HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 06-23-1949J1. fLp 34, !ton call. iksatteit Ma= 211115" Pa AW4'ogA!*F 41041d14 10111011116 i1� rjo 100 AUKS,* Commanisalitosso Lititer frau * J. Una.* recwwirtlaw flaafettal report et istriet tor Csiludiar Aar 1 43. #40,111.1.41 AIN 21 adirtaitte that #asiftlINA' ��t� INII �,,' ftasl.1 more tt?i*I t►�rNl'4s lr ,.x,Istoltaive. to be available iretioso r-sioteitter 1 roullasto4, / taswr' trots L.tJ11s Aslrsl M�ssl . ,. 2,4 MM aA1�elR,r! �w�iilwttli.M 3NvelF snot aNeipS of Ai alleilli IMO 40•11W Sa sosikoill is r.�.ste4 t9 lb. inslart.t dst.d .mea 14, Meta2i Ow% et M0 tr a+swraiiM t$. tor to istlastiold morn* matt 3 to tassia futt*. a'ifiaili �r.1 tit�w tx c. :., trlet�s �r1a�.. assn am 17 a�erva.snsns d �• e�r11+�A�ar�e ai+rsrttlw�r �s LID119. Za*I W two rr�l41•ree 'rs 'MM TSA{ -• • laMr ffl' 1$fSXS*%S assd *OW* 1e 1.101* OanCrilYoe !M{" t� elwlw ir Ugh to*tu M 1» +osefore. *Ms Wit/00A tmt�J* *15 it ay* f. Lott*sw Pr!,. with Noldloms, or UMW has two ritiarre4 to Met araw maim ftrebor essfersaimo ttNi fit � `% fe *Immo tvirtmeil. eintisso uglier Nos )44 maoramot %rmiaow ioe trots •rtos, 1,4104.44 a Seat K UD 2. silk elloitiesilk ai 7 sow* A«mi.wraaatt r a. ra s orMrroM r sINAtipleltiSM. Oa"Oa"tS�r �ed� .01041 1r6 ego shirr. w omit er 111111. /DtxuR! dl A100001.111 asomsamill 11�p to *MO 4%140 bowing. 004 LS$*SIPS lust aatien .Am 7 4 . _flppl USW ea. $atmuutt.s � 4.0 Strop AeM t��i. nesoksIv 'byismer or Jump 7S 8Ig so. saampir ate Aro Iscirrissa. fl jtora oithoititio 1&$t.st eliber mamositeettems 10~4 WNW bias en tone 1flariw b$04* atm tea8 t 16s bow a esiS 111 ter lotbd a goo ..?iaw Via resslidembe In IWO atop tor it lf VI* *deft Nona t refig reedisms1401, *is* the Diatirist Wow* $2$000 Is tads 'psi No Sass twigIs 00 lb* Puts We, et the awl VIUtt, t Aids an est eat Os iss boo lino itsod to V. 0111114140 %UAW rim 11.44 tot, r airitialker VI is rossammalka4 UM bombe W. be soil tee Att. SA mil *hat 1,04 be alseatiot le WO 61011.01.04.4014 via* osa mks Mee raidiestitel ea Ju ks Ibis isbeditto es bs est III would lie _Losselligs to sislit aiWilingit Eva Ad, *t of tatiwitilsk for Las As el otwii Sit iliiis Ista Isesi resolved of as * if eis ov preteots t win be la erotism qs,as so sae orthirlat wok mid s* disk tor reks4 Ws. I* ti Volt bids bs reve*tirs4 to 1114 pswridted the Mout toots Vie 14 tar bearikar tor NW, elfit bitestiota tior Ulf 14 taw tits ime. oat", 414010.ste ter La U. 2111 It OS 1tiit islittose ow pritiestos. It Iii Sii ortislr wimisries saimissimet CorktfiAld via 4' Om" Om to nip MU WA allitimOM *it visii • Is sat* prat In tL for41.01441111M it tis** itioilit riot *Mee aim 33 00 mid le• -* eselgarte , t trio, lei its torastion 19101 Art am 4441106aCt t30• Wow wtia tat syster, et Os IMO itaislitdoe Afatnattimr IP/Will*** aN D 11. • Auditor 111, DUOS* is apt.* or ...40000. 4 s Ia. *gab mortar 16. 4rmtirc tyr Am. I tit ettionlall. tiorter and Pm teeter * rod of sop ewes * ti. artet tri Ws* st owl publis lig sad in tom* I It ton& ttt4a sod paritestarly werlsot ~his itosis sissitared by lax oh melon 4 .11414, full raw Moms se our ismat toms* lb* stitissiM atithertaiti -11,0 took, Imo alliall at seastlittis sot et ricionstertdio *Wes, witpem* Ow WI swarrielos st est * eases4 *W. Kr. tour will sollatt Isfis sesteasemisidimos is Jim Sib re so 41.04144 ips Imrsoues tio alevisse astommtlits into ettestimit Ado 1. fbei *se* IN. Kr rimoter.. oirrisits are *oil tre eisesii Mc As ftilmadt above asot Os alit tor 110/11106111 . AM. eagi aft imesiber terse if estlialasit to be VAN Imo 1500 sionewoolks. that Mk iiteast oprovs Ow estise ist lik **mow aft NiewstgAry la Its soliitt. 1 'ilhorlte tranefer -6010 frm 7'ArtImimm. xp*mo* Pum4 to :.:10wor - z. eNsh hoe tr ttort Awn* ezvtatrestaitot Noel *1 01' kW 14 1141 143#', 40 „mot. to r3.01..111 ins thArt the trate spw tango r'rArtefr rwp AtAtiorttl eto tatrlot ni(1 to • 1,41e'. rovesonstt a K'�, 7, a _ ze in VI* ftinnliar *avow. frunA *o of Jun, 20 lo 4 ,, 'w Y ty^10,00 of the" ftsio stter .relniburesble et, e** -1100,10 to Iowa improvemmt dlAtriets 6.Astaartiorr „WA elrotiltitts corttraitt obligatiosete 6,en, *a sla trot tht iFt1Ale osatterttes Pitstrttat 04410, tops to %It tit &ft Me WWI. 04 4,210 , • Vit. MOW 4100114110013etion rad ve.14 Om* ibritiMitteca •100011.0 eatt3 ois hal* Viba rotturit ot '4330702•44# SIMhe !Imo"? Coastrusitters Pod oh:19W refloArt Weft. to esofesit of cial3;' ! i - :'P; Y raven** . %WM. � :r J t.tto�*or of F:tigsktiotts ott leas t shoommositst off` 4,f0-0,0 from tft4J earatnettegi rand be ammtorised At hist noes rivedir cd'' Waft ?whit rislet in orinda lir tore, goqlunt, The R irnis taws, eti*Aitoor puoling itation was . - "gal Cow Cite aerial km104 Pessimert r.!*!egreeil a revietitSta Ot 04004144 IMO tmworiog ►'fix rho 000t n oudb Aftwetion 140. st af!hostlersto e. 4tot 1.441 011017*.,`imple *0 bid: Wet" en ft, ph of SiOMMOR.S.rii It for lados, esstratilsos wovatt Wm, toost 4,fr orirtnr loAdi trot hrre eligver ,� I , .Y t e A helm s wY rte. : ,� 3 for r.$ipedItttytht* i.O* tt row *situ MI" ottorsil try U. wok *Ls airsie aossitint boats s - . prertigUile 400114 0.111041W and ter 041.1bleft 4004 peen*. 1:44,..1-1 Is ist rioit emit atm 141 tot ow,krtmoset sod profit $ rtntal at AGO rot*. for equipmost "Mout opesmattar Urn .xmtlor 44.1 sod nalatemones, 11 1000.00101.4 �tkath ., the re to the a�� ' `�`... �i> epi � �., twee iota 1,11 seeerdowl. with p1W th t . efort tunt tht r*tos *bon istaft440 !Iwo. % of 411:4 ,rimt '411,1ion v106,Tho rutriot nAglimport 1 C est o uytoursr for min oomplAtion of vs01 with ogsweVottortleoutland et rusa, sesimmts du. et. ooseastowtost st thig 1,1 Owe tater Mint nottt,= Z. ce'ult, Considar re, ,; et et Albert J. Else prv't rh,iltio to Woo for A 1 Oft 04.114 taw taw tits 'fit Mom ot aii his ri:4,0 titto * la%Oros% ta t grattimat tom' itho iottetrestift of ,4 r. - 5;v utt IsiWing plate. f'Jonsittit co' tarot" bus 'Mee roefived sAid asidentoomit li Y is* to tivem hia Nom en file elm* 4 4. x 41th NI*. trat-,terilt loft has a ttee't till ito IS amter tin 0-Atemssille Atit; the z►tael** of Us eantroill sines Vis. of -.14triir ilii bAy44it presellt344 rt la usiel.111040$ Skiltil tiro Inas to pakikamie lti Os nttIrtIrr. If Os oatteti is oetsiti40144 tio bit ilk It Is st�e� w 1� � � si 0 t3� t � .�,;.o' r...:.,' be+ 1�`� �► a�� "fi t the Throat eon*. r a� �re�l���t ire �-�� * sib provided in � �s+t ia� 1.42 or me ity Nano .--4 norm. tibias fkm. imomerstimillio tibe stor0.44ittit 14 rortiveres. /1?. Consititir thot Itriftwiation of the Notiort she 14jp*pS rpt toStester prepinatits. 17 iterro 1:1,,,---.7.03ttalito. tie V-14, %aids of t of boat ti$ clua "^f, i! tistritat oo5plus ., X11 Iva , rr�� �` � iz a �'�1. . � p �t'al. tr 'fit "1,, 450 t-31,,,,,=) Ws own:team it is reoloonowS44 MI the mmitiptrAvir tto turthowtte to is velevit. t*'f, "',.„, mot* 4100.710 411/410 ',Aborts. thOnployeent of ft. xsosieer Jr. AS ASSietAnt ? rat. o rion . to 425 octr rtiotat # V Astervit1440 848. t 'aig, -irkiVIVorr ti4a 'Wirt ets.Ae District ingloasliP for kappriu. Itztt*Iy on. plAr. tail has rAmel ova ort preperidkiss . of apostrimas. Amo other tt r woe airsiiablo 6.11, rivet thatre : "laprOvissat..itlet hove boost asittertrod be the board dim the tt of ,?to pre of '1Ailrittetaality 10 rslt ` /Mr* 5fri., 0011.%rkel nor to vrinr IOW MOO IWO aala. it eilftobbie 1. Os. Art amrt Ash in -1r 421Porriale. 110 it* 0 « esolitipms. rivei nein m rd ladtWittelo titint Ow maw*" hes stittiority 0010111. itesoess,:iy eviologres“ wilitsout speettis a.ficre 0,pp tovsp, la *Ow thp, stalfAry rfat* tttorigrewitimS Iko* this apprivire 400,071*0 nre reser ,4txtf,-ItAtire ropaving sioNt Le 1.tr pintas* or ,2500-10 *tell bond tty 5.tortits, Ins. Th. Diettil* et,10411,44 tholi tcl took 4b/so Wee 411011014414 *ft .04.140, *IWO wigF feisoborsid the ezatraticitin o rtI:+ t; zt r t of that,7,25,• tots AutlwArlito distottrimontto Itatrlot r fair to lo t f Ifiire t 1 sford of p WO LID 12. The ormruen emits O. hove bssr faleutioli far both est these local treformineat (Astral**, S r-aysionts ot inottimikai Oaportiras reio-lArfee from Oilintrwstioste hemp tgartxlitisit to the .000100 of Th, mitVon ilmegostoi t• r,commormw4 � 18 22. 1.t sant Cr(limMitte l'iI• s ine * * „ti JR ! *',44 7'14** v r * .i 1 `" " • '` ! !' ..6 " • • f �. n'h`' a s ittsf 4, tdh inelvdes matters 1.•4et mod th, 3up.e, • lo s iso. ;If rl 174, t 1.ssoms SEW entirtly eutsitli of tit* y � i Rte` ` �r`' . J. `J",' l; . * titvoven-,ni r , .i� •, id * b4.4 not neet t ` to ""'�* ow ►' exo11-4ctlryn ajwitm in tbq 5avrov*seert 4Wrict0 Aso pv1411.14rot .:,4stOr ,,”fli-orrilinoe tcteut guArattliiiing siortatwittly and . tet ers etvats: eleptinc, for O piwtrik 44tAt 01,41timac ti .�. tt" : Jr- n.a00 . 3 b. 114119% O prima IliffootPolies 1,0•14116 egytatte sonormeita and St sagestki tb* r` "' Mie 4v.s s drift of infltramtteri:. use fibersjd b. sad* sem * 4 *fleet .a 'r*y iv time that 4.0elvation of Tht*n*tr iv o' t M to install l l sonars Hca` pl., to ta. it is risommited t. inotrueil * r, r l a fk +- y. * ‘,.,Fhotithitre x rot it _y •fit a taut suds b ti e 4itsobstimit error tow samiti.,totto topio"imat Or 4163triat lite* of OW 13 term reilidistlak to r Y f0r Ihts vesolm*SOR Imo • 1 4 *mow r %to surrent similar Grolaxaos mf Omni St t: Thr t fl 1MJ for trazdt'ito Witco Thti • suork• it is requvoted. .late aetlktl * 44itto for Mt sorseiltersiten. Aitristirn D iIley * ,'' I bl t4tittemal 4:;110 cetntributlec 4ovegb "Pho fi *r hAm boat Ovisid Nr0 rubor *r titkikM tk*t tn1,* n11 A COMB shcics AppliAd rat thy ImluatonOr 1,01 • I ze. * the. s"11440 tkr, tht Iftnds Ithieth lie ths '41411 Diatrict, This OrtIA'n tnYmn on tosto Wut`t.a m/1W* ter extoft00014 of **way. *, aseerAbatt th, ;)istrtot in Nowell& mole, dal,. te 1,41 11 *Ad June 174, It it olmrtttldtt^ror b alleAWAve to xfttie the Aarr r i Otenr thitt ti4o ; � .:r Oa r. ' ' nwpdow40 ionglidommites to the sowytwive of as wiational istrantoatlitm by th* r t, ti the wevlit o . ,$)7.70,0 for A Imatiftuotioft the lastriet 411 ni` rt r, socondary trunk Often k1orpe, tity tit:* rormr4 Innomalt. co or before , fiJ Kr, , i kots* ref0,w-ton LID 140 * FriNkrg 4 et rev u.sup ? ' f. s t d': for ***or as010111110110 10,01Posel 0 of -lose/ Skip amine etrnit*zatte,m, rrir$t%en SW Soot. the Aril* ,445ssopett for at 'action by the ,ftitta vt 1ellowittgest hos been toted to b• 2,69$ mums u4th sillileiste4 vslustimt of ► . '11140 to .fit swilitts *rte %tat Warted outon. } tiret asp* Atom to tbt sad a %mow wiNOOMMOi voila Sten 'Ibex Awl .setimettied$ • d snof *tfer . 'rowlocks ripeoirovneAttem j 44. Of ss Do the, a9104mfft of Nut! 1# *at o1fos1ge6 Aas to MM t'qd 16.11 iii *Aron 1ttt' t ft* willeaRtfat base psi Mao d*i. tarlaW •ars: t'o Appositiss ri wlwfirr+ $1ISI Is have bm airdriitt The e.seelptLtau bra 1oM rMft !I beteg �r�ati�M �a s *ttP aMw� fes • .«stitloa.• nen wait le olasa. I IWOtissiliai • s nag tsr rd14r M» oal�tli �PDrMMa�rlt TAU be Atter >aeesimMt *al tcseimESi+ty a1001141, Aspoissol SwAfrnn ►Yif'!s alitsaW tsr *Mislay Is LID 4. dM w110 psaast gf "10. 04.4SMA� Is ii* es JISSatrl�t �►tte�la� �ara�t ow not haw* nylo ?Os 110 ut"!".4CT 10tn Jun. I? 194, mirage Valley .IVB ellogredIttd cIn tr ,.bellow lor noraga 000 Aster to Um. Meard dated Noy fl, 194, The Iowa eewsidsripd the *West matter et an intormAl meeting on JuNar 2. tad btstruaiea the Namemor to oeaet twrthor study of the eat* *0 $gflfj the apportiaimust of wrists to the hor*,* Ca�y yr and t1 other moors*boo* priperties acid be served bar prilipsim4 fastailotion to severs Is Sim Deldtiss *f others than Us Noq , COWS"? int tho 'War* ;41 AaY 'WiTSsicn sad sdja+wlltt stivielsRs. � stmilly of the topogroph10 amps yrs Oat is fetal of 147 a+aree et 1*iia !R the Aszage Yalley wat+ersto! would .revolve 'ever service by ttbe pimpamod inditession, Apra,* y ., ;. pr�rssntl�► *NW 907 *0~ of these lauds iia lwma! �t< s soros is in litorarn Del Rey. Morass woodlands, Kiellends sad Loot Yalloy #ia4lvisloes. sad ih+r tiwbwrrthip eft d L. ibe+Nt, letttie +fit sad El+retrle �14416 to R. Irvin*, Frank 4Arasser and Mr, Iteedr„ 62$ of e tetivil eves Is ownolt bir the Uoalata SeMP4M, 381II is *AIM by etbeRre• Tbs tosal of %be" I467 arsa o46A not be o.onsidod aS seidividable 1sM koaaivet She prep,artisa of 3erosrar desirubl• **rave re 'Rs to 14te same ratio the "1es9.Y++able lands, 1.41., the 0 Pam* terboldinr antl At bting of others *sold tie *smoldered *0 a J'ut proportion ta eitinat#ng the beavillt to the *stirs *roe. ?hs eetitsi Le of #h. soot of the �a 3,a� an ng end swilyie �s� this Area in 1,43,000.n the .basis of the forogoim, with 60 to be oeld 0 the gorage Compsnr *her* of that 40110410F wovid be '452000. It la 9g#►stoL �►'h711% the Scow sliiriee 1!ct• Urn** tbet Scsm rd will give tewlene oon,rrratl+mt * - �pr�s�a! from the mortar* air that it make as additional eaa� eon►tributirm to the Unitary District in the mount *f .34700 at the bests that tDistrict X411 extend sewer IA the soothers boundary of lrrame gel Xy Via the M;sr.e& 2ovt414110 val7tss 3jta aorihrrsxe►rYy thorefrom, and turtraa► .• this work 1411 be eadt•tc.n .w or c0r C MEMO TO: DI1TRICT BOARD May 11, 1949 3UBJECT: MORAGA VALLEY W PLus COLUCTING SEWY11. IN MORAGA DEL RAICs MORAGA WOODLANDS 1,03T VALLIa, AND MORAGA MIDLANDS. Mr. W. U. Berner hes discussed the extension of sewer service in the subject arcs with me on various occasions. Mr. James Irvine dis- cussed thip mittter mhortly before hie depth and Mr. A. R. Breed, Sr.0 h also brought up the matter on verioue occasions during the past two and a holt yearn. Ail of thee conversations have been to one sTmcific effect, i.e.i that the Xorage Company anticipated payment of eaditionel money for the extension of eeoondary trunk from the end of the mein trunk sewer to be installed by the District. The amount of money hee nevrr peen reduced tn an. ertArrmte prior to this time. . The Morege Company hoe the opportunity to e-nteflfl. sowers within their propertlee pt their own t:A.Tenee t eerve_theee properties. The matter involitee service to nor tn ibt11iMn orindividuel Irrge holdIrws which 'were :---ler1y.171ert. of the 14oreFe Ranch. The subdivisions lieted in the oubleei, vhf7, pert/ally in the drelnaee area of )fl Leqndro Creelt, tn c includes the bullc of the lorege Ranch properties. The lel:: bolir of the Pacific Gas And neetric Company if caqo in this 6.1-:,nege eresks The need for sewer service in portionof Moraga woodlends And Morei:;a, Del 'Pay i evident. We err .pdvised tet the owners of qdjoining lends to Morege Del Rey other thrn the Norage Compani plan immediate addition- eubdivielon. We underetend that the County Heelth Office has advised egtinet the inetellf,tion of septic tank e to serve homer in this area due to adverse experience with much installations. Mr aprneet representing. the Direetore of the Moregp Cr;mpany, in pre- liminary convereettons her euggerted the vossibility of extending ser- vice to the Morage'Townsite and thencennrthwesterly through the rt nch land' to norege 7,e1 *Rey mo thfit the eubjectsubdivisinne.and the rench wouldtbve !ewer service r_VrAinble, with local sewers to be in etelled within the subdivisions; to the existing. homes and building eites. Thiel Puggestinn ham been on the besie that thc Moregs Company would contribute en addition,' !amount to the „:,anitery Dietrict rep- resenting their abare of the cot for tht extended service which their laOn would pey. If the project immeftetely ouggested above were to be underteken it would logic/illy combine with Mein Trunk Rection VII which the District ir now under rrreeTent to inetell. The total projeet would include the following work a, Main trunk sower from the end of ..)ection V to Mums south property line at Jonas Hill Road, including sewage pumping station b.Secondar74 trunk sever from pumping station in "a° to pumping station at Moraga School and gravity sewer from that point to the gouth noint of Moraga Del Ray, C. Collecting sewers in Mora" Del Ray, tote Valley, the southern part of Poraga Woodlands, the southern part of 'oraga Midlands and to vsrioue nrivate holdings, and the P. G. Al J. rroperty, The project has beeil partial/ alarmed to determine the quantities of work for all items except the collectinf;. cc ere. Eetimate of cost is given as followst 2 Pumphouses complete 0 ;250000 350,000 3625# Ico Fore* Main 41 Z 25,375 32751 80 Force Main 0 19,650 40001 100 V. C. SOwar 41 4,50 18,000 72001 12° V, C. Sewer • 5 00 36;000 250 acres of Sanitary Sewers a 00 Itias(gaa 3T,025 Engineering 000 SW 0 0 The District is obligated to spend, approximately 380,000 for the extension to absem south property line, Yr. Barnes ie prepared to recommend to his Directors that the Morag* Company contribute an additional 4,50,000 on the basis that the extension of this service would be completed on or before November, 1951, The remaining cost of 4184,000 would bo a normal charge for service to the 250 acres of subdivided lands if the work were done under improvement proceedinrm, TO TABULATE THE FOREGO/WI a, District contribution for mainitahle sewerto Rheem tiouth property line 80,000 b, Moraga Company contribution for extension to Moraga Del any ;50,00O c. Cost to total of subdivided propert es for collecting sewers including pro.rated share of secondary trunk lines and pumping plants $184,000 t31,000 !URAL Mr Barnes requests an expression from the District Bonrd as to whether or not it will entertain a proropal for this additional contribution by his Company, which would entail an agreement to extend a rvice to Moraga Del Ray on or before Noverber, 1951 It la recommended that the Hoard advise Mr. nnrnes of favorable consideration of this proposal for the following reasons: 1. The extension of service to the '..oraga Del Ray, Morp.ga Woodlands aria will be impracties1 unless the Moraga Company participates by securing service to other properties lyinc beVreon these oubaivided areas and the trunk sewer, 2 The Moraga Company could proceed to sell lands for subdivision with sewer service available between Moraga Del Bay and Mora Townsiteo 3, The suggested partiotpatiort in cost wed make the cost to the Undo in the subdivided area directly compnrable to the costs for Local Improvement Districts 10 and. 12 4. This would permit of completing the main trunk sewer system with its terminus at lands which are now developed* �f�y•J TR/ .Min= WOO ,A541)011 $064 kt3oLUTIoN WM. tisa 13. A draft * resolution of tits sub, eot mall msd copy of thip our►rent County °rt3nsors on the stere sublost.. The proposed resolution would elbody 'mss previously wieptod treo+oiu- ticy on +resatiosR end skak leaVO, arm weed stover toms art einr orsonna andocant#.nuing Um in osrrico with annual advamme for isoritorious Maer1tiltis It would a+rox3maS. ii3o procedurIt now b':!' ftAloved by various public bodies au, a/ Contra {os1:s County and the 154list kyr Kunicipal Utility Disfiatist rrb►ors omploycos are ander Civil 3orvisi► and ♦anates Aro filled fron sl,#a2e lists ea1N►b. liibod by samit#on, end where such 00,o11se. aro sa#ina►+! to AYancemtal to a *1I= within n ',viol tor +irontird satisfactory ssrvicet. It is not oonsiderd Alosiarable to establish * civil service pro. yrs for filling pootititsis is *low of the 1t1mit*1 numbor of por+a3 now implored by 1 District or antleritd►d for future employment, howirvor doofM qpipsar d ssdrablr to heire * sesrtt qalm �1! an incentive to the amp1oyiner. It Is swea#a8. that '!be bo)'.mbesonatas this matt+rar with th� poastbtUty that it W mai Ski *ubj.aof eons dition a1c a amttirotr which stay solhodutod for Junes O. RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION REGULATING THE TERM OF EM- PLOYMENT AND COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES OF THE C. C. C. S. D. BE IT RESOLVED that the following regulations shail apply to the terms of employment and eompensation of eapIolves of the 0. 0. C. 3. D: The following listed employees sh*11 be appointed by the Diatrict Board to serve at the pleasurm nf the Board, and their com- pensation shall be set by the Bort 1. District Manarr . District SoLi. c-ry Al: regular Djtst ellraoyees other than those listed above shall be inciuded in A Merit $3yte rov ding olapsifioations of ems- ployment basic salary soheduies et Proboiti9nary and terms of eRployment hereinafter BA3IC SALARY SCHEDULE SALARY STEPS No. of (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 914,ngs 175 200 210 220 230 240 1 200 225 236_ 247 258 270 2 225 250 262 274 287 300 3 250 275 288 302 316 330 4 275 300 315 330 343 360 5 300 325 340 356 373 390 6 325 350 367 385 403 420 7 350 375 393 411 430 450 8 375 400 420 440 460 480 9 400 425 445 465 485 510 10 425 450 470 49 515 540 11 1.,_ Probationary onary lataJNIVAL 43 0 475 No. of (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Ftsnme. 475 ++97 520 5L1I 570 12 500 52z Sub 570 600 13 The above are the rangy' of monthly salaries for employment in permanent positions on a full time bails. A part time employee in a permanent position shall be paid a monthly salary which is in the same ratio to the full time monthl, rite to which he is entitled under provisions of this resolution as the number of hours per week In his part time work schedule is to the number of hours in the full time work schedule of the position. Cather "benefits to whish the employee is entitled under the provisions of thi8 resolu- tion shall be assigned on the same prorated basis. ALLOCATION 0! CLASSES TO BASIC SALARY OOHED= 01 *, s e . Title tb.t-2LL--gl"sL Accountant 6 Account Clerk 2 Assistant Maintenance Man 2 Assistant Secretory 5 Chief IgepeQtar or Dra RAM 8 Civil Engineer 10 Civil Engineering Assistant, Junior Grade b aivi}. Engineering Assistant, Senior GrAde � Oirril Engineering Aesoaiats 8 Draftsman Engineering Aids Gardener 3 Inspector � 9.101.—TMIL Junior Draftsman Property Appraiser Maintenance Man Sanitarian senior Clerk fienior Draftsman Senior Engineering Aids Sewage Plant ‘4perutor Simko Plant 3uperitttencient Stenographer Clerk Typist Clerk tc..L0 o R rtge 3 COMPENSATION FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES Persons employed in temporary pns tt crus shall be soRpensatsd at the hourly rate 'which is the equivalent of the minimum step of the salary range to which the part pular class of positions is al:orated. COMPENSATION FOR PORTION OF MONTH Any person employed in s permanent position who works less than any full ca1end'r month, except when on earned vacation or uthorized elsh leave, shall receive e e compensation for such calendar monthly only en amount which is in the a me rein to his established monthly salary RP the !number of dye worked to to the actual giber of working days in such employees normal work schedule for such month. TERMS 0? EMPLOYMENT The following conditions shell apply to Al persons in positions under the merit system. a. APPOINTMENTS. All appointments under the merit sir a tem shall be mate by the Manager. b. PROBATI Off! PERIOD. All imp eyse s nde r the merit system shall servo a probationary period of three months total em- ployment, with pay at the specified rate for the class title of the position occupied. PICRUMENT APPOI TMENTS All employees who hay* served the full probationary period in a permanent position and whose services are satisfactory shall be held to be permanent employees if they are continued in full time employment after the probationary period has elapsed and the date of starting permenent employment shall be effective as of the date of starting pro-- b .tton..ry emDloysent. TERMINATION OF EMPLOY? Probationary employment .of any employee may be term nested on or before the end of the proba.ti onery period on order of the Manager. Permanent employee., under , the merit system shall be terminated, in employment only by a majority Grote of the District Board, except that such permanent employees may be laid off on the order of the Aanager when the Mork requirements of the District do not necessitate their employment. Layoff of employees with a common oiasstfteation shall be in accordance with time of eery .oe, i.e., the employee with the shortest time of service in the particular classification shall be the first per- son to be laid off in the event of reduction in force. VACATION All empi oye e e of the District who have been o o nt nu ous y employed for at least six (6) Months shag. be entitled to Annual vacations with pay as follows: (1) Fl,iteen (15) calendar days after the first six (6) months of continuous serr►ioe. (2) Thereafter+ each such employee shell be entitled to fifteen (15) calendar dere vavati4n leave for each year of continuous service. (3) 'Vacation leave may be accumulated at the rate of one end one fourth (1 1/4) calendar Saye for each completed calendar month of serviae, excluding the first six (6) months, pub- jeCt to the following Oonditione! (a) No employee shall be entitled to such vadatiort leave or reaeive compensation therefor until he has aompleted pix (f) months of continuous service with the Distrt. (b) No accrual of vacation leave shall be perm ixd in excess of thirty (30) calendar dors. :MICR LEAVE All employees of the District shall be entitled to sick leave with pay AS follow: (1) One working day's sick 1.ave with pay for each calendar month of continuous eervioe. (27 In the event an employee does not use the full amount of aloft leave allowed in any calendar ypAr, the amount not taken may by aoaruma►lated from year to year to a total not exceeding nix ty (.0) calendar dors • Comvensa'Cion for dag+s off due to :Ll.nee,e of the employee shall be paid on the following conditions: (1) For two (2) successive days or feta, upon the statement at'the employes that his abaenct was due to his illness. (2 i For more than two (2) eueaeisive days, upon the written certifioation of a physician that the absence of the em- ployee was due to his illness. ADMINISTRATION The salary plan shall be administered in acoordanoe with the following provisions: Eto NEW EMPLOYEES. New employee. 'ball be appointed at the probationary step of the salary range adopted for the par lc ular olass of position to which the appointment is maite. The Distriot Board may, however, by mot on on reommendation of the Xamespro provide that a particular position be,filled at a step above the mimiums of the range provided that no new employee may enter at a step higher than the third step in the appropriate range* b. 'MOMENTS WITHIN PIANGE. The salary of each employee under the merit system, stmopt the salary of persons already At the maximum step in the appropriate range, shall be reviewed annually on the first day of the month following the month of permanent appointment to the particular oloomP of position for the purpose of determining whether the employee shall be ad- vanced to the next higher step of the range. Such advanoo- ment shall be given only on the affirmative recommendation of the manager, and suoh reommendation may be made only on the bails of continued satisfaotory performance of the lob. 0. SALARY ON PROMOTION. Any employee who is appointed to a pos- ition of a class allocated to a higher salary range then the class of position which he formerly occupisd shall receive the nearest higher monthly salary in the now salary range as of the date upon which the appointment becomes effective. For the • purposes of turther annual increment within the salary range the first &&y of the month following promotion on a permanent basis shall be deemed as the employeesnew anniversary date. d. WARY ON DEMOTION. An employee who is demoted to a class of position having a salary schedule lower than the (slays of position from which he was demoted shall have his salpry re dittoed to the monthly salary in the range for the class of position to which he wnq demoted next lower thin the selary hs received before demotion. Tor the purposes of further annual increments within the salary range, the first day of the month following demotion on a permanent basis shall be deemed the employeess new anniversary date. e. SALARY ON MANSUR An employee who is transferred from one position to another position In the same class shall bF corn pensated at the same step in the salary range ae he previously reoeivelaoor in case said employee has been receiving a salary above the maximum of the appropriate rpnge he shall. continue to receive the same salary. For purposes of further annual increment within the salary range, hie anniversbary date shall remain the same as it was before transfer. t. FREVENCY OF INCREMENT3. Exoept as herein provided, increments within, the range shall not be given more frequently than once a year, nor shall more than one step within range increment be given at ono time. No provision in this section shall be con— strued as making the giving of increments mandatory upon the District. ALLO4ANOL FOR ACTUAL AND =MARY EXPENSE:3. Actual, reasonable prid. necessary expenses shall be allowed all the officers and employees of the District in the discharge of their official duties. Detailed expense e000unts suet be rendered on the first day of each month for the expenses incurred the previous month. For travelling necessarily done by private automobile, they shall be allowed mileage At the rete of 7$ per mile, and they shall be allowed their actual travelling expenses when travelling by rail. STATUS OF ESENT PERMANENT EMPLOYEES lumployees of the District whose employment started prior to the date of this resolution shall be eligible for increments of salary increase fro the date of their original employment or the date of their laet increase in salary which ever date i later; and all employees who have served three months or more shall be considered to now be receiving selpry in salary range No. (1) of the eglery soheduie. SALARY PaYaT PROCEDURE The salaries of all officers ara. employees of the District elan be paid by the District monthly where annual salaries are provided, emd they shall be paid in monthly instpllmente. The seleries of all employees engaged on a monthly basis shall be paid semi monthly In amounts equal to 1/2 a month's salary. AIX resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with thie res- olution are hereby r peeled. This resolution shall tato effect and be in force from and after the date of it edoption, • PA33ED AND ADOPTED BY THE DISTRICT BOARD OP CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SA.'TARY DISTRICT or CONTRA GO3TA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, on this day of 1949, by the following vote AYES: NOES: Wetie 1411 MOM 11.181101“ IMOD 4: Is brit CUttOrdip ortitsallt J1m 15 1!R'! gioastedly Criati with Otitriat am* sthotr Courtly O!"t1.14.0 isaw of sek4a La *AA mown* hovel taisti. elet.sw• w• held at th otaws at sb* ussvtss aeseraa or vmp',M 04Nitit._ m.�tf ifs. *MPS lO1O w11IOw. or e . .o INN 3.$, if � t � s*Nt art*fltl. to,'Aft KYR pi+1sM►b Ha�snw. 01*e1+0is coilsns Walt of Toleta' G.s iltAT E. L. t har ;a • ago. 1Ilitordi Jr. Ma L. woe oosala�s tf�leiOata sae. st Vs. iMti1�7 Sri al t ar�eeittl � N srpitir all Want? rash Sa whL01t sowers vol. 1*U', 1a1ad1 dmoa8* or worn eras. AsFfs1M et Ow trN* oats. Shs aA&$? tIiI this am4411 Wit be beipillj aw war, w cora of wast, west u•.nkoN against elu preparty as ak, post at Star pdtr tros Ia.%mflsflor' of saw. sad Thit *,.lm seeerseMn amtmeA b. rcie1sM m17 to slmhrR tbs traS solo aoa'd tho sarie{ am. dtrsciflY 43siwYN hY �+I�lt syitra!!aa. 110 MM ober11P e! lostlstsA priori* MII�►Seu" Mit. Ibe alliettr hitt ei NeMg Nmettios1�1eaRfl�d �1» tti1 D7 +� 9�tits�r! a3,strid NI.I.r ant Alma iXatttlnd tbe lvs MPefrlssp! onR Ms. h++ri'!, i'lyLs!ssN►liNM* dMnti glar►ejorsi Once*. IMO 11 was '1!N County** t tbt3&t M sspalr •M spwrha Nuwl9+rr WWI oae other areas Ibe tPSb stet whop* porposimit hoA t1104. liste AMMAN is baro 4W;r3tsrret aiwt wr las ra.e aunrn.• 11f Mle' ounftnt - raimtiotsw. *rrwilara bs* stale Vitt wad Sirwd1abl,y orMr Cam , soft. to iffNt GO MCoots MSM!! sue* motto. wore fill 1410411Atl1k121�d {lakiod 1r1" Dtetz'tct AtleTnqs I.Mu'ii Cir and Tailor tlatsel Int their isotal an a e1MM► *rialto by lase e4MmIy tnrreyer aid, Nod (stsi tw fM etlrst Mie Osi**y +00144 siumpt p.i�MS 1/ the Mn roc tMe raan►raolN+ of trm.b ear lot Ooiiuiy rmMs to tb.s Os wilt �r reportage stroma mole tho �INm*7 reptea .mss **ad *st.etM on sommarrettAr with thii ftwi. MtaYls Of Alt tipistore � � A Oaaat7 ,Ol+lw Ibo �tl1Nso imam �i wu .wre«t tis Who Suir,+sa *waft .ns.o...■a loteltriall Attorne.s y that oeflaw" rr+tw.ts� to a 11100414. tr �p�a�bi yy�as afi►c:sao ociataaelers trellair llio IbiCoal" se 1601 Lbe � a 1011S w respma+sbszsly Sor Um ttasl rowing .r ur veil we g+mesa root rd it was IlisI sash ;ri4esr .aip,a mit be .;= lt.d rtrartess..ix w .t**sts ,w» s�► beik tb*t !t ;• • t 1N avpl3tA lie '*II?II eee7miNMn daring q sat Was. l'artieWat sriitttiee is Mlled to Us awMt 1i/ Us CMi►'1t, oar Is the atm/4 of iv lswara *Mob rvort vas tI**4 ■Aspaet e! i1impstbusAtttMts whin* sow" $*II4tI7 w! ttwFahsA rant f� esal CtOen ltd. import was inAMi4te4 Wier 401. JUfl* :3it 11011111 stld 1»�9lawtrd t�%M 1s b.SII ketidxe� oon�61a11 !A far 4•141). ii exit. '!'1M + fNfri4 l$k� f$$t that the task tit L. I. V. 11 leo *0 add WA • - bma WiNi Mr+lft#et bl tlr► 4trt•1 ews.nea as b�I*I opip3^es q tiir as vie srirat.ein work 9ras tastastiwto Xt vas fiatx.r notal Haat Ow ligitit SAM bm4 ordered Os assiat» ue et V*+ rests !a LAUD at tts smpt1gR s! Ji Y^e0v1 4 ts1tt,t. "Swift to of UN weft rAir11 ai tsiatrlefis ion Woe }est t5g�titlti4. `Clair 011'iMY:tt090 iiptpeaxMi Imo a:7lz.• "Mt of 41trideor. et�N ��lo! 34impor w�t� '411 rlst toSAsope41tft* iiM S� piti�r*s moult of *$a aaelrrexmf ts the elgrilfAa0lwt p► tie Ousrvlasrs Fwd sSgvlsSy afer7ger b7 taw Vistriot AMpar,/ eat the Gisitir is MspeRsilils for sMt arinONMAes slat that this ilatei6ary Dlatrfef imn reolsr lt. set4reitora te restore tnrteD cats sad droypi tor *ts lbw gm a'°igva»lEfDliDUE as soot tan th► '!M Cn*y Aurreirer has -0 :0A1 aWNi. 3A +►Airiue. tM Mait.j DisOlA# i toi all roots on OM* v. pmaM 1140 saw is 4M tht ayglosLaito 4*10* vitals rol+ID Yrs vs* 1411 be 4Nle in > .14* 0t Mipin 4h3s 1*fsaittos we brie rust lb. a' _ or IttA* ova sad Nii aft fasel wall IOW taot Mud the Cowity if sOsmrfauity? mods is ^:hlittl M sr. mlMMt Ito MwMSW wNt. 24 te titfltfprted shoot 1ue tim**Nds will be rlw3aisst it not slialtusieA !r a neat of t4a aa�ntaa�.