HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. PRELIMINARY BOARD AGENDA 03-17-1949•
PKJ.IXZNATtr iVIENDA FF r :7)7-3,tCil 17, 19
Consider appointrient of District 2ecretarY
Consider insurance nods of Dtetrtst. It is noted thAt rep0rts
submItted by MI', wo F. McOr,nror cover retirements ecclAtnts sick.
notes fl,n4 hoaptitel ineurttnoe, to which the District is not el/ ible
for 'Ina of sufficient employsf.s,
The reoommotndationa on fire insurance are also not to include
structures lin OA Zetwart, Treatment Plant where thsrP is no risk
from fir* or Implosion in the opinion of the District Manager and
District Enfrineero
ConsiMer arreement with the City of 'ialnut Creek oovorinr operation
and mkintiompnott of the collectinr elvers within the Citj limit**
This ,-1-4**m4nts In e /Visa form, has befn approved ar tim, City
Council o f 4a1nut LA**. Th, dm fit of tho vgreement vas worted
out betwelen th, City Attorney, r, Bralisford and the District
viannrces This finrAft it rfloommentled for Approvil. Or the
JUltrtct Dor r, 4th motion to authorize the President and .',rtcr t ry
to oxecute thb arreement
1110p4,:,no in 13.1t of' ,4nitittirils for emerrenoy sewer
re,Alr and mAlntenanr,ft ?ef,r to Rp:enda tor **OW, of Mrroh
It is surrest,4 thot t; ) Preoldent be given ,,uthority to Authcrir,
ngtnditures for illowar rP24ro up to A000
moview oonroction flf4 chart frvi ;-almm,ntary 3dhoo1
Atxtit Monteato (91001. At the misting or 4t:4re) 3 a oonnootion
ln the amount 2400 wma sot by the "Board for this shot
to onnsideration of the Pact test its propertleS were not assessed
for their shnre If the cost of a sewer la Leland revs Witch will
so4live the proprties. This sewer was inotelled sts pArt of the
worlt of t, Li. 211 to ..11101 the SanItary 'istrict oontributi'd
13 OO from rArt.kral funels, The amount of i24010 was recommended
by the District Manaver4 based on a similar amount aseesned ngeinsit
the 4a1nut creek ‘;rammar t:ohool District by the Dirltrict Eno:Vlgar
for the Parkmead Scbool of ttutt istrlcto
.tr. Ellis, of the 1.44fAyettio Sohool District, has since advised
that their school will b limited to an ultimate plan of 18 ci
rooms as oompAred to an ultiwto of olassroons for the wainut
Creek school: Also thst classrooms only are to b built at this
is..n ,uitr,blo bila is rur A.0'.,*d of a divrr, of 110 p*r olassroom
a* a connotion fee in 11,u of assessments lath the understandinr
that the school woad pay elitional connAction ch,..rme in the future
as aitditional classrooms are added to th, %Intecito 7choo1, It is
understood that the immedints construotion t to 1)0) limited to
classrooms pnd it is ther,fore sumested that ths notion of March 3
be amended to provitte for a connection fee of ;,=5.50 at thin timott
with futurs p-ymonts of MO pin^ adolitionr1 elAmAroomo
Considstr amount oD bond and number of employees to be coverod
by surety bond. -1port is promised before the meeting from
Xr. Hageitin, who has written the bond now in erfoct ooverinr the
Authoritft termlnatio- of emp1oym4nt of Jame. °ouch, laborer. The
)Sanar e,tnsldors that the present volume of Work does not jultify
retention of this employee1 and that b* is not suited by traininr
rdemonrtrottd ibliity for assignment for work as & Deputy Zswer
4,nsp,Potor, It is refoo,,,,nded that the Nanarer be authorire4 to
advlseltr. Couch th*t his sox/viess will bo terminated effective
Mamb 110 duo to lack of need for hip tiervicess
6. Co connection f for Standard 011 Company ,letrtbutitig Int
leoated At ',vim's, !7,trtet and Mt. DiAblo Blvd., in walnut Creeks
This proz5..rty is' 4djointng, but outsIde of, I" T. us 2, Ilow•ver, the
District hi Inealledt writer aljoininr titi;44o1:0?.rtr otnel passing
though the City, which sewer Avalifthl," for A hoe oonnection
The Standard 011 Company propIrty has mIno.f. sanItnry
oonliettin,- et on, 240110;room onlY0 It 10 r,00mmoanded thqt the
connotation be set at .0250 In oonformafte tot t foe for one
resiOnee set up in the Sewer Code.
Consider the sale or prints of amassment diagrams to title compqni
Th, aseictance of the Contra Costa County Titl, Comortny tte.2 in
invsluAbls in rovttttg infortatton from whioh the ;,roporty lists
for the asz...1wIlt rolia nd the property descriptions for the
diagrtms .can be taken,
That title comsny has made Its rolls av,41010 to the enrin 'ring
personnel without rsotriation, and at s 110,Jor savinfr In cost Ln the
perforonnce of this work. Ths, Title Comm/ hop* livicgted its
willinKness to ixty the reproduction coots of these diagrams, but
its *Moor, hAve flcpreosed considemble indignation against
sumestion by Richard Kennedy and John Nation Um% UT,/ shoulel
additional cost beyond the ection reproduction oasis of that
records. It r41.44 be a qutstionablit action to provide ono title
'company with such data at a lower coot than that which would be
dharged to the other title companies, however the Listrict has used
the sorviceis of the Contra Costa County itis Company exclusively
to the 111.1efili of 1Noth rties 6,nd it may a reasonably counter
courtesy to make these atavism's aVallable to Mom for Th, reproductinn
cost only. It is ear-fnte4 that the Xanger be autbori?ed to advise
the title company to this effs0Is
10, Hear committee from the Danville area in ref_rostee to 9nnexation
of this area t the Sanitary Dletrict, The Alamo-',Anville arse
t.ti.d to annex to the Unitary Vistrict in April.* 1947 at the ttme
of oleitIon held for that purpose. The area invo1,401 at that time
Ivproximplely 1300 acres with then assossod value.ion of :20,75,000
and includo4 oonsiderable agricultural lands on which future
devflopm,nt was anticipated. Some of thim, lends bnme become
4evf1oped and ore now subdiviaions full: occupied by homes. The
411 Prelim. 1,vgndit
1*1? 49
priratry o posit n to vAnnosation in 194,7 was exprmised in the
Alamo area and 0,14nffro of isayror pgreini of IAM which hove
romalnod agli*ulturel and,
t imtergtood that the proponents of this annexation now
;)roposea territori of approximately 2500 acres wbich wnuld
inolude *11'ot the built.up are*** with an assessed valuation
eistimAted to be tn excess of 43000000, Th oommittee is
appearinp befor* the bo rd with the request that the Board 'tato
a basin on which 'annexation would b4 onnxidered. Annexation is
possiblo by petltion only in the manner in which the Padheco.
aghway Junction was effected* howwr* this is hiRbly imprecticl
in view'of the -xcessiv4 Rnount o work involved on the pat of
the District and the piipple circulAtinr the petition. Tile practical
method of handling this annexationAppom to be by elttotion en
the basis that no tervice would b '3rovtde4 to the area until and
after a bond elfAtotIon bad /Wien voted in thA area Ube annexed,
lalar to the Paebeco bond olopottoni wIth the funds turned over
to thi. 3anitar3r Distrlot to build A trunk sewer in tit, DAnville
svil And to finance uoh additIona to the Seware Trnitment Plant
as .iould 11.) requlred due to e-uoh mnnmxntion,
It surt!ented that If the rti a 0,res to give favorable
consideration to tb13 annexation* that the Manager he euthorised
to proctod till more detal1P4 study for the determination of
aosessed valuation fini oast of service* to report back to the Board
all an earl; miieting,
II Oonelder handbill or Intomation tto property owners. .ti,ter to memo
dated Sarels 90 Purther intormAtion reachinr thp Dig lot Maniger
Indleutes that ,,,tote, Inc,* wal be prepared to make bouse
ootwotions 1n L.I.Ds 1 atter April 1, opproximett4 The eon.
trkaors have definitely indlceted that they do not Intond to
permit others than themseves to connoct into the moors until
the atreets are in An entlrelx safe condition* furthfIr that they
may choose to hold houss oonnakotions in this M. to themselveS
until the wori, ir6 oomplotOly accepted.
the situation from inoneratIve septic taigm in the P aunt Hills
arta has become el:trim:ay tout.* pttrtioularly during tho past six
weeks. It is estimated thAt there et 1#41,14 100 homes in
varrinm difficulties* up to tht, extr'ne of coneld*rtibl, numbqr
who can not us* their sanitary plumbing. The how, owners aro
becoming seimitihat 7:Ante:O, ind it is belivtd that information as
shown in the sumeitted handbill should be placed in their hands
at U. earliest prwictionl moment to mlnimit* the pogisibility of
usitorupulous side sower contractors victim/amp thee. vitopl..
, '`i`
n cr �C e i-",/
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V A-
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enlosea cLri
F-,pe f„,E,
....,loJcuaon of the Di .0 -a
f-J.rffshed on lto
,.." -, ... ', P . 1 f'.,,,, P 4.,-. ',
InTormation reaoaing t -r„,,,, .'...1,,,,0.,L „-.,B er2D1cyeee f_rlff,:100:17,e6 ne,t7
tr 4,.. ,. , - _ ..
,„..b -1,,,. _L:,.,.i.„,,,. ,,., c..„:„S;) 4 ‘i.)
zewer con acJo,,s, Leve Deen mi,._if,nfcnr:Ir'z' o'-, o--4,- ,,,,,,, ,6,-.
uben house connections ere availebled anC as to 1Jhe aourl.
of OUGil contractors. One (17.ganizacn Is cuo2Adl tc ue ex 7.'e-ores-
ent4.Ln themselves to b.,. in c: 'position toc?eaL7. 77:7.,.t21 p*ut.210-2:%ty fo2,
re Dstrict anca of slving the ImpreEsf.on the oc17T 7:7L11 be
a.bie to connect to sewers :2:-..7i0T to 4:11t9L7.7 accep.nce ',7,,T ,,,,,,,,-,-,. 7)4 c,-• •,,,, 2 ,t. ''-'.
M-1.,,,, ,,- ,,,•], ,,,, d., ..—:, ,,,,
.,Ingree and 'nel.:7 re7eE,..se f!' -al such conneeionz; bv ne zenerTI
. ZuoeE wicec by ,i())7,:s capC:9, seue-1' conracmE vo re2eCedo
ouree ves are c occaEl.onsel cone-e,b7e
concern on tbe part of malv ioe owne,re, o tell us that 0C
sarer contractore hE7e '71van them I;be ia,pression Let cuse cannec-
tIons will De o i awtrage co0eZ o even for 1.,lativaly
ns &Liono.
fhe DistrioVe resDoneLbity is c1,,,a-,17 ited. to th,, „„nfooe
cr, the Sever CoCe and contTol of the quel:Ity of wol'k :perroninee.,
and ne 'Protection of 'Me Du7lio in a7,ach matterE es street cuts. -Se
have o,refully avoided aCw1,-Vg atmers ES to ns amocznts '",;hey sh
pay for bouee oonneotion Encove oo rec ouz,seITE
her o ne reculremente of ne Oexe:r Oacle ony
Owners are conLlnuca 7 &in or3 er ns2e376 u,s ,o 7,7he°3-nn,
07,, not Individual Efl,de seep contraeoE com:petent anif. Ex to
,.-;1'let-Ler or not the pcs quoteT ',7LeEe cor.:Lira2tons, Ez,c1)
Imve no'',7,ed. a Tic7.2 variatn f.n these -Drf-,73ee, r 1077:7-o level:. of
n0 -r. foot to az tryper lere.JOCC fo,
:etoaiy ltlentloal Ln
pr. E rtith the
'che encloeure 2nd Ifs,"' ori
ra_ezee 111d ba e ,-re
3:a -Pree 9 f svnv,
-1d:th_n the local ;L:77,7:_?-o73mvn'': SOOr eftt-rv;
oT 4 §corC 41'
"-21-0/' 1 s"-
Wrch 14 1949
"UBJECTI city Insurance for Di riot Emp1opits.
Mri, W. F. MoGriwor presonted information on life and
aocidsnt and sickness insurance, and retirement Income on
March 31 1949. This was for a plan of group insurance in
the name of the Connecticut General Life Insuronce Company.
It is noted that the employees of the Sanitary District
can not qualify for the insuranco and retirement plans covered
by this report due to the fact that we have an insufficient
numbmir of employees.
A member of the Retirement Board of the Contra Costa County
imployeesi Retirement Association has submitted data on the
County plan, which is diftested as shown on the emolosure.
Ibis assoo owls ostsioliehed limier the provisions of the County
tmployees ActivismA Ast of 1937. (California Government Cede Part 3
Chapter 3).
MDIBMCCP, (Eligible to)
All employees of the 0
eleete4 rofisisio.
if Oen a Cot* ineluding
All stuplerms and eleote4 *Metals of any Di trio%
establisbed, under State law within the County when the
Uowty Tristan is the depositary for the funds ot such
Dis oil exceptin Sokool Dietrists.
PMIS? 1111:1011:11111HIP.
All ompleross or Contra Cosi* Glisati.
All employees of Bugs Unttery District
All employees of Alamo Oesiotatri Distriat
All employes* of Central Fire Disiriet
All employees of Liatayette Fire Distriet
All employees of Orinda Tire Metric%
All employees of Mt. Diablo Fire Distrist
All employee* of tensingtion Vtr Oistrtot
All employees of Oen Pablo Fire Distriet
Ali employ**, of teelOrn Contra Goat. Vire District
This now inoludies all Districts mid other publie bodies
ellsible for membership in this County exelept San Pablo
and Central Contra Costa Unitary Distriets, end Kensington
Pollee Distriet, where the Oen is under eonetderation.
*To mimosase a public bltgatton to *aunty and Aistriot
employees who toilworn* tnispas3tted by age or long service
in public MI loymes$ and tis sesompanying physieal dieabil
Mem b7 .aktng pstston for retirement sompensation and
death 'benefit as additional elemesis of sempensation for
MOPS servissis and to provide a means by Wash public es
ployees who become IneapsoiSated may be replased by sore
0apabli employees to the betterment of the potato service
without prejudist and without imfilettai a bardship upon
the msployess moed*
1. ?a emploees:
(s) A systemptic savings plan assuring a knew* life
income upon retirement it a known 00.
(b) A min, sount whish on employee will have *armed
if employment is triitnate4 before ***oohing retire-
ment age.
(s) Issuranse payeas to beneficiary, upon death imp ore
retirement, of accumulated payments into retirement
fund stt interest (now set at 24/211; plus ono miathse
salary per poor ot mentorship in reilremest assooletion
up to a maximum'of six month's slam.
(4) Disability retirement for disability inourr.d tn-
portormano, of duty regardless of or' or amount of
ServAse. Disability retirement tor diaisibility fres
emeses not eonnected with performanee of *ty after
10 years of nerviee.
(a) Ilimisation wiSbAut °swift hardship, of over -440
employees a;14 fulfilling or obligetIons to long sten&
ins employe's wilthout oherity or paternalism.
(b) taaentive to younger employe", tnknowledge that their
airamooment will not be &Played br rottifintion of over -
ago employees
(o) IttpatittOment of a retirement plan with imp:toyer &ad
employee pirment. Old age snd disability pensions have
boon establish** for peroons in preetically an lines
of employment. Pederml Sooial Seourity 1.:* elation
oscludei pubito employees due to the establishment of
Yoderal, tate, Counily and Nuniolpal retires'st systems
covering swots poreons. The only spites whioh the
Sanitary Distrito* employmos are eligible to join ig tho
County Sotirfeent group.
litallantititill KNIMERS111111
a) Resolution of the District Board, adopted by two-thirds
vote, providing for the inclusion of the District in the
retirement assootation.
(b) teployment by $he District In R full Sine basis.
(0) Palwint by empIoyee through payroll eleluoilon of the amount
determined by the Board of Retirement, based on milmerial
studies made not looe often Viten every five years.
(14) Payment by employer of percentage of payroll based on
Actuarial etudleo made not lees often Vasa sr ry five 'Atari,.
(0) Payment by employer of the *mounts due from dato of initial
emp Arm nt to date of joining the Retirement Pion.
(f) Optionma payment by employee of the amounts due from date
of InIttal eunloyment to tallt, of joiniag the Petiremont /Asn.
a or iiiklatzkrre Or 4.071A 4 AMOIXt AXP
The tnomaSe to be -1e/4 into Um retirement fund or* baste4 on
actuarial studies to the% %be fum4 will be outfit:tiet at all
*Ines to-provid• a retiromeat pay of 1/43 or Aritragp annual
earnino et a/A.4th member aultipltod by the membvr's years of
servieo when the amber has rtaithod or paescgi Rgie 60. Tho
base was obangtd by State law from 1/70 to Vo of tworsge
annual earulags tftective July 1# 19481 this 10 the rearon
for th, #1juetmont Upward thew In tie re4uire4 antr few
elmn/opor* anef #1,,mploye.a.
tresent payments by emplaims •x?e,0d .1 nt of payroll
sire as rollout;
July1, 1944 to Jun, 10* 1943
July 1# 1941 to Poo. 310 lio
J. 10 1949 to
Pr*sttnt p*Intnts by 40,0047**1 •rpressod so percent or current
to as nob of samr7 sa does not *mood ''4600 per seissio
is sus follows as it leould affect Dietrict Nap1oye4001
M AT 70.1,.44 110 41,300.441 7014.4,.., to
22 4,47 4.96 6.72
23 4.51 5.01 6.77
24 4.55 $.06
25 4.39 5.14 6.99
26 4.63 3.20 v.95
27 4.6? 5.26 7.01
4.71 5032 7.07
29L.75 5.38 7.13
30 4 5.14. 7.19
31 4 5.52 7.24
32 4,89 5,59 7 1)
4.94 5 7
5.00 5 II 7.47
35 5.06 5.81 7.36
16 5.12 14,1 7.65
37 5.18 5.97 ? 74
1.25 6.05 7.84
50' f.11 7.94
5.39 6.21 8.04
41 5 6.298414
42 3.5 4.- 6.24
6 8.
65 6.37
7 • 34
49 6,07
50 6.15
51 6.21
52 601
53 6.39
54 6.47
53 6.55
56 6.63
37 6.72
53 6.81
59 6.90
Ito 6.99
6 83
Amoun4 tit mufti be paid b iiistriot if it joins the Aetir went
Association based on Jo:trawl: The Assocint on hf" or ftsky 10 1949,
Tor pNyroll riot to Atli 10 19460
of $2750.00
For payroll July 1, 1948 to lie*, 31, 1948
9,62A of v100804.2?
For psyron Jan. 1, 1949 to Apr, 30, 1949
9.0 or *15,515.90 WAWA
Total 2725.44
1.1: NT M A4D 414640176 01* ACOM1010 TO ATat MiNNFXS
(a) Optional retirement after age .55 token member hae 20 yevre
or more of *erns', ;Retirement pay on an adjusted essas
dependent en age at date of mitirtment up to are 65
(b) Tull retiremest at Afpf 65 of% member's option regardlee of
length of service. iiotiremenli pay 1/60 ot overvige pay
multiplied by length of service in yeArs. For example. 4
rstirod womb*? with 30 yo*rs of service and ma overage
monthly salary' of 1300 would reel* rptirement pay of
10/60 x 300 or 15 per sonth for life.
(o) (kompuIsory retirement ** age 70 hetintme t pAy 1/60 of
nverage pay multiplied by year* o eorviee
5U 'An
?be Contra Castro 6ounty Imployees Pftirement Association i the
only group proirldinr retirement pa/ with ()thi.r boneftis in ingurxnee
on &salts or disability which the employees of the Central ContrA
Coot* Sanitary Distriot aro sliria, to join.
The DIstrict's employees aro Ixoluded from Federal itoietal 3eourity.
The ti client plan hats riutusi mdiantages to employer and
All Conirt costa County wrapioreas and many of its elmatopd
°Metals are mimbero an6 practically all bistriot employees in
the County are members
The plan provide benefit* that are so)ar Igo to thoseIn
the etste of CAlifornia retirement system, the systems In use
most Urre eitios end th, Ilso,dorma sysum.
Th A rat.* of payment for employ**, ars higber talqn usual
ineurAnce eempany plane one sligbily lose for th, qmployor than
tht Open or WI Connectiouir(ieneral if Insuranoe Comps for
whieb rover* Ilse submitted by Mr, 'Ai. Fs Mareger. me ratios of
ttli County plan * not fixed lout 'Awl; b* tojusted base* eft
ooturipl studits not lests often than *very :CAN'', year*