aommerftlt on total Imprommont AAtrict mos 4 hove boom
reviewed and *bongos em,), stood Vo. 'Mut, tortato dlaym c1anf7vs on'
tertoin IdjuA0014% 10 *mount* Ailmossiel essingtof the per0440
Y4rols Nn. 4•006 40041.0), Ana 4.410040 wore found to V helm Wen forwei
getotirs inztartigla under '‘ttie iateriVis or th. nil of - tanut crook trt
*d it is magostod 'Mot the sistessmont en Owes 'smote be redwood
t* 4,44100* 1-srikeillipa 443444 vs* resod to boDivettottir wanted. GPO 4/4
it i6 swisoted *bat this kommement bo ribised to e onohlt Ps004104014
fNs Q4.00 to 15240, Certain --ros 7Artteu1a7 O. 4441., weft
found to bo #4.00141.14 a tosser *mount than mu' trAmmill 0-,ult-Atligo in wow
stitorstim *r *Whe emotults seecosoll *Reiss% 110.)401.m7licriortiest and tt
its matlosted thot this *net to inirrems01 trio MO to :21215•010
riretnisr: Oaes* tars retattirely rinor ,k Anoints .0 that
itetirs ebongrAlk eqUol 6 reduelatm in •0o** in the golunt 11* ‘05" •
or ove,' slid en inervbes et * lite *soon% sr 5;*cels.
Th. prtetts tbs limrk havoms14411001 Ant %ho eveltrprtlre
MVs returnoil end elArtatvoil up the work itsits 14ttcti *:),renr to justify
TdAttictitisi t,irtroetkoir orierttrta•
rr* amd. rr. Herrlson hove redigantim At rGr t!"..t
oulatlervition confirmtne the sooessment 1010% the ebrieoutltned
miort reeolution plArdinr Wit for eciastruetion et 100.dr TrunYTI
*4 tj,i:w.90a 414opine atatioa t.:41, 1 %a *be lowest responstblis blades**.
ott**117, ,-)671dohatt 4wer -Wittetrielion ccbarlow for theotarri...7t,raz!ti, if Pain
'Arit ..ectim VII fet VA. unit "rice in their Tittposil And J.
rttistoirtetti ':rte. ter the core tructical. of A:trove_ .tot ton Xi:).
t,;$4 hop iris tie of '2j94.30 stAtel titteir �tttMt
itt hod ro4yrr 4op.-11 ton Sx Thti ttoi'.
corfaider Arc, t r :4frivirtent t x.itrvat 7,40% tvetvoint thf .ourty 4r:„ tho
111.tlicry Ditotriet eovertrn tho tnnitivilation fq..441re t0 Comity
wiettte34.4. Yr. Ye3s41y has 0.0104 (“frepmetil rieRdy end It would to
it ortter for thio Vieskr4 tOwtaftioriss ths l'imeadent one "Iretri to
toxeeisiti "Ms agrerent/on telt of tho rnttri-imtrict c
• ?,
Adort the resolution* in tbeir order fior Lleal .14Ar1et Nitl•
10trteligtinl.servite, in Vle Ares end %hoe Fiv*120 del .4fis ,,-41r1; or
:.iorad,111,14* *rut tw •11,1,03143 itu1xttrts141440 lido t,,e t rima,
Pr.V.P.a wirk tavnred ty
t� vexims eitmomen%0 vlth the or co and
*11 or tha rItteciwry rosollittono hom born rmpared mita ore iv,
rsoly for *$*rti44,
..itAo1y:grtteulpr Item far V* A Ardillt 41r-tcr4 t, 114 the
imlurt of toah eaLtrVmluttan rrom :*,ever :;orictat.TfAto,,% and to VrIt
im7rover,firt 4itriet, The ortilineI **Moot* rlr 71.1.04,4 vrtton VII
4 & Aqi 0,A^ 1.4^
r 1104 • pw do."' Ilya* now Ift4.4 reestitei ard
eittly4ite of total (-dosit fly omolAteortnr thio wort will t In %be :Jotter
of ,756.000,00 Wts1toroi In ioa41ti4n the toot Plr tho nontrovt out
fox Thr X9T11,47,:t3, r tutiolit Ao. *M. Fare* Mada All be it
IT4Ar of 444•W').00 tar o total toA 30," tvo taAtrocte et
1:0041000 Dr, 4,7!-Tox, .te, LIAr 1164144 114fte 4r ..a04,:: -r,04,
bs spa "rcsu tug art, 45111 v‘mtsbibuticts 411.41, rt .sailittee the
`m* Co. 131.1 e contritoted °4 22 0.00 and to obl. o t ed 'fircontribato
an odditidmei .:;10,00040 tor en overall total ef 0,147mocio i him
rimoorov4ed a*et inthe' '. oto1.ut3or if Intention ror Loosl torro,00
mewl ototriet 144 /1 ths smownt of ”2,000.00 se eintrIbetiso fres
Ontetrietion Natio vittleth Wilertint wr,Yrkicr a to be tell ealivrtid Ibr
witrituttme of tme Hesr4ms Go4 to the, saattery :Astriet.
Zaloo work of Losal :oproviment Distilet seto 17 oottmat04 to eopt
WC 02410 OA if the dtetriet
011.041 to Ole rrojeort
3t :'�! '�+�a'Me + i�s'ti�;�' bWei er fl ��.� � so be aensss+Mi omir►s6
the prer"tiso it: the 14001 tftrrarlrt di* et, t Th. e.tt.#Iikoot weft tuba Gn the pre be ustit of bottom for MI. wrtieulgr
Job *mid bit in Ito order 40.
It is roeoartonded, that tbe r 14411kitiOnit r local Tarr* t triti
.0 17 b. tit frit Od
ass molu`$ton tkowtoying 4.rli00took 111 Vole zinats end 'm1 '41v4
00 ‘Arsaider fmrther mtiffre not lummi st thtff dietesien
9* Psi bills so orrowinsit th ti n 40.004 by the nuativr7
•Sas 0
Adjourn to MO aselotat V4.4 A LI. I), ,910
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