HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 03-02-1950ii\ft,o111. Ct
-isseltrz of him 16
t ;tI
#:� from °e a` * ?aloe and r4� t r
Jwing of . rYr Into r� su :�•
test 1*t. Ts to r W off' :e1 . who
riov propos. CNA gill sortie teak trueke cipvrattrig tto
tie q hove *gip t that on amigo
for V. a .«. or 'hte , Vit! inatl t O r
load be a t •� tt tint. a.. ti* 1e
?rostnert neat. tt to tat - the 71rovtAing of this serwies vt11
be the mouse 0 aom. asioweik: h� � A o selftistirf; *Mans% thil soot .:
W to 1 weld:amt tU .ort.
& whew ' to it l . V* slime eim
It t .: --�.. tut row s r �. tger tM t to
., r -r � r sr of *l . off'
e* ' t' 'i a d � t' �, �P -n .
a ' ' d � ` ' ; -he rArtc, '"' . eh � 1 d
`' to art t l *: g* :` o
t tler +r J ,`' ` :r NO ee �' it Imo 1t
�;s v, rmt s1 tip* �o�e xo
tfor Loe,141 Die-rvireftest bl)totriet re* 14* rt. time or eamplettein ttis
eziltract vs, ore. fret.:� % i ns now o a
!vettroory 2f, 4'v10* tr .ps 'tb for Vas tatts-etor to rtrosfro
lyi,.. �' • �' s the ht .f vt dee to & t .* ���� olt t i
1 l� i s r quite e �
other ritgArds* T 1- KAt rets $ � - t ott
,� to ort f t et d � ,fit "' lhoo ' `'! he
iTettor:. t. ' ` m s s. *• turns. s
tt a holm a . th th. t' t
tom'* � r ! r i
x fl tnt et .t* *n . W I �r • I r c Ifo th
Nato St scheme �y... '` � � o f t only th
Jo r tt� l� r" � .�rt yy r a o ran
htinspear make htmos ' m i Gn tri th* y » I `'� ,* tc'� s 4 ' e* .7r. { i
t Is
P °'' -044 tha V X G . = '` t t�:,.:; ''o I " trig.. a t t$
g °�srosatation *ritplution pilloptkry opt resolnitiat apprist'estaistim 9r-regtiore4
Aitamissontf Ivroia tor Lno. 4,,i
at bond
aim msat rF'
�• Al
Letteir,lacietts""Mr'r ': a w ' 410401 Aittwiet. :P for '' ^ .,ti ` 1J�r�s .r „
coot for zitioiers to a '3*tom . L.
4 sd 41 ,4 ' *if 'tato r bi ✓ A '%
gam, 50
Nesommed %bit InforwAttan bo L'S& ts SW ' and thwt be
sihrtgod thst the *it rikluitst.setwOrt; anti that tAotc% emit', a' b. it A.11.1
tot_nitrartrf in r 1 1951 if MIMI It till ripestvel won.
114. t ift. rseolta ton t
114_ Mort order reloot
;may Tana lift
os f so
t hand.
j 5-41,
10464 kdopt 141 Intssos%
We %bp Danville poflt*4r 4JL fattier. o -f this
impeosterr own= vr ores Rat horA4
ner iirkila out* Tor- e . ',tattoo tat to- WI
K� r
„rovi va
YU* riatectInticon is at hue
11.0 Adept risollistiett eel:Mr for 4.4,0 for Vain, 'w.tauriZ, rectify* IL P.resrilia VA)
nt bed. rty sepamts mierealtio the •effete a cootof Wit f Al
to glom to t rO.00. The rwell4nuryestimate or elost
for this m e t is 1 00000 ard it .Y{ .. t vial to will
litbtrimoney butiortati ter It
for reetetwW te puirtr,tezts ix;rehlOil t750.
11% fcor mot* 7Paar4
*toe Um.
fOtikoe*tvraiirtivw use of os.
stlia Ws Oftettricrt marrorts A or the
4 .Frocie,orti s or}
aersits17, e la 0. il rr. twa isibiesit 'CAI, Ulla
faction tY aril tt to therefor** roe 0 -'
'notion so ni#,-r. n 1100011160 of warrsints et3, eithatst.ete:Proo 4.1t11.v ,oro
Li,fettliPtirtarit s tturoliprowsoOd ork WhO MUMS * 0 rtit4 11*
41, -A. * leith Vito oitber s. Sitt3 tie* a titter
% lit -tam tist bo payta*Ily .ittrov efil ent tho varrart: etonto or
i ,Cliiit‘
1# olii, 4.° t resolatitart .suthartsting . Cifileirdort Coop. to 0* *coact
of ie. $064,0Cf 4,.Arnett,* oofOterttet SO
Local Travvertimt Dleotriot rzo. 10-. ' vatic r eat* ittaitr4frAt Via r
int' orftr* e 1siry 24 * ,: b.ciii
' t, ,ixodsttligi of Oa Trwranti no tievis hiLve bow
11 st.csinst the wart of tte. fte...)irtraeter sat lade setoutit is rtott doe and
rayta:1e. '; d ha totra hi con= parte reoctiviattrt for
11, -,4ot ' +�Ma.�f; Vs ttt or Bal, Y s�' , L " Iarrtel.
y ► -r� qty
far h '�"._� j r-vo� r ?kit. y��, .t t.' TS. ' vivo! ..
uorpont to ttitt 4.1.44 ma the -row t.414 actitto if The lama airtilelt
tittort in met N - Aero
-..4rItitel.r lat I.: .A14 tiort *It
°` 1- lot Adjoirt
ltritoro #ese
e ;1st. a
wit toeur
telt *tom. r . toy4.1.2-fintid par
V* tuilititv att. bid tge 'tom rototired Moe
t le FrFs j
Alt g tan cagerow
9 vilsetrie 4 etwows
it telt t .
''� h: bids
00 sift gsisali041 rat lute it* 4141 1is An
taPad th* (Viol* `!h •'. t' .Y. Motto
;asps V1 . v , I.* 7C .. 7 aterses kelt de
Coset7 0 (i4r,..t.r.a Cod. me los -mistoltra rat* SW vehicle
nears tb4.ii' a 1:Itriat toitq wore sk7rrrot t till' 50.00 por
installitir this balk eZor,temest It it ree t O.
tn. 000
1 /Conokidar l, tor
L 'AT+M . RN 3 Wilmer f owtrsetor
advt. Vha. 1,„0:t14,11.; olatriet twerp vhsrstri VI* eim-trifoIrtor vatild deposit
3$110c0,00 .
t %ttot 3sittt., Ittetrttt to wwfor V* evonlitottle .of otirteitt
ttst. lotto o +4 `.. 1oei1 , e t '4 t 'et4 Ilut a ontr ^ et
with 04.1ster * rthitalt a:M.40ot ta st hold. ortetrrtol 'by the roretrattors This
wtriteli woi tly .10;r40, ristairteen lt,e4 'hap ftwa Pawlowski rr. Poi
who .,mtvieltst Is*, ,ot. tt so be 'portly entweil 1st. owl thot Att as...sow
Met tor t40844, 1 at shit)* tie. ' 3 mow thou be 1
Pt.tor uo m ptitle natter.
to to the ftvs€s ot t Zietriet
malt 4: 1 ettairft I 4 entertint* WA. ` '�►''' ` '"'
etontr,et to mom %bail Uri. nowtho gc,stit its-rorimartt estiloolii4
deft estmot be tr,cren tarrlipeit ,Gist
b ' ,irelt to +
u • 1 orttletrstiod
1 I is roettivAr4.4, , *bit tb* the tormlostrivittal 4011400011611
0$0.41 tt,t* eillatrae Kett P et 'LlIerneor . of th*
r s.* t** �. . orett
fir tbst r ,,IA et . VOA *erten*
11.E ;*stattwortzill* taw :,t
i . ' vith It* Clutnty or ,:',o.cstro 't.4.,,,-,,
mot f_ or " 1i ttoyof Us Atros, v
let 4.4clitiMOP Attartteki ."'off►
.44atrit ovt osittstr%etory
tart14-024/$* whi,h artmer
hitt "4$ '41111447 Di et Zlett 404 lie,elet
o,ct fetal aa C Wet.,..,f'orer to
*startle *weft :st1.4 too Toord raisabottio she *aunty itrratafa ft,et to
11014.11. this 'lox* the Monittors Dtaliar, trt would hors UN* vNall cot
Tc:*lat t triet tie',la (ragihee.) tuvilar ' .Ak.rNitars
.4.1,44 a 44041 eon be wal-,iest oat tot VA* autos,' fft, vantitc:o of the lergitul
zitetritet ear tho (Gatti.
13. `:+bilis.
19 /Considerclung in rt,,rol. of trermb repaving.sopae mornorandase,
20. &join to 'larch
1950 t :O0 Gieloek
-4iwownittre tot Vb. *trio, Iload
fkorsivirt or IOW Come
waft ha*
omit Oa Diem
'43!) be wool tateet
lb. Courtly Crelisimme.
Ittriteror for an trona, ellts ate iletot thtt eortrattore rut bond
to ritsitttiate Utit trio* one nitried sem`' cooyam• trtor eori
ootticier evvitriouvro with this arrrotivockerit Err *lately Eimim
f,;Gerity otsondoed It* tram. sod the -artitari i:).4triet also anteguid
to the' -33trimortt ovrriltnnertentio
Ordinaries be. retordre0 rut std. otiver c3):IttraetAre renal Vt.
a.....,,4� . tCbr' �, t'" � ; :. 'l.�"�."'�.'�1 and plat* "'`+ziaw! :.r evil la r'u.�.'�' i.tweits sivit egilloettes of toe* * aft a tho Nottto Agstriet arc V.4 1.411% et the platteing or U. booktill oaii res4 baeoe s %tit ,bt)t the 7:volitarirDietriO4 *rivt Oottnty 41.1340.104 to. iit Olt Per wriluv " "Aut. votrirtic tarrso. sod falittatit
es a actor,
the r4'r '
rit Ord ASS beg' swot
sotior NM. icesety Ortittere.
'Mit vomits be -di !Vol* V* '
vets 440,
F s #1
moltiod SisterprevtstiOlte fr , 44wtriet Attrtunrto the nommtr
4t is M. CetwOrs re It to natntain 'am*. tom' e t
itatl refillinc tree astbel sta trot* et ttut Court belt
ilaiiiitt$4, to this rewzatM ant to ect t tie
latim thee. tr '**1* hail tu 4 the prklit
he vue '" foP Ire sOrrael 1r th4t + #
oir bit litpitar . 1. Oft trarkith of to whore rsubatiteste.
tit to the oVuor' w e e erfar,,ttmab a i
prizeivit with CI* roirwet trona mt. aftor
rit for Ms art* ,. bus beim vizi:tees/A
saws oft trorostiS tetilV lott vapairsil fes.
old boo rim.. tttsaing 000eng
atr4 to ft* Count or aftiano that 04
b.tf tr se'
:void islitftraft W'' tiellie Ev
takr7 '' t,
lbw 'pry.
tot Taith
rs, oxttess
ttle ',,tatt let
ourry out me
vs. old to the
Ort 'Yard% 1 vr, '. 1,414 ort MN ii,
ettrozorititr that t o , letriet ae '"
4tf the bens. otweettert trettett toots including
roots 0. rot:Art*4 *14 .. -omit. for
?ad rirotetteatly 4t: t liete trouto esf..zYtit
1.5 sr er tetonik sterint *it 441 b* Ar -1`. „III re
par s g 't IS ttlik
ett as by 1414.0000
41,* retention of Om MO*
such work* mrs :A),,trk
ad. -nit
t Mat U. re.
for their chit
ansa'attoe r.
mattar vartoits-
r4ettbott Oltviers Atio g..
ot4 vaitott to
so *Dotal Utile
ittwotht bb done to ottrAineteth* Now 0
v .,, -
)3tArle rt ea
A er.: � ' L ► ' j`+i
*bat tlatitl ?Alters. halmcps-
erul- b -MI.* 6,14:k lia
?he -istriat has travurtetti
ittu nagA ? b to etoirer this
/Nossittlitty i
.41710x, 7%)r. Tierrtlity fool Mat thio
him* weortr-„,,et tfter ate
to eland Owls, Ansariortemsto *soot ,-***
' al t t 9' " ' 1 ont " rttsry'1.1strielt k
tt%ts b-` r o* h Omar
Coottrityte t
fl,OOO.00.to t, ii#0.11
eoritrolotors. Or
for ` thy
*rd 'Writ O. hairs
to be -ierforttea *ma
'�4 word " r
tortitrolt wow the to
` t.i)uNt ttar
S A :;, " Coat este ,
tor Ch. eontotttlottao W lao. beekfill to ortrest
ict*tttlifx of igvi ralt4 v010i asitt tfw carrot!" * t l ti , . 'F ' o tZ
lxvo; t `r
tas Iv i as
,01:Kett reilbl,1* sol roilitortr,
:� ley f rte ` etusetto
ertateiti ovie the matt ocootro,
esoneeltilito %Ito barAtills pte x
to nor:Um*has Patetioned um -4 lotA
itto vortod -
otir the
t ',::itndtstri rilatrtet
. th,4% /t.eir eortzeloa.
arol t*totetwnee %Imre,
1 : tot sort u h. .rttatr.
a V* W. moor torttinttiv
witimliatte rout bretreit v.re.. then t
duo Ut
110 attle c r mottropetvsr. not 1' ? iftwarpeet - 3 rule
emesittAate the road base alit
bist The r - barn tv,,tMilessid' ' set U- tilts rot fatovios talth
mair/tortorteitt waltio
Jt. rigeognmeeted the '2 4,4'i, r` thetr'et 14ard R 64;1.+ t !''{4v "F�` t'
vastly - hist ",-.Ititaortwo..-irsriteezar and Comaty 74:44,41 ovorisiors
the that Ilei teed he C TAO' ordinatioti ftitty be oftreet4 mart
.* kn i t tiastriet -OW cou telt* a* ttat tt:* asnitary 313100
riot An tom tot the sollivettomtor and eoritraet the repavtros of Us
haes.r trona, elute vital :n*. of 'phew) outo fes°'` tom treeirtita
smell 3ma.* .
biotriet tine* the to.. colleetall should in. ttorist~ttor mit* sai
te Os melt a truarstetion.
PWM0 Tot District Board rh 1, 950
Otabjectit 4,3ter avievite to County Juveral
on Arnold at
The Count,' !.lurtiferctrielltrime,has advised that Usti arc revegoodIng with
oftrveye for loestiam of ossometta and for distorminatitui of sower
to extenl a sowil, froe.the wimrCounty wsntte Hone to the trunk sear
et t)cisrAtsz7 Districts
In January, 1949, A rrlp.1141 was given to the Cflt7 oara or I%
visors from the Sonitcry District t* the offeet that the Dint -
"let v444 pormit tra comeetion *f the nom to the trtz* mower stem
of ths Dietviett upon the illasmt 0 a servizee e of IttOW me an
artrnA ewer ror te. of. l'.2.50 vie Inmate -f thePones on an overall*
17.11.ation l• Va. itiVaattlit that titit COSI *4
tit tri torA wetal 't1•0 barna vho117 %.4 t4 Court iv arid that the
wow Amid, 1* etointaned b7 the County*
The ricmt W1.031 rm. lor this after iiroW t:a:tbLr II itrte
734,h the Path*** Itmg t1;trict. 'are now
preparing p1An46 The weer 'would be llo::,,td vithir the boundaries of
M. present -Unitary tattiPtet for * diatInett of itprmitinAtely L,GOres,
rIate.vbere the loeil orvernezt .filatrit would need to
have m ewer t brtneervio4t to the „T -Intrtlito wttbin the dieriot
tent9tiv* *AA* now un-l!,r discuss/1o' betveon ttat'Cluntr
rAlrveyor tinii the pittrio% In . or, tl 40e:trine wheithor or not it
would te prme"tel to hAvilmt e County tratall weer 3f Ilmer
ce1t7 than ref:Mired to as Vie Juvenile 14.anet aoth t thtr. sever
mAy etweet tft the :Weal inprovnent diatriet :iitel000 for t
sortie* to the rrepartioa 'which it would pau. 11 diar-loalan Is on
tit* basis Th At the Ccomt7 vould trn a11 VIA sower to halm it ready
as by Viie Juvenile 1:pue before we could have the vort under
eftstruettlm for the Pneheet, local Urrovement District It vould be
the desire or tho County that the :Weal tiprovetsent dicirlet reliatUragt
it in part for this sever for the 4,000 feetio and that In* Saritary
Diatriet *a e whole.4 t rer,!, titomo e th oner relutrenttta sUttgt
:at the letter If Jaritiory 1949.
Kr, Pejeiflr b Ijiel tbnt 1. ,rree.n rossible t out vhie
arrAni.litcr xind that :he 11111 rurn14h or Aln before Pliereh ar the
tl‘1,6 .11111117:01Aelit e fel aa*e Lt le vy 'MI:112,7M tiat the Catatt7ii
proettd to Instrirt Tho miter ontIrvitty tyt,ttt *ort frau the eenneethr!
t14 nan truzet timer ti tho Juvenile w that the rtArttaz
1114',7trict, t7,--irp,41. the Pariheoo local tmrwovemort distrix,t
n*rtietpate oar In the wori: vithin the Unitary 14stit 4,1,niI
bravvlartea for the 40000 flitt nerationMpo
bovbandled tl astelmin.1 t:10 10041tent aistri4!1 for a
tion of tbv rg* the woittwhieh the i.:;:olnt &attund eftei eat
a tar uptn *ht refolution intantion,;/ the refr,..t romert thAt
Nos to Seat
AWash 1, mp Rom.
vontractoi" ray 4 fie& smount teth* Ctnnty Cantre Costa
ss costa int:Went to Thewert 1.eh the coritrattar *rind br. in
elided in it twos n't an4 troall recover by Mit !mans*
Mils Coid. be of dietinet adiffuntags to the tattviteo 100'41 inproweinerit
dieriet tn-roirtang CiAt) prir4a.ry over thromt thit miljor xte of
the loe-61. ..A.mtviet at elnaliderabty reeT3c414 itoat over- havire
trizt41 Mix 4.000 refit of ,.*r with tho entire elm* amoessed
s7st1rutt the 1.4-rl, 8couldal** wotrk out to the miviersta,
'CitXttrty in a saving in the it or this 4.01.0 fort of' ativsci.
triattillatton or a Ivinter evevir thr1/13111 this area tvtild minim/fp
Vaintoriance preblens from lontitatiotuit stavv, and tumid bum. igivi
twiter outslete f ttiv ;Unitary 'to CrrtgNarty
the Coen% Abet Coarty rearwrisibillt7 ttar its rvilattettriv0•
:30,-torti,'Aligenteet tlrtt trcrormationO v D4t Notria.
st Vas ties 'with the recomettuttnor tleat tht "n64.,;:4 Gtrtlialk tb.
'ttttet41tglreer to procotx:i 4th ntrotiantita toward the ristfothill
of a catistset*ry,c,greetnent bat:year the Co”tty *rat *V1v Liatric',
rroletdeest thmt thio mat.t',;ar tal„y be 4r r' satrvalbie atom,"
17:7,40 lerecvent 'ocitt;', the Cmirt7 44.1 be lit t:140 rollirditt
(b) Thzt ,Tht sever rx1,841 At 0f the.. atrAtari tatrtt
or the Co lzty 4nd '::to Irstnttrle byLt,
(e) 71.7.1:4.t,t C7 ttriAttfml.for a 7ortion 3r 'at coat af
work within t,4 1),,11.1113rtot b7 tisseolenta*ittst
4thn..,ilytatalt th...,e Curt7.
t, thAt this sirr
That ti� intmodinte vort tttr Vle sever ittithir eut
ID Area be litstatlio4 vat* y *:,17),;31 tr:-.41,7;30 r).1s the C.cord,‘,7
rid or a ate arta taCri;s. route satierodetoory to ti.?ltt
araperitAttle anet c ts,"!,t, otie -e 24:0e,% tnrc JAI
Tatter trii JOiria $ 1~ -4
40,4. WY. .4.4.410
to:vary 26* 1950
emorardun tot Th. Dixtriet Must,
Local Isrprevetervit District 30 Propotiod Ming tor
stesamortent w1th rind wort Items Cgvtred ter Cosh De - at*
• vor Local ipr t otatriet filo. #edotairti as for us the
txtitallation or all * u 4 t le corteersid and the revng
trsts ti tae all comracte sitth the tet ton that two short
seetions wire laproporly repaired alLthourX paved et thti tines The
tic trim of t m* tn f w a sr tn 'abet 51yrtiore
those seasmenta has thovn defettiveworksus a to the boetfM flrs
eta water * Gr tvr ifabeliterow of the *ems'' _ n,
The wort tr : th'e escifeorts y bat be *poorly wadertatents
du, tO VII st coralition of The emtrnetor setimatia that
`she eoet of the reettittinr. volt to xi00 00 aftsilertimilke
tht the eontof th. resaininzwork is ce -,}: tto t2.500000
At . i n tine the Dietriet lute avrirlytiatety, (O. 043 skiveneed to Loecti
Will District for 6ctAti wrnetteese fiftieth win to
to the Dictr let apart hi eortfirrAAceariadates" ttut
aseesavrt arid warrant,
colltritetOzr opoacti that ha poet cash as s bora. civt.irgartectInr that
he will complete the romainirtr voork vben the toostbsor win rrrt
rxoriosal vflits on the biamiii that the ammonia 'would bt file by re.
advised.r '' Fs 2 -that
old not reownend the rttr eft =t . g'x bat would e 'rattler a attniew
rental cantrzet between the n -r. -Iet9t1'ItEt
to the v rr al of Melt eentirtet b7 the ,:-.1qtriet &Vie fir/1 on tho basic
thgt the f tor vould r1;3,ceomolt on eteposit vitt the District avantlt
whit sir the A strict :nr:ytrver could ardor trte rinvaintrv.7:work to
be dn., The contraetor to iv.rive . tr o'r„'`n en.
ect th. o ' ► '"' .e to ' t'v say ' l► from ths 430(r04,01
II the oven% that t t -;ort 3 . leer than V*amount T the
der at.
contractor• Harrison has drafted a ewtrnet Pry c flattlarr, .bort bor the
arid to Dtstriet VAteh contract WA/tt the apireific item*
of work to be v e sn would furtliAT car ail °'ham
features or *tett o nn
parTiamt 14. et hinaelf very tie irate t t a is a
x note t that t' a �.'ra
has boors fitaritiodto t t ,lv the
ItrIrovcrwtt f or i s #. and VS { ntr - frt executed,
Qdj /
Atone to
1 JJ1
onfmes procodur. is differed Pron the mut wood tn the am of
Lel Improve. trot Astrict No4i, 2 tom. A oInc*n thst in the propooled
*etion for Loral lorprovematt �: t strut no. 1 the eontrlotor old Om,*
* +
lin fuser in emptstirtg'tom work items o louldro b fors of
• boM arsxtet that t)t contrattor vould eon *tete a work Urns.,
'`o 17 guesticets tho p011 of Ma tet .o hovem' `'� .' ' o td
exproa **It varbally to at I
bilp 1o*11i torim and that It sal b the pr0por bion Lr the ease o
Local nt7Trovsnert District No. a ' thysg• 4 r
avis ? o' district r4 Diatriet to do se.
contract for mal tItIlirmretortt Tilbelriet no 3 vas 47r txt*1iy
le orcttr,letton a Jay 24 1949 awl toes . with 4*
final vientetion tot,e reirod itypetlbstik 25, 1940* ` `40,x '' .+ n `e"' ';s t r
a s tret A stiF - e'en g t withst e i 1 *user that
Ite will J
,a7 VII extra cottAroarrod eine* November 25* 1949
fold now tea M mit a �t� • ►v Itit
ee o be to ^ theratItes s'v i t ar. o home a el**. ,m' contra
the final e t thelle eirmr',< ittioc.411crt 01140 not detri
o thesabi. .r jeedto* Ths a dertate eye awe
*elan amoyanoi to the owners the ..,:n'tr:Atritez throutch vtash tbs..
• seti pass. In oto the Ianitlry DItitriet No !Avowed0 0
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