HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. PRELIMINARY BOARD AGENDA 03-31-1949p4r14:utrIAFY•Jtv‘
The fo lowinr saiftly will probib ly be Thr the 15.clard for
0onsid,ration nt the mosting of March 31
VI Ration remaindinr further ptraito for tompotarf dispolial unite under
ordinonc, 1 o? Us :;.anittry Dist:71cts During th* weeks imm,414,,tely
pait the temporary ell‘fosal unIts rvin4 Dorade PS* and :'ktrallip,
wood Fstates home failed In optrItion MIt to the vaterwsliolked Imam
elution or tne mibourro* drainfloads. AS IA i.;ormdo sewage micavid
thruch overflo,Atrig manholes uneor the ourfece of V* streets, and
r*R14,4 A most unsightly ar win as batardeme oonditlars 11Utren4.
wood Yetatcli the Oubsurfrole drainfilad bee brokerout irtto ovarian
:reek and is ortfttinvn sorlous o4or nulfmnce to 1 ely 10
homes eff the *u end to mtighbosing hon.**
Ti Dorado Part hse been relivied by limmorgenoy va*Ithotts kpumping
tbs. septic Unt ettluont tul to 1Ar49 owned by the sane subdivid,r
lyIng northforly of the subeivision, Ibis effluent is bola, ehlor.
inr,t, to r-Animize busim hisite.40„ This action was team with the
conturronot of Th' (*let' Award of Nionith and the County Hoolth
office and entirlly et the expiOnse .11* the stbdIviler.
The aubAlyld*r of nrandwowt !States tra bottn rtotifie4 in firiting
or the unsatitifActory operottior of t!,, i4ige,ca1 units sInd )$fitl
MRT4,!$4 to oblortrItto thl sttplac 140 ov4:1 oikine;
?s* is withir tbso bounaar14e o' AAA No
oottroot0A Into the somor iyOtom on or about May 1, at tlas
thia situ(t1111 nay be !WAY oorroctrld,
'ArAndlonii es, lc ?Int no,11 for swop conn..ction urinf7
th1yeAr allA It t aah_ oubdiWor he to eon.
tirue th op/rattan ,7tr phlortnAtion this ovielous ar will also
hrom to Wolf oth,r oorr.etive mtkoureso all of l'xich 411 bo at
4-T414 tho necossary resolu,ions in orY,?:, f -:r the establish,ftnt of_
• 4. TWA is tht vrfol Inelt0.1r nf the City ,.)f lnut
an iriterveninv in tic,rtf!orly to the .41un r, of
L.:verses 1 Anti f.
Avkro* oupp1,424sIta1 writeme,nt witb ,toltes Th,1 covering final
mourtftein7 of street* in 1...1, 20 T. Dliftplot Enpinter will Iviro
this mitter *t h*1-1410 end aftice the *p!,rovAl of this nuylemdmtal
agreement, th, ossmossent roil or this Iowa, imirtrimmInt (11:rict
ow as Mittel ottui a !wrin.lat. set
Pass rimolution itstibliphing 4,4)*oipl zp•na• runto cov,r
charge* few advances to 1oot41 improvement districts. Th* aoard
instructed Kr. bralisterd to ;,,reparlt the necessary rAsolution for
prostrtstton a% thlo meeting,
Consider k:pcsl an! orf insuronce broker or committee of brokers to
bttndls m1141160 or the District,* In ecoorianim, with tie expreaood
Opinion of the Soaret Members 0 the mooting of Kcrt:h 1? amt by ir•
tulxmaticsn of the District rrw►sidontthio publia pro arty
dimmagi in4umme was tner*usd to 1jts as follows'
Public LifkbIlity ,.uto
PYbi idiAW:UM wAftiepY auto
Property' 4.1Bisget Auto
Property dimis Estc*fi, put*
Prap.rty 41.0111144 comitraoturoil
100 200, 000
00 300.000
10/50. COO
10/.50 GOO
rt. rit)ei
Kr. w`. T. oftwer to O. Srattrr who haa oarri06 this insurwase for
the District nre, 3nstr%*etton wAn riven to him efeative Mx,rth 23. 154,
Consider entortrir int* the cents* iesto County ,Attinnulin
t siseie►iet3on to ccrverfrororably
of la�ri+��e t7i. att District. The Aoaa�rt
.d, t itivilf this plot at tits ovesltin. 17,
Me token :to action to put .fir into +ittroot.
7urthine InfonstIon from tho 44.0.rlot ttorney of ..„0,tr* GostA ounty
is to the effect 'fit the 01:4tri+et may Jotntht ssootaSlon at ally
t#me with r r��!s p be ',Motive the firsts of the month !'0�.3+�'� irk
Thet�ato thiok riso1u3ion authorizim eotiQn. On* "Wit#.ostioss
fru; previous Informattort Out Abe lastriat would not "boi requ3re4
to make up Wt* back pelmet* for The «lintriatie peomtet,ge b1' pa7zo]1
to 1)f,0;intttdate of on:pleynlnt for each employee. Theo : istriet
would ortly be reQtgred pAy -rogi the ettiootive itrite of measb+rraitip
into the AssoolAtIon•
On the Nuns 1tetoodi+Rteir a"brs!ltt'4oviRlt'ee8 mould not *loot to
otribstt• to the retirommt rune from the date cr!' thinr first
employment. tlbere etftial only contribute from the dot* of which
stembilrehip booms etrootivi•
r# le ourregtoil that the boarel tntruct th Attorney to propos* *
Sestolution for tation on April ? to **UM.�tbo�ahi;� in this
�.s��al.ation, ss��.:° membership to �r **UM. �tfetativo Now 1949„
Gonsidfor petition of pritwerty o' n*r in the Pachtr3o area for ewer
oftridatit it art pay UM,. The ?opoo ere* wa need of
sewer s. e,► Th s same Gond applies to I:evert-I othor area
ithtn the Uni t 7„tatriot Ln whichwe have not plAnne4 oonotrue0
'to during 194%
rucheoo poopili Miro beftn advitted rr,,rnr,,ly that it would he
Write:104 to prwride, then Ortrioe durirr the pre,.'rpt oalendor oar
wIthout going Us tglittoRr Job* an that thelt ser." i could n
oom;aptely reeteree untll0;41. n follovinr V* VA* work wer*
undertakes 1 u' t n r tbe of 1949,
'he filar Junotion r • the Str,.ndeood area.tb. area Nitan
OVJEi and ottor sUipavt3 in s lying sOutherly of itialnut omperal
areas. orinda. stntl le;,,,,if.st teo man Via* most. ive t e present
rob/Am entirely ' d l r the a Witton. The De"'
velltd to oonellier to poisibility of gotn. N to winter * ,fin NNW
r these tee.* newts/sari"action to ft linirtakti a criti,o41.4th
r.and Kr.* ittoitirmw- advised you. Osstriot litiavotar that
they estlaste there ar* **lir 44000 directive imptio tank Install
*none in the t*nitary District At this time, This oituatien has
too*, critical durincthe past thrive months of heavy rainfial
The natter is so oritilial at this time tbst a. $14,01 number of
families ar* unable to s. their sanitary plumbing* The balm**
of the over 4400 septic tank failures sr. forieeno,4 by ese Ing
Ise and its pre...will In streets, ilrolnotge wept, un4ornes
kfutios and in bAck lards*
Us present invgrstaa of cork or Mt tolert new 1,013a1 iradrownvoit
districts is baling piestreasted in an effort to couplet* the oon.
itsvirtion Pt t here the Ormolus mould Wort next winter*
00Visiderld thgt r ?lariat work oitber Men very moon loctel areal
11 involvf winter construction with WI era**s torn up through
thi triter of 194/150.
It in siggearted that the Nan*ggr z:Asi tivtimitoted to tokmt *lth
Pooh*** petitioner* and odvis� then again that th* ii,tut can only
evilad as * prObablo vet igiNith*r joh* Zr %MY It'll d.$1370 servici
dttrinfr 1;49 MOT these cireurver‘ne.ite thor volu14 h.rite.m.P4totti to
10 1t� in ft, written petition to thlk ?ofir4s,
Authorize tis President and tsisorotftry to enter Into IV:lento arreemont
with the fLoortmento It4orthern an4 V.outherm Utc rollims ter
orosla fro in 14i», 4.
,rotetlar urchav* ot te) Th riosident KmAger vot,r, Irictructed
to r book to 11, noa:t' on this setter pnA it to anticipated
th-t As report will Je ready for th* 0441tIn of )(torch 11
'oJtay.-1.70 ths miero.41.12.3ac of 41. Diutricit records uhatch nr*
eiluplie'l tea elsewbers. wooll 3:ts County Pecorderos *Me or In the
ill's of 010 District LnEineer. the Qoat of Ws uorik it; eitimilted
to be A; ,proxiluvitely i30.00 ** VI* retards in opasiiition sat priatairli,y
tht Alnuto Hooka and Molutiont And unmerited ciontraetS atia
itrukr * group fretsthSfialUiPf rovi,r4,4tret ,Aub 3n reforemo to their
request for bstarine beim* the Dogra rooardirtr the ernulition of
streets in L*1,14 2* This group has misted nettficatton or this
date of the next lusting Itnd WW1 they tts Omen an opportunity to
gpricis lbemstlimi4 t1a4 is prectionny ,t hand *hen the works
of ricvavirs win get under v# sine. this Igor- oulit nernally stall
on or *bout th* brat of Ap
4 Adopt resolution movo?in- the $I 1%�T e G.
100 or rlIg-A,r 47 Funds
(statutlits ot 1944. -tIte of 0 11 ornia) alio. el to cr4 A. Oft0109
CrirlstaP5 Tree Fund)
Th* Ufltnt 3OO was) alloetted by the lup4rviao.s e.f Contra CoshA
rourty to covf-tr e erdert” of a survvy ogivl* itn emir**, fel ,,ot04
norcitt*, advocatisir the foriation of th* This
coornittes, e‘elootifel Kre 100 Hoefibe. and hop rPort
with information which was publiattiod prior to V:* • gotten of 1945
*I which tint* th, LsnItary Diotriot faii*d of rorsiation du* to an
adv*rse vote. Zuierialwrii pail; Ar Aaesbee the m ot 43300 for
Vail report.
ar aMPee.ent, t.hol. oommitt.* g.AFocatinr the formstlow of Vile anItstry
DiArlot weei to retUrn 043 ftonoy to the County cf C,,rtr* Costa
after ' formation of the District. nubscmont to the formattoft of
tbe tAstriot it was determined that the District coule not rec,ive
thio amount from the end return it to Ciltr6 Coot (bounty.
stns. U. Vacabee report et:mitred an orsuits eltfortn% from the
present Distriet and was not the sets 0q the Distrietsv ferrwaon
or plannee, construition*
Contra CostA Count, has 141,4n advised by tht Lepartment o'
une* th5A the only ten, in Ittioh the Covet"' win recover thi$ we
is by art oiti011 of th District Boaret rrregfinr to the rfirocation of
this avagnment an4 Up MAKIN of the money to CO County. A
r*snution is at *out propersd by Xr. Teeter and present'd to the
Soord for setton, as lt resimmoided Chet this restaution be odopte4
inasuudh as the Instrict tien setimour* thle 41'00 an4L return it to
the County, .00 con not osouv e the money for Ito own-ustnii.
ror information of the Hoard. Claim for bio4ity injurteis mn4 prowity
dap, tn th# firent of t30,000 WI boon fli'd o Whalf of 'qr. C. L'it
DenyS clamor tnjury tram a war in ,ielith ho usti a paimengfor roinr
into #5ii urilp re t4eA*(1 ditch, in Lafarotte. t '0 vio* of • rfletor
of t ts lalm b'en foriese-V tIril mteler for tmviststioao.
tion by the Dietthictio publics llabllity inturtnee osrrt*rd,
14 comWer Inn/motion of Awrilitton mitYlivisionst This rubli.vision
of le lot* aAjoina the District boun,Ilry in the F�'t
It to emi---14at,6 thr t be confide:re fl. annictlf!'n on tbf. foliftine
St • 0MOnt, Of t$7041; Alloh the oubd1 it ',714f1 have, toiellpod
in tho nowt r 51073
Portent of all future Ulm' tfteludinr bond interest and
riodomption anor amexation
c. Palent of 1'300 to the District as ostimstod oot to Iiistriot
incident to annolation*
Payment of a low lot or 410 as subdivision's share ole' cost
of 1..1.14 1* Ala locml district will oxtfyne mom* to th*
amst boundary of the subeltirlsin.
* rgqmort by the partte enztn-: ..rnp ty of c v, or iorAl
f.rublicatton of piptition
o4P$ vith ellromatioll by
ottition only
The ownore invo1ve4 hove st.te their detar, to ,froct arnexation In
this mornor and the they ftre rend" to prod immt1lAtoay if the will
consider the anr.xotion of th*Ir p porty on this timrlt
intormsa ewritoltelon
411. Blgr1 ts desired so th, o -r#4141 imay by
• DODGE 146e.f:
1MM/a 1490 „ ao
CH 4,401,04!
14,55 00
1.4.c. 1/2 tor 151.,'.75, 00
486o sci in
4636 eq. in.
4350. •
4800 st4 n,