HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. MINUTES 02-03-1949TRANSCRIPT OF MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in regular session at its regular of meetinr: located at 1822 Mt, Diablo Bou1evpr'7 in the City of Wa'nut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of CalLbrnia at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Wadsworth, and the following roll was called: PRESENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Are 11 and Wadsworth ABSENT: None aggi___RETAML11.9..2gE President Wadsworth requested that due to the absence of Mrs. Phillip! the Board appoint. Miss/Miller Secretary Pro Ter. Carried unanimously. 4r4 • v -, - • - ' • 171-'qd by amber ritter. 1 Memt --land that the Bo d w ve ente Carri AYES embers Joh., NO ABSENT: Noe 17: )viauc inir* and 1 'band Weill and Wadsworth AND ORDINANCE NO. 6 A-- -44 c --1W10.2.1194_1_4.'112 1oved as It was moved by Memb. and seconded Dy Member Smitten that Regulation and. Ordinance No. 6 be adopted as follows: (copy Ordinance No. 6) AYES: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, -eill and. Wadsworth NOES: None REGULATION A.ND ORDINANCE NO. 7 aguarm=. TJio A SEWER CODE It was moved. by Member Johnson seconded by Member Smitten that 500 copies of Regulation and. Ordinance No. 7 be printed to be sold at the price of $.25 and that Regulation and Ordinance No. 7 amending Ordinance 2 - No. 4, Sewer Code, be adopteds follows: (copy Regulation and. Ordinance No. 7) AYES: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth NOES: None LETTER FROM A. G. SANDFORD REGARDING - *11,4,BLI3HMENT OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT -7RICT IN ACALANES CENTER SUBDI^1 The following letter from A. G. Sandford dated. January 27 1949 was read. (copy letter) The Man ,ger was directed to advise Mr. Sandford that this matter required fur ,r study r,,.!1 to the opinions of other property owners. The Manager was ,,(1 to canvass the t. -e!, and report to the Board the needs for sererthit, Far' A 4 - rill • The following letter from ---- Janwry 20, 1949 was read: (copy letter) The Board directed the District Engineer and District Manager to make a thorough study of the advisability of this annexation aid report their findings to the Board. INCREASE IN SALARY FOR MRS. BRANDES Walaa_KLUE President Wadsworth asked the Board to consider an increase in the amount of 2S.00d*for Mrs. Brandes and. Miss Miller. Member Johnson objected to the statement that it was the general policy of the District to grant a raise after 90 days of satisfacrory service; that the only increases granted by the Board in 90 days Tere to certain qpecial neople hired with this understanding. That the Board has no et policy regarding raises. It was moved by Member Toland seconded by Member Weill that an . . increase in salary be given to Mrs. Brande and. Miss Miller in the amount of $25.00 per month to be effective March 1, 1949. AYES: Members Toland. Weill and. Wadswotth NO.LS: Members Johnson and Smitten MR. W. F. MC GREGOR REPORT ON INSURANCE NEEDS OF THE DISTRICT Mr. W. F. McGregor informed. the Board that the District was not fully cover'l by Comprehensive—Liability Insurance. He also informed the Board that he had written a policy covering the Sewage Treatment Plant against loss or dami e by fire 'Atbout obligation by the District and that it was left to the discre .n of th) Board whether they wished to keep this policy in forNit District temp— y Fire Rating Boau, Mr. McGregor in'ewv,r7ed Mr. F. — tx, • . advised to give the ending the report of the Pacific orted on the needs of the District in regard to Oomprehensive Liability Insurance. Mr. Neff informed the Board that the District was not CO= etely covered in regard to their liability in easements and encroachments in right of ways. He stated that it is generally the policy of Railroad companies that any encroachment in their right of rays must be covered by Hold. Harmless insurance. During construction contractors carry insurance for this purpose and when the District accepts the work they are responsible. Mr. McGregor introduced Mr. Kenneth G. Keltner who reported on the needs of the District in regard to Fire %nsurance Mr, Keltner asked for a temporary authorization of 30 days to have the Pacific Fire Rating Bureal investigate and report on District property. This service be at no expense to the District. President Wadsworth directed the Manager to give Mr. Keltner this authorization in writing. fi'.174\ • CHANGE =ER JEC.,70N V MAIN TRUNK SEWER 14A,Rmir 'ImPuirTORS It was moved by Member Smitten seconded by MeL-Jer Toland that with the approval of CouneSl and the consent of the Surety that Martin Bros., contractors for Main Trunk Section V be authorized to make the following change: To install 15 -inch steel cylinder pipe and 15 inch reinforced concret pipe with collared joints at the unit price specified in the contract and previously approved change order (approved by Board January 16, 1949) for the remainirr, 7ortion df the work on the contract between Stations 211+19 and 2.174,,: ',.7,.roximate17, The route of the ripe to be along the original selected alignment or aloi. a lo: --)ass alignment at tl-econtractorsi option. Payment to be made for tl!: :03 feet approximate tr of pipe remaining to be installed satie y AYES: lieribers Johnson, 3mitt;. NOE5: None Toland, Weill and. Wadsworth RESOLVTIVA i3$SMENT DIAGRAV: FC' - -VEMENT DISTRICT NC ' The following resolution was presented by Member Johnson seconded Member Toland: (copy Resolution No. 419) AYES: Members Johnson, , 'ten Toland, Weill and. Wadsworth NOES: None e.revr-4.40 (It was reported to the Board by the District Engineer that 401244 assessmen' „.; „4"4-1, L, 0414044 t u. 4agrAm'was examined by 34444,1 Inc,Aand met lith their approv'alY. PAYMENT OF BILLS It was moved by !ember Weill seconded by Member Smitten that the following bills as approved by the auditing committee be paid. (list bills) EXTtAA: Ail OF TIME SWAGE TREATrENT PLANT A letter from MacDonald "Young anci Ilelson, contractor( Sewage Treatment Plant, dated February 3, 1949, was read: (copy letter) It was moved by 'ember 3mitten :,econded by Yember Toland that, with •the consent of the Surety, MacDonald, Young, and Nelson, contractors for Sewage Treatment Plant be granted an extension of time amounting to 35 calendar &Aye. AYES: Members Johnson Smitten, Toland, Wein and Wadsworth. NOES: None MACDONALD, YOUNG AND NELSON CONTRACT gaRkz_agINaillaTAIELE=52 It was moir, by Member Johnson seconded by Member Smitten that the Board approve pay,,ent for the work of inntalling a temporary service under the contract for the Sewage Treatment )1art in the amount of $237.00 in accordance :with $ 1949. Carried unanirlusly. FINAL 1=-1 TO STANLEY H. KOLLT-, FOP (10:TRTTr:2: "A:!" " It was moved by Member Smitten seconde6. by Member JoLnson that final payment on Main Trunk Section IV be paid after February 14, 1949, rrovidinE that there has been no liens filed and the contractor furnished evidence of payment of ell accounts. Carried unanimously. LETTER FROM MRS. SADIE CUTLER A letter of appreciation of the consideration by members of the Board from Mrs. Sadie Cutler was read. by President "adm:orth. LETTER FRO!0. A. OSMUNDSEN The following letter from 0. A. Osmundsen, dated. Janulry 19, 1949 and the Manager was directed by the Board to answer Mr. 0 smund. en1 a .Letter and refer information therein to the District EmAneer for appropriate action. (list deeds) DEEDS OF Tr'r:''Am-: N FOR SEWER EASEMENT ADJORNgENT OF MEETING 72r -ft, ) Due to the late hour the meeting was declared adjourned by-Meber—Bmittea with date for next meetincz open subject to call.