1. ilear protest* on work of Loma Improvement Dictriet NCI 4* *1406
nortborty of Waist Cr*** and lnalvidlag portions of the 014 of
'Atansii Crook
2. Consoldsr ihnotruatilmil to 4s*tst tomer to infolude additional
properties in Local Moiprovemost Distriet Mo. 15, A4ifing 14411.7•
kolition bias boon rosotire4 signet by 23 propi.frt, owneve to the
arts sOciring Male, Station X064 from Las Trzmpas Cr*** norlhosAy*
Th* main trunk after pass's Shrimp Ike neuthorn end of Vats nr*a
and this work (mid bilt incladed with the locAl dIstrict to servo;
Polies 4114,7 witboul 4elaying tbe 'work of that Vloal ImpTovemoint
The instructione to the IngLneer topreceot 10 not spgtoitteolly
limit the are* to 1:4 werved, bit instrintod Vat III* *viva 1)4
determlned to aset $he topography and t000diate wiped* for serviott.
it is roommendst. the* *ht* ares be included milk Lom' Iaprovonont
Disikrie* W00 IS.
‘opitts of lettere freak the County Usalth Offiger to tilt .4mml ot
tkiitrvisors and lo the Sanitary Distriet ere enclosed Poxthe
liformstion of ttle Dir4ctors. Them lettors akpismr to have boon
ocseel0ned by tho very eritiolh health Situa%i0A 'which develard
during Marsh taillifirat to overflowing smptio *efts *througot the
Sanitont Ditstidtp and Perth*, dust to rat** firWrovis protests On
the rArt of the twlervisors 'against our oonianning the mintotr volig•
Th* :--rorram of wo* it* u undor vo calla fo Sho 0.11,14ion 0f light
additional local totprovemont district. 4urtrip tho seilAr semmcr and
taU imaseas. Construction bidet vill hft roet4v*4 on %hi firs* of
these on A.,.,r1.1 2$*
The District intineer has beton Woman,' requitsted to
improve on tits tellowlAe tiottedslis:
10 artful*
*c. Not*
12 °rinds SS
8 i.C. tast
-14 Orinda Routk
7 um'? ,sa
15 4slio2 V" OF
16 ‘pleatittron wc
Aar. Apr. 7
Sat yl Apr 214
Apr ?
Apr 26 Nay 19
*ay 12 Aine 2
Jun* 2 Jun* 2,
Jun* 23 J3 1
July 14 Aug 4
nCtni AIDS
Apr, IS
Ms/ 12
Nat A
June 2
JON0 2,
July 14
Aug 4
Aug 2,5
If %h1s iula is nain't 1t should peraitthe 0br shown m
be sepp1eted Latime iia repairsbefore winter of 1949/504,
axe somal addittrMel critioa1 *rem, In n*ed of lower *rid**
however 3t is not Y*orrrmbli that to aideren unties ill OAR
be demonstrated that Its prima, + ineer!{,ng ierm1 qct atiiiS er
improut #n the Abewe shorn 0044114,,
rimanolal s##te+tent !►s ai'IashM. The #ta1tem+tmt rs net reles,
addltxmma2 tax gimes* ws3sik tIteemes delinquent during ibis men*,
which is estinsted iR saventat A't approrinistar *30000. r1"ai'1er of
sN.lt11►ttas* / to tlaor*'ll"+Rn"lnt d,�,' d1 riqts from Running �,rpel'!el4 �@
3piveia3. 4.xpent. nest say be Wooled as t#+lreeltsary So provide ate•
ttton*1 raids for lover ovniiruotiort fist or *titer purvoa
Autherrira oruicisss ot Lise A VOSMOnt with ramo»to Sorthern
itailway for email* in Iowa Isivrovinwali Distriect as 4
ttonsider salary veoistion ar4 idok limy* ordiesanee or rosolutioa 10
put the :44141 .4401/0110 W►lr v1161liar l+�r��r
qt Contra Owns #;�'�, ��ast �rj► ; . Lctpsl Utt1tt Dtatrtat aat other
publLe corporations.
The i#3,ar$ fsstvs *1 this matter azethe i�+ar�01" r
�«,x� �����►. however. +R#ok leave allovanmis
(wad Dir mispisa immo41041 in epee, that smploymos say Ihstar
plans for 'fit#tom during the eosin,: summer, Is is Mgnit#1t+l11 tha'!
resolution b* ated 00NlialnIng the tUoi4 WAIN
a. AU r►r4!' 1010`114, pordlealed se r► movrltialt salary 'basis
to be idateettio4 +tet ps.*.nt sapplatios dm they have mssrrlri
for awe than six softtheerg faismis isplo, t err whim Um
shalt him* sn�►33,ar 1r��.d .s lisiesta �.l 1ls.3r
appoinen#s w+ 10 have boon permanent mibltet to satisi`eatory
VisatlA►ns„ �� Pt�itRt��1� shell be entitledentitled'�1 151511o1'k�'
fii,�'�1 full pay toryear 8!" oa►ntiltupus s+rlrioe, t►l+►ielt
vassilasi often ammo to "fie euvlarie it this rat* of 1-1,11vodeirs
t+io#t sash oompleted calendar monthf ssr1►iae at tl�ll
date of said+ler�ee ps�� +�
ap�►lt'1 to��tion �riMt
the Sanitery pro'tidiodifp . beiw.vsr, ISO 1w/ Mme, loyre say
take mots or posent for *yob sommesil vasation bs has
ossplotot six maths et eea1rins seri►#.ls% aid provided tarldirr
thot net 11+qroe 001 be entitled to trailatioft with i,kay in amps
of that aetualiy atterosit at yrs tins stook via+aiiar is tate*, and
prevI, Nether that me eimirsol art vao►atioa Use Moan b.
o..A.ok leave. All p4sima4ent employees Shall be entitled to ene
woOking day** 414 leave with pay for each mkientiar sionth of
service. If *ny employe. eloits no% use th, full amount of Ask
leave alleme4 in aAy felendar year the *mount not tet4en say
be accumulated from year to phot to * total ,pf 90 wafting. days.
Pay forelot looms will be made von the tp1uyee0s ow* sertif»
toationlor eilsh leave not to lixesed too suocimeivo workbag 4*,46
Y fOr sick leave for over twe stimeessivo divesball be mide
only after sidmitioxion of a staUmlat from * pbysicinn etrtifying
to the 111nets0 of the Inflividua
'4onsider the matter of whether or not the District should portielpate
Is the cost et ritpaire to U. Hillside Menu* Sower in the City of
wianut crook, litatfir up Asiadtt. for &nesting of 4,11 7. Thl. *OUP
was )14014 over ties that mopeting for lAter eonsiderAtiar.
rit 3rA1rford h*s wrased the 11,4nton *hat the i041t0 sj p*rtiot.
pato in tbto o0s1 if it $e *sleets. rho soot' we,is in4w, br tbe
Cit/ of 4atit Creek prior to th* Aate on Ada that City contracted
1-111h the lten trtot t maintoin the collesting savers ef that
City, reaceto very oollosted * the Sanitary iiistrIct AvrtOg the
amrrent soleador year for maiiitenamee and operatIoni *ma the Citi of
illanut Creek ls approximatily 13$ of thil total taxes levied
during this roar. It is sugsest,4 that the i4str1et pAy 111 o*v the
*este incurred tor this werki wiren though the Distriet tan logally
tak, the peigitleM that it is act obligated for this or inview Of
the delays on Os Alm, 0T the City. Caswell in eontroistin4 with the
Considar using the servioes et Pichmond Martinis Abstract and ntle
Com4ny for title reports and othgir motions on essemosiS0 rot ever
ons year past we Wire u$64 tifi* � ontrA Oosta county
Title Comoin, esolusivol, Red tn omorAl *vs N101114,4 satiotitsetory
eftrvies until the imme4ist* g*at 4h4n thvs,rvive of Met Comporty
p44red to fall off reItvur
The p4ohaond AArtins, eem,tiny has rPeoatodly solicited to Woman/
And it titrotriti th*t is might s oppitortun4 to 41.'0* the Wiliness anti
yive th*a a reasonable osopftrtion.
9. C nsldlifr (t)roing hem* owners to oonn*ot to sewors In oritleal *ram,
Th* *nolospd 4 -Ioniser. notice hoe tq,:s 1,111p/red to varioult hems
elonitra to *rime tehich wrro mgcnifeetly orttlial *nd whim,* *vim 70
hoot Peed
of the **Ivor* hod ston71otote4 to the stwors* Tht� notice hts
reoults fine xnny oterirs who :IA (10lay'd con*tee ing he dam* •
e•urtme: th*
--stletiono 1141p m0 11'411. or 14, of -lilt 4roisedur� provitifet that
the govprninv oaid of any sanitary nattiest bairtnr served written
notias U“ln Pi 0441W? 41* rola estAlitei4up0n it.iek there it * 4wollinp
house may construct tba 00411.01Inn oush dwelling house with the
vq,joining street sower and bold a lion upon the real ostete tor
work done whoa tite owner Obeli rail to 40 thio work Totthin 7:10 days
after sus* %.0rittert notice,
Th oftelosmi notAso is not oonsidored 14 be a roma noties but
merol/ an infomMation to the owner* It ouggi0004 that tho Sear'
otuthoritoo this lifter Insp*stor to givt forst), sotto. in conform**,
4th the Cods or civil rovtedure under *hi Softtions oiled, swiss%
owlets who tonSinue to tail 10 sonftet their Moos te V:, street
sowers, whey. ths nowt for sash mionestion is evident and wbore the
reigibiting halm tn %h* aro& have nails such eonnsetions
10. Consider approval at Louis Panitels as subseetrwctor to Downer Corp.,
for inat*Ilation to side sewers in 1.esa1 Improvement District as. 3.
he Downer Corporation have 0040 that the, sr* balding' the instan
anon of side somoris in tho Lafayette area to thessolvme from this
tins forward, and Mat they ale* engaging At. Dannels to perforn tho
work for Shin. House connotation permits are to be Wm out ill the
nom of Downer 0Orporation sad Kir Usnmas will WI a suboontraoter
to Downer.
It Is reaommesdiod that the Board approve kr. 4 alas as * taboon-
trActor to otteoPr Corporation*
11, lonsi4er poled settlement ter ',-*-orriscirt re03. IA LIP 6. ehAvu
ealislaadongrilfr of tomiteostern Ain! Use. tkrol t Oliter )1.0 it Orr red
huts essomont on .r1,. t of :2218 plun 1100 far geverarov ,.tamageo
Mr. Drailespi n the moiter fArtharis
2. L,Inalcler (:.attir. 4r. :,,4117ord the rtht to coon/mot his ':n:voellt ellos
buildirr. an thfl PAnvillc 21.0r197 opposite Yfrvell Avenel, to /mnetion
mInholo of in trank newer eteetions It Tt Arc, Yr,
rtnited easement to the 1)1.1t If7t tit a tot41 length of 460 foga bir
'.471 feet Ad* adjoining the 3VAII thy an the wist day therm'''.
IA: no gloat to thin Diatriort. Thio was gruntedon tmt*ber ¶ 1447
prior to the eenoteuetion ofrtity Vert of the %RV% tim64042"
ft *WarOf *laitytt tsiernet that 1,44. ,4,41,fard goad lAti
dranted the rIlvileo of connaetinr; hit nronant *Moe 'wilding
tie man i4.1.1111 :mivvr manhole rttlut Thi tris or a coriwotiom
fee, and it to a* reiromitendea.