HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 06-02-19491 1 Pali oda 2. Platf trig et Witimilmis priaon im*tie ~lutists. Is *sir econsiwat4vs �N.r tor libestablishmen er1 Zaprornomit Itistriet Me. 16. ?be soft invisivett *Noise LID It swab et en Siliemos p and tho ovial Ari ton* Outer. Tracts. tail mitiende u 1rodiatiply 1110 trieltets tato oleo RM. and NANAINOWOOla 4lir*** total aim istvolve4 iseq)proaliastisly 140 *arm This arils has Wei sisevaly esimissed to 4.tosigito ft* *flatboat or the strosti4 property imears AM Skis p rent amliort et thou, omen &titre as otiortoco nottsr is7.# tig 011101101, Ian hoot tbat slain true sever Vesttos VX pasties or W. aria owl it is abilitratimmili that sir* Petr sat pidblj Me sr two others will **pat all Obi buts tikity Oti mei molt et itestre She sarritim at this tbs.. Ni'. ism is base given litto orportiattr to east his seristing r1fidita0 • mils trunk ~or assdholo Ilit. swaisecettet et 200. Us proptrli is nob %bat one or novo siiiittional dlas Mtss wmaitil bit twins*, and OM property cogaltt a01 well limo lesslettedtii the local laprovemiatt distriet AIWA reducing * flr tvradsr 7boure44•70 It is bidirred %b. AM* to Wild and t the if local litstrtia Wald be 0111111003ii6114 Si *Ma 1, lib* plan* /14 vi Consider ma.rts$ii Ib tar, *U. timmitsty Sohool Distrist to 44.117 pavaiol t5SD tor eimesirles ot INiiEostimpatto Sabo.' wt 11 attoor Julby 2.4 sisimeities all IFOW 011161004 SO the tray* eft*, boo beim *aft* livi fikeitga, IS Watt vidikr sonetrastion seivisoit Kr* tilts or lotto chlool, tha and nay be rosily for for Vv. hal tan* owaileer has ea ask. lags asirtai Os midi* nasal yr in Lim et advt.* that bettire loud *row. Itlimagers. 441; July1. VI La ressiMmiliali that winos* Consti.s, tor f1oo4 of 147 26,Ci,mtydt Us hulls ea or boron Juno 80 audivit h** Now prePtriklifer adoption in sontermite. with Um ow awl eliopir a It is rimanalibiK that tie Siligrit 'to! soloptod si Sa . tor a total mistrousali tor mottle swain of use 200 whiailbtastite 32.000 umwroprisitod, moms sat tat.vtU rEiitrs a has WO for rumiting Eton** at Ito artatutary Usti 1f bingirse dollar* of asimissod villastisse 1949/50. Neer to imisiolki ricludiettie last Otto litagot bo to „Atm w�N1lMriepq�*o r000lved as tsllewi � � D=AD �wIM. Pr�,sis Iwr MSM=raild.3I satip a.11ws” Ass 10 awita. Chrr+slt{ 1,150o w. 4011,40117 la..tta$. 71tne to *ppws. ��MA�kar 1Ia. e fxs. tali Ms ottlr4. •taq sales test is tao1'iIa in tbs yrlaari qaeMt for aMM a14 pMmiet. rasa hs rt btd !w to ft* tees Mat 161.7 am rt isae 44l1wry sMrt IIMII 70 4a7* aw* It s• aru.ri.11.lt y the srwi+sesi amu Illswyr: Mar the Pmra .rM- arizt lift jmas lot one Pod aat *ft 0rdst ISkIIp tPI al *h. prt.ss s1olu! Ow.. "�M rlts. tlr'�rwi9tat eat Sosntswit to inttHsM jis*$ with Natldm1 Padfie QripAp !or eaNMft is $Z7# e. Thts mows* tasiMis psat K SAO. GO far qsMif1it waft, ri11ro+4 trio* sad mama NiMl of Uo.*'o .r nor tr 1. ,: , UAlsal ei"MiSnf taw • 31stanM !! sppmpthistar 1230 f�$." Tho +oathaffi PootlYe canyon), All be wo:jeet to apNaa.aR for servfw f their xalart CrNk staltllll proporty LA IkIa Issal t.,t Ustrist. "Cansid.r psb1totta tot tatIti Wsklt tsr aval distribution. 1Retes 4111011.11101 e4001, WdM N SOW Mr1w'a !n My f6. Th$.. tat.iasIIes bu DMA tniagatei 1/ sevorri1 $s*r Wtr, M :hs. data tas1i gNemie report Ow I:! �lswintimmily jsb.h.d if sil lssai p.psrs n aasNreeat psilessillawo Th. tepwlsass d eerlwl bs.rti that s eMdtaatitl]n1 m slis pr3t.*t rood's* *odd it snsvrrMl is 4040100 suab a Iw,ikt,t. The *virago a1s1 tor p!iat1e 1ool1ols et %Ms hes bsn 50 per eoFr !n1114111110.6 !T ;;4Q0 N mr. 1* ANN that ri►O yrleting of SNS espies bs wtlMtlaml. J 1• ASAI. AMP?, It is assialX prsst$,a !w' pb2i• bi#tas w1i as wt wa N abItah sena report with .. eta tLnaaslal strtrap. sad st,hase of all spotitlw e1 1y tt*1 par,. ThP0 r+yospis Mks 'wartime fermis aai tsr west ant oomallos tI*w .*s perolr t*eItaa data* !Ar t t01's o1 .nnasl rwpsrt. !e the' 00Am of tq►r thrs is NM tnsl11des ism. sops or 11, ottls, r'li1 tirr►r!se K nil ;bralosl alrrelrrw wood by Mt °1s rlai, Ths*e reports dw U. total amount of sows, tr.ds.at worts. Oftia. 1st14tiia, sit other oayltrl tnia.lmirnt�, 11K! etlAirlst pesaurne2, show soots of egtiatlaa sad swtsfMM014Mnt$IItISfl, ((SWflS, sis. la Ito awe sad firs 4110.104* oats r�flNltt10ta1MNrAe! �1!'!•ty r1NQs�s of lb. M�aM� rissereril, ftp. slimes and firs tsss..1 M *Ow de IM► w aids 4tstiti�t$aaiistal ta�ole elboato $iu.2s0024 � Mss strastten ti iamtsmie ..ns..* .ut rt , W1a1 ,mer ot taws issesseN to a IsI*1 aesest K iers &a.t4lM tn swliMislawowl data Nt tnwsi•y MstswMMs• zt tLt1p sa! �! �/1Owl Ow Swot ,toirtise* riNMI� far W�flw 2 :, �„ with t�r.��a a3''� whitb Its .r lut m.ars'"e�" wt ','e.°���`i9eisn. TIMM mortis sr* wmrllseYliinre Moo atsill p'vNUP so4MstW OM psi ar+ net R'i++M "al Ristributicat Ci4NHluaftior �xasl l� ?wuakm% -pm* tor NM, SoarlactsMEA is rRra!ttsf1d Nei 1 D►. and his 1a1L dm 1M! asoisft 10w *Waleson O!t'erM sMd tiMt O. se to 4*WuitM 1�M ls1vis K YM osommiat1N IN11!�{q 1��M phalal on J�e 3l. lit is �NssM�t Oa* IM rIt�}/�M rlaM to tiiwir baM tao14$ lams a�iA Kr.shs�4130 sottetiert nl�Mtis es. � � #IMf� �4r1D4Tt�liplaMw� Aad141o7Yd. data Oil N rooky usa of its t11osillimiR iNtlng ua to ralM of liktr atsuMssM sal ALA lkto Um* rwMlimi. flts nrHor es,r. rpt M 7v1LT trreaietiodi •gsRAa th. an et distatlec. Vilto otter siMosiwsiM erMMaIais tiaigait sssrnI* IS 1.28 �12. GmalA+r opioNftlat isa tor ;trooper* it M1�►► 141 Janocseu wAwt.iNea, This p.r is U. 17 Sio weoti rwLbissestty *onus, of tM PoolrM '; ;, ti7 Joao MIMeatiss. 21I is biiIM on Fl,. sou* U7 1A1! tette iptir L.D. 34, !'b* Prov*r1i woo not in La lr mil 111a oanatruetlen et stows was , tDr two 1*IIIP diit• 1y10. e10+111 tsr 1400 •r. ta vs. is 140e meeli pairsU•U swmusr w+sAas, �t Cts. mt.i.' P3r►DnfMyo mis »rop,z't it aooapie8 1r r Ries oMrttory 0 1*Y4J (M.tLes rttisaewnt Jetrt bar} • sten bvt1ti *al 1,1i NEiairos or 111 eesQal oats. Ths o11kur• vlot! ti'sii eNp1II NOS. tsi* !tt'twftl is adttawi M this .potioarty M$ ha. beiMi the MSM et pss*ibte a1Rc.,mint reeun►1ArIlt. Ct7 as Centro Costae, 1 /130 4.4 XS AU bs for is sew MI WMMNW 10 pm Os Vierisr nd ,, �rii*4s a a�Me 1a whisk��as 1.0tb1s ws i +� p•st of is Th. oW�pr�ft* Ma{ Wiosood Mw sit a tiis two Irl eeen+�ttisaIksN � �w �r VIM p.aU is iaa* !ds issmas*$as to ths taa or wif mow'► it ti :..,r.wsamt aws +s. mitisMaswt t .ww• prsrntsss. pl.0X10fe� Ths moor is timid vatp at :NS for ut1i$tt of * b4iia prsNtssI. psair4 eigt* tot to : „8 its` Boast wrIelltrit Kr* Pay bI3kli. Mijitown rt. 1100) 8*00 ea wok 9.p. to this v piessitioas SO tor 144140,1 batlAtar tom Oa Useal (mom* of 'wear isousee tie et the M. i6. 210 it roo1rwMYi 160