HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 05-26-194910/ Roll Gall. v :0"/ Reading of Aniatios• v 3. '41014 bataring es 141101stitta of Intssititm tor LW? 14 ot p.s. this dot. two italmosta tesor* team roisitivoto bitiriva sans* restelvea e'� �i�� aretesto trl to pxosenit+lito if p.Q►rrots aro oiworatoil ritsolutievt er4 the work mi ilii for bide 1411 be #s .01.1000 re is suggeoltail Omit WA bs resolvedi 140 ✓ IdAs Ns LIB u if sup voszost:�1 r7; laser fern ta6siRflaT andg. jeictstaight rwM .s. te Ott. 7asfM bt�a to • of two adatterial owithohali' itrimita for us. sad survey estiowto ft* Distrilit boo been tbewoimeterilibleiits * *Avg. +ert �-� arim sem* tor wohtele ,,ter 2fe? o�avr�+ d.� a'fir ter 'fir rrish+�s haw* *tsWts$.4�wanst Irl► vasiisProvemont +axtesad amiss tm two 4vestr4tali# %Mob War trarIt asted4 der sivirage of ttis prtvst. sari tom bow woad # 3�f+��►3�,+�r! Xiviimionts �t ���t1b obeivii 14 per K11Lot%i r firDietnetst istielinew *twist* thoili vitkielsos vial b. *Wed. L41ato17 ' comp th. promos inmiltos e as eat loud distrisito wildosb AeStraots biro. boom awsreed txd 1114. *Mitteeal local #itistriets AWN* tor eforienvetion dartig resokla4.1, of 1St Iiintato Otstilist vat used lift solor iriestelits ter its oentimdis eperstiona tt 111 rioterso*ft404 ithat bo ptire.h.o.4 tamspitirckely. Omar tun ottorge4 .4tainat th. 1+ O i rt* ire vidArM th�yw� be Med st t3��r ,� r� t+� Of $10 Wit` '� pimp r#i�l�e. Vii D�ettaloi xo paky tib sass en, incurs** wad Odor serviessip with Ca oarsia to be used by • of thoo Vistrist .? get altos, staplorkes or lb* Dist t the 1.00k 'squired* /G,Lattt tistrist ee+etrltrutfou tai 104104* 16, aUwt Cresotc vom4h. 3'81.• lasol &tstrtet trill Letdud* oppme1l 140 *efts sovtlariy et wllrt epooi sod M1otntn UV ! M qhs seat. 4>.rreVs0r1J iS0 ton,* !r Ilis 1iitt*r!Lo '!1M Ysilq 1Us ,.: tie firm 4.41 16 M Y�rM D7�'++ettiN w� amid Ml�lae ss sees f ash ee net sMsYriNliiM toals'an4a. The tilnrv'fke pas+01M thurimilli til, lli ono P1asM4 .s * saw* tY,+k Ister .gyp eae..r ....sse :, , It to osulas/Nt autli Me mina* wit for &ws*da li a is alta ba7aM lilt MII at LID if is Noproshastar $$N. It i. rarr.rwa Oat as .s$rs .est tee ta.veisti* s�•r. pips Wiss be , amutt1Dt41eft 1"l�lw� 1 fry.lhoo ofltstrl*I in Wit mszzaI of )25 000 sod ti.* moo Di et i*ytinper`M MMtw1. M beae hid Mtimte 041.13,411404* atsumroms tit oltr. YIa$ so.�oft, se Mwrlta 1bis, r ttw1 ps,i.'I R Kai* WW1 3Nti#Mt ss ismat aa' luastlsis Of & M cnwMied sarlMM 11 aostommosetit tiM tai lie lii maim Nr, Mairsla p�.a*d tidos ra00tMlt u+ eM t mid lho re4*Ayt of tlis mistommot was r. 1'J*"s 1� lho Mk et _ Mo![** to • t*. t.. the i1iM11iibS 90 Phi Us smo=*s dim testi .w v a. w . '!Rt �s�wNt�MM/ M toor in *raw al. It !.i b+11eTeA that $s. &Mid WWI b spps it by iSitM Mis IM miRYtq M astst 1t NU tfN4lwo !.r irimortion rirsivtion. 7!r ewoz+Sa+Ad pssZtt. has *ma � 434Not M Mtn saeemws240.1I. tioays atter six rN1iu St eon t rot* of Wit, doe per asit1Mr. *0 raft of *WW1 tss arfflum 10 t5r pir'esISt alisgsuN for cotFtsa �ists County +mp1e7•a and oopMis 1! +cskiMlt ftrig 7or annum, r oaf itio, tho etrixo te SO **ow* t On 41.11 Le A. »saiatam+ is regglrew4, the *oplrpe vivid dli$a time and r! 'MOW 1* swim *nor !ft it VA.uwrlss ,wraw sars .t ...1p sxs q► seeia *0*r •f stl Wt. sad tn*sIst to O! vt!!'im! tor Z.W24 T$iM [Ne:iMR 10 to Iaks /' TliO: 1fite iOSSM Iwo leo swilligatill4 MI tio a Slam amid t AV1wtz• !Mo/i1g414R of str3ipisipg to' MOW and Y !t sit t10tr r1,glM„ ttt1* aia $$ept #a 0* iw.rrmat nor i 2. tho set1410 has *HO ttriottstM. br MI at#gn»i 1Efenit of Msstoa. M11OI1114M Authorise M�� fltlt iaof p*,sde 1e Lab 12 M w�ieb �e�s of •ttsrast mom sot tom rrareErrQ t,ss Mersa. PfwrMt+al st►trrst Ss 4,0400.4 tor thformalaau 13. +►tlNINIS 110 114114 $sOG