HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 05-12-1949VW VOA 12, 194, 71,.v Ast4 iov FAmetIng of titmatos o „xi/rifts omitting. /30 1/ ttitrr a► taartier► e! "Clton►ate opw'bttiviston. Maoris adjadas the ,Latrtet and UAW esu th, **irtiftrt, 4140 ef rlimasket Hal N**44 Tbo Pkiia ‘: stitiantme ter srinfissit.t ham* depi1t °hook ts. th* amount itr :1101.7$8, beak tempo ter the fise.11 1,47104191If" "` * 1; ` '/,O;resiont � .Q0 4,40 400st to thi .tAtri+n for its **Sim 3�tdr* 4;4) the anaftsatioal and $9p400 a* plsmit cost or Goaneetion tot for oonneeting moultr$ in ths aonclattos ~we 4110" statist a* pert of the work of 741 1. Tho pottillosorli haw/ Paid M. *mot 140N*1 Overiistolf Sopitatip from Ow* 0101101,46 Thy bests *f iimassatton givort to Us petittom0 Is telwalisia 101 that sisAborirod by tb* tem Sherwood * sear* simesatlon ?h. +�� ivto� Is to be s�rsd withs� N*104414 10 tas*.11.d at tb* VW* potitioners won adviaod et thP ebovio osmittioa* atter Istforoma disftwon apt *writer 1are! mottiOwl* pe#iktion has been legally stir►+.irtlead awl IS all bog. N:r, arenetptd has the nossesary mooluttsi $4, eomplete OSA aotisse 1 Paralwit to tiotriet for laslAimstal osposams 1.1:4,4 Contreeter. assisto fie ► 134hrrteart 4ne. Ittilistesti. in..? sad Motors Hotrrisoa 811tore roefttpt of adiroutee pviient bit be 3/4 of too d+ao tor preopsystIen it sneedr. awl 1,/2 of the lilt toe due i /45. N4tsittioriat# papule% St,. * to "molt.. iris. ibis is tape swoon et 1strte! contribution fel LtD 2. /6," Authorir. poriserrs to Xx. Commel of hallow* et too dis 10? prepaiatioat et ;1Asem: specitiostions tor Lilt, 2. Authwiltre PATalant to 01.0.1110 sted liriallorftri 1/4 Or titgal Ile due for B/Op.nJ.„„/ bide et mI .�+ 4 it the Mar et 8*» ;ha. hes arrived* Niter tilde to Frteirsilr for rimestmeslict%. /161/ contsaee pSssJbi• ammo.nonville anweicr;tn. T1s is **osmosis* that the Board *krt.,* tho AlAnowb**,1114, immilawm *0 *Su AMON �I�►11+t�r limitary ��,tta.+�t�► basis etlt i�r ft* st+t ri11 be oon.14ored, '! sti►a� � 4a�rd terr�:nept.t Ste►as r' � ft ' the )ts*rtet �Mi�11�er is as tb�� r= A. strip ot IML .z*.itin soufu ter! 00400st south Wurotary of the b welt tool �i�1bitmoted ea Oil *as b ism Aims closet sselt►ming tiIitatSt Mirtbeet nv11 l e dim &no14Ln tlba iau bllM !woke Dat#itUe to and l+d joiateg Ar psit p is syytwaw3 � ysesssaat argrnsasd talae11011 aflg+i'Mt. 10400000000 Zt 1s aromposied *It EM Hoard the leis c! aaslearlM1 Rt tUrns /!!at !'ha aeerasl3ea is Kteet+rd Eit;r yvstltiee •t 4b* �qp of red p rLy swpxytinot lese Shan tit ot ibm aiNop! gipi»{i,� er � pw�oRenF� iti0n tn6. I1*ett.'t, fle, p.aisr. to be sad. Aspapfralpg on arhtob Ise sass phSti. �/ 'llltl no s:reLe1 will be rrdrlQM! 140 Mn area 'M ibm $im%tai aistriet yn1mi and until 00 rtuNncNlt area a1t1iorldom 4011",Elea bcrnds spy>2Saabli 8o th* MuiAttlon oetyi ta Ike irOtlM 001,0* Thts 45G,000 10 -hMnai a. Wt of exswd Wik osier trui the sad 8410tissi IZ o She win tr.* OM" sra2aon: cr+we to 1)10 *soft, et D.a+►tsl.. tr42saLN Ms! iietvdii Eijtneiii sM • Of tny section I waft of foot 7'M $.r�10d_ihite of U1 asws Sa 1!w meet OY fhuwMw trIA6aAt p10111 sod gaL> Wumli sibpt Yii:1M1 y ~Ales ibm ares roetldt rowdy* sawllnl w 11N Wtai 01! 0 lOf te mot* *blob ibm Dletitct baf wlres47t)1aaer aN� for units et rpt Basan ter WNW. s! MOS per beradroid uMrsroe wluatSw aria •aserod for the ttessl 7.." 1$W$ $ $.000 tz Mal3Q.00C ti 21 is amigosqd 1 ibm IIeiI rtffioaies !h. *MOW 1 San Paw. Iflop GOMM* to ibm dstttIS of anrtgrttsi 41As.-ti3lION[ 1)1* siMMeeA Nelussian aMl Fy'r►ori o+mir 1L 10/ CantltltkP OriA3naaM 3. II to rossiiiteMi WW1 Vse ArASa►Iln bio rasttAeQ tait »Ca:te . p*rfoxoe bend or osistf tn U.s of bsmd g 1mtn the Nnulraatlass *t reDnl*lslsa srwars as to woilltimisiblip g$p$j4 or J t ported et aye y_.SWr ei»Ss oM�lltion � r�.slytom, at*athat\? � bowlM to MM +NM11R! of Mf4 1.*Ome W�;. � M!mk4=rodrion Mst or f500 vfileis etwr newt to Um.. It i11 fvElrr - 5�:b ,, . Qe4id� Lire Matto*af of a ,• s�o * oesneeEian re.mob 49e mob Aatbsi des soften Aim Name ors MlleeOfM to • system taetUod. unAp s 1o*1 !w. N, promo", dietrie. Vt1, ibm so* 0! thi Blstrlet is it prerressit mg *or* tlwr lUDCitLlLwlt Use Ai11i auts10 Of 61M bewid.tes or :1tN1 topsooveaset diOt:'1Q:. The t7tob115 of f!4 te be 4*$omdaM * 6A1 14061411 tsr !tel Lftt11.1 au.. 040 colloi the otter t L10ne3 fit„ Soft* in veto tubdivistem4 statemoints in this lottkim gat ritprwa* ��1► taote dies fonias hots rofersoiri tip loft peartairsed ototte Us* attly Atter the road bus yea with woo tioat of itAtrwtirs klassi de the streets of Ws sibrtivision 1.94.7 yorektiorts wore awe by VsstiOn. parttime tait lay munleip*1 Utility 444triot ime**2104 watt, main &a bsskfttl.d • with bass reek and rm. tbis bate rook * most of pftetretieg 0110 "mss aanitory Distriet tallUillitt • mala 1�r sew* �s �; ���.�►�►' !n Moven Avows.psrtt.Uj l��►11. ► *1111 �1�a wt. 41,irits„ Jortur me rebru4r/ sr irrenatess low* r114111.414. with ftsit rya ad on* seas of poitotroting talt tturirtr the tato ipsiiig sad mow or 1 Berra 411 tad J. N. Volkerr started tonslimilion or appmziaoi. Ay 75 Mow iv this lomat* *nil in proposs. state sommemefd irltaitt seowl. to this osibdivtalsa ail part of LID 2 dwine */* # 1948, boa trim* osto rea4, tor PNINANWIIKIV 41 wad .*. inC tP i400118164r of thet p "'. t4 tho 011 otore *ere malibl* to propel* to miter. the winos* sii ilikat trouriskg Mom" 111.8. the, Coma Novinitteg olts flefolgete. priessedid with lilstallanen et gas maim to seilwrlwl► tito home rwartmg 04004 111* serfli. velk grailalest to leo NAOMd sobs01 *Op tha$ mihdivisiss* Sommematft sloptombor, 194,0 faro* **A nage KOrellaitill 25 soft, wasiettose to the collsotise sewn* eil Itsid been tolliowtag tavaish Caaomal*yt to 541y14.60r0 t*8, $*021s tuisIoU0 yprwlaott27 30 house ,►sem*oesMM tie ths *ewer for d. w o1k•t. ?Pas atPNtM bet armor Min fl43 serM wd wore Us nM }Ir Aoavy irsvetimg LN�iMsL igt NM #MNts9athM s! tib Immo aw°. 41!! Malfl� During O. to�t*32juitt* of tt*0a1 severs *011110 MMiest1MM JIM 1*0 aortas* eot+alaliaa1Se grading wad an. by so+lrwotmsii with NtsRb eitod an 5*s RtMpts !u gwasElifq 4004+4 ;lt to th. awtat 44poeit tq the various trwMlMit eM►ratSwise tr to the instsilstlOe o! iou 'UAW 4.t1exs $bat t1e! %sit Wry s ugvs1. 19,48. takelts• Sow� *eft is as s.uillrnit Dfrtrf.+ ths 1.044 M ~wit lir SOOT 1.4 114111 of stark' :1U NNPl1stplttIM {A! NIVfl1" earvl:efir sot oPall+bli $p*iui*0r S. 1946 \,/ t !IN 1•Itr tr r. liewis that the iss*s woad bs Vtstrtsl, The a• tr*e*os coals ,rhicb existed prter lie Mrt :mi1Itt,$1. mss gosa3ss4 tie C.ss.srs fiw Lt* VIVA ho w14'ti►laer wr 1U1 tplie OW. tri sate ts t)i* aluraoeer uT tapxemeats of $beir vagi. At 'nks'3sI111 oohlerspa's& this amt seaen'M YM 1Npis. NIMiiM trod CpAttq. Mom aue John ►aoa�n� atteatian vow Misr a►17tM 1r Mirtest ridtie sWdivLrlM� stmt. l ea bow tasipIo$d M w41.41l1w Vita offered latall leas ttad at,aa*M of bh sod ttn4 at las ',netts bs waft/ wt as a »ID$ Wort 1101110.4 tl» p�rlt sono+rae4, 23 • • Asa that Stat. *an be s'rosis*t ear le imitter. U. tram& eta made Von Lo th.character est Umprovimontt esi1.NM prt to ontyto�rt���wrran�li being . , tnn�Lle�eh1i17 t�Ms�r am* te bir tri 10saiss and !rusts barilag Ile Viii lIsMs mer wnrllirwtiee. 14 appears that lois is • tatter for the sab',iriaers to vest N1t idiA tko tnrioas soncrrkaEert Savars40 sad 1400 U. s+ieCslH nook lia-o M action anikp Um ttia! Ot 00 D1Brist italti*Or aid 1sr 2vrorn•10r 1MQu tbs restoration !!f 1sh cuts• tor the siitatork Olt Mite COMM with .41/0.114111 ssls3F+ Si tat ettitoirlda t ri the . or tier at S *OM t*t&1toa 2.110 Alas to WM. )lity 1.M2D, sin PrMtiMeay all male ties and sanitary DSrtristir kn titie t*W u well ar 4enMllttwt tn the aanlluwry ttolL* ars reDmrntsA is *10 Sews MISRt AMsslatirae• It S1 spoa7+►taQ with I � s Baa. As.r.saeiar+ mm.g+ U. satire Untt�d NM t Zt is liwri. /metia or - tLtISI to for out or taro asibers/0rsennei � �n fwaeaof+ie ��atis�asirronies �� eo of U*1 ,•.�. s asst iritt+ Coast4er crentiar of r MMMtSan to main txi* twer ids ritLoN 1114,1111 tha'.tsr to yes. F.srt0 min sswt Mwr aecson VI psiis.i 1 ft* ?lairs +1� si aiaY�aawrit � • xysL�5e17 39Q teed Is storm • rim .n.3t..• are w a lea to ast* 11104tt. eft of tbts awNrtien tat widow the opa±or6wdir rt haflii it. Taw arovi►i mf saaaisrlll SI*I$t.4 would rtssltsMtt • poses* of • � , tdy �it it MA leen pa�A !or *10{ alk 1» authorliset she ft,446 Twp 6f 'the $2S0 oh'50 40.. iiafl wow *M �uitablo in *hia arras. 2t 1e ! s144 mat tla saanN43on tso Ye sitattel tor tbla yssSieninT eta Mwit of 09. Constisis Mair► ! awl stet 1.a• littiois ilovering Distriot 1« Atiount to Nay 26, we% at es *0 ;