HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 03-03-1949A 7,411- u ASZTAte ,, . -1949 4Roll I. 41,ftto of minutestwo vt ta. consider motablishment of L.I.14 15# YaIley4 -titer to mom dated February 28, It is reoommendthat '2 Burd ine*mot the AAstrict Ingirter to with plans and specificAtions and other matters for insp i s do or 1 t lng suers to serve the , , rte s in the :•11vVali in, northerlyotthe Old 6tate Highway up to Mt, junction at 15pr ow and Pleat Mill includi the Mren south of the 014 Etat. Highway oons i t of wales tots and troptrtios immediatily north of U4s *u i L . , with the houndarifis f tha local district to be determined to su3A the topography n the doftir4e unci needs of the pyort7 owolore for sewer **`c*, onside ► annexation f HotrAty ^nti l'.*ook properties and the propirti ee which he/ ~round 1ytn norifterly of Gregory tanik, Minor to joint memo of District Tngineer and l*nAgx i t If the hoard curs in the recommemdatione of this reco d 4 trot the Distriot,, er be instructed to advise the 111% tet propp4orty valor* of the els on which th i annttNetion will be n titer Ham* report OR I:saurian at easbcistel, nes of he Ast lc f. t4 )4c6, rotor 3,..otab2l. commotion Pao ahargit far LPf41►ott0 t2ortary "r"lal ;Astriot Monlecito " I. Construction work it in prap+ir'e on this odhof31 alto too't�d on #,01,a1t14 ="rive %mot ot Sun Vanity v:sLiCsia. 'P'h,11, immediate program to for construction of 7 olaisar 9t VI' ultimate plan calls for extension to approximately 20 tttag1100004 plus A cafeteria. This ;arp►�. �rty was **glared atter the rarlt of L.1.14, 2 was started and the property las not,,7ey►lvu�l�t in qhs Aso/moment �3st�►ir�t covering the, work* 1��:. s� fttAl+M in Leland ive adjoins the pro:oxty end will provide full service for the school sl.ts. Th parttcular sever which esxevis the property 431 be ,ftid for by aesassment trains, properties lye princtipally in the 4alnett ;rorelt school Districtswhich���str3ot haseon�»t+i�! to assessment for their Pas�►ad� hoo1 served this lima Improvecont distxic►t Witch assessment will be in Ms Approximate omount of S2400., Minae WI* Lafayette :"ahoal District bousdariee are not **terminus with V^ 'anite-rt Dititrietts boundaries,*nl. since the sower which wild. #.3reote+�rrr�► �o mewi�t�t�raio 4µehool site has been installed ml the espens! Of others,, tt applW: moi.! * oo».neatiort sham *hoed ba m0, !or the verde. to this now lighcol and thAt this ohAres be set in the amount of (;24Q0. tt is neoessary . set this *mount im.,ttilletel, in rd sr the% the architects for the Lafsyett ohool. ►listrict may prow 4* for its paymont by the contract*r for the now school bftiltt1, as n art of the twat of that bulinno. construction, The plans for the new school are now tn p*ration and vs were advised that '�h�r will be presented*ti theM��o,ti*d tlorinri ' the current month, 410 400 149 Considoragreomerst with (its 0 inut Orefkon.maInteroaxbe of coll,at2,nr sewers vithin the City. On 'Nodxsosday, MAreh 20 the City (7,:?ursc3l lastru044 its mor an4 Ci.rk fir esmouto an airmen� with :7:, 4gnitary District for maintenance at mowers within the City 4M proli►idsd =air s �(1. 6330 of the Wealth and Sa.ftty Cp1*. The Council tr4lest•4 ite Intention to Imam% sttpulat3ona in suot wont PAtrt the City Winter authority ovMr the ttstirlat an �+rmattor of pairwAent outs and atmitar opermtions. The Dtsti.at N,iCer ob4ect+td to the Tit;ar Council anst such et i�- tattona"_ the Qel3.r+� �f the �Cvt �� �t� r��u�r�s €���;� .��,� District to secure permits from ithae City tor work that is 2 maintinAncekr. tliojetil: aivear for the City with an egromment in gemail. conformance with the aro#mwnt'!rd t* the �City by �#ar. ►.��.�ei"�rrd, with �the+�c� exception of thettx1ttnisi'eatur+ut mortioned above. The city Council nottifted the** 13aifln foatuvos ire part to muss the :Anit+f.ry District from .*Y1 sAY p#rml.* tows tor work done diroott2y lir the District. It Ix recommended that We agreement be referred, to fir. Braileford for his 00AI= and that it be approved tbe Board If found to be in ft aptistActa r td�. 8. "oneider inQ�s#.r�m limitoy`�►f pendi r�►M ffore een�r inut irk onE tr !'I�+rr�+Ftnat�ifie, •y�lI$ existisystemsystem JA� ��`�Ca�Yk has boon found to be its poor condition at some points And the City ftrese hnT biotin finF8414 for eppimaQol,y 2 weeks in an effort to restore one II4ter*1. ltne to service, and this xOrk 13 etili in �� or�ras, Xt appears that *tailor ai�ne►ramuros* may Arise �►ith invalim expenditures up to epossib'ie aa:4MM of a for *ash Instance, The majority of calms where ostensive maintonanois vost or pairs aro tnvolvsd may be v. In savage*, bowfin'', tnmt*neea such as the part s ruotural failure of the sever on Hillside Amine 3.n the City will require imieriency action since eloveral es evon►sted to tbe sower ,fir unable to use th+dr house plumbing. It is suggested that the Presidont iMo Won cvoz*lty 1bO authorise emergency expenditurtos for selor rivairs up to 0 limit of WOO. 9. o:��ab�c� � various ittc�x���� for L. t. r}. 10, Arind;� !west of 10. JPaSO Mrs authoritinr pniQ'"nt o1" tniginelrri.ttr *nd Lova Fees duo on Lol.D. !Wu, to preltainnrY 4.041na** V/ 11 Consiolor aceept4noe of the work of the Swamp t Plant. The "lotriot ;,.nrintwor bas r000mmitnet'd aoceptame, o wort. If the ar4 takss this motion as recommended it 11111 be necessary to ,mss Ito resolution accoptirt7 the work and ordering the filing of Natio. 40104* 1449 Direct the salooetlon ot charges for lo**1 twrovement dist.lots by Notion instructinr ths County Auditor to transfer $,$77.18 from Running Expens, Fund to ';tototr 00astrution Pund ter to am* to ristriot %lord under US, of Februory 3, Pass Notion autboritinK Presidont ondAftleretory to emiouts peosit rent with U, !.3ur*su of keel*mostion oovorinr of **imp in orosvinr under Contft CostA *r1. in L.I.D. 1. 1 Pass Notion 'Authorizing President 011 '4 retary to *salute ,lermit agreemont tor instAllation of sywore vithin Con rt costa calilal right of way In 1.,I•Do 4 Paste motton sluthoriting kresident * ',),IfioretAtry to execute agreement eoYering ?ront of ikasiment from EA0M for work incident to L.T.D. 10 • an4 suthorilit ;AtIent of $100 tor this easement* The easement in questim is n*oosssz' to ervo a eoneerie area of 10. and duto the topography this work will hAve to b* partially oonstructed outside of th0 boundotrieti of the lotal district and of the Sanitarr isttioto Ths tBRUV has stipulated payment of $100 and other provis— ions wash ars eonsiftred 10 b* reasonable It is reconmendlid Oat sotion be 'taken as ctatto4 absys 16 Airthorite tho kreeident an* ,.-itorititry to execute lipase agreemornt rink Toiabe covering lease withoption to purCha�. a pumping plaint alto to be constructed as p.rt at 1„ 1. , 10. 14r, Telobe has eiresed to sell the subjeist prop*rt 10 thi lstrict at a purshase pries of • 00 whieh price is oartst srs k be rsasormble and to the atissintafre of thi) District. Due to other inSeise Aloh Mr. Tiddhe anticipates during 1949/50, he 14141 not desin to rikeetve this paysiont !Wore 1931 and he has executed the less* with.option to purdhstse on the twsis of a rental of 423 for the below. of 1949 and :425 for She Yotar 1950 with the piquent of the puretase pries) of MOO ti ist Jonufely 2. 1951. This smitMor has been passeA on by Xess2'04, Hortrison e4Ntilo'horri in Atehard Eftnn*O• who hairs all oonourred that it AA 110 Ik. sdiantage of thaw Distrlet. A/ Motion to include approvin of the lease &groom nt Anoluding psym,9nts stipulAted and authorization for the President Andu3eoretary ite execute same, r, 424 01 AIprove Assessment Lviatrim for I, t. 5. The Astriet inoTintfor hos easiATOR 10010100 and reads for dopt:Ion. U., Approve Asoessmeat Dir.v for L. T.. El. U. lb* District Engineer has this disgram oemplinf And ready for *option. 190 ,.uthorit* purchase of t pOrt4b1. $01 torq.Ortglaile tor us. an mains tonanc* vort, 1,.t it post not to exceed /17541 quipment Is needed to effget oltwor malte and in work goremne, the Cewage Trioatment Piant 4:610, Authorize call for blds for plokup truck for use smile the 3ewag0 Tropetment rlftnt 2n4 on nointenance works I* ill *Wrsisted that bids bo returniblii on X*,1101 Z4 ane that the speolfieatIons be opm to permit blOiderp to *Mir used and new ouiptiont. gsrxta 5-'+9 The markigt prig*. on used %rusks boas 404ained eharply during the past s!!#fea: *mks mit tt is brtiov10 t1i* the .District *dad se41u"!A a eatisfastory 'OW* st a vim aansSdexA'bl aw4inr in purse pria, altio oompere4 to new equipment* Consider securing blanket surety bond goverinc- all officers and ramplor*ss et the Diotrict who bonne funAs, make pvmtutr#s, or in any other way #,rro2ve thea District Sin finencial Uabllt$y. t Manager 1s ad+rIsei that such boMe aro nvittileble at rt premium whieh wou14 not mood #6o per yearIt It recommended thot such bond bar soeured Consider the 1 ettor from the District m4tocner of Contra Costa Count,' in reference to rer#oretic+» of Omits, after sewer Ino*A1lationi. fir. Lionnedy has r°squeste►d M. Downer to be prfeent "It this meeting to edt►ise the ?Ward of Ads further program of work in the Lida/Ate area, whitb its sppoare to lir It wave of the prinitpal complaints. Consider further pubIletty in mere to stdo sewer connotation,* It is suggested that a statement In the tern of hand W,1 '8+t delivered to oath home in 1at 1aprovsnt dittrla3s# gettera117 eAlvielAct the Propnety ownere 4.Tv` residents of thit parorrioi:ons of the Astrf.ct Umrr Coda, and of the rithtr and reseibi3.iti+is of owners In regard to house tson»me+iians. mis is Issirable to e+ctrrow% the dtsaainvticm et misiviformation by side evert contractor** If the Board considers this action destrable wora of such hand bill will be wafted out t'or int*? approval before It S.* released,� 24, G41tiador the es!#ttil.ielhmenti of LLD. 16 tn the arta of meedtiSR'%1iodk koads Cfletlit Hill Olen Maern,South Obin liam and contiguous properties* A lotto -rhea been rsseirod from the lien Hrrren Improino. tient Asseoiatl. whoe* niesibinre ptquent the tn&t�1Ftton of c0l1 ort;ing sowero at the earliest possible date. Th. ouil+e has *Rion oa 13J' 'UAW by fir. A.ahurd ICes� ane the District�;t�r. ftwasnatt the aonr+r�r�ta en MeatIotobroek Ao4d and Um a►d4otninr subd3vioioas shows Approximately 6af of tbuil' ing sites to bre built en. Furth., InvoilltAalise int#3cater approximately 20 of trio homes to be in tro,tbl+r from septic Unite 0,n0 R';rviirt fields wlitch do not Punctton aatiofantcarity. roattaaltely 100 acres or land woulo loglesaty be involved, in an 1mdtati qetem to serve the areas whey, the nevi is apparent. This is a ra?atxoely. rll project which oouxd be ru4.ert+sk#n without interferinR'141 h the other work prorftmmo40 The County ltalth offteor advises that there is stnnt troubls froa inoperative septic tanks pertioulAriy in the ike#tIQ:brodi, fted pros, and. further states that the }ieeith offioer.• osrtiticattiq ill1 be ;riven for tI. neee1 for sewers in this area. 2J6 Appends 3 It s r000nmended that VI. :astrict rmiginelor 110 Instructed by notion to primped with tht work for eolleotins Sewers In the GIO0 Haves, th lien !Wm, Mvadowtomk 0; °sells HtU ofld area, ultbout the Unite of thoo 10eal 410trietboing aptts1ftcaU difin4144 ?hi area to 1-404! XruAtn as Loma Timirow-nt ti�t 30.16, If tbe EwIrd 4.409 not °mum* in this ritconnftelotion it Is youlistlat thtl the as tt*r too retftrrod to th, Inztriet Mansger for norit eamplote steal' and 2400,44, 4point 210t of tl Apent for L.TeL. 121 Qrind4, X tiSitod that Xr. rrib,r7 be appointed for into works at the ourrsatr ppro,*d rat* or WI por k bilis as suilitelt anprov& by She Nit commi Um* 27 Adjourn to ii3r6h 24. 109 A Wr. .0014, FM0 TO4 Dierrict loured :111Nrirril Corteeticir ofterern ist belies %fall Pa *27 28� Prepovad Lolopiltio. 9409 (*Moot area tams been further invoutiguted lo to nemod3 for tmMtstm sewer mime ond * (Annan ei" !fie disarms !vapor ourfere has been nods. This area at t1o31on YrS1q bssu eMt Ii,tarra 04t 13e north br 1411417u Crook at Me 21+ onram rnpa'aa[Sna41t1notr dSKded tni 21s two wa.l tat gabPAivi � aaui with a totEll O! 111 Pavilas in step hal! r0rlor frp to i^:H‘calanes Ichool propm *Ay' with *area approximately. The nool far *modiste after servtoo in the area north of the Old !Atilt') Ri4himy le 0440m$40 The sePtie lark 'oat at Ilickes Drive tna. is (mot= 1 5overil °wars iss RAU% VolIer gsta,ms report t e14.0 dipsignsa to par's 500 st+s and is now ar!►ma" 1000. 411,0 n' ervi e... ta nosaild !ice walnut crooks Hsi j a taw ralorpo ern.. if thane aro to develop the outh 'fir the Old :lta e skepticlotaant U. Road inetudoe eitcs This area *WI lots, Ms remaining Tomit of r mas cif irmeners end others Ln rolliwl a, The followl ownors of property south of aa 3t to Highway to lb* ,ain Trunk 5evor all to that they di not nood sower wrviss era voilA objeet. to %sing ineaufted in of the 014 Asta teJr. All of 11i miners bamorimort that Via ll grant srsoinstite Alcorcoon th.tr apt' without adartg for "wont for sailih sestimmta on the bac 0 that their bra mould receive zervir. br rirmilt of a ecsnnecti n fee, PA. Dmihoft Itr. R. n. Aboda Mr. Rotort rord tlr, k. Yillouehtly 14-, B. C. :10.41) r. rloyd - b Lettoor hae boon romeived from the County ipstath °Moor o f t ted fctr oinfiers itt Rates Valley ares iknd room. nendim early seam tir the lavatory rdistriett havo oonsont 0 Board of ?rultefio *f 'maims Union ligh sohool awer serviao at ouliest nowlire dais and sleswment for the school's auk fe the +nor r. — d. Thirtyfive owners and residents in Reliez Valley � ed. petition �. t ion ue et� re Estates and adjoining properties have f l request— ing sewer service* e. Captain A. G. Sandford has requested information as to mould d be available in Acalanes Center. Also Captain when sewers o �. S andf o rd advises that other owners of Acalanes Center lots are awaiting sewers before rroceeding with plans for neer buildings. c The areas which need service and which could logically be in eluded in Assessment District are: Walnut Heights and the Hunt and Sports Center properties Old State Hi hwa,.. Approximately 30 acres. Acalanes south of �. g �' Center� � and adjacent properties between Old State Highway and MateHighway easterly to include Carter andLeese properties* Anrroximptely 40 acres. Reliez valley Estates and adjacent propertiespioperties between State Highway and Acalanes High School. � mate 0 acres. Acalanes High School and approximately Approx�.rns.t ely '� 18 small parcels northerlyof the school. Approximately �0 acres A properPropertiesof, � �` La iss and othexB 1. ing north of State Highway whose owners s haveindicated their intent to subdivide. Approx—' imately 60 acres. Total 210 acres north or Old State Highway I acres south of Old "tate Highway 240 acres The 96 a lying acres lin easterly of Reliez Vcilley Road and between Old eta . h�hway and the Main Trunk sewer ,re in use as agricultural the te �i or resdential a:�riculturaslands* Th e s e properties are now in the hands of 14 L C.. �ers� With the sold con .itions in this valley all parcels are �. _ it successful s sful o eration of individual home septic large enough t o perm the� tanks. None of the owners indicate any intent to subdivide their prop— erties op— erties althoughMrs � Buchan advises that she plans to offer her 30 acres for sale in one or more '_► ,! ` - There are 12 home: now located on these 96 acres. need to ass throu.. b six of these properties to A se��� er would p g provide service to the area lying up ade from them, As stated above, not se ont s at no c �xrge on the basis that they will these owners s offer ea and that the area to be assessed for the cost of the work be indluded �. �.n they m sewer conrect their homes to the ser on nayr.ient of a connection charge (now set in our Code at $2.50), i ect precedent for such action in the work of There i s a d p r �.�(Tenacre Ranch) through the Gray roperty L.I.D. No � where serer passesg was that property w s not included in the Assessment District. that the need for sewers in the Reliez Valley, It i s consideredto hart i c�.larl.y north of the Old. State Highwayof , is sufficient urgency warrant their immediate construction. 3 It is possible to serve the 240 lisrvicd wilhoot irmalIng the � ta tring -Vimmik SMwer Ix the asses . . for the waft* .1Ate rihr,rIe Ate�/:�o dit aY]de a 400466, agprgxSwah, 1R+at mole Ewen that woe M M1M In* tt►� !n !� pi�14sevor in itheime tiara ludo 0 a It Is rual.a tt3at$ �� � Dia ^� a, p1#ta �aeut apeeifts.ttSs bo �and OW A3reetiOrtgrosertion of lhol sps to tn4aU eo? Seo4lr4m sower* tn 4`ie Raillln Yeflf. 114, :"trot The t&% At ASuI At ostt 71wEs1nE be trsm V* A8 :hale ragtzvar tiOPLbO!4 '4 *net ?'1w4lqit X111 14.., , , and. includinc °tsa7J1Y4 Crook Relthisl and *Wino be properties tmmigiatstr etil!' that mx94.ivisSott. a. That the Unitary Diotrict contribute 2.300 to t8sc aaat et tI4t$ Loes .lsiriat. 4. Thft this 245113. U1aCrir,» be t4onttftst as Loe1. Lope, rdvomnt4 Distrloi roo. 2S. Toi cTit DISTRICT WM Februury 28, 1949 ";) YLIMMARY WORMATION AGENPA Jor14 mKETIM) OF -Anti 3, 1949 The follotAng ter are pendtrr for oonalderption Rt the regular meetinr of th, District Board, Gener*1 infornatton on these matters 1M Riven as followst 1. 14.r3o1; the allooation of (1.1;41.for A4winIAls for Ioc1 improve ment diAtriete as shown on mew with Arend, for meting of Febrwiry Actionwept not dIvit on thle matter on ;lifruPir7 3, Annd sinoe tho assasment roll for L.I.D. 2 will prdbobly be mod within Approximetel, t weias it i desirAble to Omar this bookkeeping item, This mAtter i the allooation of oharKes to loosa improvelvint district ;4/11,ch had b'en ohamed to t :Atior Construction nand from Dooembn. 1914 to ootobtro istn. Pala the vurlouu r*colutiow: In order for Longl riot 10, Orina4 zouthvsst of2r.PflVto Highay. Y:eetl.,ra. Y!:allford um, Lentedy hcive tht Ipta cr thlr! matt -r At lei 1 l'reutnt It to the 1104rd. 4»0 lAss motior authorl7inr ths p.nt of englreering and legal fees due on L.I.D. 6. Th. oontraolor has imoutled this oontrict and made pint to th* i trtct tnrtn.r fcr incidPintal txpenses Incurred u to the time oz award of contr*ct. This pAym*nt has endorsed by the District tryglnefir to theiritlwry tistriet sr' the funda hew been tleporlited. •Hear report on inursne4 nlieds of the District. It ft? unig:fitood that Mr. MoGregor and his F,$.:.,)ciatss will have a report ready for the wheting of Wrch 3. This report \tn., authorfted by th hootrd on rebrunry 3 3tbnrir, the Pripet itnt 4n1 clmotnry to oinceoute p'rtt U. . Burstvu of ii*clamation oovorinir irolitAllItion of isf!,Arewr in crosolnv und'%th Contm Costn Canal in It Th, )1% -it is at hpnd. • f(7.ns"1111. IAlenrf:,44 or the ...ork tb4,4 1. 7ngineer .,A11 wt on thls !ut,sfr 7.::-:!rolrader ttrinexation ot.f.Avty e914 : ik000k t-joininr the northomirly of Gregory Lan*. Please refer to joint mow of Inotrict 7ro,trter and konaper forwareed to all _1:_.*Itors =MOT :Ate of t:thruary 23. This mma0 rispoissants rn basis tor Annfrtation Aml covotrA t1-1 f',,mrunt a!littth the oma would be expteted to •pay, •'orlAer estpbliehment nf t.fl. 15 in -,11,7 Vtlley mso encloaed tr: Considor the possibility of giving further publicity in rogard to side sower oonnActione. The sewer Insi:ectore, ftt. fore* And Ranpter hove been repeatedly advised by ;,roperty ownfora in various locql Improvesumt districts that the ad,e sewer conrs.. tors have been soliciting work and endeevorinc to sign up own,ri for such work in ndvanait of the time viten sudh connections art evallAhle. It appsars from the stntemenloof the interested owwrs that these side sewer contraotors bay* been misrepreeenting the fixate and quoting prices wbloh are entirely outle lino, while It is not the resporistbility of the District to take an, part in the sift sewer contracts nor the *lotion of iwlvidu*is molioitlnp suah or It le believed to ba for the puhlio interest to visthe owners against direct misinformation. It is suggested that the District might b4ve Wtem,nt printed PO hand bilis and place those in every mai' box wAthin eadh local district it the time of *ward of ofmtract, advising the owners that: 11) remits musl; be seeured far howl, conno4Mios b) Information should blit **cured from tho District Offiot es to when connections are avitillftble, (0) ThAt various side .sr clontrnetors may fil* 441ces with the District showtnr the cost of side sewer con:lot:Atona. The pRrtioular misinforection wIlich hes been repeatedly quoted by residents in 1..1.D. 1 la to the effect that tis cid* mow'r controctors have such *Inside irformation that they appsar to rilli property owners the ippregteion tht they represent ths t1trict0 They fkre also quoted se sayllog that bow). conneetIons mny be 0000 on end n?ter March 10 in LLD. 1 *blob is directly counter to *ny statemants made by personnel In the tlistrict office* The ar* also cAloted se aoilating bunineee at prices which ftre exhorbit*nt, They nra sq.lso quoted to us as statinRthtonw will be forced to connect their housqs within thirty days after the street sewer passes their properties. it in 6es1rab1e to cooperate win reliable aide sewer contractors o that (y*nors may receive t‘rompt nnd restmneible sorvice however It appears thAt this matter is getting Ilut of band sr A th4 ;)ro!erty on' ml are being impoaftel upon. V10 Note letter from Di3t,1ot Attorn'y of c,on.r* Co 3t4 County and answer by District hansoser unl*r etAte of February 25, tht lomag r's *newer was prepared In coilaboration with the lstrict Enrineer and otter oonsultation 44th Mr. Bralisford, Copy of tile *.#9 letter wee fere to bowner ,orp. And to their ,'!,,urety, the Poolfic Indennit f;oi, n,teili the unsatisfuctorycondit on or ids ws oats pArtlaularly in the Lafayellte Area, It tm to be notes that the District g 1 fle S ` ut e ' i n 1 to apply' very o • . i .ter ,I�Id�• - r t t e on ur.riners 4114 his local suporintendent, Thai.. hal b1,11w . r t In the operations eontrnet although, Their olfcsnur) work In Itretqa continuos to b. ter from ratisfnetorY. JrAIN L