HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 03-17-1949(
• ,
Conolder kpointmont of -PcretAry.
L, noieler Irsurrnce n'ketle of the Diatrict Peter to rfitports prftviouvily
iNveonnirlPr f.preet.rnt with City of mlnut r:reek covf4rimp oporttion rfl
maintInfInce of crnl ct'r sewers within the City nate. It la
recommended thAt the Bos rd authorlae th esilent ant, r.;ooretary to
ex.oute t reemPnt and thot thin nction be taken by motion to be
entered into the minu ,e
onsider inoreArte in limit o ,,oenditures for mergency tq'wovr repair
and melntimanoe, This 4ction w111 b' in order if the segreement with
th, City ct '4a1ru*- rrlist t ftpproved. It to guggested Met the
iresint h rivom ruthority to nutherir,e t.14,#nneAtuzlf,a for sewn'
Apparel up to n limit of !1000 without prtor action b th# Board and
that tin authority bP rtvien by a motion enter*" into the Minute,.
fl„Pevloit conn-,ction foe Ohnrre for Monv.etito ochool o Lafayette
Elerventary "chool Dintriet, iketer to preillanary n'end. It Is
Sugrested that the connection fee for this schOol be based on a
paymnt of 4110 pr classroom, with the underctItntlinro that this
pa7m,nt wou70 be due AS olAssroom unita are built on tble site. It
le Werstoo( that thft etchool pan u the ilmNf'dlate conitruotion of 3
aRsortion unt
If th, above sugr*etion Is opprov0 it wIll be neoessary t amend tho
ricrremit action tmlum tt the meettne of liarch 3, by chftn(71TIT the
f for is eohoill from the 7,2400 then set up to t fee
of 1110 ).ttr claissroon to tob odd * olasaroom units are congtructed
This .41I reuire a motion to tbt effitet
Conaler ennunt Of bond and numb,ot employens to b, oovered by
oun'Aty Pospoani bite b,ln etibmItt,"11 by linrtford Accent and
111-^rmity Conpeny batted on i blanket bond in Ithr or two forms end
tth'10,000 ind,mnity per officer or omplo,e cos'' q1 by the bond,
On* for of bone 15 a* hon,sty bem'* In th, same form to !ha i-rAeirlent
pn4 Seorotary hgvo hoft covared in -itt.st and would have a total
annual premium of '371., -Th l othr fori of bond I a faithful porforman\
of duty bond which /Inn an annura :remium of ':,1111.22.
It t rlltorv.m thnt e!ti4lre wluV 11,14 no rlehIction in pr,rtium faX
naminf: sp*olflo enployftms inasmuch no at lvt%t five officiala and
tnplorms wou1,1 be cov4red, 1,0*. kreeident, ,crptary,rnt
s4r,144r70 Vnprer and Aocc7puntnt.e1,rk4, 7n1 adtlitionR1 orriAcYP'es
,..luch as XnamPetors,
"lint lawverInt,ndfnt &no op4rr,tnrs vIn13.
nutomatIcally co' rr'd for the ZAr!' premium *without n'edine to
bAs. named.
It IA r'comended that the blanket bond of he bonesty forn be taken
out to oovqr th 1;tatriat Officers and Ero oleos, 10410*4 on An
ITOlinnity o 10,000.
Author171 the termin'tion of PrOorees vthose services are not
required. Iisfilfr to ,i:c4iminary agenda In the matt*? of J11:71410
Couch, labor -r, in '4,,hich it -.tan Wted that there did not appear
to bfi sufficient work to juAiry the retention of Kr, Couch, If
tis ,Astriot appmes the contract ith the City of Walnut Cre0
the services of laborer will be rt,q0ed for Approximately four
wcteXeo after 'which time ther' will ,robvbly be no "'gear duties
for such an emp oyes
It is pugresttd thnt he WInAger h euthori7 4 to 'nog, tmployees
and termlnate their tmp1oymer4 ae n-ofssrry,to cArry on LIstript
operatiorto efficiently. ('
\,/ 60 Consider conn,ction fee for e;Aandard Oil CA'pny di...tributity» pient
located at Amager Street and MA. Dtablo :Avd. in 'Inut Crew:, 4a
\r' preliminary agenda • It 1$ reoomisended thpt ,hir conm,ction fse be
0,t at :250.
tlit pale of printo mf asseitemont ellagrams to tItle companieS
It is suHo'foatoti that th4po diftgrpg,b mAde availpble to all title
companies ris,Asaestinr then at their Actuvi re„hroduction co 1e cost
of assembltng, This wned offoct * chnrrft of ppproximntely doubl,
actunl nost of blunTintlfir
# / eacommitto, from the PArvIll, area in ,eficrsmo, to anneziolon of
i th* Alono.Dnnvii10 *Iva to th* SmnitAry attrioto 3041 mailminary
eg*nda, It In oonitrel thtA it would b to the adv.tsegs, of the
Sanitary Diatrict ane the Alamo Dallying, vrtir to effect this annoxAtion
on the basis thi,74t the territory to 1)0 nnnexed would vot* gen(tra
obligation bowls to cupport its tlinre. of the ort of leo& alrett47
perftriv441 on t .-:eware Trotmont elFrt anr1 min :trunk .4wor and
othqr costs which the aro* would. huve piscriptd in the organitation
and setup of tha! 3anitiltry 'letrict, and tht cost or extfInsion or a
trunk sever from the WalmAt ',;r4sek south City Unit to thit cont,rs of
service in tht ›inville area It Is otstimnted that tni total bond
issue lien416 13* in tb, v./proximate *noun, of 752$0001 howevP,r this
is based on a very inodeounte study.
If the Board considers this anhexation favorb, it is sumestod tit
tb, Kanprtr be guthorited to prooeteA !,:ith n nort, dttrAltd ztudy for
the detormination of assessultion And eet to serve the arta,
vith Instructions to render R more complete report to the Board at an
rly ntetin?
'l Consider hanetbil of infe3rention to 0,o;)f.W:i owners Pules), to prelim.
'awry afir,tin and memo of Mrroh 9.
Cqnsider poseible modification of the jr,ropor l ,nerntion of the
fort and ':,eVelbiss pror,trties north of Gregory Lane. Par inntruotion
At the moilitinr of Mo,reh 3, thit )tolnrr advised th.-,4 ownf4rs thnt the
annexation woult, b considered on thl lyrists or the paym,nt of back
tax** which thp pmpffrtite would hrve Iltscnp,4 plus the, -,:nyet of
the cost of annexation an' with the further provilic thAt the own,rs
should install a sewer to their 'west pron!?.rty lino of sufficient
Capacity to serve their own !amoperties and those poptrties now
within tht District tyinr immAttlatelyupgradot era the i,roporiell
ena 3.017m9
The ow'nero have indloatod to the D Welct Metnfl-mr th*t they are at
present not in excrement as to thAslurs of the 0,1ct of improvements
which th,7 Ant to 7,47. Kr, 11,:nty and his annoclates bnve requaSted
consideratlon of tho anmaation of th'ir ;Iroperties as an independent
action and Yr. Peacock, speaking for himstaf M r. Volfsibitils
requested oonsid,mtion of the annexation of Moir ,1Aoperties to a
separate action.
The logical a:Intuition for the benefit of the Distriot as a **hole
appears to b the properties of both Hotrety and aosoclationso Peacock
and TreVelbiss, and the adjoining.eil parcels with a total land nrea
of approximately 165 acreto It is understood art the nteetsf:ry
ntjority of ownere of prop.rty within this area destro to ef ect
this onnfmatioN
Thp Board turty coed two annezetiont in this area as indf.p.hnent
a tione If it so ee'irs, It !LE, b-liorved to be to thP bet interest
f 4,rtios that thp annexation be effected as on potion for the
fr ntiric rroup of preprtIells
conelder :,atitblithpemt of n Dpoimit Fund as 2.4A11,yostld in memo
0f JanufLry 19. !*.,!' tot;n1 ctvnc' to iocal Improvesiont ,.Astricts were
#116,485092 as or !,:'..7021 10 1949. In ordwr to hors sufficient funds
on hPnd to ( Putur, aavances for the proprm of work now under way
in vlifw or tip) delays b.Auteen the 'that of r District making the
after°, pr,' the tarts sttothioh the Diatrlet Is ne,Inburs,d, it is
reoomm,ndll that thiAne adynnuts be enraltd In a ,Sprclol xpensis Fund
as sugrestea by Mr. 34. Teeter. County Aud
It 1r recommended thnt the Atxrney be inaltructod to draft the
newls3ry eqvAlr.11on for tho offstr$1,11ehipent ,0* this runt', for constelqrstini
of such rosow,u ion It the next regular rowting of the Board
114 A Mint ht of way Agent for Local im-,?rovenInt District No, 8
Id nu% ,r Pk F.ast•
1 Adjournn nt
Ant olith-r batI4Ass tha i40140114 to