HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 04-07-1949110DA uzz7ima Or APRIL 7, 1940
• /14, Pell 0411.
V 2. mewling ,f Minuted*
V. MesOing en 1.10)* 10* ta oe 3p*m. there have been no vrttten
protests filed. Wer the provisions a the Improvemeat Act of
1911 no objaketions may be oonsiMered unloms they are sad, In writink,
and 11.1*4 prior to •Nis. this 4104*
The only 00)31ints ream:thine, tbe attontiGn of th. Lielmiot Er*Itimier and
WanaRer are entirely o* the looation of **gement.* The leant/on of
,the work has been Avon claskustive study by the LAginettris stsff in
this portimider dielriet and It is conOidored that no objections
*long these lines *re viald in view of the Amount It Woe kW oar*
whioh has boon given to the matters
Pass the nqvosary resoluSlons In ord'r for the estab1ieth;.-n1 ot
L.1.70* 12. This *rite inelud's Aectindso -J01 °rinds. Unit 1) a 1, t
of Ifni% 2; Orineft ViAtwe and tbe Orinetebo.1 and odjoining
prop.rtios ln 4tan Mac Asttwor4p
CnIttriflOr An xtrit tor Orinda rverptag Stations to opprev• inetolistion
of two 12 rising stem* valves. 125 lb. working- press** tis Usu
of 50 ib working prosettro 'tams spiteitied• Th. Distriet Engineer
will furnish adationol data OS rifts notter• (LII. 13)o 0 r
Oonstilier pstrtiotpation In coot or repairs of Militia* Avows sewer in
the City of Welnul (16k, This ssimr, tihioh was initialed under 1911
Mot pro...dims under tho jurisdiction of the City in 194t# was
repaired duri Fibruarr asdhersh, 1949 Ur the City personnel and
eontrpetora enp1opo4 by the City
Tb* sewer was four.: to hove Rom, eoetions of aollapme!i. pipe awl brok*n
pipo enterint Into manhelett* ApproxIsistell 14 Woos were conn'ottd te
the sower wbiin it was found to be emPletell Plueltiot, rhite city pre-
coodod wIth rfpaire Moompleteet ttom v!rior to the date or sintering
into eentreet with the rflertet .0 Aster 17 for the isaintenanof. of
City severs, The total olowt of the work was i2502*13 for *este to the
City for contractors an plumboro, k Additions the Citj bad oonsidip
firable cott for ite own ;0.rscinne1, frid the Sanitary t,t4ot asSistod
with its mfirtenones erltv. Theo* mete hot we sot boon imelu4A44
Alxvut mbpro 1,4r, the iaty out passoed Its motion to the effect
the they vould thim retxin jurisdiction over their on coIlestimg tower
•for the present 'nue. Wabeequently the city hits col4rftet04 with itho
Oftlitury District to mintain those irOwaire•
City hPs roviosto4 th District pay er partlotpate in the ;wiliest of
the oosiii of repair, It is understood that the Gity Attorney of Walnut
Creek hoses this request on the foot that the prowfrUss within the
City have been tweed by t District for maintenance And operation of
�y�'• i1Mfa�d wdlris**pay or pwtteipati +tba�'�y�, itis within pepsest of �ytyie powers of Diarist isM►i!'�t
mot of Ws walk* DI vilolt
or the faet that JO. rrk3pmonts apprindonatoly t th+r t�►"�i�
aatkeifed 1tslvMtil►iM► or Ow Distrillt at this t11It rr�o++iil thatti1e District �'��'+llt Um Cityfor 1/2 of the t0t ma3s* for outsi@e
oont rf►ator1 MNp1+1redi on this repair work. L. fir, U5i.O9.
It is the Manager's opinion th4t this .repair woo* should halm been dom
lgr l:. Thisas. the sostrimiter ► intfiallod the resit, how4mOr. it
is naderstooti ThI% qtr. Thews 1s no 1..r in bu.tn.ss as a sontrec'tOsr.
me Ctwas Is. tus.d, situation to pis.vdi� o�rt+rr iia ?meld* ssrir�.oNr
to the haus whieh Welk 4001thested.
tAl Oonsldtr apposiatmost of I.viiaes Ognt, It is 1010doorstmod that a
isinmittie of the Zasansi Agents MIdNSi*%IOn of bra Costs Ceuntx
‘111 submit a ',port on ts tasa'si muirementi of the Zts$tit. This
report will be baed ss� t�r�nt+►�r ��rsla►#i+�U ired st betwencol. Smitten and 041111r4 Cornwall Kassa* 3sbrederip Montt, WU." and
The current reseissalitatiosa is that saw broke, banal* ail Of tho policies
of ths DistriOt aid that the eomte omatississ boo prorated tor the
lagtmorit of the brOhows is *h. ZROUrwm00 Aron** Assootation lobo mooduet
th.tr buatn*ss within ths Dertee or tho Dt tris1. It ti unl.1ovd
t2A t the Aculatstion xeoammenis 'Opt gr*Apt as ths
agent to handl* all of our poll010/4
Ap;Ye parffitmt of 4140 to s#mt 0. .Stesse, et wm4 rare,' 00 LID 1+I. uii,
to the obstrwcti along 'he lot 1i0, err tho Stewart ,,roperly it was
n4►ocm!ary 'Co Looste the sower • pplismilmatoty 10 feel tato the prlrp*r#i
lsrltl� th* prof/peril linth, eri kvi , mason fomm+rnd ;a mt
ofON for thts *ss.s•nt tn s sUam dot the 1*M aims priteRptad
fir public use by Was 1.omttui.
1i. Caaalder ;'!#olutestab���rb� w�la rr�int thetraCo+��t Count,
� lc��rs�s Ketia!t 14004114341N6 ths A1tarney was tastiiis$1 to
pr+ipa,+ this resolution for oensidsntiem et this neetim.
vies Roloborso Potty Cosh ALM in the amount of 08044
'1.1. �; „1. reit'. payment of Was.
maltbaxiss final pt 1s M.mD...Id !mane and Nslsrn tor l!veare Plant.
43, eAlmonvoy samont Par001 24 us 6 1141 Repwr clerk*
14. Aj4urn to April 21s 1949 et 8 pm„