HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 04-21-1949• 3 • 7-1 Pon Coal Aewlinr of kimmitioso ii*Nr protests cm lo written protists hove bee* vtotived up to *3 pa this dt144 an' tA, Kan -r knows of no 1ntendis4 0,rottfits. In the *vent th*t thsrare no prototts, or the protests sr. ve.r. ru141, it vill be in order to pass the resolution ordirtal that work And selling. for bids* It la ristoommonded that biAs be eseivf4 May 12 Pro brailsford hes E. nomossary resolutions cit honi• Gonalder :littition of 2 propAlly ImMora in AnciorAon holFhts adjoin ing ;i*.15Z ,tation Ft04 # that sewers b 'xttmlod in to this nres as a psrt of L.1.;• 15. It reirsomandoe. tat t nginser be instructed aro' i part or I. . 13. iwe,rX on thin larva eiiNt-ifA is now in ::rolr,r9ssa and that Inclunion of thee. pro-m.frtie. 'load not &day tho projeet0 hutilocl:!o• gxe.c tion „p:rts1:01,11ttt MortIttryt 'i-Ellitway for to CRCOA inks' 14; Uonsiefor vuoatilln a. �tc 14alre repulatIon for ii,ermartent smil.opt** at th* 4ctric4* .i‘tstet to i-r2reliJ4nar7 AcQn,".m* It is ritoomatendod thAt!-,1141 tIthor 1:101 notion or r*solte,Vms. establish vnoation and slok Votive to c rTornc tth tho sog,:tcitin set 4-0, in the eoraltrartary Vida,* i 7,‘;essider thily &atter ot -03tthfor or not. the ;411triet thoat pate tn the toot of r.pftirA4 t the eatou, in .allside Avenue in the ty of 41Inut ()reek, ',slier to 4.e.tviAtw '!,tlne! of April 7, and to preliminary assadak* Consi4or uS4011 the serviess or t1i* rttnst Abetract and ?Me comokny for title reports *n4 other motions on eAsemnts. xr. Thr monacer, ststos tholt% they will furnioh itientiosa servioes to those now beinr furniuhed y Vie Contra '':otttn County Title Company* It t moommended that the Iiicon' rtintt Company' be mod for the mot of 1.41.1's 1, and 16, In oonformanco with earlier action - by the th io,rd, all of this slow- Of work for pro.pteta now wider way bath the exception of 1,0,I*Dif; 15 una 14 has ben riven to the contrt Coate County 111:14, 0012>taar Consider ttativ. toatIon to require hows chim-rs to conr—ct to s4,9o!"rs in eritio41 &real'. The Health and Witty Cods outod.res th4 District Bo4Ard to *own rleittents LM roi tty ownors to oortot their hones and ftibitations and strut:turn re.lirinr clevorags tth the stv(Are in the streets. II* lover co,;e of th* filso makes this requiroomInt Olen this prOp-rty owe* Is 1oe&t* tth1n Mt fest of s col:letting sower arta When 00 gtound tovcre,h$ miles su connsletion 14ctivns 1191A and 1191B of the Code of 1,1.141 Procedure proilAs that `#,e Gov-rning aoarel of any sanitary 0.0t7tt,t asy oonstxwusit 'Ch* conneotion of 4wellng houises Alb the ad4oirim,~ *Mr**i sow" von the failure of th* own4,r or resident to sake tAis oftnfotion aft*? 30 days faUotng wrttt*r► matte. to do so, endt /UAW that 4etiLat sr any : Azrson dottr the warxii at tbe request of the 4atdst shell hay! * lLn upon the 2 estate to. work �r Mid aeMPYrist farnittied4 ifltOr1t!i notto* to readents or :tm Volley Estates have : mood viery rood l'cizults ftrinr the pas% two 10046 It APPoars highlY tprObt1.a that tb. 4tt?tct would vow need to procleed unsir Ube Awibof►Y of tto .uotriorl . sectI0l' or the.Cod. of Civil 41iroesb$ur!# The laforaAl no- c, ma b* enough, with the esmotton Of * few olgravatod 4*,8 It is robommonAst thol the :ewer Utvl otor outhori od by motion of *...he loard to +sdm to ammo the InforA tle:e wh*x'A► the need for coortvation is appatrost. Por opprollattility 80 of the bOR#i In y,,-4ii Villoy iiia *re no14 connested and OA reastining Um* whittb havo not boon eonn,mted ars practically 41 creatinr nulmanae dos 10 lfitaking septic tante *Ad wet 4124,02014 *rims, It is oonsider*4 that tbs fornal Mottos undfkr the Cods of Civil Praooduro should be m.uthortrthe, Soar4 fo ',oh ftroati`lo 04141 it mach notteet locos''s imesciarf• 20w consider lottlr fro* Pawnor Gorperetion adv ting Ohs% they are nmerving oft!ootionIn L.I. . 3 to `hitmoo!moM It to under. stood b . tl .s to attires loilthin VI* rights of the oontm otor. -eawn,.r Corporation ar,irally per.t#Od any hous* iton;ntati+an ooh. tr%ctor t4 +41minsot to the 15a1t1 mon In L.I.L. 3• #!:!.''r Ai, ..Jt',A4notr rAviasdi the swt'Y' And Resident ingineir on April 6 ei, rox. tmatik c►3` his tnterttiott to exoltide ot?:erM n tboss.li*s tea Gonnooting to th�ss mows day► ditfiou1t1ms wh ioh they waes oxperionoing with the . , ,. 1tc ztirt.aeimg the oonditio0 of street. in :,.Ateyotto. Those &tT oulties werio bolts, 'AMC by the week of yids mower toIntrnotom This mattes has been di cussed at tenth bo wo the 'istrict Winos, sodtero%Ilawterrio and the trict Enitlastr oulholood thot vie must moognits the rlbt of aCorporation tom, this option, r. Clyftifiennedy has fur t o r suFmtsteld that the . approve Mr. iwannels so a suboontmo to mer as .xested rro ner, This motion mag 11. tam by motion pntored In o the Minutes. a This matter in osaiptleated thas, to VI* tors thatt t;otiner permit others to proo**4 14th ,eortniictionli prior to A ri I 15 tv;.proxiatatos Mr, A. •.4vrter hat3 yorbitity Advitmod t t hs wtfl phrnit these othor thottee sew.: ctontroetri to oeitplitts thoir pre4ordi culetattuenti whtets were slim* ur. bo -tor. April 15 Genoa s**0 priipotiod settleitent for i'*rosil 16 of L. 2t...,* 60 ttorrloon prow y. It t understood tit r.rtrailot:Irl has nvotiattod. 4 sottlir„ nt, in Ow approximate *Amon or kr* Stall .,teord preasnt raAttor j t)� bogirti. ..`onst-1,r frtthLVIrr ' • • ...wife:4 V),‘? to comfort his pres0nt offloo belieAthr on th L.7111,111. Higivsay to .tht, an trunk sewer tirrhnli* on his, propArity it parart of contwlittor chpr7:-,.4t, efor t`co -ri1tr4nA17 Agenda. It t rsimmeade4 that thls cation be takitn purchatio of typgwrit211.4101010 chair andty.ritr 1,11 qf Thts %44it3ima1 0011pment la rt,,11140, to :„..7*vidie n a:4A eo for an 4ttioit. tit 4.gbagMixtle r -c162".;:. vort lotus tr: .1,ct p rtle VI 4,1 iliff4: 4 tor IalAriervgiont kItat.,‘71cita trtdtnp tADdertit redioluticon• oftritantIon, ssesn! 1tv eta., tittv-rtt-?t314 lvvtittortml holp which ha boon snolvtepi. 1! kAl*Pcv."4-1 to 11 :60 Is.t —1` es. pos.