HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 01-19-1950v1.07?4,1 Cidlo i/nesaing of ntrattes. { j► inestrim 0t 4'fit ter 1.04101 dictation or *to sehedwite /throe *mesa' sestirtit sk„, r. sett cameosiment on local Distriet to., 166 bed been reestrwwl. ?Mos *nods Imre op of th* .iseltvrts-rtrmpootei to be nasisesit ainet Sty. trims parettlikVide This przti simmidwrit was earstul reviewigt roma**. Pftertatall Ni1.011 42Ultilif; thilt $111,011011 vben the c,aintrileter had. Mt 1011/4 his aneratlon*. It to ny 'Oat thts : te thet wit ocialtert. 04111111A0• moot which has tom .-erttpk) daft with V* lomat yea florist. • 0490500 Itulo too ot the three proteirtanto hove tom It sonalidored That Us sigesimmiint rivimond for Moir trovirlitas Li equit4blict Unties rartbat *tr. sweeleod at the tins or howling. It reeosawatetigt that the Assessuiat be *Wire** es la reroptosi4 Ptra4p Kann • it 11 unitterstoodt that Pr, Brailetcolt has the svatitultion et hand for 4.03.rdss earetilititatirm Sew assfassaiort ae TWOMMIllade ractrityt no. VS mt tiro It Consarter, tioris• '4.titions have bows onsiviod from vartotts parties revisott that foraero be instattel to loarret tbotir reormortiIt thee. are 'lis' sit tol1mm! 41" • torvistwoodt area tatter fren- Arandwoed gstates. !rte.. request. that thts ►' ivirt Vith Its ottnennity *doer entem ' emneete4 te the District gaserior syotom st the sorlitiet rroettrableeste* AA* ombitviatort tit serve4 by a tevirary ilispoisal -unit whiert !Ins failed ea& vititeh te betirr re*teeted lierknorarit7 by ehtegrimation of the errietiot with the 4,trwildetts. et ift :tato 7r,&':rd tiosith omarty ritkalth OttiOsit hat vtiftwat .1101011014 of ithows , emit* luta boot ettiondid, toward Om** ,• tits ror a dietaries of AirVrotirtsto btv the c4lirit gablividers 3iTatailis and oradia. vAis • /errastilime Axes* ietttlorts have t*srreestived free the nodded* erty maws in ths P eettoefis Area tom" sIr�iniely ylvir pne that 'C imiredito sowers tbite newt. Thor* we at.. tar lid *ems crt lAnd tift the Paebeee aro* vvtileh 11V 1,0 nth* a otriptes es doe sal the job relettvely swan bottle less Stun ors tantired thalami dollars snd ,urvoi sr.7,rositsw „ftreots It std. Oriel* ' et' ters Area* i'etittati be. tsi recotv+lali frog els rvijoritySIE' ifireporty ovirters,th the ortr44 t.etaas 'arm *slang thst the Voerift eirty conste4tratice to at. 7,klass for proviang adeguorto 4trOi far U.* hove kr���* arse. This area 'fit boort Ude* as 14.011, Deprommoent ;nolortet 10. 1, for aecauptirir -urpoaes• was . w,1rimmed to oar,. elis arttcr sws a :newt of Local toTow rovistait etri no, 1.0tut din to ehartre ,irk pitatts the srep viva met* District Area beast r ''' etait, *.-_ ea. - on hate bastin meet 'Ay %be tylows Sat the subliiistarts* Afton * tea* *treas. sod trva strverd .rir k *own; in the Itifteped. tntdirt ... h .,! ►,d etthor arse* in OA Maws sworn Utentittei es 3sis ',veleta s • Thos. mettitione hsrve swraitated that the Bosrl z: te seam lto sewers to aim this aro** 1k rat/ far tht, 0 ores tit soma by * eonstaty mow *tea ant towirof1ir:► 4 +fit which . not osi llkt flossim *HUSS ei triroCkly but itrIttell tg it rotortiot Wizard. at thits, tit* ifht. to wow.- Ang and Ws Oatteharce of intraatmod Owego Into drainage veru g , 'at the tat* cor **se Ipstitions orit other areas on Um. I*. rsetived to The intb,lect of Ateemosion at tt t 'the boom& and *Toot tho Dotard . oehodale rot Semi lour* whtlah has wit yet been vriagr Att of the ants. . Ustiod *Um are hielly erittes1 in thit mom* la altb. sitriattor ibits to tbe dischargo af cwore tin Oratn*R. -v47114 5 loansIder srprova or %oval issentettunt for PhIvisue liervite hstatth piss. Th. molority of attriet hair* iiOie4 ttx diootr. to some ptan on& Wen *Oasts& 14 Cattrornt* v oicione 1114r r trips i illiettetide of AS rorttil of 'the y joixt4r4; CsAltternia yess of the Irplquire is It roeoi Me4 that tbs Dome ru% tot* *trail at Vb. *rid tat* elurges ore the 411 distactlawk 0.40 to erautry. 19 with deduttion ryas o be Todd or Me anath iltbroa ortore tagilextowsott or a ..-, 4 ton or fa onert, MittOrs 4041 0011 * %." 110Z- mit s Was. co ett3n, sanolors 'wow* (wrote,' tor i tio, • Th. DA *Utile . Otte ,',,,e bout unable to mak. ohmage tor an4 two remared that UM* Loo.2 books or stirer.a gar . rothirri with 0* rim/Yet m% It iMeow rwitxted thot Out Board ati tzet a e Paid to the isiourvit of 50 tX) to * catnitalftell et gat evert vlivvol tor • , .itieTte4t. or trOir..,7 ohst: tar thee* if-Airposeso 4004 Par narmont ctIN ottrothli slart.11. rt hes WNW that *Ilkettes pasit to POI th. tiorrtbli sa, fanw40% at the ord or A Overt Mat with %Um 0: -.rd reeetstii Slut 2Stebt ot SNP vortth tar moo yeatertes of 11�►� a,twetirt.,, Sine. WM rastriAtt has tater tm V* onglneerittg T,larsearfol, them will be *mob awk. detwitod Use cod efwitlyntIms tw thit alitritution or ebamit* end it the it prof/tie. to ,eontirated it ttilly be itateseary to *Ow a tom over ill seoventings te PistrIct ?-nftlitesr and Painager I COI Wie PO ar tittrieutty IA tags tatatior sloop ee, toi'MIorIIP or art wo 1011% bo likg in stycrr tt nSift, ti,.. vaeted bet110111 the thib month and Vne irtvi it V* merit vial stetualli bs -1,0104 are Wpm tri tut soma:Ito Mr elt. anesseartr moth Unloose Ms Flo irt s to ibluTot thtts rr00410111*. V. vin 0 Ittirttke ea in th. rad vitb the tin. iota* trot for distribution nes. Mort wad be t or ark **writ�. are. a *beet old. not be de Imre to htie if he, severs1 hie .. ; .'±*��'� fr-frie ,nottiti 9.4'+t.,' rtatt YUrtet'f It vitill los nom*** 4,.::__.i.�. 4t the ,1'44 ad laerteei cis flmutry 5 19 c is.ourcit;- Ate torsatarer aertatn chargos ctive P rir .:, f Volt n The Immix". dna ► + �la the frf.e _ �: � 3 �c � � � MI lotioZ Th. Geotairr Attvittor hovireer. it skprearo that . ' tatittmeloretoce4t 'fie intent th. Caanti tort vte ow advisee *hat Them cbscrrio e bs 'eked* tly aravtrie tairrerta on V* ppeelAtt Atith eve -proeeets :Von such warramtm depositol in the :rrunni in wan' that 'warrants loot IOW apecial txperise l'und stored ard boor inter.. '7 St !r repcareaeCe Nur% by awtiae Ohs SAP* 1u st,tat Ius+Q l.ocelDi Arleta 16141 sidtinkayes ote r.telmrstablo. upon the talVist 640 IMMO. settee Ulan so 5 that "fir eat Ira goweitary to Ow vorrents, sit tot. troottelts Seat verretat SUM th, laloidute Varraat. 134 for O. vartetts to „articular oat or the moat T4totrist fortett* to• es4.0 esseitosseitt ;Lts4 worramit ftr‘kir wow ador~ rte. Ztreat January 5 195 tato to it. twe fitota eammit o y *tt.r his v t s District itirsv/ fools froz ism eollotritUne to the eitirrezt t rromr t t' '"fmr th t ,(F/ d5?73 •S. Y ¢ ! y`� � � y � ��r'Y.� ��� � LI -.., ki t or somrseetts (Ana to thpatt fur4, be used from s eentrocts 413101 rarrtiod over or these ellotritets thire 00124414044 sr firstod th reiganreement of thee* ftetvitrireg t nem tricts to taw :Iarttary Dilapitrtet. Givit.c4rvietch oetion 6497 ba* bow 444.1 to tho ittslith arid Bodo or Um, utsiti. Caltrorrtis relating to #14/Artets oseettemi ' % ���ttiot eieo *WM eltaist"y �� �s�ee s *1.�'� � or t�tal�c+�' the e'�E'�.et t� '��t is �"�tr�t to,� irtitainations ridaufter nrovislitid ter *ta thla the -,,Iskota classiftod, tor Vt. Uwe:4 the fhinitwair *Istria% shall etorittitato elasettiod districts, This toldittott ; Seath sot asteity Cad. visa tot Ats ne rumour* Sit taw 19119 1140.411ten of Us °tat. 1 ikao. Uttar* *al is rtov se The District hate tam sotien thio latter _Yioi deft ftiet :i • SO seistira fts3Ri *r4r0eattarei'xtol:44 AM reeent • t„iirvitstre Olt it is ,,er tuft 0,1 beIrtr to elets14er thS watt. Utttrviettces to lbw Psivisgor sad iktVirr, are taw, -seed at this tie* ?he tor% isrvtitirod wait ostiiaboor'C t" i.;tstrtt civil wile. �.**, �ti�m +moi �f �� i+�'� s `' _��.�,� �' � w various t* sem. to%s, last ot an war the Astriet et the t t?trial icon of the �:+�nt rersloti, s. ;,./riv-tv atrl s II bat notessitry %het .the untilard, until, the e or on twit attic* o. to*istrict 4:rntnaer + -Tn creltpled to I..mod** if 44. In 141111itiwt atuth ftittatre ea ! ".ee are in a p tot to goof tt,ynist • the - It 1.1 Stigtlettool that tils Plitt *r4 a isit rzottood tio Anti Vt.tteettottan irditturrees to WWI'' the vtate datum� ratter of a t t* relaimed NA lag* tos %Otis? which A" bee iii*ear vim for orterat botor. its fire adoption. hio (tett Of *rust 4equirod b7 .110 Alkto or ciatternia for "', ;� y p*f*I for ththe Lt*ptW flrvty to:ver,ssayeatitt fastriet Ser, I'M *Woo tsis Piro 'Mori. Mt been to, %b. *Met that tt* Num., is roe larvi tr,toe b? at :71CAL'aerinta *ad hedil roserfro tor el.ce a toulA 'bot asswatie4 tow trod, r2vortt�nf Vm the eott for d rtimcrivointitatu 9n tbe %Ants Ith*% thieve UM. were 'tvrierit by the 10,1,471Nrolmint qty thisfl* ti berriANKlintiltte , owner b • iletert tort Mr *moo over the ...11 saviroorst woks wri‘h the *plat oft Yr. ,14,441 C tamed? immreamoil gt foutetifir; or the Foord 'to thip ofeet Vito so nes vottld beim tobassesmodo te GOAa, UV Om%ems to item st ftkr..4her erga ton ,of the Mreelita 1 C38. viartv • total 'bet trop t21.0 effort* t . too ` ;;# . and o V* .�' t. D the Abu or callfort444 it oonstset Iv tor such *sit te et# 0.11 t'St ikttsetArtortit• Eltvever# inr-satre Ite be iv aljueleatlivi fli ir* artettee tor The l othe wittsas**. mon* roll* kla or lee Istz4r non ate eimet maetatars, it* ba ito 4tr-ft ferwit the ttx Ito* Tv/ deenne geto mob vileterrawat. YP4 foll4 trach asses~t wore laviod thst kifetirn instriet miter tt - pat ths -oar et the 4 ► ti :• ►,ri s •«F iv Ilr 4IM%t* '`fit barring votabotisable.: ;}},t :f t tyr, *Nt .re r a trereaved artt . > nitte**6110. his imam riWitt a eturOpsts MOM. anite, ir taut evezt t we. ..aortsble r# . t t r that ` . ' '� loses `i y' � to .1sv egaitritt i . t t AU. owed rropirrtie:,1* In viol, G visationabls t .,"� is O ;, '�i.� k tit lentrog et atsessaiont Sgsarlttthe ;,,,tai *J=01 .- '! thq.t~ havel •b*Ar�t ' Ortos 1:10,7110M0110� '4 ^a} ,,'?nt . met �. # ) th the h motion to Ms vith yep 4 11, f .. the empletioti of Vt.* work thst is-rsvemort ht :Att. X t14:. ' . r .s witth y.it7.41.4.tatol .i'S.ts ata t`r , N. .1 'Writer be Itmed sAlly•. ,1 AkNorvomont,• ,� t� Auk xed oboes it 141 12* stratiozattat of the moot anti :4'oebs lArepartte** Marc le to rivesent '�." * the rictord at 1231. time in view of the fillet fe'i V 11 I lortars,,bave vt/t aevirellsoe 'petition er broseit mirttsinq teal% lilArttlettihioh it tur set* It to asst.! that 1**rors* 74eraty snit reeti vitt tirpimr Wore the _Word ard lawrjr do *obit ta suggesite. that tilay adv! ate th;3 thy Notre vin explet 6 substantial roirvice chatirmi to be ptaid by -- etitiorare as * to the tatuutration thotte rropie esti.* to th. lanittry District, 's s111 servile* *barge tr) ret tbs jut% *twee or thos. -rove/Fla*. to this faellttioa to witsielt they vtil 44Wite. snit to e,e ter the.. rxelvertiata *hero tav eretergwisent them Attitharire retrIburseiment ?oar' .Cesh AIM in the toms% cpt la* veasolitaticiet to ,repotred far the wait 431* *It, 00 Pettsttiortk bole*. F vitonsidier Itettlermatik Arcia romtest «iv -relit e2, Pito .*i,_ 1! -16 VAtijmirnJanuasy , . 0dam' mina et: 00e- 050.06 -4...ic,.. 1n t..) LLIL hareby oTe.ATea thR the ordeT of this meeting of .0,17anuE 5th, 1950, by wMch the Govzity AutL,tc'J-.0 EaT,LoTbzse auci Eiraetoel to dvoosit in the RmD7.-°:Eg of the DiF3tTict tht; um of $151,277.079 azd thMcJ.a7DUM bs dhaT.ged to the q7)-e.Q1aa :Txznee Ymd 0'oe and th„, 3ane herOy IE 2?e?ciastl,„ !temormndum to: The District beard Jubject: nnurry los 1950 Natters for discussion at infornal meet Janunry 18, 195o ng, Annexation of 'Roche and !look properties, See detailed memorandum sttsehed• 2. 4pprova3. of health plan,for District employees. Ms District .mT1o7I& have indicated their desire to jotn the hoetlth ,nlan of the Clif° rblysicianss Zervico, The District is not involved in any ex7one in this matter except that it requires payroll deduction gind remittanee by the District. for the amounts aoducted from each omplereOs pay. The plan requires participation of 70 of the total employees. The meMbers of the District Board are eligible to join the 'tan also, if they depare. Vale the moet of our employees vere under Mr. Xennedy's payroll they ere covered/ similar and somewhat more comprehensive plan which included payroll deduction and an employer contribution. As stated above the Oailifornia thysiciens, .ervice plan does not involve any contribution by the emnloyer but does require that the paymenta,be nada throurh a porton deduction. It ie recommended Unt the Board arr,lrove the joininc of thf5 Lnlifornia 111714ciens. iervirse -Ilan with the nayroll deduction and remittoncei. • Consider letter to 'Ian qamon Ti11y 3nttnry Conlittee eorrecting etatemert in our "totter of R), 13, 199, Ifhte.h 1,/st the effect that pFirt ()f bona nroeeed9 wolild be nrrlied to coven- enc,,ed taxes,. This he been requestedby the aan 1on 1nttry Comnittee for a statement from tht Board mnil they have further requented that the Board make statement on riddltion11 matters as follmrs: a. 2o tbs effect that the amount of the bond issue for exten. colon of main trunk sewer woulei hist for the benefit of the Alamo.Dailville Arse to extend main trunk sewer further than the Town of Ilf,r71110 ;-,roviled that the In0000 would furnitill sufficiontfurido to cover ouch extenston. b. To the effect that any properties adjoining the rroposed main trunk sewer in the Innovation ,imulel not be included in any Local nenrovement District, unlesa the pro-erty fevers themselves requested etIch inclusion or their Inclusion vis reluIred as a health measure to eliminate a health hazard The Coreolng /ma been requested intarma—y by t. 'e 34n ;Ilmon Valley 3Anitnry 6ommittee ani it 19 understood that this committee tall a7peer before the Board on the evenim.; of J4Inuary 19 t repeat this rvemt. Memorandum to i;14, aubject: rtcl art!, January 17, 1950 on ?reesd imut of Hook nnd aoche Properties. The matter nf the abject annexations hRo been rresented to the BoArd by Messrs* f4c44h and Heraty and has been held over through the last two meetings of the Board. The Hook Property adjoins the District easterly of the Inut Creek. Martinet Highway and is commined of approximately 82 acres of land with current assessed valua-tion,at 3200 ,,,r gore. The main trunk sewer peones thr'ougt the westerly edge of this property In a 20 foot estsevent acquired by the District in 1947. The Rocha !ronerty auto includes a pareel'of 4•79 acres, which with aprroximately 57 serespforerly Neches akess a total of a -proximately 6Z acres, These lands have present asnessed valuation of 450 per sere for the Roche property and '-45 per airs for the 4.79 acres. Tbnearest sewer is at the "eastern odor or the part of the Rothe property which is now in the :3anitary District adjoining the '.41nut Creekartines il1i7hws7* The annexation of the former Dime, now constituting Gregory Gardens, Units 1 and ;and the adjoining property now known as Piradise Valley, which was braur,ht in by DiVeltise wore on the following basis: a. Mat the parties prepo-I.ng the annexation pay the District 1600.00 to cover r .rtn13 petitions and other admini. stration costs; b. ThAt the petitioners publish Ow retiti n at their exrense; c. 1115t the retitioners pay all escaped taxes on the rropertyl d.. That the properties assume all future taxiti, includin taxes on outstanding bonded indebtedness; That the rnrties subdividing the -roperty install sanitary sewers with connection to the main trunk sewer grates or sufficient capacity to serve their own properties and.rrop- erties now inside of the Sanitary District which lay um. grade fro these properties* Under the above arrangement Mailers. Heraty and Pc4ah and their aesoc. sates and jr, DeVelbiss and his associates have installed or are nov inatalling sewers of a definitely larger capacity then those rewired for their owil subdivisions consisting of 13 -inch and I2.inch extending westerly from the main trunk ewer for a dietance of approximately one nile. This vas at an increflsed cost to these subdividers in the approximate order of 1.1.000. This constitutod a direct benefit to the District and it lover cost in the future for service to the «rop.rtiss in the oriO.nal District which lay ttp-p.*do fro those subdivisions* Memo to Board 1. 17 50 A precident for requiring the subdividers to make some eubstential contribution to the 1)ietrict existe also in the case of the annexation of Charlton Acres where the subdivider was required to make a cash payment to the District of 425 per resident,e lot in hie aubdivieion in addition to paying all eopts of ,‘Toceeeing the annexation and pay ing all escaped taxes and assuming all futurli tae. A further pr - °Mint for some pubstential payment to the District exists in the proposition as submitted to the committee proposinc the annexation of the Alamo -Danville Area where the BoArd has advised that they will have to vote generel obligation bonds to cover the cost of extendinF: trunk service into their °wares and to provide for future enlargenent af the Simms Treatnent Plant facilities, The extra cots which Heraty and associates and DeVelbies had to under take in their annimgapne and the proposed edditional costs for the AlamomiDanville Areerkin the epproximate amount of $50 rer acre of the areas annexed or pronoved.flr anrexation. No basis for annexation 12,„e as yet been stated to Yessrs. Heraty and Health. It le suggested that the Roard consider thee* annexations on the followinp! basis: • That the petitioners pay the District 3500 for each of the two proposed tions to cover oonts or administrative . , .•work of the Diatriet; t Z b. That the petitioners pay ell costs of legal advertising the etition; Not TISt. NN4 c, That the retItioners pay all escaped taxes for the fiscal years 190-48* 1948.49, 1949-50 add 1950-51 in an estimated amount of 13.20 ller 3100 of Assessed valuation for the tot' for the years Involved; d. That the Board stipulate that the annexations be eubject to all future taxes of the District, including taxes for out standinr getuarn1 obligatioWbonde. e. That the petitionerreceive no.sewer service except from sewers inrtalled entirely at their expense under permit from and inspection by the 3anitary District with connection direct to the main trunk eever; • f. Mat the petitioners pay An additional amount to the anitary District as service charge of 1;75 per acre. If the annexations were effected on the above basis the nayments to the District would be In the following order: a. Hook nroperty service chlrge 82 acres at 75 •$6.150 Cost of prepR arinpetition 500 .i.;scaped, taxes .121 Total 47.175 euro to Bond b. the annexation. nervice oh Cont of rireraring nettition. cc app q* e scree at 475 Total JOHN L. MASON 1-11-50 — 650 50C 104