HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 01-26-19501, Id Cofttialattar of Itoortris tot Ammsmoot osli*vii.t bisirlt No* /40 . Me appOals it. ft. 31414 flied prior to tbe molt -tan of' J*Am. .107 190 have loom reivelvatiot and it Is retommended tbat the assessment IA oonfirme4 *s Mad, y/ •i0,40 hemritts on Assossmommit NW Looal tisprirmatat '1$44stat No 10 It 1s that the, inter*.te. AU. boor prosikrt free Ibis eqst bo orevisod turmodiets. to the fell0w4Ap 0041144 vtb* Nutria boa studio& ths atimssamc Mot for LOtmil Zar.ot :. Istrict !too 10 an Doosiber may, 114, 44,14 esmaitiare that a compUte riodistributts. of too omsents prop...4 to be asotessoft Oust b4rt zwet*. Ths writteu eppomis romosivid by the . rria All be ocasitorsd *.04 oila other Information rev*Iled IP$ thy* 30*Itttelt oult 0S,MisatiOn vill bib t*ktit tato sonsitirottott lft the mittstem of tb, Assiossmom44 This oil this sutesomosit will.b. sontimmed *ad no Natty:*vi1l t141 -contawsoi at VA s +ot trts. t* 141th joit to b. 41/1011.01,41 of tts sewbof ore we begin to roo,sider pour illirious toritties • rid. °or. la Vile ititroirta pripoosi tis Mass thilt ****siskeill otkop1ot*Ii U. 4 e mg D t *trim' tatinetiv. *tonne bit 0. instrost *t lin areistinito Notion te cultism* lb. liootring to SW* akitettlait X11 Them loo 1,* otd.r. 5 i cosuitaticatiosio. oil it,:::1141tr• cottror.11*. wittv $r 4belasse tkirattlatt *.it,$ A. of U. walstut Crosit ;rtarifir '';',atitool .iistrierit. * tollow.4412 to Ms lettor of Jaewo1% cloaca.* that the '.e oi trusts*, for this 4 i.Ictrieft wimid to sat* tc.ivoltil •Itkr,* *Imola* *itomat of sone" rnot tile Suto lot Colitcretia 1* U. last.sdia*. tutors te ottoter Um c'.:1: -.-t tot o -mitre. t1. of tits 'alinst leights thimmits,r ~oboo1,t Ile � otr iiohisigt rixtriolt Let 0 Toil VI apt ups it -fp Petfte moon% to isoiftr vgi, vow 9 sei, settliat for Usti .: rt!► of the cost oft afters in Lookci tsproM iont :Istria% 0o, 911 0446h vemlA bt toolimeot in- %ha l'Uts 41100611,00. ar illitter fid► the boar4 at TiCust! of tbe lislast (.44,6k ;;, l astrtat ot teriber 170 1947 thy wore trifIrmad WA tho oshoolo 01044 contribute th* shay. of the cost of Igeb wort ,hieh weult **beryls. bot ;mild lf it tn4 tm prl ts ','r�t-4.), 'rho ;..ropittrty fit tin Aersts in Arft sod sitallar strod —*ref/ it le *taw*? 'Loral) 4itotriat tome hots *****4110 in tab* order pf � + zr 1Qi Ittshoa is to ?sore.* tttit fl%kW it most , 7 IY ',‘ *IA I tit tier t.: . it wr3114 to* iers et th,�.l� o rivet * elm itstittot* stroftsr th, - ;,,. ..‘40 z„it.„1, t• trIiir AMU fres this Utile rt SA rectotmvomte thoit th. islatocil '''.!--tr, et Ns advivoit 'MO their *sr* of Who cost tor work 1.a vfrtott to ex ***a. , rtm for Wiler16 to lb* -Cimat height:0. "0.01 sit,.If Amtharit* riltlatlutg0m,Itt Pottit, ruipe In • Cinsfi law et ro* y et '41/9 I . la** woad* del. amptle Utak *1 *mango tato plant mop TAU sevad not te mood 4260 *V. would provide * point it 4144•161 of is* tie tisk 4414PArar.. vitaiset erstattlw froisattee• If this I* wastirs *I it is 4.4 Is *ha /1 2,5 pow SOO gAill to* loot to romp, zip 190 $100 osaiset p a. as se4: J!ivs7 1950 t: .:-tet .. viterievet elf ' 7" "` t• $ A.equir; 01' ` t to 0 2trie 36. 1 art tn A"effiel,A of tow it lirtte' datod Jaor'' 20 11950 signed nor' 4snien P. ittorney. with Utz tirparttzerlt o. utile warts et 3ote ofa:7il.�Iu1�• - ' T • +W+F !,iF.t revitate Ms piirri•1F 'VF .,. it bit that this 3 anttiry netrict lacks the .0.4vior to Ion sy".0101 astsitsitaitnts a, ittlist 3teet. prIppert7 owequirsd far * Um. 01fr 'iiNet#" +h ' ..:i►w`'�`{.�'+i'ty i s '-+Fxevi' '1i as f ro R. . at Via the astriassment ix lint it itne 'with ths at4 tb* opinion tarn. isheli by P ro, Ma 1 an att to eon; *to Os asnseamitt tor Loofa leTrovain let con Mu) beats that thin* nate *wawa rropairl* ressive riga bonett tintr, t",�� iltriviNflactlit trtel Itriff Mt tO atiaoss444 I will eoitattar thta itr:>t t a astt'i tsze tilRa I A.netiid o$h#rm Vivi Ur the aNiPtsi J 1 rims POS.,L� Fs strt t Bow of the r. Con'' a C's SimitlryDtstet modify the restive amoulits rropoeid in the Assestent for y Improvement 'Iiistriet ' o. 10 lind films n .. for b' D Z3 1949 S Hearing on th proposed asessamen 40 on continued to Fe ar7.~0.004 1950 at the hour of 3*00 o'clock Er no it the Dtstrtct Office. 1822 :-t. Diablo Blvd*, '-la'nttt Creek # California 3K MN et leerstary vosarsodum lulalsots a,ws.ry x6. 14. Ototrtel• &ord. ° n a etr ..41101 rye* ,itleirieit no,10 Necessity for A rovem*nt AliVrict No 10 os filed on 1,4combor 23. 1 has twos taud be to smolt La IMO the tottl el the Inavtbas2 smun ummagod.soirmt the itirioms 'rte/fps 14 mare 'Mar total bi ssasaactle Further orxerazationand, tie° : 7 one r l was_,diron 41.1106401010; vriereas r4triempvtiv fully itterved4 17** Purest* • tzwk L-Sn't 1-4,117 ilartictpal Utilitty .01trisrtet Tivirterty row being us. .1r nes/me orsratinc. morality Iwo twr,-tvert asastusseall, sithough ttemostlt Dr utudi aetriot not see'twod tor ouch essomoisli. 04.41tiortt thy Boy Matta. Utilt, thro itto, J. • vt/ advice& thAt The i iiiiT.. mit c !' to V10 iii' l+. e tr-se 7 ' �e i. There has 'email reAwr vigorous „Irotoot Mod aii*test.the **AV • r.ous *ssessuert ersmirottLNn. s that scrilo 7treelshive ve ,Betommitsed ref:Owing t t tte lotsr. not -&trot% sirroti tiy the t* 4.14. heals 44- itong Mreata served war. riot gimes sfuossuivesitrat. It this trt,likris 'MA ?Mop therauth rOvItter,of •. midgetneseszorr *rid have anderitAtz VA" rout hese a eton t Imitossment et r-we1Atbrwvort tt the time 0 110 tattea bsarixtr; tras assesessort. Adviee of Your. *,rs1104114 tArrtsor nttn, bran rooked***, to rroeedure on the reidgetort or to r t assessment tor 1 7 ,.a ve� ., r . tc, 'i it* tiltte disetottor thtr 1:140* 3.43 livA eqtettivitive tot it tg ttaifteottitit ttst thtir tn1.ons '411 I* th a .^gip'. # S"dftolto le ylc,rif at Chapter 1,45 et the 'owe; ',eit of 1 :mi. r.hrticut.ctr:14 Weer :?..ticon 53'61 th:it the Ileart. Vats rall sectettori strti ,.,,,INT uets er ittteriquatians of 10144 pt ri r r z rwi Ave totittietinesor, ` tt*+1 seoloistiert in ouoh MOW sot to IA als11, Ow,tito So, trtet dirset thc e to G. T v ' vt , . In atnr poortiettitrip Zwi . tzuary questton is in iti%ii.-ttr . r. -U* t t. ItL 3P.1, tho Gilmer. of yam,, � �.^Ir ° t . It .f y � !�! i���tri,-4.-,t i- tbit Strillett4 mum* sluved av toile. or the r new fizseasment trat itirilitaint in mount fur= that rzepor,44. tft 'Mt eirtliroaty fil lessemmli It is trzt tuvlsratastilta tutthe atiorais" sitviel,N; the 24ssati_ , ease aofto SOMA hors -1;rilvaitt4 a retliatriWition ot the assisimort a* toi s. es fellow stio tal Izzild ins pire.1a &e *roar tor riled subti, 1, I dews or .,, 011;1121 moo erg cm tos bavo tom aims . t,3 volt of assiktarwtt ove r tntii�. , whom they fire 'Nils sorrett to the over. 1,11o. Urger lots 0 Ortods Pork Ayres*, taw aro 4general mint:ass or viriprotiewstely cossobalt sem, bow* boon atom itterseset asseesszent va* V* istito unit diPtionatte On ittuit nature or the aerirte. tt'operty roe, ft* ditt$ e the lot en tbs. teas ilitto* these ri late osit etwietaily 'be ea.40.1 by raseal Pwle oulietaftt*, isa, • Ms then the will Wit cor alma* Oas tor ot # Ow. SeNdler lets ar. leot tbart5,OOCt *pm* filet in unt ar0114 c. lots of Orindat Park -etri-oee of me more ,:ist awe in ire* hove been eorintaered to TINvirtele nroet thasit. one 1ierr.1 of V4.. tote hew double *tryst frontage ay ors (aux., twioe the area fe oter- MIA subtavitAan coe.ette 4344 tor two ,W1,34tril Sirs ardor **tt sorting tons in the sirva The. "'tint!, ,roArtottormietirV4:At lOte 04'104411 ontio.:holki per*. It arPtrira 4thilttlas hatiritta nee* io be rIntAnosa Atir At loomt two VOMIkel mt thlit a be efortted to mod notiessu of Oa sett raritsion to the erected. rool'"millers it the :V doeMos t74. is7be prvirel7 Alone,