HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 03-31-1949A4ENDA . MUTING Or RA H 31* 1949 t. :44,11 Call. 2, ,exding of tamales. . '04# necessary resolutions for establishment of L,I.D. 4, Kr. Oralleferd has resolution' at herAL IWO, :4' tion of citizens from tbe aaranap aria in reference 10. eesdi of' road.. Aequoit tor this Marini was *Me by itre. OmudOOR, who has been advised of the time of thie mismilm& Pass resolution establishing *peels]. ixl,ense ?w to cover ohms*** for elvtnefis to 1~1 improvement districts. Kr. rellrford he resolution prepared for the Do$)rOle consideretien. tuthorire tresident erel 1.4cretPry to outer Into license Agreement wIth iaermento Northern Rftilway for erossinfT for L.I D 4. Authorir. President croft etecretry to enter into license moment ith Soutikern Pacific itellroatt for crossing for 1...1.0„ 4. Adopt resolution revoking assignment of 0300 ot ;nate of California Mppter 47 Funds. Refer to pretilidnery egenda for details Aesolu. tions are at bend pripereti by the Count" Auditor. Approve proposal of State, Inc, oovering final restoration of streets In 2. The Distrlot ingineer, advises tbal he hos a sertified cheek LI the anolot of ,25,000 at hand as surely guaranteeing this work, with the work to be performed after the filing of' the assiossment This action has been approved in principle win the itokr4 approved the form of resolutisi, presented by Mr. Marrison. It is believed that A formal Approval is neeessary at this time. sAtt*M1070 Are requested to advise the Board on this matter, After approving the forefoing tho icier so file thP Asseesment on 2 and the Secretary may mkt tha date for heArl . It appears that the earliest date on whisk, this hearing Owl •hold loould be liondsjr, April 25, Mid it is SugKilleted that the illoord Arm, on this date and held tits noeting open for this matter only, lot op the hearing for Aea*sas'nt on L.T.D. 2, 10. Consider motion instruolinp this lieweq. Inspector to tss as further pesimits for community severs with temporary disposal units under Orelinpince No, 1 of the District. It appear* that Ordin*nne 1 ler not be rormanAied at td r Um. ;in*, there grit tam oft thet'mporary dloposal units Imar La use, two of whisk are in difficulty. Two of the community sewer ',stems will Imo connected to the trunk moor within 30 tare Approsimsto. The other, two 411 preblititY JOt be nonn#0ted earlier thAn the sullmor of 1950. 11. Consider notion in %meting the Smoot Ins- tor to advia• the seta, eUvidori of OlAblo ()ardent' forstrly httrmcska hanor, Mot ti y AMA limit the numbft. or houses to Imo connected to tu, tomporary digposal unit of thAt subdivision to not nor* than 40 bourn, ?hie subdiVision now hes sight houAes uonnaotad and the tlivomry diapnvAl unit is operating without nuisnnoe. On the evaidence of rosults of the GUI' statism instillations this, disposill unit CAO not function to elkrve 90 houses as original:4 planned, but ;_iroloubly &mold operate *atit�s. ffictorily with a maximum of 40 house owineetions 12. Coneider appointment of invognoe broker or codimittee ot brokrs to Mandl, policies or the tict. Xrs. Arline larroldi PresidInt or the Contry Costa Insurane, Agenti Aesociltion hos be** rusted to r000mmoynd a aommittoit of ag*nts who aro matbers of that si;sociation, but hots faillt4 to asks mai recommeadatlon up to 2 FM this Ante. 1. Consider tattering tato Ccontro Costa County rcployo.. Attirement Arsociation. It Is sutatsted that the ?1,1rM Initant tb* Attorney to preptre revaution for Aition tr.,ril 70 to *stsbligh memborship in thia association ,ffigietivo *Ay 1, 1949. 14 Oontidier petition of property owners in the 4-po1fico area for sewer at an t,tolay tte, f*r to preliminary itrillAte. °UbigOQUCIUt to thill prepQrution of the :,,reliminory ;.ti*re*. the 0ounty tio.mItb Officotr has advietd tit* Dintrio% Pr that be coasidery the nvolth sense* tit b. trxtrwaely critical end h has tertolly requested that the i4striot prooemd with the installstion o1 sewers rtorptkroleim eonolitio* of strts ane, thq timt of th- yeo, in 01101 eonstrurtion wou111 take picot.. i. oveill hAs .rstonslly pdvisea Zupervinor Cl Cmtna and uptirvisor Taylor of his *Omit= And has etatod that hi, wtll put tbtt opinien in writing* Th, InAdequaey of existing 'trivets is obvious to *Aron, Examining theta. It is protv1411! that thyme 'would be log* "Wise,e t them, atresiis 4u to saver construction if the sp,rattons wore elnfined to dry lopPther nonths. AS stated in tho prellainary prenda, It la sugpielled that the itenagor bo instruett4 to oesitset the Pseheeo revidonts and Adviee them that the work of folorin! V.tr. crsext will be usdartsken in tb* wprt* e of 1950 unless these peor14 petitIon the tioard for construetion beers the. fta4 of 1,49 with tht, unlerstandimg that thoir streets will not be Tostored until dry weather ilof 195. 15. Oonsiffor :purchase ot 14 ton plas, trait'," S4m *Stashed nem pliving compgrigon of various maim, or true*. 16. Consider Annexation of Charleton hero* subdivision. iefer to pro. liminnry Agend* and if the basis atot ukp theroin is eatlefastimy utherlee th* ManAger to se advise the owners Consider amendment of ,itiuqr 4()e,4 to recalls, thAt all 04004e tank* be filled in *Mar oonnfation of Noss t the **wore. The Cwt fiesltb Offivrrr and tho Supprirstzsmdent et Mosquito 4bAtosont District Wive request*, Oat trot ecmrd tall4f the &beim ouiIimed gotten. iiic.nt f onsoopholo myelitis (sleepinor stilitnes,) have inor*xsed In alarminw proportions in California partioutar4 since 1934. The majority of ea.se* noted have bf.en ir the !Akvil Jonsivin *KA Sasravesto volleys, bovever thie elieR&GO has appeared in Contm Cot. Comity. It tppilskrs to have been established th/A tbt tarsAllo epedie mosquito ant the 'rosters of this dissamil, These mosquitos prOpavate in such waters anti Gld septic tanka And septic tank effluent pools* Ybf. County Health offiee has inrormally requested lb* eooperation of tho DanItary District in the elimination of uociulto bii ptases and pArtioulkrly thst lei require the fillinp in of all bandened septic tanks. It is suggested that Ibis matter be referred te tbs Attorney for opinion so to *bother or sot tho filling In of abaNdomod 'spits tanks ism* mailer tho twelodlotion of ths Sanitary District *ad Aloft'? or not los mew requirs *cation property owners* Zt is a matter of MI loardis decistem as to iribiktbsr or No% It 4-oulti bo doeirable to undertaks 'be ontilsiomeat of mois A vegmbildsm* Assaution 4mthoriinording of loam, on Teiphe proppril in LLD. 10. 19. Gonsildsr revaest et Assoillat54 g1estriaal Astermnie!r1 Co, for permission to itubsontreoS Th il repaving in LID 5. This reimport vas netdik verbally by )tr. Wm. Aunimrs Oulisids Superinissidest reprematin, the ocontraetor, an Mareb 31 114 Cho notice to bidders sswuin thts oontract requires that thilo neral sontreotOr 46 Os work waitss he than bays mum& a tomb- aontrnotor at the tits* of bis bt or *hall hove Wen :0Prmitted in writinK by the District fter4 to emboostract this work. Mr. Auntor bits not Awaited en it,k of tell Iowa paving contractors hi %fill hovif perform this operation bet dollar** to start the work not later than Monday, April 4* woother porittiting, rho bak ot this volt will ho complete bttws*n A pril 14snA .pril 8, inolusie44 20 * AdjeUrin tQ April 7 19 at 8